
Master of Amber

People are unrighteous, yet they claim to be heroes and saviors of the world when it benefits them, only a selected few claim and uphold the path of a demon, true to their desire, but none could survive it. The path to Immortality is a cruel path to tread, not knowing whether it's attainable or not. In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and one's soul and body are everything. Follow Yone's path as he walks the path of Immortality yet again. Only, this time it is slightly different. Armend! With the Armend Extraction System in his possession, he forges a path for himself almost identical to his prior life, slaughtering all enemies who stand between him and his goal.

Choka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Third Test Begins!

Sun enjoyed the attention everyone was giving him, his ears twitching as he heard the whispers of his fellow students. His expression quickly changed from that of excitement to pride and arrogance.

' I wonder If I can surpass my father,' He placed his foot inside the room as he muttered,' No, I need to surpass him or else my life won't be anything different than his!'

Sun swore in his heart!

By now, his body had already fully entered the room. As he did, he could feel an invisible pressure pressing on his body, as if a wall was in front of him preventing further steps. Sweat began forming on his forehead as he noticed the severity of his situation.

It was at that moment when Sun began feeling terrified at his own performance and potential grade-talent that the specks of lights in the room began slowly moving towards him, they darted around his body like countless beautiful birds dancing around.

He slowly felt the pressure pressed on his body drop, the invisible wall blocking his way suddenly felt nonexistent. Right after, Sun gritted his teeth, mustered his strength, and gathered the courage to walk forward.

He took slow steady steps, nervous that the wall would appear in front of him again, crushing his dreams and hopes.

Surprisingly, even though Sun felt some pressure preventing him from moving with ease, he still managed to walk ten steps ahead. However, after the eleventh step, the wall that he thought was gone reappeared, blocking his way with a force countless times stronger.

Sun failed to move forward when the wall reappeared, he nervously looked around to check on the specks of light, only to find a couple of them still hovering around him, the rest of them completely ignored his existence.

Thomas sighed watching this scene, while recording what happened in the book he took out, he said," Number 104, 11 steps, no talent to become a martial arts expert. Next, number 103!"

Sun was deathly pale as he walked out of the room back to the children, clenching his teeth in fear and frustration. Everyone knew that a bottom-grade talent meant he was better off not practicing martial arts since he wouldn't achieve anything.

From what the public information had, bottom-grade talent would only be able to help you achieve 2nd layer of the foundation establishment realm, which was basically a mortal but with slightly more power.

From his dreams to become an elder in stream village or of a higher position than his father, to become a normal person who would hold the lowest positions in his birthplace.

Sun's dreams and hopes were all crushed at that moment. Many kids threw pitiful gazes at him, while even more than those focused on the next person in line.

The next kid didn't even reach 7 steps before he was rendered unable to move- another talentless child.

Not everyone had the talent to become a martial arts expert, especially in such a small village where people had close to no background whatsoever. Generally speaking, it would be fortunate if two out of ten had low-grade talent and above.

In stream village, this ratio was a bit higher, but it was just that, their village is just a village and was unable to produce any real talent for decades.

With two consecutive failures, the other elders observing the scene from the end of the room had ugly expressions on their faces. Even the village was frowning slightly. The next moment, Thomas called out the next number: 102.

On the side, Yone was having a good time watching this scene unfold. He had expected that something dangerous might occur in this event, but he didn't know for sure if the people of this world were truly cunning.

As he saw that the supposed number 1 and number 2 were kept the last to take the test, he felt joy and worry filling his heart. 

Joy because something interesting was bound to happen after he and his brother took the test as the final kids.

As for worry... He was pitifully weak!

Yone just took a glance at his parents at the back of the room, yet each time he looked at them, he felt that his parents didn't really care about this event. It was weird, but Yone's long years of living made him read people like an open book.

In his mind right now, he felt that his parents were indifferent to this event after his father broke his cup earlier on. 

Undoubtedly, that small interaction between David and the village head was noticed by Yone.

"Here!" A horse-faced youth dressed in martial arts attire of high quality lightly called as he came forward. He was tall in build looking more sturdier than his peers. There was a courageous aura around him, probably due to his sheer amount of confidence that it felt this way to any of the onlookers.

He confidently entered the room and began walking forward, he didn't think much about it as he just took his steps leisurely. If he failed then so be it, if not then he is meant to be great in the future.

Adam, the muscular kid, believed that any reaction he made was pointless. All he needed to do was shut off his brain and heart, walk, and let the heavens decide his fate. Seven, eleven, twenty steps—one after another, small lights hovered around his body. He walked until he reached forty-eight steps before he could finally go no further, as the wall pressed down on him...

The youths watching Adam had their eyes wide open. The village elder happily exclaimed," Nicely done, number 102, low-grade talent close to rivaling intermediate-grade talent."

Adam walked back to the children and was about to have a chat with some of his friends before Thomas announced.

"Everyone who finished their grade test leave the adventure association and go to your houses, tomorrow morning at this same time come here and we gonna have a more detailed talk about your future!"

Everyone nodded, while the three kids who just finished their talent tests left, their families tailing behind them.