
Master of Amber

People are unrighteous, yet they claim to be heroes and saviors of the world when it benefits them, only a selected few claim and uphold the path of a demon, true to their desire, but none could survive it. The path to Immortality is a cruel path to tread, not knowing whether it's attainable or not. In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and one's soul and body are everything. Follow Yone's path as he walks the path of Immortality yet again. Only, this time it is slightly different. Armend! With the Armend Extraction System in his possession, he forges a path for himself almost identical to his prior life, slaughtering all enemies who stand between him and his goal.

Choka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Third Test!

" Honey, this isn't the time," Lilia who was sitting next to him gently grabbed his hands as she whispered in his ear.

Immediately, the anger dwelling inside of him cooled before turning his head to face Daniel," Sorry about this mess, I somehow lost control of my strength after recalling some work I still hadn't taken care of."

" No worries, no worries. Minor mistakes like this happen for people with our cultivation." The village head caressed his long mustache with light laughter," The event is about to start, let's watch and see if some talented individuals will show up this year."


The first two tests of the talent test were over in a minute since both of them were quite easy to accomplish.

The first test was simply to drop some blood in a cup and give it to the elder taking care of this event, while the second one was a punching bag that appeared in front of each child's chair splitting the floor in the process. After giving it a punch with your full strength, it directly went back in disappearing under the adventure association grounds.

Even Yone was slightly amazed by the technology of this village, not because he hadn't seen anything like it before. No, you have to keep in mind that this was just a mere village accommodating a few thousand people, yet it was this advanced.

Yone couldn't imagine what the towns and cities looked like, he even looked forward to seeing them and exploring what this world had to offer.

" Since you finished the first two tests, it's time for the third one and pretty much the most important," Thomas said," you just enter this room, and the further you can walk, the better your talent."

Immediately, a booming sound reverberated across the whole room. The ground shook, and a gigantic black door adorned with multiple white pearls opened, revealing a simple room filled with countless specks of light of varying colors making the ability to see what's inside the room ten times harder.

The surrounding kid's eyes lit up when they heard the middle-aged man's words, all of them unconsciously having their gaze fixated on the room filled with specks of light almost appearing as dust at first glance. 

Thankfully for them, the door was big enough to take up the entire left side of the room, enabling everyone to see inside the room not only the people sitting on the first row.

At this moment, when the room's magnificent interior dumbfounded everyone and kept them from focusing on other things, the voice of Thomas sounded, jolting everyone awake.

" Keep in mind that this room is specially made by Garuda the Holy Father to point out the exact limit of your cultivation talent in martial arts," His voice resounded in the room, shutting the whispers of all the kids and taking all their attention.

He then kept going.

" Given the special materials and techniques used to create this room, anyone who surpasses his limit and tries to go further beyond it will immediately collapse and faint. If you push yourself even deeper than that, your mind will crumble and your soul will shatter."

" The moment you take your first step inside the room the specks of light varying in colors you see inside will immediately begin flocking towards you," He pointed his finger to show them and kept going," Do not resist or try to brush them off, doing so will only result to your death."

" Taking 25 steps or less inside the room means you have a bottom-grade talent, 50 steps or less means a low-grade talent, 75 steps or less means an intermediate-grade talent, and finally 100 steps or less means a high-grade talent."

" Als..."

Before he could continue explaining what happens if someone goes beyond 100 steps, he was suddenly interrupted by an indifferent voice.

" What happens if you go beyond the 100 steps threshold old man."

The moment these words fell, the whole room went silent, and everyone looked at the kid in question with varying gazes, some were shocked, while others were laughing under their clothes.

Even the head village didn't know whether to laugh or punish this kid for his rude behavior for the second time in a matter of minutes.

As for Thomas, the man who got asked this question, his eyes were tearing off, the intensity of his well-power to not kill the bastard of a kid in front of him was being tested right now.

'It's him again,' Thomas said as rage started building up inside of him,' Is he interrupting my event on purpose or just trying to make fun of me?'

He then recalled the identity of the kid once again and cooled down.

Thomas didn't hate the kid or anything, it's just that for decades no one had interrupted him in this event, hence over the years, he accumulated that sense of pride in his words and the information he was providing everyone with.

The rage he currently felt was but an illusion created in the moment, it always gets washed away in a matter of seconds.

An elder of Stream Village, someone of his reputation will not take this to heart, he will instead laugh it off later with his friends while drinking or going on missions.

"Humph, spoiled brat, let's see if you gonna keep that level of confidence and act of superiority after you get a low-grade talent." A red-haired girl with a white face and two ponytails reaching her neck whispered as she scoffed in disgust.

"Low-grade talent? Aren't you giving him too much credit big sister, he will most likely be a bottom-grade talent if not none at all." A handsome kid wearing martial arts attire of high quality commented on the side, he didn't even bother to look at Yone but only gave him a side glance.

As for Yone, the person in question, he didn't care in the slightest what anyone around him felt or said, All he cared about was the information he was about to receive. His twin brother Tom sitting next to him mimicked his behavior, acting as if none of this was his business.