
The Citadel VIII

"Okay, okay. Just relax. Garrus, you say? Heh. You must be one of Anderson's crew. Poor bastard's still trying to bring Saren down, eh?" Harkin says holding his hands up in surrender before relaxing as he takes another drink of his liquor.

"I know where Garrus is. But you gotta tell me something first. Did the captain let you in on his big secret?" Harkin asks as he downs another shot.

"Stop wasting my time and tell me where Garrus is before this gets ugly." Sapphire says patting her shotgun once more.

"But it's all related. Don't you see? The captain used to be a Spectre. Didn't know that, did you? It was all very hush-hush. The first human ever given that honor. And then he blew it. Screwed up his mission so bad they kicked him out. Of course, he blames Saren. Says the turian set him up." Harkin says.

"Why should I believe a drunk like you?" Sapphire retorts.

"Don't believe me? Fine, ask Anderson yourself. I bet he tells you. He's to stupid and proud to lie right to your face." Harkin says waving his hand and taking another shot.

"If they covered this all up like you've said. How did you get to hear about it?" Sapphire asks in obvious doubt.

"I spent twenty years working cases here on the Citadel. People on this station love to talk. Secrets are like herpes. If you got'em you might as well spread'em around." Harkin says with a disgusting smirk.

"You're a pig." Sapphire says in disgust.

"Just now figuring that out, are you?" Harkin says with an eye roll.

"Enough, just tell me where Garrus went." Sapphire says slamming her fist on the table, knocking over one of his empty shot glasses.

"Garrus was sniffing around Dr. Michel's office. She runs the med clinic on the other side of the wards. Last I heard, he was going back there." Harkin says with a noncommittal shrug.

"Finally." Sapphire says leaving Harkin to his drinking.

"Alright, let's get to that clinic." Sapphire says starting to leave.

"Hold on, I think I see Septimus over at that table." Sampson replies walking over to a nearby table.

"What's bothering you General?" Sampson asks, taking a seat.

Septimus looks at Sampson's N7 rank on his shoulder. "I've seen a lot of horrible things in my days, Commander. And there's only one woman in this damn galaxy that helps me forget it." He says staring into the bottom of his glass mopingly.

"So if you feel that way, then why spread lies about her?" Kaiden says judgmentally.

"Cause she rejected me. Me! Septimus Osaka, General of the Turian fleet!" Septimus shouts like a belligerent child.

"Some General! What kind of example are you to your troops?" Sapphire derides him.

"The troops can kiss my leathery backside. All I wanted was to retire and be with her." Septimus mopes before sighing, "Look, kid. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but don't waste your time."

Sapphire slams her fist into the table making sure to get Septimus' attention, "Never let the enemy see your weakness! You know that, General!"

"Enemies? The one place I always felt at peace was with her, but now…" Septimus sighs once more before leaning back in his chair and setting down his glass.

"So you think it's that easy? Just, straighten up and act like a General?" Septimus asks slightly sobering up.

"I don't think it could hurt." Kaiden chimes in.

"Huh… Maybe you're right, kid. Sha'ira's worth the effort… Even if she won't have me back." Septimus says.

"Now. Get up and get moving, General!" Sapphire says prompting Septimus to stand up.

"You're right! I'll go to her!" Septimus says starting to leave before smelling himself, "After I've had a cold shower. Or two. Say, you seem to be a bright kid. Would you be interested in earning a few extra credits?"

"Depends on the job, I'm definitely not scrubbing your back in the shower." Sapphire says sarcastically.

"No, nothing like that. There's an elcor diplomat out there who believes Sha'ira gave up his secrets." Septimus says.

"Now, why does he think that?" Kaiden asks with a pointed look.

"Because I told him so. Look, I just need you to convince him of the truth." Septimus says.

"And why can't you tell him yourself?" Sapphire asks with her hand on her hip.

"Well, the last time he saw me. I may have been disparaging his ancestors and shouting his secrets in public. This datapad shows where I got my info. It will exonerate Sha'ira and convince the elcor." Septimus explains.

"Yeah, we've met. We'll get it to them." Sapphire says, taking the pad.

"Thanks. Here's to soldiers acting like soldiers." Septimus says finishing his glass before addressing Sapphire.

"Thanks, kid. You know… You might make a good General yourself one day." Septimus compliments her before saluting her and heading off.

"Hard to imagine a general like that getting so upset about a woman." Kaiden says in slight confusion.

"That's because you don't understand women, Kaiden." Ashley says jokingly.

Sampson chuckles silently before taking the datapad from Sapphire and handing it to Kaiden, "She's got you there, Alenko. Mind running this over to the diplomat? We'll go and check out the med-clinic."

"Sure thing Commander. Should we meet back up at the ship?" Kaiden asks taking the datapad.

"Good idea." Sampson nods as the team splits up and Sampson, Sapphire, and Ashley head towards the med-clinic.

After traversing the winding paths of the Wards. The team finds themselves outside the med-clinic.

Sampson opens the door to find Garrus crouched behind a half wall as a couple of thugs are aiming their guns at the doctor.

"I didn't tell anyone! I swear!" The Doctor pleads.

"That was smart, Doc. Now, if Garrus comes around, you stay smart. Keep your mouth shut or we'll-" The thug threatens before noticing Sampson walk into the med-clinic.

The thug then takes the doctor hostage and uses her as a human shield before during his gun on Sampson and asks, "Who are you?"

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