

Playing the melody of "Four Sides of Chu" (사면초가), 

"Are you there?"

Startled by the resplendent voice echoing in her ears, Naye-rin abandoned her attempt to count the stars shining in the sky.

"You've noticed, haven't you?"

Turning around slightly with a faint smile, Naye-rin looked back. There was no one in the space she glanced at. However, her gaze was fixed beyond the empty space, staring behind a tree. Behind the beautiful rowan tree, bathed in the night sky, appeared a dazzlingly beautiful woman with hair the color of melted moonlight. Her name was Naye-rin, with skin resembling moonlight, beauty that outshone the stars, her beauty deserving to be called divine and enchanting.

Under the lonely moonlight, only the two of them existed. The moonlit sky and the silent forest spread in all directions! Perhaps because of the moonlight, her cold beauty seemed even more prominent. Sometimes her appearance felt so unreal, like a fantasy that one couldn't grasp even if they wanted to. A fantasy that one couldn't hold in their hands even if they wished.

Seated on a thick branch, Bilyu-yeon awaited with an eager heart for her to speak. But unfortunately, Naye-rin didn't whisper sweet words of love as Bilyu-yeon had hoped.

"Isn't it overly relaxed?"

In a situation where enemies surrounded him from all sides, playing the zither alone in the middle of the night... It was incomprehensible from a rational standpoint. She was someone who momentarily stepped outside to calm her mind, only to be drawn here by the sound of a zither coming from somewhere. And upon arriving, she found an unexpected person waiting for her.

"Why? Is there a law that says I can't?"

"No. But considering the situation where the son-in-law is surrounded by enemies, isolated and without support, isn't being too relaxed a problem? It seems there would be no harm in being a little more serious."

"Is that so?"

"It's not about manners. I just hoped you would change your perception of reality. Perhaps showing a bit more tension wouldn't hurt?"

"Danger... is that what you mean?"

"Well, you could call it that."

In the current state of Bilyu-yeon's mind or attitude, there was an excessive abundance of relaxation. There was no tension to be found in him even though the situation was surrounded by enemies. His lack of tension was as unsettling as excessive tension. As much as excessive tension, excessive relaxation was not good either. It was evident that showing a little tension was a normal reaction for someone in such a perilous situation. Yet, he lacked even the slightest hint of tension to the point of being dangerous. His demeanor seemed to hasten death, and she couldn't just stand by and watch.

What was he thinking?

'I can't read him...'

Bilyu-yeon remained a person whose inner thoughts couldn't be read.

"You're always alone."

It was her honest feeling as she watched him. It wasn't that he had no friends, but rather that he seemed to be a step away from others. Yet, he faced no repercussions, just enduring others' complaints... But why did she feel fear and sympathy for him, even amidst the peacock feathers of the performances? It was a mystery to her.

"Isn't that strange?"

"What do you mean?"

"When surrounded, they say the songs spread... Am I mistaken?"

What is this man saying now? Naye-rin was momentarily bewildered.

"Of course. Even if all sides are surrounded, wouldn't the songs of Chu spread?"

"Those who don't understand romance."

Bilyu-yeon didn't hesitate to criticize without reservation.

"It's a very rational action."

Her response was indifferent.

"Right now, they seem to lack exceptional musicians. They are people who don't know elegance. Don't you think so?"

"As for me, I can't tell."

Naye-rin shook her head horizontally.

"What if we did this?"

Bilyu-yeon suggested one opinion.

"What do you mean?"

"Since they aren't playing from that side, shouldn't we play from this side?"

With a serious gaze, when Bilyu-yeon asked, Naye-rin suddenly felt afraid. It was because his sincerity was strongly felt. Was this man capable of committing such irrational and unreasonable acts without a care? It was incomprehensible from a rational standpoint.

Nightmares were sufficient when they occurred during sleep. Naye-rin possessed enough forbearance to politely decline when they occurred while awake. However, Bilyu-yeon seemed determined not to give up.

Placing the zither on his knee, he began to pluck the strings. Although she hadn't noticed due to its pitch-black color, he had brought the zither with him.

It was too late to stop him. Despite her objections, Bilyu-yeon's fingers began to play the zither.


'What melody is this?'

Naye-rin was astonished twice. The first was due to Bilyu-yeon's remarkable determination and resourcefulness in executing the nightmare himself, and the second was because his zither playing unexpectedly sounded pleasant. Indeed, although she didn't believe it was the same person who had played just moments ago, the man before her was indeed the protagonist of the melodious zither sound.

"You! Besides playing the zither, could you use it for other purposes as well?"

Her reaction was one of genuine surprise. She was genuinely impressed.

"What is this sound?"

Cheonsari asked, his ears perked up. The silence of the night carried the quietness all the way to the Jin Young's camp. As expected, they were now surrounding the Cheonla Army, striking down the officials.

"Could it be the sound of a mukgeum (ink string instrument)?"

Number fifteen, who was running errands by his side, replied.

"Who doesn't know that? What I'm asking is why would we hear a quiet melody in this situation?"

"I... I'm sorry."

Cheonsari always found discomfort in apologies, and he had long understood that offering forgiveness at every discomfort was the secret to longevity. He had witnessed his colleagues who couldn't make swift apologies suffer greatly.

The discomfort grew in Cheonsari as he heard the melody. It was a tune completely out of place for this standoff.

Whoever orchestrated this event, Cheonsari desired to catch and punish them. The melody flowing through the cold night air felt mocking, urging him to take action. Cheonsari silently vowed not to let them go if caught.

"These fools who will all die dare to ignore us!"


Excited, Cheonsari ground his teeth, feeling his blood boil. His vitality rose involuntarily. His subordinate, who had been witnessing this, trembled at his filled-with-life appearance.

If the melody hadn't suddenly stopped, Cheonsari might have had a seizure. Number fifteen had saved his life today.

Suddenly, the playing stopped. Naye-rin quietly opened her eyes, gazing at Bi-ryu-yeon with deep eyes like an abyss. Bi-ryu-yeon was looking at another spot behind her.


The sound of stepping on a twig out of nowhere! Bi-ryu-yeon and Naye-rin's keen senses didn't miss it.

"Who's there?"

Naye-rin's shout made the figure emerge from behind the tree unexpectedly. It was someone very unexpected. Revealing himself gracefully from behind the beautiful tree, it was none other than Yi Jin-seol.

Bi-ryu-yeon looked displeased at the interruption of her elegant playing. If it were a man, she would have retaliated fiercely, but as a woman, she couldn't bring herself to.

"What's the matter?"

At Naye-rin's question, her face suddenly flushed. Her answer was unexpected to Naye-rin.

"Ah... I-I came to find Master Confucius."

"Is he not here?"

Yi Jin-seol nodded. Since they were all gathered discussing the next move, Bi-ryu-yeon, Naye-rin, Hyo-ryong, and Cheong-hum were the only ones missing. That's why she came to find them.

"He's not here! Try looking elsewhere!"

"Yes, sister!"

As Yi Jin-seol hurriedly disappeared, Bi-ryu-yeon smiled mischievously at Naye-rin.


A sly laugh played on Bi-ryu-yeon's lips.

"Wanna have some fun?"


"Seems like something interesting might happen soon. If we miss this fun spectacle, we'll regret it for life, won't we?"

"N-no... I..."

She tried to refuse, but the man's firm grip on her translucent, white hand didn't allow refusal.


Unable to resist or oppose, she could only follow along as his insistent hand led her. She couldn't decide whether to shake off his hand or continue as they were. It was the first time in her life she had experienced such a thing.

Hyo-ryong's Dilemma




Breathing as if the ground was collapsing.

The night on the quiet mountain was filled with the sounds of a man's anguish and torment.

The man, his mind consumed by anguish and torment, filled the desolate night sky with countless stars he gazed at bitterly.

The man's identity, filled with anguish and torment, was none other than Hyo-ryong. He wanted to deny the reality he was facing now. An impossible event had occurred, thrusting him into this reality. His desire to turn away felt like a chimney.

"How could this have happened? Can I hear the reason?"

"I have no words to offer. I apologize."

Bowing deeply, Mu-hun Il-ho apologized a hundred times.

"The tragedy of seven years ago..."

As Hyo-ryong muttered bitterly, Mu-hun Il-ho's complexion stiffened.

The seals of his past memories, which Hyo-ryong had sealed away to forget, were gradually being broken one by one.

"Surely, after the tragedy seven years ago, you must have been imprisoned in the Heavenly Demon Mine. How could you appear here on Mount Mudang? Wasn't what I saw just an illusion?"

"I apologize. It seems that there was a private thread moving independently, as I did not receive any information."

"A private thread... Only one person could wield such power as to independently manipulate the forces of the Celestial and Terrestrial Twins, right?"

"Most likely only one person."

"Is it still that same person?"

Was there no choice but to admit it? Hyo-ryong felt conflicted.

"Yes! Unless Lord Gakju takes the forefront, there is no one else who could wield this level of power independently."

Realizing this fact but needing confirmation, he ventured to explore it.

Why did his brother appear here? Moreover, what did the sight his brother showed him today mean? Who could control his brother, who had become possessed?

One name came to his mind. Besides that, no other explanation seemed possible.

"Cheonsal's Heavenly Convergence Sword's Convergence and Capturing Souls Great Law!"

It was rumored to manipulate the human soul freely, but could it really be true? Hyo-ryong was greatly shocked.

"How can I return my brother to his original state...?"

No matter how much he wracked his brains, no sharp solution came to mind.

"Crunch! Rustle!"



At the sudden disturbance, Hyo-ryong drew his sword, flashing its light. The gleam of his sword halted precisely in front of In-yeong's throat, making her tremble. There was no vitality in In-yeong, so she stopped here, but otherwise...

When the clouds parted and the moonlight bathed her face, In-yeong's face was revealed under the hazy moonlight.

"Ah! This soldier!"

Startled by his astonishment, Hyo-ryong hurriedly and clumsily sheathed his sword. In-hyeong's presence had disappeared by the time he checked around.

Hyo-ryong felt embarrassed, his face burning. He had rashly wielded his sword without confirming the other's identity. What if he had been wrong...

"I-I apologize. Are you alright, soldier? This cursed sword of mine has done something terrible to you. Please tell me you're okay. Please tell me you're okay."

Hyo-ryong was embarrassed and apologetic, not knowing what to do. Right now, Hyo-ryong was not in his right mind. His immature and childish appearance made even In-jin-seol feel calmer. She stammered, blushing slightly.


 came looking for Master Confucius because I didn't see him. Ah, that's not what I meant... It's just that he wasn't visible during the meeting... So, that's why... That's why..."

She, too, couldn't properly articulate her thoughts.

Slightly blushing, she hesitated to say anything more, as if not knowing what else to say.


Hyo-ryong's cheeks turned red as well. He seemed unexpectedly sensitive in this direction as well. Such matters seemed to be entirely separate from martial arts proficiency; the matters of martial arts and love were entirely separate issues.

The branches in front of them were spreading out to the sides, creating a path. The one leading the way, Bi Ryu-yeon, was vigorously waving his hand.

Rustle, rustle! The sound of leaves brushing against their clothes tickled their ears.

"Is this really okay?"

Stealthily making their way through the forest with catlike steps were Na Ye-rin, being pulled along by Bi Ryu-yeon. He had subtly sensed the subtle shifts in emotions and followed Ji-in-seol secretly. Leading Na Ye-rin by the hand...

Then it happened.


A loud noise erupted from the expected spot. From the sound of it, it was undoubtedly an explosion. Startled by the unexpected explosion, Bi Ryu-yeon and Na Ye-rin hastened their pace. Something didn't feel right.


Anxiety and urgency gripped her heart.

Bi Ryu-yeon and Na Ye-rin finally reached their destination. Both hesitated before rushing out eagerly. As Na Ye-rin glanced slightly beyond the edge of the grassy area...

"Oh my!"

What did she see exactly?

What she witnessed was a rather embarrassing scene. Under the cold moonlight, illuminated by the light of stars and the moon, a man and a woman were embracing each other.

The man was Hyo-ryong, the woman was Ji-in-seol. One could say it's worth the adventure if you occasionally witness such scenes unexpectedly.


Na Ye-rin was so startled that she almost screamed. The sudden turn of events was beyond her expectation.

"Shh! You'll get caught if you make noise."

Bi Ryu-yeon raised a finger to his lips, warning her. In a hurry, she pressed her lips together with her fingertips.

A slight blush tinted Na Ye-rin's cheeks as she watched. But the fleeting blush was soon concealed by a composed expression.

Bi Ryu-yeon and Na Ye-rin held their breaths and concealed their presence. Having come this far, they couldn't afford to act recklessly and reveal their identities.

As the stars shifted their positions in the sky, the night grew deeper.

Bi Ryu-yeon and Na Ye-rin, who were secretly observing, suddenly felt puzzled. Despite being novices, the embrace between the two seemed oddly awkward. Moreover, the atmosphere was filled with tension, far from being affectionate. Although the couple was embracing each other, the situation didn't seem romantic.

With a worried look, Hyo-ryong looked at Ji-in-seol in his arms. He, too, was visibly flustered. He had no idea how to handle such a situation even though he had never learned how to deal with it during training.

Ji-in-seol was equally taken aback. Wasn't this too sudden of a development? She wasn't mentally prepared yet.

"Are you alright?"


Ji-in-seol slightly shook her head with a flushed face. She was holding Ji-in-seol with her right hand, while her left hand held a sword. It was the same sword that had just unexpectedly flown at them from the forest. Her wrist was still sore.

"Who's there?"

Hyo-ryong yelled towards the other side of the darkness.

Who could be there, coexisting with darkness and silence? Surprisingly, the person who emerged from beyond the veil of the dark night was Cheong-hyun.

Hyo-ryong's eyes widened in surprise.

"What are you doing? You almost got hurt, didn't you?" Cheongheon shot a cold glance at Hyoryong and then turned his head slightly towards Yijinseol, bowing his head slightly.

"Ian Hao, you soldier! I had no idea the two of you were together. Please forgive the rudeness," Yijinseol nodded silently without loosening Hyoryong's guard, and said.

"Well, now shall we hear about Iryu, who was suddenly attacked?" Cheongheon nodded slowly.

"Good! I actually have something to ask you!" Hyoryong's facial muscles twitched slightly.

"Your questioning method is quite aggressive! Why did you do that?" Suspicion! The sudden surprise attack, similar to an ambush, was a behavior that did not match his reputation as a master of martial arts during the Gucheonhoe Munmu Sangjeol.

"I just wanted to confirm something. That's all!" His gaze was still as cold and indifferent as the frozen river in winter.

"I'm very curious about what that is. Is it really something that warrants this level of incident?"

"Your identity!" Cheongheon's sharp gaze pierced Hyoryong like an arrow.

Startled! Hyoryong's face stiffened for a moment.

"Who are you?" Cheongheon asked again.

"What do you mean...?" Hyoryong deliberately showed an immature look as he replied, feeling Yijinseol's breath tickling his cheek. It felt like his mind was split in two, but now was not the time to dwell on it. Cheongheon's cold gaze, still fixed on him, remained unrelenting.

"What's your identity? How did you recognize the Gwangcheon Blood Shadow Technique, which hasn't been revealed for ten years?"

"Well, where else would there be a technique as famous as the Gwangcheon Blood Shadow Technique?" 

"Do you mean you could recognize it to that extent?"

Startled! Yijinseol could feel Hyoryong's body stiffening against her skin. His tension flowed into her through her skin.

"Can I hear the reason for that?"

Cheongheon's interrogation continued as if he still had doubts.

Gwiryu Yeon and Nayelin were hidden behind the tall grass, silently watching each other, not daring to move. Now was not the time for either of them to act.

"In that case, do you doubt my identity?"

Cheongheon nodded.

"I want your identity to be transparent, so we can trust you. Who is your master? Who did you learn from?"

"As you know, I learned from the Taeul Inspection."

"Taeul Inspection? I've never heard of it. And your master?"

"I cannot say."

He said firmly.

"Even if I doubt your identity?"

"Forcing me to reveal the name of my unwilling master violates the ethics of our school."

"The situation is different!"

Cheongheon shouted abruptly.

"Even so, I cannot tell you."

"Do you really have to do that?"

Hyoryong nodded silently.

"Stubborn friend!"

"No matter how much you force me, or whatever difficult situation I may face, I cannot betray my master's trust."

Hyoryong's tone was resolute. It was extremely uncomfortable for Cheongheon, also a disciple of the two major sects of the righteous and unrighteous, to force someone to betray their faith. He seemed to hesitate for a moment.


His hesitation didn't last long. After deliberation, Cheongheon drew his sword. He couldn't engage in a fight with such suspicions. There needed to be consequences.

"Well, then excuse me. But first... maybe it's better to step back a bit?"

"Yes? Oh!"

Only then did Hyoryong realize that he was still holding Yijinseol tightly and stepped back in surprise. She had a flushed face and was looking down, unable to say anything. It was a behavior very unlike her usual cheerful and lively self.

'Even that cheerful troublemaker feels embarrassed sometimes!'

Nayelin, who had never seen Yijinseol so quiet and shy, couldn't help but recognize that there must be a reason for it, probably on the other side, although she was usually indifferent.

"Sol... Soldier! It wasn't intentional. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Hyoryong continued to bow repeatedly, saying 'sorry'.


Yijinseol still couldn't speak. It was the first time in her life that she had been held in a man's arms for so long.

Hyoryong seemed to want to make more excuses, but Cheongheon showed no sign of allowing it.

"Sorry for the interruption, but is it over now?"

Cheongheon's sword aimed directly at Hyoryong's eyes. Hyoryong, facing him, drew his twin swords and stood his ground, abandoning his rationalization.

A palpable tension arose between them. Even with the imminent danger of a showdown at the Cheonmu Hakgwang Pavilion's gathering, Hyoryong showed no signs of fear, except for a slight hint of unease. He generally didn't want to fight.

"How should I handle this?"

From this moment on, Hyoryong's serious contemplation began. Should he confront with all his might, or should he discard his swords and surrender? Neither option was easily chosen.

"But if I do that...."

If he were to exert all his strength, Cheongheon, who had been watching Galyeo Bong and Moyong Hwi's showdown nearby, would immediately see through his identity. However, if he didn't exert all his strength, it was questionable whether he could endure even for ten seconds. His opponent was the highly acclaimed samjeolgeom master, Bicheonryong Cheongheon. He was in a different league from any ordinary opponent, an unparalleled master. Hyoryong could feel the anxious gaze of Yi Jinseol, who was worrying about him.

"Darn it!"

Finally, Hyoryong made up his mind.

"Then, let's take a breather for now!"


Cheongheon swiftly unsheathed his sword, emitting a white aura from its tip.


Hyoryong closed his eyes slightly. Both of his swords descended toward the ground. It was an act of entrusting everything, without resistance!


A loud noise emanated from where Hyoryong stood. Even though it wasn't a full-powered strike, it would still be difficult to come out unscathed.

"Master Hyo! Master Hyo!"

Amidst the thick dust, cries resembling prayers echoed. Despite everything, what Jinseol was most worried about at that moment was Hyoryong's safety.

"Cough cough! I'm safe, sir!"

As the dust settled, Hyoryong's figure emerged unscathed. Strangely, not a single hair on him was harmed.


"This can't be!"

A sigh of relief escaped Jinseol's lips, while disbelief and astonishment filled Cheongheon's expression. Cheongheon's strike hadn't even reached Hyoryong. There was someone who had intercepted it.

"Who are you?"

The one who intercepted Cheongheon's strike was none other than Bi Ryuyeon. Cheongheon's complexion stiffened instantly, mixed with disbelief and astonishment.

"To think someone could easily intercept my sword energy..."

He had no intention of causing harm, only attempting a minor acupoint manipulation. Hyoryong knew this, which was why he didn't resist. However, sword energy acupoint manipulation was an advanced skill. It was an uncomfortable feeling to have his study so easily thwarted by others, especially when it was a long-range interference.

Cheongheon furrowed his brow.



"Is that so?"

With a nod of understanding, Cheongheon agreed. However, emotions and rationality are different! He couldn't just stand by. The situation demanded urgent action.

"Are you willing to take responsibility in my stead?"

"Of course!"

Bi Ryuyeon nodded cheerfully. Hyoryong's expression subtly changed. It wasn't because he was deeply moved by his friend's sincere friendship surpassing that of Guan Yu and Bao Zheng.

"Does that boy really have a sense of responsibility?"

Hyoryong couldn't believe it. He didn't believe it at all. He couldn't push aside his own concerns to worry about someone else's business.

"What will you do if I insist on proceeding?"

"I'll stop you!"

"How? Do you have a plan?"

"Of course!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled broadly and raised his hand, revealing the dark, sturdy ink dragon ring on his wrist.

"We must resort to martial arts to resolve this. However, in a situation where such actions must be taken everywhere, it wouldn't be wise. Moreover, acting in a way that fosters distrust between us is the worst possible course of action, as I've learned. Did I learn incorrectly?"

"Well... but the only people here with uncertain identities are you, Hyoryong over there, and Jang Hong. Everyone else is someone with a clear status and background."

The doubt wasn't limited to just Hyoryong. Cheongheon's words were valid.

"In that case, I suppose I must prove my existence by defeating everyone here, right?"

"Isn't that too simple?"

Is this what he's saying with a clear mind? Who does he think he is? Feeling disregarded by the other party, Cheongheon suddenly felt uncomfortable thoughts creeping in.

"In that case, it's surprisingly straightforward."

Bi Ryuyeon seemed nonchalant about it. He exuded an overflowing sense of calmness.

"Wanna give it a try?"


"But, um..."

Suddenly, Bi Ryu-yeon turned to Hyo-ryong and said, "How much will you give if I save you?"


It was the sound of Hyo-ryong's jaw dropping open.

"Do you need money?"

"Of course!"

Hyo-ryong appeared to grimace.

'Is she making the situation worse?' It could lead to being lumped into a scam, being treated as a collaborator. It was not a desirable action. Without evidence, there were limits to trusting Cheong-heun's actions. He had suspicions, but no tangible evidence. That was enough. Drawing more attention to himself in this situation would be the worst action, the first thing to avoid if he were a spy.

To think that this situation was one where she was trying to save him... And demanding money on top of it! Hyo-ryong suddenly felt like he had made a major discovery.

Bi Ryu-yeon's gaze towards Cheong-heun remained unchanged.

'I'm being ignored.'

Cheong-heun's face turned as red as heated iron.


It was the first time since gaining his name that he experienced such a thing. It was when his hand trembled with anger.

"What's the commotion late at night!"

With a loud voice, Yeomdo suddenly appeared, breaking the standoff between the two. Everyone was startled by his abrupt appearance.

"As if my mind wasn't already in enough turmoil, do you, Cheong-heun, want to further cloud my judgment by causing a disturbance?"

Yeomdo's scolding was stern. However, when Yeomdo pinned the blame squarely on himself, Cheong-heun felt somewhat unjust.

"N-No... I..."

Cheong-heun thought that this was an opportunity to express his doubts to Yeomdo and raise issues. The opportunity was now.

"Master Yeom! I have something to say."

"I won't listen!"

"Master Yeom!"

Cheong-heun tried to assert his opinion with firmness in his voice and determination in his eyes. However, Yeomdo's refusal was just as firm. Firmness was not exclusive to Cheong-heun. Yeomdo's expression of refusal was equally resolute.

"I don't want to create unnecessary conflicts at such a critical time. Do not cause any more disturbances, even you. Understood?"

With a dejected look, Cheong-heun replied, "Yes, Master Yeom," with a defeated attitude.

"Both of you, leave now!"

As Yeomdo waved his hand, Cheong-heun and Hyo-ryong withdrew with crestfallen expressions.

'It's not over yet! I hope no seeds of doubt are planted in my mind.'

Cheong-heun's murmurs reached Hyo-ryong's ears. Hyo-ryong's complexion stiffened even more.

As Hyo-ryong and Cheong-heun left, Yi Jin-seol and Na Ye-rin followed. It was no longer the atmosphere to stay here. So Na Ye-rin left. Leaving a sense of regret in Bi Ryu-yeon's heart! She seemed like a mirage, invisible and unattainable. But Bi Ryu-yeon was not one to give up. If it's not visible, make it visible, if it's not graspable, make it graspable. That was Bi Ryu-yeon's creed.

Once the four figures disappeared from sight and even their footsteps faded away, Yeomdo spoke up.

"Why did you summon me?"

Bi Ryu-yeon smiled subtly.

"I just have a few questions to ask. And a favor to ask!"

Yeomdo had a foreboding feeling.

Bi Ryu-yeon and Yeomdo's Consultation

- Polish your basic martial arts skills

"Can we win without sacrifices?"

"Don't you think we can?"

Bi Ryu-yeon looked at Yeomdo with a puzzled expression, unable to understand.

"We've been together for almost two years, and you still talk like that. It's a bit disappointing."

Two years! It was a very long nightmare. Bi Ryu-yeon smiled slightly.

"Victory is already predetermined. The issue is whether we make sacrifices or not."

From the beginning, Bi Ryu-yeon never considered the possibility of defeat. "Cheonji Ssangsal" were not people who easily accepted defeat.

"Winning without sacrifices is impossible. Cheonji Ssangsal are not that easy to deal with."

"Just because we're not afraid doesn't mean reality will change. It's still difficult to win without any sacrifices with the kids' skills."

"If there are any casualties in this battle, it will be our defeat. That is absolutely unacceptable."

Bi Ryu-yeon was determined not to yield.

"So, what do you suggest?"

"Let's train rigorously until everyone can survive. Let's conduct emergency special reinforcement training!"

"What about our enemies?"

Right now, it was not a training situation but a combat situation. There was no time for training. Until someone made time for it.

"I'll take responsibility for now. You just focus on your tasks."


Somehow, Yeomdo thought that maybe, if the situation in front of him was a pile of inevitable fate, it might be possible.

"It's not free to move my body... It's not appropriate to be used for free... I have to find a way to balance it..."

'I have no freebies in my event!'

Bi Ryu-yeon had no intention of breaking her creed over such trivial matters.

"What should I do?"

Bi Ryu-yeon had chosen all the training methods so far. It was Bi Ryu-yeon who chose the training methods of the Hawk Faction to prepare for the confrontation with the Azure Dragon Faction. Of course, it was Yeomdo himself who executed it aggressively.

In short, it was Bi Ryu-yeon, not Yeomdo, who decided on the training methods for this training camp. It was Bi Ryu-yeon, not Yeomdo, who inserted the Hawk Faction into this place. Even though Yeomdo executed it aggressively.

In other words, the culprit of all events, the mastermind, was Bi Ryu-yeon.

"After all, let's start with basic martial arts training!"

After a moment of hesitation, Bi Ryu-yeon said.

"Basic martial arts?"

"Of course, if you want to become stronger, you need a solid foundation, right?"

Bi Ryu-yeon's question with a subtle tone left Yeomdo unable to answer readily.

"Well... I guess so..."

Although his words agreed, his tone and the muscles of his whole body screamed silently against it.

There was an uneasy expression on his face. Why bring up the basics now? To get stronger within a short period, it was absurd to start with the basics. Suspicion naturally surrounded him.

Bi Ryu-yeon suddenly looked up and gazed at the sea of stars. The deep sea of stars, like an abyss, carried waves of the past to him.

'There was such a thing once...'

'Basic martial arts...'


Reminiscence, the second

-The state of confusion

At that time, Biryuyeon asked his master.

The events of eight years ago, now becoming even hazier in memory!

It was a past he didn't want to remember.

"What did the master say back then?"

Even now, just thinking about it made Biryuyeon's blood boil.

"Can things really turn out as the master says if followed exactly?"

The question he asked eight years ago.

Here, the master's words referred to the boast that even the master himself could surpass his limits if not restricted, so it was prudent to filter one's words carefully when speaking directly in front of the narrow-minded old man, lest one incur some unpredictable consequence.

Biryuyeon's eyes sparkled brighter than ever before. Their intensity surpassed even that of an eagle spotting prey from the sky to the ground.

"Look at this fellow?"

As Biryuyeon's eyes shone excessively, the master felt somewhat uncomfortable. A sharp and sensitive aura, tinged with impure intentions, was caught by his keen senses.

"Do you dare to look beyond the position of the great master, higher than the sky and wider than the universe? To follow me, you must be a hundred years faster!"

"Get some sense knocked into you!"

It was both the duty and the right of the master to take appropriate action when a disciple harbored impure intentions. There was no reason to hesitate to discipline a delinquent disciple. The master proudly puffed out his chest and spoke loudly.

"Of course. Has there ever been a time when falsehood crept into the words of this master? Believe it! Believe and follow without hesitation! Then, enlightenment will come! Those who harbor even a hint of doubt in their hearts will never reach that state."

In theater, a bit of exaggeration is sometimes necessary to achieve dramatic effect, and he had learned this lesson a century ago, always ready to use it when needed.


"You're impatient. Try to cultivate some patience. There will be no loss. What's this rebellious look for?"

"Oh, no. It's just embarrassing to hear such words from a master who has never possessed even a single strand of patience!"

The master glared at Biryuyeon without mercy. His eyes, filled with the determination to guide his disciple onto the right path before he strayed, were full of the will to reincarnate.

It was also the master's duty to lead his beloved disciple onto the right path before he strayed. "Huh? What's this? Oh well!"

But Biryuyeon did not avert his gaze despite facing the master head-on.

"Hmm... Look at Yongseok?"

Since being sent to the forge a while ago, he had suddenly experienced a tremendous increase in his internal strength, to the point where he seemed to be climbing higher than the master's head, taller than Mount Junbong.

"Just because you've learned to handle a few dogs doesn't mean you can climb over the head of the great master. It may be an achievement that defies imitation, but unless you're a master yourself, you'll never see such a sight!"

Indeed, it seemed that his cherished and beloved disciple needed to be disciplined before he could come to his senses. There was no room for compromise now. With a serious gaze, the master spoke with a solemn tone.



"And write it down!"


Biryuyeon answered energetically. He had no leisure to pay attention to anything other than learning the method to surpass the master. He focused all his mental energy on each word uttered by the master.

"The saying goes, 'Seeing what cannot be seen' is called 'Yi.'"


Biryuyeon nodded vigorously again. There was no room for distraction. He concentrated all his efforts on understanding each word the master spoke.

"The saying goes, 'Hearing what cannot be heard' is called 'He.'"


Again, Biryuyeon nodded vigorously, understanding the last part as well. Then the master's face took on a strange expression.

"Could it be that you understand this difficult level, a state that even ordinary people can't reach in a lifetime? Is this stubborn boy who hasn't even dried his blood on his head?!"

It was an impossible feat.

"Do you fully understand and nod your head?"

As Biryuyeon continued to nod his head like a doll, the master felt a sense of unease.

"Did he truly understand this difficult concept after hearing it just once? It felt like silent rebellion, like a silent protest."

"Ahem! My disciple! Your silence is becoming too long."

The master threw in a word after the sudden interruption of the conversation.

"Um! Unfortunately, it seems not. Although there have been occasions where information was blocked or the truth was minimized, there has never been a time when a lie was told. It seems miraculous even to me."

Although there was a subtle doubt in the tone of the disciple's question, he decided to let it go. He didn't want to engage in any more verbal sparring with Biryuyeon.

For the disciple to not utter a word in a verbal battle... Perhaps he needed to increase his workload a bit more.

"Ahem! Look at that! This master has never uttered falsehoods. Understanding and progressing through the Eight Arts is the first step in mastering our Way of Non-Attachment!"

"The Way of Non-Attachment?"

"Alright! Ki, Cho, Ji, Gong!"

The master pronounced each syllable of his unilateral argument with conviction. To Bi Ryu Yeon, it felt like a challenge, as if daring anyone to oppose his topics.

"Do you think you can handle this? Isn't even this basic foundation too difficult for you at your current level?" Suddenly, the master asked with a voice full of worry, his expression heavy. To an outsider, it might seem like genuine concern for his disciple, praising him for facing such a challenge head-on.

"No! I can do it. I will definitely try," Bi Ryu Yeon replied, feeling a sense of contempt towards the master. Looking back, it was perhaps her most fatal mistake. It wasn't wise to make rash assertions fueled by childish emotions. It was a mistake made in a moment of frustration and arrogance.

"Well done, my disciple! Train through spiritual concentration. If you can surpass the realm of confusion, you will attain a free mind. You will gain eyes, ears, and senses that penetrate the essence of the true world," the master said with a satisfied smile. From that day on, Bi Ryu Yeon dedicated herself to intensive spiritual training through the concept of Yeongsasimyeol (靈絲心結).

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't reach the level the master spoke of. It seemed easy to understand when heard or seen, but once she started, it felt like wandering through a sea of fog. She didn't know where to start or how to proceed.

'He called it basic foundation... but...'

Indeed, believing in the master wasn't easy, Bi Ryu Yeon painfully realized the harsh truth eight years later.

The realm of confusion.

The state of confusion.

There was no reason to doubt her ability to surpass the master, yet Bi Ryu Yeon found herself spending eight years unlocking the secret. Spending eight years to grasp just one aspect of the basic foundation felt like a significant loss. It wasn't until five years later that she realized mere physical training would never allow her to approach this realm. To grasp the essence of the realm of confusion, she had to wander through the void of emptiness, sometimes risking getting lost in the abyss where neither time nor space was perceived. There were moments when she was on the brink of what people called a state of madness.

She thought dozens, if not hundreds of times, that perhaps it was all the master's fault. However, despite being resentful, narrow-minded, and even vile, the master never lied, and that's why she clung to it fiercely. By this point, she couldn't afford to give up.

Five years later, it turned into a battle of pride and ego between the master and Bi Ryu Yeon herself. Moreover, as she mastered the concept of Biroedo, her confidence in Yeongsasimyeol's achievement deepened. She intuitively felt that there was still a higher level to reach.

How many years would it take to achieve success after spending eight years in understanding? That place was a destination she must reach eventually. Perhaps it was what people referred to as the Tao (道) or God (神). It was so high and obscure that most people never even started, let alone gave up. Yet, for some, striving for the so-called impossible realm known as the realm of the divine became a challenge. The commonality among them was that they never regarded the impossible as impossible. To them, it was just as achievable as anything else. Thus, they made it possible.

There was no guarantee, but there was no intention to give up either. There was no such thing as giving up halfway in her mental world.

"If I gain the power of the mind, perhaps I can gain confidence in this realm. Or do I need to reach this realm to gain the power of the mind?" 

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Only the heavens know.

The Oath of Moyonghwi

"I lost!"

As Yeom Do and Bi Ryu Yeon were planning under the moonlight, Moyonghwi lay on his bed, gazing sadly at the ceiling, pondering the bitter taste that welled up from his heart.

"I lost."

His focus blurred as if lost in a dream. His consciousness wandered through a haze. The shock of his first defeat was greater than he had anticipated.

"Why did I lose?"

Moyonghwi asked his own heart.

He knew that there could be no such thing as invincibility, but facing it firsthand was not easy. Various anxieties, worries, and self-blame tormented him.

"Is it because there is still fear of the sword and death in my heart?"

The empty void offered no kind answers to his questions. He had to find the answers within the depths of his own heart. He had to rely on his own strength.

Everyone said it was a draw, but Moyonghwi felt the weight of his defeat. Strictly speaking, today's match was his loss! Even when he was forced into a situation where he couldn't wield his sword, the opponent was relentless. At that moment, he had no more room to maneuver. In contrast, the opponent was overflowing with energy. If he hadn't gone mad, he could have lost his life to his sword.

He was angry.

Moyonghwi bit his lip. The taste of bitter blood stimulated his nostrils. It was a self-inflicted punishment, a determination to strengthen his will. He couldn't retreat. He couldn't let his sword and his honor be tarnished like this.

He was not a person who collapsed like a tower crumbling under the weight of endless despair at the first defeat. He deeply engraved the belief that failure was a common occurrence in military strategy. Giving up after one failure was foolishness given his young age.

Without endless spirit of challenge, vigorous enthusiasm, and fervor, all that remained was a twenty-something-year-old without purpose.

"I will never lose again!"

He pledged to his heart, placing his sword within. He would win at all costs! For the sake of his name and his family's honor!

When faced with obstacles, Moyonghwi was a genius who knew how to overcome them. He was indeed worthy of being called a true genius.

"I will never lose again!"

To face the opponent again, healing the wounds and restoring strength were the top priorities.

Moyonghwi began his training slowly, initiating the Naygayo Law.

Fortunately, it seemed that his arteries were not damaged, as the communication of Naygi proceeded smoothly. However, it would take some time for the trauma to heal. Hoping for a quick and clean recovery was unrealistic in itself.

The next day!


One person fell, and special training began.

Title: "Wudang Ghost Story: The Suffering of the Ghost Swordsmen and the Underworld Generals"

"How did it happen?"

Sometimes, even when one knows the answer, there are moments when they cannot readily speak it. There are instances where one refrains from answering because they realize that their response could have negative repercussions, both for themselves and for society. The possibility that their answer could bring about a predicted calamity leads them to keep their lips sealed. This was one such case.

Despite being questioned directly by the fearsome Cheonsal Ghost Sword, Jong Pyeong-chang, also known as No. 27, found himself unable to answer. He knew that if he were to speak the truth, even in this bizarre situation where he claimed to have been struck by a ghost and survived, it could lead to a minimum of being ostracized and a maximum of immediate execution. So, how could he possibly utter such a preposterous tale? He simply couldn't bring himself to say it, not even at the cost of his life.

"Uh... I... You see... Well..."

With a pale face and a tongue tied in knots, No. 27 struggled to respond. The cruel hands of Cheonsal were too terrifying for someone as frail as him.

"Do you want to die? Can't you answer quickly?"

Cheonsal's eyes flashed with a glint of menace. Patience was something he had never cultivated in his entire life.

"Y-yes... Yes! A ghost struck me!"

"Is that so? Then, take this!"

Thunk! With a sound like that, No. 27 had to lose consciousness. In this scenario, it was the best possible outcome. He was lucky to escape death and simply pass out.

"Argh! Where do these useless fools go and get themselves into trouble and then come back after being beaten up like this? Instead of dying cleanly, they come back looking like a mess..."

"Shall I kill him?"

It was unbearable to keep such worthless individuals by his side.

"What ghost? You fools!"

Cheonsal erupted in anger, unable to contain his frustration at the incompetence of his subordinates.

Within the Wudang sect, there were two main groups led by Cheonsal Ghost Sword and Jisal Underworld Generals. The five ghost swordsmen under Cheonsal and the five underworld generals under Jisal were known to have a tumultuous relationship. Calling it a rivalry would be an understatement; their relationship was more accurately described as outright animosity.

To them, competitors were merely obstacles to be swiftly removed if they interfered with their goals. They were never intended to be companions in advancing together in life. As leaders of their respective factions, tasked with managing their subordinates, they were inevitably caught in a subtle competition, even within their organization. Having two groups within one faction led to inevitable tension. They were never on good terms to begin with.

However, a decisive event occurred that would significantly impact their relationship. A spark fell into a powder keg, ready to explode at any moment.

That spark was Nayelin. Amidst the chaos when Gal Hyo-bong first attacked the training camp, they couldn't help but notice her. She was an absolute beauty, worthy of being called a peerless beauty. Her intoxicating allure captivated them, even amidst the confusion. Their predatory eyes gleamed, and it was only natural for saliva to flow from their mouths. With a figure like hers, their eyes, like venomous snakes, could not help but dart around, and spitting out words became inevitable. Their goal was singular, but they had two rivals. Conflict was an inevitable conclusion; it was only a matter of time.

They waited until Gal Hyo-bong recovered and their interest in her peaked until she was completely healed. Up until then, they were captivated by her beauty, just like thousands of men before them. Among those men, they were particularly violent and dangerous wolves.

I don't want to disparage all the men in the sect, but based on general statistics, their lack of control over their desires and cravings was often fatally weak. Environmental factors played a significant role in this, as there were actions they had committed that even if the sect members wanted to protest against being sold out wholesale, they could not.

Expecting such restraint from men who made murder, arson, robbery, and rape their specialties would be incredibly naive. It was healthier for everyone not to look at a tree that couldn't be climbed.

When it came to controlling their desires, these five men were completely unrelated to restraint. Their eyes, bloodshot with excitement, were charging recklessly towards one obsession.

"If my thoughts are correct, she is a peerless beauty. I thought my head's blood vessels were going to burst!"

The Ghost Sword Zhang, Sang Jung-ha, let out a chilling laugh.

"That's right! Her beauty is enough to make one's head spin! Who would have thought such a beauty would be here!"

The Second Ghost Sword, Kang Jung-yak, expressed full agreement.

"Hehehe! I've heard rumors, but I never imagined it would be to this extent! Wow, this is insane!"

The Colorful Devil, Kang Ak-ak, hopped around excitedly, his eyes darting about in a frenzy.

"Ak-ak! Did you know about her?"

His tone was one of disbelief, implying that Ak-ak should have known everything. That's how impressed the Second Ghost Sword, Kang Jung-yak, was.

"Oh, of course! It's impossible for the refined gentlemen of the Pungnyu faction not to know about such information regarding a top-tier beauty. The brothers were already decided to vie for the top beauty of the world ten years ago, didn't you hear?"

He was pretending to be someone who was not constantly causing trouble because of women, but no one else felt good about it.

"Hey... You don't mean?"

Those words triggered memories in the minds of the other four. They had heard such stories at countless drinking sessions before, where discussions about women and suggestive talk were never absent.

"That's exactly what I mean! Isn't it amazing? Ah... I never dreamed I'd have this opportunity right in front of me."

The Colorful Devil's eyes were filled with ecstasy and a sense of disorientation. At this moment, his gaze was traversing a completely different world. He wasn't one to listen to others' words when he was in such a state. All he could see was the woman in front of him.

"Ugh! We're not like you, obsessed with lust, so we might have been negligent about women's information!"

Kang Jung-yak grumbled.

"That's right! She must be a top-tier beauty for you, Pungnyu men, to be so interested. The Five Ghosts of Fengdu have long been fixated on one woman!"

Kang-ryong-ak was acting all high and mighty again. As much as he pretended to be knowledgeable, it didn't make him any less repulsive. "I already knew you were a lecherous scumbag or a pervert, but I had no idea you were a connoisseur of the arts!" Kang-ryong-ak said with a mocking tone. If Kang-ryong-ak considered himself a connoisseur, then all the connoisseurs in the world were in trouble.

Without even asking for the woman's opinion, he enjoyed engaging in relationships tainted with violence. What kind of joke was calling him a refined gentleman? It was a story even stray dogs would scoff at as they passed by. But he stopped his remarks, not wanting to prolong the discussion about the standards of refinement.

Among these five, the one who had the least experience in robbery was the first-born, Sang-joong-ha. He claimed not to be extreme, but in fact, he was fifty shades of it.

"So, you see…." Kang-ryong-ak continued to boast as his expertise came up. As expected, the faces of all the men brightened with keen interest when the topic turned to the legendary beauty, Cheonsang-hwa.

After wrinkling his brow once, Sang-joong-ha intervened before missing out on any more information. He cautiously hinted at the violation of Cheonsang's orders not to intervene.

"Hmm…." As Cheonsang's name was mentioned, everyone's faces stiffened. Even after being in her presence for over ten years, they still felt fear when standing next to her. To Cheonsang, they were nothing more than disposable tools.

"How would anyone know if we handle it quietly? Besides, we're not the only ones after her! Remember, that day, the five evil spirits were also present!" Kang-ryong-ak persuaded them, glaring at Sang-joong-ha, who had been doused with cold water. Drawing in those who referred to themselves as the five evil spirits had a tremendous effect in situations like this.

"Moreover, the second evil spirit among the five is a real scoundrel who only brightens the color of the ghost subject! He's also a considerable expert in this field! He couldn't have missed her presence!" Kang-ryong-ak was exactly like the pot calling the kettle black. He considered the second assistant to Cheonsang's enemies as his competition in the same field. His determination burned brightly. It was a determination that was useless and only caused trouble in life.

All eyes turned to Sang-joong-ha. There was pressure for him to make a decision. He cursed inwardly at being the one they always turned to in these situations.

"Fine! We can't lose to those bastards!" Sang-joong-ha finally made a decision.

"Let's go!" They acted swiftly when situations like this arose.

As Kang-ryong-ak had predicted, there were not only the novice thieves targeting a woman, but also Cheonsang's attendants, the five evil spirits. Their minds were set on the same goal.

A hapless woman had become the target of multiple wolves.

"This is getting annoying!" Though it could hardly be called a sentiment, Bi-ryu-yeon had absolutely no desire to get involved in this situation. It was more accurate to say he didn't feel the need to expend energy and ingenuity on an endeavor that would yield no benefit.

Yet, he couldn't help but worry about the lives of those he knew. It might be dismissed as unnecessary compassion or empathy, but watching acquaintances die for trivial matters was never pleasant.

So Bi-ryu-yeon pondered. Considering the mental strain even in pondering, he tried to keep his thoughts brief and reached a conclusion quickly. If he worried about his colleagues' lives, wouldn't it be enough to hone his skills until he could rest assured?

Until he had accumulated enough skill to provide stability, he would catch at least a few flies around him. Having some entertainment like that was beneficial to him.

He retrieved the hidden pipa from his embrace. The moment he played it, he transformed into a different person named Nosabu. Thinking of that, Bi-ryu-yeon felt somewhat amused.

There was a competitive atmosphere among the rookie thieves as they ignited their lust aggressively.

But what stopped their urgent strides was a single silver flash.


A flash left a line of blood on the cheek of Gangyak-yak, who was running at the forefront. When the sharp blade passed by his cheek, Gangyak-yak instinctively leaped backward and shouted, "Who goes there?" As he landed with a thud, the hilt of a sword was already clenched in his hand.

"Who dares to cross my path?"

Before the eyes of Chohun Ohguigum appeared an old man. None of them recognized that the face of the old man was the nightmare-inducing figure engraved in the minds of the sixteen members of the Jujakdan.

The person who appeared before them was one of the Inpyeomyungu, which had been kept hidden within the bosom of Bi-ryu-yeon for several years to conceal his identity.

"Reveal your identity!"

Gangyak-yak shouted.

"You are impolite ruffians!"

"What did you say?"

Still, these five lacked respect for the old man.

"Take this! Pihwannanyongmu!"


Ten rings flew from Bi-ryu-yeon's hands, drawing unpredictable and bizarre curves through the air. It was a terrifying momentum that seemed to tear through space.

Pihwannanyongmu was a playful technique that Bi-ryu-yeon had created by combining his own martial arts with the techniques of the Ingyong-Ryu. Even though it was created haphazardly, its power was by no means weak.


Startled by the unexpectedly powerful blow, Chohun Ohguigum poured all their abilities into evading.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

However, avoiding the rings dancing through the air like a dance was impossible. Wherever the rings grazed past, blood lines were drawn and blood flowed.

As Bi-ryu-yeon, this much was tolerable.

"Why are you blocking our path, old man?"

The first of the five, Gwiyoungsalgeum Sangjungha, asked. His tone had clearly changed. They were indeed individuals who valued fists over principles.

"Why ask now for the honorifics? Are you finally showing respect for your elders?"

'Who is he?'

Sangjungha began to speculate.

From his appearance, he didn't seem to be from the Mu-dang faction. He bore no marks on his body, making it difficult to determine his affiliation. Of course, if they knew the situation, it was natural for them to intervene to help with celestial observations. But what if they didn't know the situation?

Chohun Ohguigum wanted to avoid trouble. He didn't want to waste his strength against a formidable master unnecessarily.

"Excuse me, may we hear the honorable name of the elder?"

He spoke with as much courtesy as possible.

"More importantly, have you heard any rumors?"

Suddenly, Bi-ryu-yeon, wearing the Inpyeomyungu of Nosabu, asked.

"What rumors?"

"There are terrifying bandits called the Nokrim-yacha appearing here. It seems that even the nobles have encountered them and suffered some misfortunes!"


Simply put, the Nokrim-yacha referred to mountain bandits. To them, they were nothing more than lowly beings. Their laughter grew louder and louder.

Frustrated by the laughter, Bi-ryu-yeon felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Why are you laughing?"

Without hiding his displeasure, Bi-ryu-yeon asked.

"How can bandits like them dare to block our path?"

"That... well..."

Caught off guard by the sudden question, Sangjungha struggled to find words. Of course, the answer lay before them: the old man claiming to have been robbed.

"Tsk! Do you have tears?"

"Where would a man have tears? A man doesn't shed tears even if his parents die."

"Eh! Then I can't tell my story."

Bi-ryu-yeon clicked his tongue.

"Why not?"

"The fate of this old man is a grand epic tale intertwined with mysterious events that cannot be heard without tears!"

"Hehe! Let's hear the story! You boast about your grand tale."

"Here goes...!"

Although the story was long, the message was simple.

'I was walking along the road. Bandits appeared. I was robbed by bandits. Therefore, I am currently penniless!' That was the end of it.

"So... what do you want?"

Sangjungha, displaying extreme patience, finally achieved the triumph of listening to the whole story.

"Do you happen to have money?"

The eyes of the first of Chohun Ohguigum, Sangjungha, lit up. Why suddenly talk about money?

"What are you talking about?"

Bi-ryu-yeon, wearing Nosabu's Inpyeomyungu, scratched his head as he spoke.

"Ah! Since I was completely robbed by the Nokrim-yacha, it's only natural that I'm penniless. So, I was wandering the streets!"

Bi-ryu-yeon said with a touch of embarrassment.

'Wandering because money was stolen?'

The statement didn't quite connect contextually, so the five of them tilted their heads momentarily.

"We'll lend it to you."

Sangjungha quickly stepped forward. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. Even if they hadn't suffered defeat in a split second from Bi-ryu-yeon's previously displayed Pihwannanyongmu, he wouldn't have surrendered so easily.

"Oh! Won't it be troublesome?"

Of course, it was a polite thing to say. If he had said, 'Oh, it will be troublesome,' then he would have been prepared for the next step. Then, it would end with, 'Oh, really? Then how about receiving a few blows?'"

"It's not troublesome! Isn't it said that all the people of Saha are one family! Furthermore, from the perspective of a junior, it is only right and proper to help the elder in difficulty, isn't it? Oh yes! That's right! Isn't it a matter of fate?"

Sangjungha wrote with his fingers, thumping his chest as he spoke.

The other four swordsman looked at him with astonishment. They had only known him for his talents in murder, arson, and plunder, but they hadn't known that he could smoothly turn his tongue like this. They had all witnessed his new talent. Indeed, the leader had his own talents.

"Here it is."

Sangjungha rummaged through his adult pouch and took out some petty cash. Since he was on a special mission, he had received ample compensation for his mission.

"Here you go!"

The sound of money that always delights Bi Ryu-yeon's ears rang in his ears. However, contrary to the joyful and willing heart, his face began to distort gruesomely without mercy.

The strange atmosphere made Sang-jung break out in a cold sweat. There were only four open backpacks left. Someone hadn't opened their backpack. Sang-jung knew who the culprit was without checking.

He quickly gestured to Gang Yak-yak, who was standing next to him. It meant to quickly hand over the money. Gang Yak-yak's complexion twisted mercilessly. From the movement of the facial muscles, the control of strength, and the arrangement and combination, it was clear that there was a firm intention of refusal. He was a person who did not want to give away money to an old lady, not even a woman, just like him.


Sang-jung also began to move the facial muscles in response to Gang Yak-yak's reaction. His forehead folded into three layers, and the muscles controlling the eyebrows pushed them vigorously upwards. The muscles around the eyes showed rapid changes, completing the so-called "squinting" movement.

When the muscles around the lips began to twitch, Gang Yak-yak could no longer resist.

Even after taking Gang Yak-yak's backpack, Bi Ryu-yeon still seemed unimpressed. The wrinkled facial muscles of the old lady did not know how to relax. Instead, they seemed to grow even stronger.

"Damn! Got caught."

The novice assassins finally realized that they had stepped on something nasty. The old lady in front of them was saying that the portion of their property they had offered was definitely not enough.

"How did you know there's more emergency money?"

They were caught red-handed. The person in front of them was undoubtedly a seasoned bandit. Moreover, they used highly violent means!

There was a limit to enduring.

Although they called themselves experts, they did not realize how different the person in front of them was from them. Ignorance sometimes carries the right to impunity. They decided to actively exercise their right to impunity called ignorance.

The exercise of their rights took the form of violence.


The first to rush forward was Gang Yak-yak. He was confident that the surprise attack would succeed. Without missing this opportunity, the other four joined in. They were experts in surprise attacks, assassinations, and hits.

"If you have the ability!"

Bi Ryu-yeon's response.

They were individuals with a very distinctive kind of reason, capable of killing people just because they were annoying or made them feel bad. Therefore, they did not feel any guilt for what they had done so far.

Of course, this time, they did not need to feel guilty for their actions. The person in front of them was not so weak as to die easily from their impunity.

Their impunity came with a terrible price. Instead of feeling guilt, they had to taste bitter regret. They were given a long time for reflection.

Bi Ryu-yeon's lips drew a dangerous warning curve. The retaliation behind that smile was so brutal that even the expression "severe" felt light. At times like this, it was ultimately helpful to leave without hesitation rather than trying to figure things out.

But in this world, there were still many fools who believed recklessness was courage and wandered in the misconception.

To them, it could be said that providing the experience was a human duty. Bi Ryu-yeon was not such a fool as to abandon that duty. He had no room for sympathy for the foolish fools. There was no possibility of his pity intervening in his hands. Therefore, the novice assassins, who were evaluated as foolish fools, had no choice but to be resolutely overwhelmed. Of course, the fact that the price of that was accompanied by pain was needless to say.

Today, they had a valuable experience of being able to have a deep contemplation about what deep pain was. Moreover, the price they had to pay was not yet over. There was still extra payment waiting for them, eagerly.

It was a useful day in many ways. It was also a day of nightmares that they never wanted to recall again.

They had to return home stripped of all their belongings.

"The profession of a forest hero is truly excellent.

If the master of the Enchanted Forest had known what happened to the Five Shadows, he would have thought very unfavorably of it. Unfortunately, they could not receive the news of the Enchanted Forest from the master.

They too were blinded by their desires and were diligently flying through the forest. "Third, surely we'll get there before Ogikum?" It was unacceptable to be later than five ghosts. "Of course! But we can't let our guard down. That rascal has probably already noticed. How dare he aim for the woman I marked... Damn him!" As befitting experts in the field of color, the second son of the master of the Enchanted Forest, Insal, also displayed a competitive spirit. He narrowed his eyes, which were already torn thin, even more, shining with greed.

These five believed that just like their numerous previous misdeeds, this one would also be carried out without a hitch. But that was a mistake. They learned through this incident that there is an exception to every rule in this world.

"Stop! Hold it right there!" The appearance of that exception was unexpectedly sudden. "Who goes there?" The first shadow, Myeondo Chuhang, shouted in surprise at the suspicious presence.

"Me? I am a very fine person indeed. Perhaps a volunteer who roams the rivers and mountains!" The sudden appearance of Inyeong made the five's eyes widen. Revealed in the forest, he was the epitome of a typical bandit.

With a large sword in hand and leather armor covering his upper body, especially in the sweltering summer, the leather armor seemed extremely hot to wear. Truly the typical appearance of a bandit straight out of a storybook.

"Are there still people doing business in such attire these days?" Unable to contain their growing curiosity, Myeondo Chuhang and Insal inquired.

"Well, you see? It's very rare to see such old-fashioned attire. And wearing leather armor in this sweltering heat! Haha!"

The laughter erupted from the mention of Insal's words. They treated the appearance of a bandit like him as nothing more than a pitiful piece of trash.

"Quiet! How dare you make such rude noise in front of a noble like myself? You fools have met your match. I will show you something more terrifying than any demon in this world!"

"What are you talking about? Even if you look closely, he doesn't look like more than a bandit. On what basis do you claim he's so noble? Are you itching to die?"

Myeondo Chuhang's intimidation radiated from his entire being. The bandit, no match for Myeondo Chuhang, could not even begin to understand his intimidation. If it were his sword, even bandits like him would be chopped into thirty-six pieces in an instant.

But the bandit standing before them still seemed unaware of how fearsome, cruel, and ruthless they were. Their reputation alone was enough to make even the bravest tremble.

"Wait! Hold on a moment!" The sudden appearance of a variable was unexpected. "Who are you?"

With a sigh as if the heavens had fallen, Myeondo Chuhang's second son, Myeondo Gahyuk, spoke persuasively and gently, looking at Myeondo Chuhang. "Me? I'm a very kind person. I'll lighten your burden as you walk along the hot mountain paths. Trust me!"

"What do you mean you can help us?" It was a simple question.

"Hehe! What a character! You still don't understand my kind-heartedness? It's because of those vile coins, making your bodies heavy. I'll take care of those nasty little fellows for you. Don't refuse my sincere help!"

"In other words, what are you trying to say?"

It was a bold move. "Give us your money!"

It was a simple statement from the bandit.

The day turned out to be absurd for Myeondo Chuhang. They were blocked by a mere bandit, even in the presence of the Five Shadows, who were known as the reapers of death, even among the lords of the underworld. It was nothing short of staggering!


Myeondo Chuhang laughed in disbelief. It was understandable that their laughter was mocking. However, the bandit remained unfazed by their laughter.

"Your belongings on your necks aren't heavy, are they? It's because those vile little coins are sticking to you, making your bodies heavy. These are the most wretched fellows. They cling to you like leeches, making your bodies heavy. I, as a solver, will take care of this trouble for you. You can all relax now!"

"What is this madman saying? Why should we trust you?"

It was a futile conversation.


The bandit sighed as if in frustration. Then, suddenly, he looked at Myeondo Chuhang and spoke in a convincing tone, surprisingly calm. "Listen, your burdens are heavy as you walk along the hot mountain paths. Do you know why? It's because of the burdens you carry, especially those vile little coins. Let me take care of them for you."


Already having exchanged glances and made up their minds, Myeondo Chuhang gave the signal. Myeondo Gahyuk, the Fifth of Myeondo Chuhang, moved his sword as smoothly as silk. He didn't need to exert full force; this level of movement was effortless.


A desperate scream echoed throughout the forest. Birds startled by the unexpected scream flew up into the sky.

"Ah... this can't be!"

With his arm twisted behind his back, his head slammed into the ground, blood spurting from his mouth, Myeondo Chuhang's other four sons were shocked by the unbelievable sight.

"No way!"

They had already anticipated what would happen to them if they were to face such a situation.

The bandit's face twitched as he lay on the ground, but the four of them remained in shock, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

"Who... who are you?"

Myeondo Chuhang shouted in astonishment.

The bandit, already determined not to retract his claim of being a forest hero, still seemed unfazed.

"Me? Didn't I tell you? I'm just a passing kind-hearted volunteer."

Just then, a majestic eagle with rare blue feathers descended and perched on his shoulder. With an aura akin to the king of the sky, it was a blue-winged eagle. And its owner, of course, was none other than Byuryuyeon.

They, of course, were just unfortunate to have fallen into the hands of these people. Of course, they had used disguises and transformations.

There was a lingering feeling of foreboding as the four of them watched their surroundings nervously.

Perhaps it was ominous. It seemed unlikely to end well for them. If only they had swallowed their pride, they might have avoided the worst possible outcome.

They dreamed of rebellion. But, of course, the price they paid was grim.


It was a swift and elegant movement, typical of a subordinate of the Lord of the Underworld. It was a fast and fierce action. If it had been a normal expert, they would have been torn apart