

[Ding! congratulation host to completed the hidden quest]

Andre feels confuse with this announcement. He does not remember that he accepted any mission before.

"System, when did I received the quest?"

[Host can see the quest from quest section]

"then, I want to see Quest"


=> have at least three teachers (hidden) *

"why is it hidden?"

[Hidden mean that Host need to fulfill some hidden standards]

"then, what is the meaning of the star symbol beside that word?"

[It means Host has not yet receive the reward for completing the quest]

"I want to receive the reward now"

[Ding! Congratulation Host for received the reward, please choose]


=> Secretary

=> Treasurer

=> Building (Random)

"I choose secretary"

[Ding! Congratulation Host for receiving a secretary, here is the data]

Name: George Delima

Age: 37 Years old

Gender: Male

Grade: A

Major: Public Administration (Intermediate, Unique)

[Initializing the Secretary backgrounds....]

[George Delima is a man full with passion. He is someone who likes to travelling around the world. One day, He is come to Menang town and meet a beautiful woman and later become his wife. now He is looking for a job and you offered a job to him which is become your secretary. He is now in your school and is taking care of your paperworks]

Andre now feels completely speechless with the system method. He never meet this man and yet the system said He offered a job to this George guy.

At this moment, his iphone x started ringing again. and the one who calls him is none other than George. without any other choice, in the end Andre answer the call.

"Andre my good boss! I know you are busy but at least you need to inform me if you already have new teachers. so you can make my job easier!"

"I am sorry about that, I just want to tell you about it"

"Really? well I don't really care about it. but you need to come here. there are many documents that you need to sign"

"okay, I will be there soon. Bye"


Andre walks to the closet and takes an appropriate clothes and wears it. then He take his apartment key and car key.

Even before He left the apartment, a cat sounds in the room. Andre paused before the door and turned back to see where did the sounds come. He notice that something is moving under his bed and found there is a cat there. In the end He choose to bring the cat along.

As he left, Andre notices that many others are heading to the garage on the basement.

the people who are rushing down to the garage just glance at Andre quickly and walked past him. But several of them notice the cat Andre bring along with him. But nobody stops and ask him about it because they are not an acquaintance.

when he arrives to the garage at the basement floors, He pressed the button at his own key and found his own car which is white in color.

He put the car in the passenger seat and began to drives to his own school.

He just need 15 minutes to arrives. when Andre arrives there, He notice a 3-story building which is looking very new compared to the building he looks around his apartment.

Andre parked his car and bring his own cat to his office, which is at third floors. when he arrive there he notice a man wearing a formal outfit that you would usually look at employees in general. The man works on the table full of paper. Andre know about the papers and feels a little guilty about it.