
Master's Secret

After fleeing the Assassin's Guild, Aria and Sebastion find themselves teaming up with A mysterious man. He wishes not to reveal his identity and no one is allowed to question him. Their goal is the same, bring down the guild. But is their something more to this mysterious man? What could he possibly be hiding?

Woodnessa_98 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

I Am Here

I was surrounded by darkness, a heavy blanket draped over my body. It was hot and uncomfortable being under all this pressure. I kicked it off as gracefully as I could before sitting up in the bed. Heat radiated off my body in waves, it made me feel clammy and sticky as I tossed my legs over the bed. I practically shrieked in surprise as the cool floor hit my burning feet. It was so cold it practically numbed my senses. There was a flickering light that bounced off the walls. I rubbed my eyes as I pulled my body off the bed and walked over to the table that sat across the room.

"Aria, you are awake." I heard the surprise in Drake's voice. Even he sounded exhausted. I dropped my hands from my eyes and took him in. I sighed when I found him bent over the table, feather quill in hand, looking over documents. He had deep bags under his eyes, and the look of a very fatigued man. I planted my hands on my hips, getting ready to scold him, but he gave me a small smile and waved me over to him. I pursed my lips together, but did as he wanted.

"What are you still doing up Drake?" I asked as I walked around the table to stand before him. With a tired grin, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me down to straddle him. I could feel my face flush with embarrassment, but he just buried his head against my chest. I was very aware of how sticky I felt and tried to pull away from him. He held me firm in response, dismissing my attempts of wiggling free.

"Work never rests my dear. I still have an invasion to plan for and a rescue mission on top of it. Princess Lilliana may be in the Palace, but we still have to walk on egg shells. If we so much as tip off King Travis that we are in the walls of the Palace he will have no problems killing her and then toppling over the Kingdom." There was so much strain in his voice as he spoke. It was disheartening seeing him like this. I stroked his silky black hair with my hands, trying to provide comfort.

"I am surprised they don't do that any way. It's not common for Drakos to kill for what he wants." I remarked bitterly. Drake sighed in response, nodding his head in agreement. He gripped me tightly as he rose his head, looking more tired and defeated than he had before. I brushed the loose strands from his forehead, watching as they fell back in place.

"He keeps the people alive so they can do the manual labor for him. Once the mine is depleted, I am sure they will use the invasion to over throw the Kingdom. The King and Queen are very well aware of the situation. But forming a plan under the nose of King Travis has been increasingly difficult. I fear that there may be a mole in our ranks other then Aspin. Every time we communicate, something always throws a wrench in our plans." He growled angrily. His eyes where wavering as he grew more tired. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. It was such a big responsibility to try and save an entire kingdom. Knowing that you had to walk on eggshells because if one cracked, the whole world would erupt.

"Let me send for my people. They are Assassins so they can blend in and help us snuff the moles. They hate Drakos just as much as I do, so they would have no problems helping. I have personally over seen their training and have taken them out into the field. They are reliable and have already pledged their loyalty to me. As far as trust goes, I would trust them with my own life." I offered, resting my arms around his neck. He searched my face quietly. I could feel him battling with himself. He didn't want to put the job at jeopardy, nor me. But a little extra help would go a long way with us, and it may even help us get the upper hand.

"If you send for them, you work behind closed doors. I know you are a target more than the Princess is. They only need her for the cooperation of the mines. You are more valuable to Drakos than she ever will be. If he has his hands on you, I doubt he will stick to what ever plan he has now." Drake muttered under his breath. I placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him gently. I knew he was worried about me, but what he doesn't realize is that Drakos unknowingly created his own demise. He made me intelligent, and scheming. He won't even know what hit him until it was too late.

"Drakos won't even know what hit him. I'll make sure of it." I cooed. I watched the strain on his face slowly melt away and a small smile spread across his face. The tension in his body relaxed and I could feel my self visibly relax as well. As much as I wanted to continue to sit here, I was still very aware that I was a hot and sticky mess. So I climbed off his lap, his hands dropped away from my back. I gently grabbed his hands with mine and guided him over to the pool. He raised his eyebrows in question, but I ignored him as I quickly discarded my clothes and slowly walked in, giving him a sheepish grin over my shoulders.

The tired look in his eyes grew dark and hungry as he let himself wander down my body. Lust replaced reason as I watched him undress, my eyes roaming down ever inch of his taught and muscled body. The warm color of his skin tone flickering against the light of the torch that lit the corner of the room we where sitting in. He looked more threatening than ever in the shadows of the light. I watched as he waded in to the water, his eyes set upon my face and nothing else. He was so possessive, it was quite honestly arousing. But I had no plans on doing anything other than getting him to relax. He was so tensed up about these situations that he was going to gray faster than he would age.

As he now stood before me, I smiled and forced him to turn in the water. He was reluctant at first, but eventually gave him. His shoulders slumped forward in defeat. The water lapped against my chest as I slowly dragged my fingers down his back. I loved the way it rolled under my hands, each muscle firm under my touch. I could feel the deep rumble of approval from his chest as I slightly dug my fingers into the knots of his back. It felt natural to take care of him, like this was something I always did. In reality, this was the first time I had ever actually done anything for him. He was always so eager to help me, but now it was my chance to show him how much I actually appreciated him.

"You know that I am here for you right Drake? You don't have to shoulder this alone. You can't be responsible for everything." I spoke softly to him. I worked my fingers in slow circles as the knots rolled under my tips. They where stiff and hard from tension and stress. He was more composed in his emotions then I thought. The weight of the situation must way on him heavily. More than he was really letting on.

"This is not the only thing I have to shoulder Aria. I am the Crown Prince of A Black Dragon Clan. My work extends even farther from this current situation. I have many Dragons I have to care for on top of the people of this Kingdom." His voice was barely a whisper, but my keen sense of hearing could still pick up on his soft words. I sighed and turned him towards me. His eyes where tired once again. I gently pushed him down on to the steps of the pool water submerged up to the base of his neck. I straddled him and sat against his lap, wrapping my arms around him.

"Well, you aren't alone either. If you want this to work between us, you need to open up to me too. I want to help. I have general base knowledge of how royals and kingdoms work. Granted its only been used for assassinations in my past, but still knowledge none the less. It's best if I learn from you any way since I myself am a royal." I gave a playful wink. He chuckled in response and crushed me against his chest. His very erect shaft pressing against my stomach. I could feel the heat pooling heavily between my legs upon contact. My vagina pulsing in anticipation and need. I tried to shove the feelings down as much as possible, my main focus only being to take care of him.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm. But right now you need to take care of yourself. Focus on keeping yourself out of trouble and when the time comes, you can help me. Trying to keep yourself save is already a hefty task as it is." He murmured. His shaft twitched against my stomach and I could feel my body flex in response. Focus Aria, don't let lust get the better of you. But Drake felt my body tighten, and in response his fingers gripped around my waist. I sucked in a hesitant breath as his fingers brushed against my now sensitive skin. I dropped my head against his shoulder trying to stifle my moans.

He planted soft and gentle kisses against my neck, more reassuring than desire. He was trying to hold back as well, the gentleman in him winning out against his own demanding arousal. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to hold off any more. It was clear we both wanted this. I gently threaded my hands through his hair, feeling the soft silky strands through my fingers. I pulled away from his neck, my lips parted with need. Drake's eyes where like to rocky storms that ravaged the sea in them. They where dark and filled with need. That was enough to send me over. That was all I needed to press my hungry lips against his and crush myself against him.

His hold gripped tightly against me as our lips melted together. His tongue grazed my mouth until I opened up to him, our tongues lashing together in desperate need. Drake let go of my waist and wrapped his arm around my back and the other through my loose black locks. I could feel his fingers gently scrap my scalp as he pulled my head back. I panted heavily, my lungs sucking in the air it had been deprived from moments ago. He placed hot and desperate kisses down my neck. Nipping and sucking his way down until he reached my collarbone. I moaned quietly in desperation, no longer able to hold out against him.

I felt him loosen his hold of my hair and grabbed my hips into his hands. I let out a sudden gasp as he lifted me up and poised himself near my entrance, but he didn't force me onto him, not yet. Kneeling over him, he slipped a finger between my folds and I hissed in pleasure. His fingers where causing so many waves of hot pleasure that coursed through me. I arched my back and felt as my hips tried to ride his fingers, wanting more. The pressure built in my lower abdomen, threatening to erupt and send me down a spiral of euphoric satisfaction. I moaned out his name as his thumb stroked my fleshy bundle of nerves. I gripped the pool wall behind his head and came undone. My body convulsing heavily around his fingers and sending me into a deep pool of bliss.

I sat panting heavily, my eyes closed in content as the waves slowly rolled away. My muscles felt heavy and relaxed as he pulled his fingers out of my entrance. I could feel my self collapse back onto his lap, my head falling gently against his shoulder as I tried to calm my nerves. My head was swimming from my hard and wonderful orgasm. I felt his hands slip around my buttocks once more and casually lift me into the air. I could feel my legs shaking with anticipation as he let his shaft just graze my already sensitive entrance. I called out his name, practically biting his shoulder as he pushed past my folds.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him tightly as he forced his way into me. I cried out, his shaft making me stretch around him. He was so large that I briefly thought he was going to break me. I heard his moan of approval as he sheathed himself all the way inside me, letting me adjust to him. My brain was so clouded with desire that I couldn't help but start moving on my own. My hips thumping against him as the waves of pleasure returned, stronger than before after my last orgasm. I couldn't help calling his name over and over again as I rode his shaft, wanting him to ravage me.

Drake stilled my hips with his hands. I let my lip puff out into a pout, but he nipped at it with his teeth as he lifted my legs with his arms. He shifted himself so that the smooth stone was pressed against my back. Drake had my legs over his shoulders now, and was impaled so deep inside me. A loud moan escaped my lips as he started moving again, faster and harder. The water roughly coming up and down in small waves as he pounded in me relentlessly. I could feel my insides being stirred by this wild beast. I cried out his name over and over again, begging him to release inside me.

I gripped the stairs as I screamed out his name, my body pulsing hard around him, wanting to suck every last drop of semen from his pulsing and twitching shaft. With a hard grunt, I felt his warm sticky seed spill inside me, coating my walls. I threw my head back as I took him in, my chest heaving heavily with our intertwined bodies. No longer moving inside me, he placed his head against my shoulder, out of breath and planting kiss gently on my neck.

"Damn Aria, you are so beautiful." He choked out as he nuzzled my neck. I let out a breathy laugh as I weakly wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't help the fatigue that started to wash over me as I let him hold me, still sheathed inside. We sat there, collecting our brains and our breaths. The pool still lapped against the walls of the pool from our animalistic mating. Drake gave a small sigh as he pulled out of me, but instead of letting me sit in the pool, he wrapped me up into his arms and carried me bridal style to the bed. I tried to protest that we where wet, but he ignored me.

He gently placed me on the bed, his hands brushing wet strands of hair from my forehead before crawling in behind me. His blue eyes where calm, two gentle seas that flowed softly in the night sky. I planted a soft kiss on his lips as he wrapped him self around me, our wet bodies pressed against each other. I watched as he fought to stay away, his eye lids fluttering to stay awake. I couldn't help but smile and kiss his forehead.

"It's okay. Rest now Drake. I will be right here." With a deep sigh his eyes shut and he nestled into the crook of my neck. His warm breaths tickled my neck. This man was now my everything. I would do what ever it took to make sure he was happy and stayed that way. He wanted to protect me just as much as I wanted to protect him. I wouldn't let anyone hurt him.