
Mass Effect: Reimagined

Shepard, now the Shepards, find themselves abroad the Normandy, heading towards the human colony of Eden Prime to begin a shake-down run for the new vessel with a Turian spectre… What could be waiting just around the corner? ------------------------------------- This is a tale of three Shepherds, their journey to repeatedly save the galaxy from imminent destruction, and of a peculiar mercenary who seems to know a little more than they should. ------------------------------------- Please follow along on my artistic retelling of my favorite sci-fi video game series of all time and what I consider my first true video game addiction that I spent many sleepless nights replaying over and over again to unlock all the dialogue and my first ever 100% complete game. This will have a tie in to my other Fan Fictions but it will be fairly minimal for the first few volumes so no need to read it unless you'd like to read more of my work. ------------------------------------- Also, in case there is still some confusion, there are three Shepards. The Twins, which will mainly be in Mass Effect 1, and their younger sister, who comes into play in the second and third games. They are meant to outline the content behind the three origins and psychological profiles. There is also a transmigrator from my Skyrim Fanfiction, who becomes this peculiar mercenary. Think of him as a fan fiction within the fan fiction. And he has his own volumes within the series about his path to being who he will be and how he will carry on the story after Mass Effect 3. IE Andromeda, but much better.

Lemon_Square · Video Games
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30 Chs

The Citadel XVI

"I… uh. I'm not so sure I should be talking to you about this." The salarian says still nervous.

"We're just talking. Is there something wrong with that?" Sampson questions.

"No… I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you…" The salarian finally relents and relaxes slightly.

"I'm Chorban, a scientist. I'm using a small scanner to gather readings on the keepers. So far, I've had mixed results. I find it difficult to get near the creatures." Chorban says while wiping his brow.

"Why were you being so secretive about it? Is it illegal to scan them?" Sampson questions.

"Well, technically, we're not supposed to disturb the keepers. I don't really think my scanning disturbs them, but the authorities might disagree. I'd like to do it more openly, but it's not really worth getting arrested over." Chorban explains.

"I would be happy to help you gather the readings you need, so long as I get to keep a copy of the findings once you publish them." Sampson offers enthusiastically.

"I don't even know who you are? How do I know you won't just run off with the data?" Chorban questions wearily.

"My name's Sampson Shepard. I'm with Special Tactics and Reconnaissance." Sampson introduces himself some what proudly, making Sapphire roll her eyes.

"A Spectre? Well, nobody would dare stop you… But why do you want a copy of the data?" Chorban asks with confusion.

"I love studying different groups, the less I know the more I want to find out." Sampson says with a shrug.

"I see, a fellow curious mind. All right, then. You'll need this. It's the scanning device I developed. Activate it each time you see a keeper. All collected data will automatically upload to my database. I'll even send a few credits your way for each unique scan." Chorban says with a smile as he hands over his scanner.

"I know why I'm doing this, but what do you plan to do with the data?" Sampson asks, taking the scanner.

"It's the same as you, I'm trying to learn whatever I can about the keepers. We see them working everywhere, yet we know so little about them. I'm a scientist. I want to know what makes them tick." Chorban explains.

"Good to know, we should get going." Sampson says, turning to leave.

"I understand, I have much work to do myself. So long, and good luck with the scanning." Chorban says as he leaves as well.

"Lieutenant Corporal Shepard. What are you doing here? I haven't seen you since…" A pained look crosses the admiral's face as he looks at Sapphire, hesitating before looking to Sampson.

"Commander Shepard, I'm Rear Admiral Kahoku, I've worked with your sister on a number of missions. It's about time the Alliance got one of our own in with the Spectres. We need people like you to deal with our… Problems." Kahoku says while rubbing his neck towards the end.

"Is something wrong, Sir?" Sapphire asks while also giving Kahoku a salute which proves to surprise Sampson as his sister hadn't been particularly in line with the proper procedures as of late.

Seeing Sapphire address him like that seems to take a weight off his shoulders as he noticeably relaxes, "I'm getting stonewalled by bureaucratic assholes. Nothing new." Kahoku says with a roll of his eyes.

"Always is, Sir." Sapphire says with a light laugh, which Sampson hasn't heard for a while.

"Maybe you two can help me? One of my recon teams was investigating some strange activity out in the Traverse. We lost contact yesterday. Now I can't get clearance to check it out; suddenly, it's a restricted area. But that doesn't apply to you, Commander. Spectres can go anywhere they want. You can find out why my team dropped out of contact." Kahoku implores Sampson.

"Don't worry, Sir, we'll find them." Sapphire volunteers Sampson without a second thought.

"I appreciate that, Lieutenant Colonel. I was running out of options. I'm going to stay here and see if I can find anything out through official channels. Won't hold my breath, though." Kahoku says, returning to his omni-tool.

"I wouldn't if I were you, Sir." Sapphire jokes before receiving the coordinates to her omni-tool and walking away.

Sampson decides not to question her excellent mood for now, instead opting to scan the Keepers in the area to gather that data when he notices a man near a staircase that seems particularly stressed out.

Sampson approaches him in concern.

"Talk to someone else if you need anything. I've got a lot on my mind." The man with thinning hair says as the bags under his eyes become even more apparent.

"Maybe I could help?" Sampson asks with concern.

"Hmmm… Maybe you can. You're a soldier, right? You ever head out to the Traverse?" The man asks with a faint glimmer of hope.

"The Traverse is a rough place, I've been out there a number of times on deployment." Sampson answers.

"My bother's the captain of a ship called the Majesty. It was crossing the traverse a few days ago when it disappeared. Just dropped right off the grid. That usually means one of two things: they had massive mechanical failure, or they were attacked." The man begins to explain.

"Any idea who would want to attack your brother and why?" Sampson asks.

"Privateers. Slavers. Mercs looking for an easy score. There's a lot of nasty sorts out in the Traverse." The man says.

"Hey, there's a few good samaritans out there… But ya mostly right, it's the Wild West out there." Conrad chimes in.

"Regardless, I won't give up on my brother. Not yet, I've got the coordinates for the last transmission from his vessel." The man explains.

"What kind of ship was it?" Sampson asks.

"Don't let the name fool you. The Majesty's just a small trading vessel. Only a handful of crew. But he kept it in good condition. I don't think mechanical failure is too likely. Though, they don't have any real weapons or shields. If anyone did come after them, the Majesty'd be a sitting duck." The man elaborates.