


All my life I wondered what was out there, never did I think it was Werewolves. that's what I discovered on an unfortunate Saturday evening that one summer. now I tell you, dear readers, my dark and tragic life.

100 years ago I was a human, I was fairly attractive and successful at the age of 25. I just started my summer Vacation when all of this began.

The sun was setting over the Florida Ocean waters and I sat there by myself on the beach. my Fiance had just broken up with me after I discovered him cheating on my with his own mother's boyfriend. Yeah, he was gay. And who the man was didn't sit well with either me or his mother, I'm pretty sure she disowned him too because of it.

Anyways, the calming sunset had me lost in thought, and due to this I didn't realize that right behind me was a man who will change my life.

He was a brute of a man. he stood at 6ft"9, weighed nearly 260 pounds. he had a dark tan, black hair and copper colored eyes. Yeah, he was gorgeous, and the fact that I still see him that way scares me.

he knelt down beside me and tapped my shoulder. "You shouldn't be here after dark, young lady." he said. his voice was perfect too, a deep baritone that wasn't rapsy.

I fell for him instantly, and he could tell, and trust me he used that to his advantage.

"what's your name?" he asked me, and if course I told him right away.

"An-Andrea." I told him shyly. He gave me a hand to help me up.

"Well, Andrea. Can you help me? me and my brothers are needing some help with our large family. a d unfortunately I am the oldest. out parents aren't around anymore to help care for the children." he said with a small smile.

"Of course I'll help. I love kids! And I'm really good with them!"