
Mass Effect: Paragons Pursuit

What does a soul do when it needs to heal. What else, but to indulge itself.

Altered_State_127 · Video Games
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World View

Sometimes life takes a weird turn. Some people hit the jackpot and some people die without knowing it. Unfortunately both happened to me. How do I know I'm dead? Well that's easy, I'm staring at Earth as it rotates on its axis. How did I die, well that's a funny story… not really, I had a heart attack once I found out I was a millionaire. Been poor all my life, you know how it goes.

But hitting that jackpot must of used up all the luck I had. I mean it's too bad I won't get to enjoy it, but on the other hand I wasn't very attached to living either. My family at least will be taken care of, so some good came out from this. Anyway we're here to discuss my afterlife, not a lot happening to be honest. No one to talk to, nothing cool to see(it gets boring just watching the world spin). So I contemplate how I lived my life. It wasn't too bad, just kinda sucked.

Had a fucked up childhood that drove me to disconnect with my emotions just to live, an angry teenagehood where I thought the world owed me only to get bitch slapped hard by reality, and last but not least (well maybe least), an early adulthood where I was stuck with the realization that I didn't matter to anyone including myself. Lothing human interaction, but craving it all the same. Being too afraid to care for another cause any more pain would put me over the edge. And what a dark place that bitch is.

And after contemplating it all everything just stops. And out of fucking no where (and I do mean no where) there's a guy beside me. Or at least the outline of one. Nothing but pitch black with no details, not even little nebulas like I expected, just… nothing.

??? "Amazing isn't it. Something so beautiful and yet so deadly." Whatever the fuck it is says and turns to me, or at least I think it does. ??? "Humans have such an amazing gift, intelligence. And yet all that potential is wasted because of it. Such a contradiction don't you think?" I guess it is looking at me.

Not really understanding where the conversation is going, I ponder its words. "I suppose so. However intelligence is nothing if you don't have the willpower to do with it as you please." I think that's a good enough answer.

??? "Indeed, without the willpower to carry out your desires, intelligence matters little. I'm glad we could chat like this again, old friend. It becomes dull waiting for our next meeting."

I'm completely fucking lost right now. I know for a fact I haven't met this thing before, so I can't understand why it seems so familiar.

??? "The act of reincarnation. Purifying the soul so it may be of use again. However you, my friend, are special. After all you have me helping your soul become stronger, or at least the aspects of your soul. Courage, adaptability, reasoning, Intelligence, wisdom, and now Willpower."

??? "So tell me, where are you going for your next adventure? Even though you asked for a vacation I don't think you enjoyed it very much. Your soul still screams out depression."

"Hang on, time out, hold the phone. What the fuck are you talking about? What do you mean my soul still screams out depression?"

??? 'sigh' Did this motherfucker just sigh at me. "You, are a reincarnator. Someone who stands out in death. The first time your soul passed through you retained your memories and yet was still purified. The second time you died you still retained your memories but the purification wasn't as successful. The third, fourth, fifth times became too much for a mortal soul to handle. So I stepped in and started making adjustments to your soul, making it better so you could continue on."

"But that doesn't explain how I don't remember anything now."

??? Indeed, You have been traveling for a very long time my friend, too long actually. The others that are like you ask for wipes normal after 7 to 13 lives. You've never asked for a wipe before and when I've offered it to you simply shrug me off. That is until you asked for a vacation. Simply put, I've put a block on your memories so you could enjoy yourself. However that does not seem to be the case. In fact it seems even more damage was done. This will not do. Your soul is too steeped in violence, and the world you were in did not exactly meet your demands. Which world would you like to go to now?"

Wait what… "I'm not exactly following you here. Can you simplify shit?"

??? 'sigh' This Motherfucker. "You are someone who has repeatedly died and been brought back. You accumulated so much stress and depression that you asked for a vacation on your birth world with your memories locked away. However the wariness in your soul didn't disperse, but instead grew worse. Now I'm sending you to a world of your choice so that the issue can be resolved. Questions?"

"Um… just one actually, how exactly do I go about getting my memories back?"

??? "While in your new world your old memories will gradually fall back into place. If I give them to you all at once it could make the situation more dire."

Well shit. Suppose there's not much else to do but think where I wanna go. Honestly somewhere Sci-Fi sounds dope, but at the same time I wanna have a good time. Halo's out, all there is, is fighting and sleeping. I've never been into StarCraft, Star wars and Startrek are kinda eh. Fallout is too desolate, Stargate sounds fun but I don't remember shit from the shows. Mass Effect kinda sucked at the end, but I do know everything about it. I've read the books, played the games, watched the movie, and seen the comics. Plus blowing up giant robotic cuttlefish sounds fun. Fuck it M.E. it is.

??? "So you've decided." "Yeah, Send me to the Mass Effect universe. About 10 years before M.E. 1 took place.

??? "Is there anything else you'd like before going?"

"Now that I think about it, my life here sucked due to me not having any cash to play with. I want to inherit a fortune. And is there any way for me to get some sort of inventory? Plus…" I feel the things "gaze" intensify on me. "Can I be reincarnated into a 17 year old human MALE body with a Spartan 2 physique?"

??? "... 'sigh'" Motherfucker. "All is possible. You will inherit the fortunes of Henry Lawson. You shall be granted your knowledge on Space manipulation limited to parallel space, however most items that are in your "inventory" shall be sealed off till your next journey, we don't need a repeat of the Starwars universe. Honestly just because the Force made you mad does not mean you can use the Halo installations on the universe."

If I had eyes they would have anime sparkles right now. I'm really curious about what I have in my Inventory now.

??? "As for the body… I can influence Henry to try to imitate Warlord Okeer, but I can't directly interfere with anything. Is there ANYTHING else?"

Once more I feel its "gaze" intensify. I don't think I should push for anything else, he seems a little pissed. "No, no I'm good. But I do have a question. What's your name?"

??? "I don't have one. I was created to supervise and help you through your journey. However you did give me a name."

A few seconds go by. "Are you going to elaborate or…"

??? "I don't think I will. You will know when your journey is finished. Until next time my friend."

With those words said I feel something pull me away. "Till next time Shade. (Not the actual name, just something it will be called.)

Next thing I know I'm rocketing across space. It feels like forever and no time at all. Then all I know is darkness.

POV ??? (Shade)

As I watch the only friend I have shoot off to his next journey I shake my head, a trait I picked up from him. I hope this journey heals the worst of his wounds. Otherwise I might have to ignore his wishes and inform "Them".

Looking back at the world he came from I can't help but wonder why such a small insignificant place can continuously pump out monstrous entities.

Following him, I start working on the newest orders I've received. Looking for the greatest opportunity to influence Henry. Once found I begin influencing him to want the perfect son, and whispering how to make it so.

Watching as the years roll by and the body takes shape only to shake my head. It is a failure, so I go back and start again, fixing the things that go wrong. Over and over again until finally, finally he gets it right.

Seeing the body perfected, I marvel at the body I helped shape for him. Now then, time for Henry to die. He should get a kick out of the way I finish Henry off. Now it's time to sleep. Sleep, what a beautiful thing, don't you think so friends? (^-^)

I've wanted to do a Mass Effect SI for the longest time now. And don't worry about the other stories, I'm still working on them or at least trying to. But writers block is real and it's a pain in the ass.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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