
Chapter 1, travels of a boy.

(Narrator POV)

???: Sad. So, so very sad. That army didn't even last a second.

The one thinking this was a boy overlooking a crater. Matter of fact, a minute earlier, that used to be an army. The boy had fired a beam, and it hit the army dead on. It caused the crater.

???: Master Aura, I understand that you wanted to test out the humans' strength after being sealed for so long, but you didn't need to do all that.

A woman at the side said that. She looked about 20, she wore a suit, and had glasses on. Two other girls at next to her looked at each other, and nodded.

Aura: You're right about that, Chanc. Alright, I'll try better next time.

Chance bowed respectfully, and backed off.

???: Where are we going next, Master?

One of the other two girls asked 'Master' Aura. She was about 16, had casual clothes on, and appeared to be a very cheerful girl.

Aura: Well, I think we should go to the Blanke Kingdom.

Atty understood.

Aura: Gen, can you summon a dragon? A large one, please.

The third girl, Gen, appeared 10 years old. She had a hoodie on that covered most of her face.

Gen nodded silently, and moved forwards.

Gen: Tampilake steed sandi, teka aku, Naga!

[Gen: Appear my steed, come to me, Dragon!]

A dragon of red, gold, and black appeared. If anyone else saw this, even the Hero or the infamous Demon King, their jaws would drop. This was an ancient dragon, long extinct, with enough power to bath the world in flames.

Aura smirked, and jumped on. The rest followed suit. The dragon got up, and flew to the capital of the Blanke Kingdom.

Unbeknownst to them, a figure was in the shadows. A spy, sent to follow the army the kingdom sent out.

Spy: T-This is... I-I better report this to- to the king!

Hello, this is my first novel. If you see any errors, please tell me.

Actually, the words Gen spoke were in Javanese. As my native language is English, I used Google Translate to change the words from English to Javanese, so forgive me if I spell any words wrong.

Thank you!

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