
master Cheng ge

Chen ge and his disciples.

ErrynLi · History
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20 Chs

master Cheng ge

Linfeng is a diciple of the master called

"Chen ge".

Linfeng is an orphan with no relatives,

To live linfeng steals food or money.

Theres one time that he met chen ge.

Chen ge used to be good at fighting but when he have fought with the lLized monster he have been cursed. And thats why he got a weak body now.

When lin feng met chen ge he tries to steal from him. But linfeng failed, so chen ge tought that he should teach that kid some fighting skills,and then Chen ge Have take him to his small house chen ge was not a rich person. But he tried to teach Linfeng,he feed him and take care of him.

Days pass by,

Linfeng was able to master some skills,

But chen ge condition is still worsening

Linfeng was so worried so he tried to research about that curse.

Linfeng is going to out to research about the curse but chen ge said "you dont have to this for me but if you really do, take care and dont push yourself to much if you cant, you cant. "

Linfeng has left.

He saw a village so he go to rest there.

And he hear about a murmur about monsters that going to the town when its night.

Linfeng have to rest by night so asked some people if theres some vacant space in their house and he will pay, Linfeng found a person that can let him stay.

The night come.

And he saw the person coming out the house

So he follow him and he catch up the person was shocked and asked him why did Linfeng follow him, Linfeng said "i saw you go out and i hear that its dangerous outside when its night here, so we should go back now."

That person just sigh and said "fine." Then they got back to that person house,

Linfeng still doesn't know that person name so he ask that person what his name

But the person said "do you have to know that?" Linfeng just stay quite and didn't say anything

There was someone knocking in the door loud,

Linfeng ask that person if he lived with someone else, and that person said "no"

So Linfeng ready his sword, minute pass by the knocking stop.

Linfeng want to check what was that so he go out and the person said"i'll go"Linfeng told him that its dangerous but that person didnt listen.

(With chen ge in the house)

Chen ge was so worried about Linfeng,

He cannot sleep properly he got up in his bed and drink some water, but Chen ge still feels the worried, so chen get out of his bed out and tried to find some Ling's traces. he can still see Ling's traces so he followed it.

(With Linfeng)

Linfeng saw another person it was running away from them so Linfeng follow that person The person has stopped running and said "oh. You followed me" that person remove his hood and Linfeng saw that person face and recognize that "Monster" she is the leader of the dark magics.

The other person with Linfeng said "What's... Go-ing on.. I.. Feel dizzy.. "

Then that person pass out

Linfeng was so worried and asked the monster what did she do to him the monster said she just let that person sleep.

Linfeng said "what do you want??"

The monster said "you"

Linfeng dont know she was talking about

So the monster explain.

She said "you have an unbelievable aura if you want to become strong come with me,i'll make you my king. "

Linfeng refused and said

"Sorry i cant do that" the monster got mad

And summon some of her minions,

The minions attacked Linfeng,

Linfeng was cornered so he had no other choice but to fight.

Linfeng fought the monsters but it just keep coming the leader of the monster said "i'll give you one more chance, be my king, or die." Linfeng still refuse the leader of the monster got really mad so she is the one who attacked Linfeng.

Chen ge has come. And saw whats happening, he shout Linfeng name and Linfeng said "Mas..ter" Linfeng has passed out chen ge was so mad.

And the leader of the monster said "oh so your his master?" Chen ge was so mad that he cannot resist himself and use his attacked .

He attacked first the leader,the monster cannot deafeat chen ge so they need to retreat, chen ge's body have weaken again

He carry both of the kid and get them to the healers of the village.

Day pass by Linfeng has woken up.

He ask himself "how long have i been sleeping... "

that person come to Linfeng room and saw him awake and said

"you should lay down you still have'nt recover yet. "

So Linfeng lay down and that person cleaning the room.

The person suddenly speak and tell his name

His name was, "Zenyu" and Linfeng said

"Oh my name is Li-"

Zenyu said "its Linfeng right? "

And Linfeng said "Ya.. How did you know?.."

Zenyu answer "your master told me"

Chen ge came in to the room and when he saw Linfeng awake he hugged him and cry and say "I told you not push yourself to much.. I was so worried"

Linfeng said "im sorry master i will be careful next time"

Day pass by

Linfeng has recovered and they thank the healers, Linfeng and Cheng ge was about to leave but zenyu shout "pls wait!"

Linfeng and Chen ge stoped walking

Ang Cheng ge ask him whats wrong

And zenyu answer "pls teach me to!,i want to be your student i want to come with you and Ling feng pls be my master" zenyu said

And Chen ge smile and said sure..

update every sturday or wednesday"