
Master's Secret

After fleeing the Assassin's Guild, Aria and Sebastion find themselves teaming up with A mysterious man. He wishes not to reveal his identity and no one is allowed to question him. Their goal is the same, bring down the guild. But is their something more to this mysterious man? What could he possibly be hiding?

Woodnessa_98 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Market Place Wonders

We reached the village at night fall. The village was like a city, large buildings, designated area for a market, vendors pleaded and bargained there goods. Of course because it was so close to the Guild it was mostly full of shifty kinds of people. It was definitely not the place for the weak of heart. A lot of crimes happen in a place like this. I couldn't tell you how many times we where ordered to kill someone because they where just breathing. Really stupid petty stuff like that. But even still, I loved market places. You could find all sorts of stuff from traveling vendors! Mostly cheap stuff sold for high prices.

We just so had to cross the market place area, to get to the inn. A small building that really just housed Assassins looking to 'score big'. I myself have been in this specific inn multiple times because of this. Of course it was never willingly, but I wasn't allowed to disobey either. Drakos's son always had me tied around the neck and paraded me around like a prize horse. It was humiliating and always crushed my pride. There was nothing Sebastion could do about it either, because he was threatened that if he intervened, Drakos would kill me.

Despite the horrible memories, It was like magic at night. Vendors hollering about there wares, people crossing streets, kids running and playing. It was like I was home again. Except that men in black armor patrolled the streets, guild emblems etched on to their armor. And for this reason, I couldn't' t go and enjoy the market fully. If they identified me, it would blow the whole mission and my ass would likely be dragged back to Drakos. Even the thought of going back made me shiver in horror.

As we passed through, heads down, cloaks up, a harlot crossed the road, her aim heading right for Drake. Her eyes where on him like a vulture looking for pray. She was pretty, at least from what you could make out. She was dolled up in bright pink silks with a mask over her face. It trailed around her as she casually crossed the street. I think I recognized this one too, really greedy bitch with a silver tongue. She made me sick to be honest. She would have no problems turning us in if it meant she would get a 'reward' for her good deeds.

"Harlot in coming. Play along." I mumbled. I watched his hood shift in the direction of the broad and I could have sworn I heard him cuss. But just as I had been trained to do, I skillfully wrapped my arms around his, clinging to him. He was tense at first, but I felt him loosen as we continued to walk. I pulled myself against his body and tried to act like we where being intimate.

"It's so good to have you back again. It's been so lonely without sharing the bed with you." I cooed seductively as I placed a hand on his chest. Drake's hand confidently found mine on his chest and he gripped it firmly. Nice touch, well played.

"What say you join me hmm, I promise I can make it worth your time." I practically purred. I watched as she huffed, stamped her foot, and watched her angrily stomp her way back to the harem. I chuckled and let Drake's arm go. Knowing I have dusted the broad off.

"That seemed a little to realistic." Drake didn't seem impressed by my 'display of affection'. I sighed and waved him off. If you couldn't give yourself for answers where you even an Assassin?

"Listen, you do what you have to do for information. That is the way I was taught. My body is a tool, a weapon, and occasionally a way to get out of trouble." I grimaced to myself, repeating the same words Drakos did so long ago. "Besides, if she would have came closer we could be spotted and it would blow our cover. I'll do what it takes to put Drako's in the ground." I muttered angrily.

He didn't say another word as we pushed our way through the crowded market place. Our steps falling on the stone walkway. Chariots came in and out, horse's hooves clopping on the ground. The chatter level was starting to rise as the night went on. Violins, banjos, flutes, drums, and other percussion filled the air as we passed by a tavern. A group of men standing out front.

I felt my nerves grow. Hoping that my small frame wouldn't give me away. Out of fear, I snaked my arm around Drake's not as tight and clingy as before. I could feel their stares on my back as we continued passed them. I blew a sharp breath out of my nose, trying not to show how unnerved I was. Drake's arm lightly squeezed me, trying to provide comfort. The streets where getting more tight now, weaving our way in and out of people. Drunks where starting to become more present as the sun went down over the mountain. This seen was all to familiar now. I was forced to come here almost every night and 'entertain' the Guild, or there grubby side mercenaries.

"We should be almost there. Hang on." Drake leaned in close to my ear. I vaguely realized I was holding on with a death grip. I loosened my hold on him and nodded. I hated this place at night, despite how gorgeous it was, it was always filled with sleazy men looking to get a fix. I stumbled forward as a drunk man threw his arm around me, leaning his full body onto mine. I grunted under the force and tried to shove him off me, only for him to do it again.

"I bet your real purdy under all them clothes sweet heart." His rotten alcohol stench filled my nostrils. My stomach squeezed tightly, trying not to vomit at the smell.

"Sorry fella, I'm already with a client. Maybe next time." I forced a giggle, trying to calm my nerves. It was just a drunk, you can do this.

"I'll pay you three times the amount he is, for just one night of fun sweetie." He grinned, yellow teeth showing. Thankfully my face was hidden by the hood as I grimaced, appalled by his look.

"I'm all set tonight sugar. Run along now." I cooed, tugging on Drake's arm to hurry. He pulled me away from the drunk man. Or at least tried. The man snatched my arm and painfully pulled me away from Drake. I gasped surprised as his arms wrapped around my chest, constricting me to him. Panicked, I stomped on his foot and smashed my head towards his nose.

He howled angrily as he let go, rubbing his bleeding nose painfully. Pleased with the results I grabbed Drake's hand and ran. Hoping that the alerted Guild members wouldn't be able to find us before the drunk man gave our description. I pushed through more people, peaking over heads as I tried to find the Inn.

Drake jerked me to the side and towards a stone building. A sign with a picture of a bed, and cursive lettering spelling 'Inn' dangled from the roof. I sighed in relief as he pushed the door open and we entered the lobby. A female sat at the desk, looking up surprised at our sudden urgent presence. She was a pretty dirty blonde, dressed in a purple pleated dress. White silks present underneath. Her bodice was a string tied at the front, her pushed so tight together they peaked out the top. The lobby its self was pretty. Wood paneling for the floors just freshly cleaned. A stand at the side held an array of different purple colored flowers. A set of stairs on each side of the building for different hallways. Dried flowers sat in small bouquets hung on the wall.

If the area was their central, this place would be considered classy, elegant. But I knew better than that. This place was mostly used for crimes and sex trafficking. She must be new, or had a debt to settle if she worked here. Poor girl. Drake approached the desk dropping my hand, and taking a bag of coins. I stopped him, baring his way to the desk and sighed. Why pay when I could get us a room for free. I reached into my side pouch and pulled out my Assassins signet. I grabbed it before I left, knowing full well that I would need it for this reason. It ensured we had free housing for 'fun'.

"Can I get a room please, sugar? There is a man in need of entertainment." I tried to force a smile in my voice. This was all to familiar and I hated the way it felt. I could already feel hands around my neck. I know Drake wouldn't do it, but it was just a ghostly memory that I couldn't shake.

"I'll give you the best room in the house darling. Hope you two have a good night. Take the stairs to the right." She giggled as she passed us a key. I passed her a gold coin as a tip and held Drake's hand. Trying to keep the presentation going. It would look suspicious if we parted like this now. Besides this is what the Inn was for after all. So we climbed the stairs. You could barely fit two people down it, it was so narrow. Reaching the hallway, I let Drake's hand go and watched as he checked the door against the key in his hand until he found our room. Unlocking it, he pushed open the door and allowed me to enter first. It was weird not being yanked in and forced on to my hands and knees.

It was a small standard room. A single four poster bed, with a night stand by its side. A small convenience dresser sat against the wall, and a single small window on the other. The whole room smelt heavily of old Tabaco and alcohol. Casually I walked over and propped the window open, hoping to air out some of the smells. I sighed to myself, the smells and scenery bringing back bad memories.

"I'll sleep on the floor tonight, you can have the bed." I turned around and watched him pull his hood off, his face looking tired.

"Oh for crying out loud, there is room for both of us. It's just one night." He looked at the bed, calculating. I rolled my eyes and flipped my hood off as well. Welcoming the freeing feeling when I pulled my mask off as well.

"I don't know Aria..." He scratched his head nervously. I crossed my arms over my chest annoyed with him.

"You've slept with women right?" His face hardened at the question. Clearly not wanting to answer that. I giggled and sat on the bed, bouncing on the mattress before laying down.

"I'll take your silence as a yes. Stop being uptight about it. We are adults are we not? It's not like I'm not experienced. Besides, we are working after all." I stretched and yawned, putting my hands behind my head. It would be weird if I slept alone anyway, Sebastion and I have always slept in the same bed.

"You trust me that much?" I felt the mattress shift under his weight. I tensed as I felt him lean over me, a grin on his face. The close proximity of our bodies made me come to life, a heat seeping through my legs. What was this feeling? I have never felt it before. I wasn't sure if it was welcoming, or alarming.

"Does it bother you that I might?" I asked him. Surprise lit upon his face as he stared down at me. A questioning look crossed his face as he searched mine. What was he looking for?

"I am a gentleman. I don't share beds with uninterested women." He stated. I burst out laughing at his response. Yet here he was entering my personal space.

"Yet here you are invading my personal space." I gently caressed his chest and watched him flinch under my touch. I felt myself grin and placed my hand back down on the bed. Carefully I propped myself on my elbows, adrenaline now taking over. "Who said I wasn't interested anyway. By your reaction, it seems you are as well." Oh dear lord what had I done. Was I even vaguely ready to just throw myself at someone? Why did he make me so wantinous. His eyes darkened as the storm turned from calm to raging. I bit my lip, knowing I had stepped to far. So casually I laid back against the bed and sighed.

"You are no fun to tease. Such a pity really. It feels nice though, I can't tease Sebastion this way." I muttered as I closed my eyes. I don't think I could sleep even if I wanted to. My body was humming and screaming for him to touch me.

"Teasing are you? So if I do this,' I felt his hand lay gently on my hip and my eyes burst open. "Ah, so you do feel it. How intriguing. You are normally so guarded and impassive, but even under my touch you come to life. Tell me Aria, where you really just teasing?" There was a dark edge to his voice as he spoke. I felt the blood rush to my face as I looked away, staring out the window in hope he would drop it. But he wouldn't, because he gently captured my face in his hands and forced me to look at him. My heart pounded in my chest and ears. The heat intensifying between my legs.

"I think we should sleep." I said weakly. He smirked, his fingers slowly stroking my sides. I bit my lip, trying to stifle the moans that wanted to erupt from my mouth. What was he doing to me?

"You will confess eventually Aria. For now I will leave you alone. But for the future, don't tease me like this again." He let me go and rolled over to the empty side of the bed. The burning sensation still on high. I could still feel his hands on my body, still wanting to feel him all over me. If there was even a small chance I would get sleep tonight, it wasn't going to happen now. How dare he fight my tease with his own. I have never been rendered speechless before, let alone by a man. My pride was wounded now.

I watched as he closed his eyes, the grin still upon his face as he settled into bed. Gods though he really was so attractive. The most attractive man I had ever seen before. A huge part of me wanted to keep playing him and see what he would do, but for now I was glad that he had enough restraint and would hold back. I don't think I was ready for that kind of treatment. Not yet at least.