
Master Gu

Daoist4u25rl · Eastern
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36 Chs

The first verse: I still don't regret my death

"Fang Yuan, surrender the Spring and Autumn Cicada and I'll give you a quick death!"

"Fang Laomo, don't even think about resisting. Today, we, the righteous factions, have united to crush your demonic lair. This place is already surrounded by a heaven and earth net. Today, you will be cut to pieces!"

"Fang Yuan, you despicable demon, you killed millions to refine the Spring and Autumn Cicada. You have committed heinous crimes, unforgivable and written in infamy!"

"Demon, three hundred years ago you humiliated me, took away my purity, killed my whole family, and exterminated my nine generations. Since that moment, I have wanted to eat your flesh and drink your blood! Today, I will make you wish you were dead!!"

Fang Yuan stood in a tattered green robe, disheveled and bloodied, looking around.

The mountain wind blew his blood-soaked robe, making it flutter like a battle flag.

Bright red blood poured from hundreds of wounds on his body. Just by standing there for a moment, a large pool of blood had accumulated at his feet.

Enemies surrounded him, with no way out.

The situation was clear; today he was bound to die.

Fang Yuan understood the situation perfectly. Even with death imminent, his expression remained unchanged, calm.

His gaze was deep, like an ancient well, as unfathomable as ever.

The righteous heroes surrounding him were either esteemed leaders of major factions or renowned young heroes. At this moment, they had him tightly encircled—some roaring, some sneering, some watching warily with narrowed eyes, some looking on fearfully while clutching their wounds.

None dared to make a move, fearing Fang Yuan's desperate counterattack.

For three tense hours, they faced off like this. As the sun set, the evening glow ignited the clouds by the mountainside, momentarily dazzling like fire.

Fang Yuan, who had been as still as a statue, slowly turned around.

The heroes immediately stirred, retreating a step in unison.

At this moment, the gray-white mountain stone under Fang Yuan's feet had long been stained dark red with blood. His pale face, due to excessive blood loss, was illuminated by the sunset, suddenly adding a touch of radiant color.

Looking at the setting sun over the green mountains, Fang Yuan chuckled softly, "Green mountains at sunset, autumn moon and spring breeze. Truly, life turns to snow in a flash, success and failure vanish like dust."

As he spoke, scenes from his past life on Earth flashed before his eyes.

He was originally a student from China on Earth. By a stroke of luck, he transmigrated to this world. After three hundred years of wandering, he roamed the world for over two hundred years. Five hundred years of time had passed in a blink.

Many memories deeply buried in his heart came alive at this moment, vividly replaying before his eyes.

"Ultimately, I failed." Fang Yuan sighed inwardly, feeling a bit sentimental but without regret.

He had anticipated this result. He was mentally prepared when he made his choice.

The so-called demonic path meant not cultivating good results, killing and arson. The heavens did not tolerate it, the world was the enemy, yet one had to indulge and roam.

"If the newly refined Spring and Autumn Cicada works, I would still be a demon in the next life!" With this thought, Fang Yuan couldn't help but laugh heartily.

"Old demon, why are you laughing?"

"Everyone be careful, the demon is about to launch a desperate attack!"

"Quickly hand over the Spring and Autumn Cicada!!"

As the heroes pressed in, at this moment, with a loud bang, Fang Yuan detonated himself.

Spring rain drizzled, quietly nourishing Qingmao Mountain.

Night had deepened, and a cool breeze blew the fine rain.

Qingmao Mountain was not dark. From the mountainside to the foot, many faint lights glowed, like a brilliant ribbon.

These lights came from stilted houses, not a sea of lights but numbering in the thousands.

This was the Gu Yue clan village on Qingmao Mountain, adding a rich human atmosphere to the vast, tranquil mountain.

At the center of the Gu Yue clan village stood a grand and splendid pavilion. At this moment, a sacrificial ceremony was being held, making it even more brightly lit and dazzling.

"Ancestors, please bless us. May many talented youths emerge during this awakening ceremony, bringing new blood and hope to our clan!" The middle-aged Gu Yue clan leader, with slightly frosted temples, dressed in a solemn white sacrificial robe, knelt on the tawny floor, his back straight, hands clasped together, eyes closed in sincere prayer.

He faced a high black lacquered altar, tiered, with ancestral tablets enshrined on it. Red copper incense burners flanked the tablets, smoke curling upwards.

Behind him knelt more than a dozen people, wearing broad white sacrificial robes, elders and stewards of the clan, each holding authority over various aspects.

After praying, the Gu Yue clan leader first bent down, spreading his hands flat, palms tightly pressed to the floor, kowtowing. His forehead touched the tawny floor, making a light tapping sound.

The elders behind him, each solemnly, followed suit in silence.

For a time, the ancestral hall was filled with the light sound of foreheads tapping the floor.

After the ceremony, everyone slowly stood up from the floor and quietly left the solemn ancestral hall.

In the corridor, the elders let out a silent sigh, and the atmosphere relaxed.

Discussions gradually arose.

"Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, another year has passed."

"The awakening ceremony of the last batch feels like it was just yesterday, still vivid in my mind."

"Tomorrow is the annual awakening ceremony. I wonder what kind of new blood will emerge this year?"

"Ah, I hope a child with A-grade talent appears. Our Gu Yue clan hasn't seen such a genius in three years."

"Yes, Bai family village and Xiong family village have had geniuses emerging in recent years. Especially Bai Ningbing, his talent is truly terrifying."

Someone mentioned Bai Ningbing's name, and a layer of worry appeared on the faces of the elders.

This person's talent was extraordinarily outstanding. In just two years, he had advanced to a third-rank Gu Master. Among the younger generation, he was unrivaled. Even the older generation felt the pressure from this rising star.

Given time, he would surely be the mainstay of the Bai family village. At the very least, he would be a formidable figure. No one doubted this.

"However, there is hope among the youths participating in the awakening ceremony this year."

"Indeed, in the Fang lineage, there is a talented boy. He spoke at three months, walked at four months. At five, he could compose poems, exceptionally intelligent and gifted. Unfortunately, his parents died early, and now he is being raised by his uncle and aunt."

"Yes, he is precocious and ambitious. His recent compositions 'Toasting Wine,' 'Ode to the Plum,' and 'River City' are well-known. Truly a genius!"

The Gu Yue clan leader, being the last to leave the ancestral hall, slowly closed the door, hearing the elders' discussion in the corridor.

He immediately knew they were talking about a boy named Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

As the clan leader, he naturally paid attention to outstanding children. And Gu Yue Fang Yuan was the most prominent and brilliant among the juniors.

Experience showed that those who were exceptionally talented from a young age, whether with photographic memory or extraordinary strength, often had excellent cultivation potential.

"If this child tests as A-grade talent and is well nurtured, he might rival Bai Ningbing. Even if he has B-grade talent, he will surely become a pillar of the Gu Yue clan, a leading figure. However, given his early intelligence, it is highly likely he has A-grade talent." This thought brought a slight smile to the Gu Yue clan leader's lips.

Then, he coughed lightly and said to the elders, "Gentlemen, it is late. For the sake of tomorrow's awakening ceremony, please rest well tonight and preserve your energy."

The elders, hearing this, were slightly taken aback. Their glances exchanged subtly, hiding a trace of wariness.

The clan leader's words were implicit, but everyone understood.

Every year, to secure these talented juniors, the elders would argue fiercely, even coming to blows.

It was indeed necessary to conserve energy for tomorrow's contest.

Especially that Gu Yue Fang Yuan, likely A-grade talent. Moreover, he was an orphan, the last of the Fang lineage. If he could be taken into their branch and well trained, it would ensure a century of prosperity for their lineage!

"But first, let me be clear. Compete fairly and honorably, no underhanded methods that harm the clan's unity. Remember this, elders!" The clan leader sternly reminded.

"Of course. Of course."


"We shall take our leave. Clan leader, please stay."

With various thoughts, the elders dispersed.

Soon, the long corridor was deserted. The spring rain and wind blew in through the window, and the clan leader took a light step to the window.

Instantly, he was filled with the fresh, moist mountain air, refreshing his spirit.

From the third floor of the pavilion, the clan leader could see most of the Gu Yue village at a glance.

At this late hour, most houses were still lit, unlike usual.

Tomorrow was the awakening ceremony, concerning everyone's immediate interests. An atmosphere of excitement and tension filled the clan members' hearts, naturally making many restless.

"These are the future hopes of the clan." Reflecting on the twinkling lights, the clan leader sighed deeply.

At the same time

The same pair of bright eyes quietly watched the flickering lights in the deep night, filled with complex emotions.

"Gu Yue Village, this is five hundred years ago?! The Spring Autumn Cicada actually worked..." Fang Yuan's eyes were deep and distant as he stood by the window, letting the wind and rain hit him.

The Spring Autumn Cicada's effect is to reverse time. Ranked seventh among the top ten strange Gu, it is naturally extraordinary.

Simply put, it means rebirth.

"Using the Spring Autumn Cicada, I've been reborn and returned to five hundred years ago!" Fang Yuan extended his hand, his gaze fixed on his young and somewhat pale palm, then slowly clenched it, feeling this reality with all his might.

The faint sound of raindrops hitting the window frame reached his ears. He slowly closed his eyes, and after a long pause, opened them again with a sigh, "Five hundred years of experiences, it really feels like a dream."

But he knew clearly that this was not a dream.