
Mass Effect:Inception

In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy call it... MASS EFFECT. A Teen seemingly around the age of 19-20 woke in a room that was unknown to him. Suddenly Memories washed into his mind. Knowledge that wasn't his own Unbeknownst, A small camera in the corner of the darkroom was silently looking down at him. as if it was silently observing his every movement "Finally....A working test subject...." (I Clearly do not own Mass Effect.If this pic is yours and want it down then don't hesitate to ask)

Overload_man32 · Video Games
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10 Chs

Medical Wing

Chapter 6: Medical Wing 




The sound of people could be heard as multiple Cerberus troops were currently running away from something. Their heads were ducked below as they tried to avoid the rain of bullets that were directly aimed at them. Some missed while some hit their targets head-on. Killing or heavily injuring the majority of them 

They continued to run down the hallway as they looked up to see their safe haven. The Medical Wing.

With a surge of energy, the very few remaining Cerberus that were lucky to be alive rushed inside of the Medical Wing. Making a few more pop-shots at their enemy before the sound of hydraulics could be heard as the massive door behind them closed. Separating them from the horror that was on the other side.

"Clank, Clank, Clank"

If you look down the hallway the Cerberus agents were running from, you would see a man fully geared up in Cerberus Ajax Armor slowly walking down the hallway towards the door. 

He looked at the door, realizing he made it where he needed to go. Now all he had to do was to find Dr. Everstean's office and get the DataCore. The rest should be smooth sailing from there. Well smooth as in more shooting at people's heads and crushing them with biotics abilities. 

1183 lifted his arm right as his Omni-tool appeared. He typed something inside of his Mini-computer. Using the level 2 clearance he had gained previously he swiped his arm at the front of the door but stopped mid-motion. Realizing the dangers that were stored for him on the other side. He decided to take this chance for a reprise as he sat down on top of a nearby crate. Thinking of his next move.

"They probably don't realize I have a data clearance. But they're probably setting up defenses around the door As I speak. "

"I should probably check my stats before I go any further"  Deciding to take this moment to get stronger, he checked his stats to level up.

[User Has Reached Level 3!] 

[User Has Received (6) Skill Points]


[Subject 1183]


[Shields:568] (Base:455)



[Some Skills Are Not Available]

[There are (6) Skills Available]

[Offensive Biotics: Available]

[Charge: Available]

[Lance: Available]

[Tactical Cloak: Available]

[Tech Armor: Available]

[Battlemaster: Available]

He looked over the brand new skill that was available to him. All of which picked his interest since they were all incredibly useful. But there was one on the list that picked his interest the most since he has never seen it before in any of the games. 

[Battlemaster: Available]

"Battlemaster? Exclusive Skill? What's that?" 1183 said to himself as he stepped over the fresh bodies of a few Cerberus Guards that tried to stop him. He was making his way towards the Medical Bay, which he should reach at any minute now when he heard the familiar AI voice that was inside of his head. Telling him that he had reached a new level.

[Note: Exclusive skill means that It's specifically tailored for you User. Just like how Commander Shepard has exclusive skills only they can use, User will also have abilities that only you can manipulate]

"Wait…Does that mean I'll have powers that no other has access to?"

[Response: As the user continues to grow in skill, powers, and levels, more abilities will be available for you to unlock. That does include Exclusive skills]

1183 was quite happy with the response he got. The reality of having skills that were exclusive to him and him alone was intriguing to hear. He'll have to grind some more in order to see them 

Out of curiosity, he clicked on the skill. Wanting to see what it could provide for him.

[Battlemaster: Exclusive skill]

[Become stronger, faster, fiercer, and more powerful as you become the ultimate force on the battlefield]


[Your relentless fighting style and superior genes make you a force to be reckoned with. increasing your Health, Shields, Overall damage, Reduces power recharge times, Storm speed, and increases your Paragon and Renegade influence]

[Health: +10.00%]


[Overall Damage: +5.00%]

[Power Recharge Time: -5.00%]

[Storm Speed: +20.00%]

[Paragon/Renegade: +20.00%]

[Note: Paragon/Renegade will govern how quickly a person will like or fear you and how easily you are able to convince people. The higher the Paragon/Renegade, the easier it is to persuade or intimidate that individual]

"Holy crap!" 1183 was extremely shocked by what he just read. The skill was like an all-in-one package deal. It was everything that he would want in a skill. Becoming more healthy and tanky, dealing more damage, being able to use skill rapidly, and becoming faster in the process. The Paragon/Renegade Influence was a nice little bonus as well. There was no way he was going to pass this up.

He decided to put in the skill point but before he could confirm it, he noticed something.

[Required Skill Points: 2]

Why the hell does it require 2 skill points instead of 1?

He quickly glanced over to another skill to see the cost, and sure enough, it only required 1 skill point. 

He stood still, deciding if he really wanted to invest in skill points right off the bat for 1 skill. Sure, all the state buffs it provides were really amazing in all but for 2 skill points, he could get two ranks 1 powers and have 4 left for anything else. 

But having those states increase right from the start would help him immensely. Especially the damage increase and the cooldown for his biotics powers. Which were always useful no matter what skill it is.

"I hope I don't regret this.." 1183 sighed as he decided to screw it and put 2 points into Ultimate Battlemaster. Deciding that stats buffs were worth the pay off.

In an instant, a feeling of power washed over him. He felt stronger, tougher, and faster than he had ever felt before. He quickly checked his stats, wondering how much did his attributes increased. 


[Subject 1183]


[Shields:624] (Base:500)


Seeing how those stats pump up by a good amount, especially his shields, made 1183 certain that those 2 skills were put into good use. He looked over to the upgrade and it immediately made him tempted to buy it.

[Rank 2]

[Your relentless fighting style and superior genes increases your Health, Shields, Overall damage, Reduces power recharge times, Storm speed, and increases your Paragon and Renegade influence]

[Health: +20.00%]


[Overall Damage: +10.00%]

[Power Recharge Time: -10.00%]

[Storm Speed: +40.00%]

[Paragon/Renegade: +40.00%]

[Required Skill Points:4]

"It went up by 2!? If it went up by 2 every single time, that means in total he would require a total of 42 skills points! That's an additional 21 skill points in order to max the skill tree completely

There was no way he was going to spend the rest of his skill points on a single skill. Even though what it provided was extremely good. He looked at the other skills that were ready for him. Trying to ignore the feeling of being cheated on.

He decided to put 1 point into charge. Knowing first hand how good the skill truly is. With it, he could zip through the battlefield without much issue. And once he gets the skill at max rank with the right upgrade, he would instantly get back all his shields without difficulty.


[Using a damaging shockwave, ram into an enemy with incredible force]

[Rank 1]

[You envelop yourself in a mass effect field that launches you at an enemy, bodily hitting them to damage and knock them back]

[Recharge Speed: [10 sec]

[Damage: 250]

[Force: 750 N]

[Barrier Restored: 50%]

Next, he looked over at Tactical cloak. He never used the ability before but considering the situation he was in and the potential he had to offer to him, he put one point into it. This would be one of the most powerful abilities in his arsenal.

[Tactical Cloak]

[Become invisible]

[Rank 1]

[Employs light-bending technology to render the user invisible at the cost of shield and health regeneration. Guns, powers, and melee attacks used from cloak gain a damage bonus but break the cloaking effect.]

[Duration (s): 6.5]

[Recharge Time (s): 12]

[Gun Damage Bonus: 50%]

[Power Damage Bonus: 50%]

[Melee Damage Bonus: 75%]

Then he looked over to the school [Tech Armor], If he remembered correctly, this was, in 1183's opinion, a shittier version of the skill [ Armor] from Andromeda. I did grant him damage resistance, which was always useful no matter what and the skill did get more powerful as more points into it, but he preferred [Remenant Armor] as it provided way more bonus for being aggressive. Which was becoming his favored form of combat quickly.

In the end, he decided to say "Screw it" and put 1 point into the skill. Maybe in the future, he would get lucky and the system would grant him the skill [Remnent Armor]. But for now, he had to make do.

[Tech Armor]

[Project a suit of Omni-Tech armor around your body to absorb a portion of all damage received]

[Rank 1:Protection]

[Gain permanent Damage Resistance]

[Damage Resistance reduces all incoming damage via a scaling formula. For instance, 100 Damage Resistance cuts your incoming damage in half]

[+10 Damage Resistance]

As soon as he put a point into the skill tree, a yellowish energy armor suit appeared out of nowhere as it covered all parts of his armor. Serving as an extra layer of protection to his already good shields. He felt a bit tanker already.

Lastly, he looked over at the [Offensive Biotics] skill tree. This was a skill tree he immediately knew he would max as soon as he saw it. Not only does it increase the damage of his biotic abilities, but it also granted cooldown reduction for them. Allowing him to cast his powers without no stopping. If he could max this skill out as fast as possible then honestly, he could go without the use of modern weaponry. But that's out of the realm of possibility for now.

He put the last skill into the [Offensive Biotics] ignoring the [Lance] skill. 1183 knew that lance was a good skill. So good in fact that at max rank, the skill didn't even need a cooldown. Instead, using his shields as a battery to use the skill. But for now, he didn't have the points to get it max rank. There were many skills that were better than lance at the moment. Maybe he'll get it later on.

[Offensive Biotics]

[Allows a biotic to maximize damage against foes both directly and indirectly]

[Rank 1:Offensive Biotics]

[Increases biotic power damage and force with each skill point invested in the Biotic Skill Group.]

[Bonus:+2% Biotic Power Damage]



[Subject 1183]

[Level 3]


[Shields:648] (Base:520)



[Barrier:Rank 3]

[Offensive Biotics:Rank 1]

[Biotic Push: Rank 1]

[Singularity: Rank 1]

[Charge: Rank1]

[Tactical cloak: Rank 1]

[Tech Armor: Rank 1]

[Battlemaster: Rank 1]

And with that, he was done investing his skill points. He received a nice little bonus to his shields due to investing some points into biotics.  He received a massive boot into his stats and arsenal. His health was about to reach the 500 range and his base shields past it. Hopefully, in the future, the ranks of his skills would increase. Especially Battlemaster. It's going to be a hefty investment.

After relaxing for a few more minutes, he jumped off from the box he was sitting on and walked up to the medical wing door. He was certain that beyond that door, were heavily armed guards just waiting to fill him up with lead.

Suddenly, his body slowly started to fade away as his feet suddenly vanished. Eventually, it started to spread to the upper parts of his body.

An evil smirk appeared on 1183's face. Knowing what type of mayhem he was going to cause with the new skills he was granted. 

"This is going to be fun"

Then his whole body disappeared from the face of the galaxy 


(Medical Wing: Other side)




"What the hell is taking him so long?" Said a Cerberus unit as he pointed his Cerberus Harrier right at the door. Underneath the helmet, his face was completely dripping with sweat. His entire focus was towards the person that was on the other side of that door, making sure he didn't get inside.

Tables, boxes, anything that can be used as a cover was stationed right at the front of the door. More than 15 Cerberus guards pointed their guns at the same exact target. Some were behind walls, some were tables, and some were hiding behind the boxes. If it provided cover and had room to shoot, then someone was hiding behind it.

"Do you think it's possible that he…..gave up? I mean, it's impossible for anybody to get through those doors without some high-tier explosives. Besides, we're here. There's no way a single man is capable of taking on a group of 20 men strong" Said one of the guards as he pointed his gun towards the door. He was visibly shaking and you could hear the panic inside his voice.

That's when he felt something touch his soldier as another Cerberus guard took position right next to him. "Kid, I saw that man snap the neck of one of my friends effortlessly. I saw him making shots that would put our best marksmen to shame. Combined that with all that crazy biotics he has then you have deadly fucker to deal with"

"I served with Cerberus for years. I have seen crazy shit you wouldn't believe. I guess what I'm trying to say is that after a while, you get a knack for telling how bad a situation is"

"And this situation is completely bad. It's nice to have some hope but he's not going to stop until all of us in this room are dead"

The veteran took aim at the door. Carefully positioning his weapon on top of the cover "Those doors are barely buying us time. Once he gets inside, this room will turn into a hell zone"

The recruit just looked at the man with complete shock "We'll that's reassuring! Was that some type of way of helping me!?"

"Samual! Maybe if you didn't try to scare the recruit half to death and actually try to give good advice, maybe he would be able to keep his cool!" Said one of the Cerberus guards as she yelled at her teammate. Ridiculing him for making the tension in the air worse than it was already. 

She shifted her attention to the recruit "Look kid, don't listen to the crap that's coming out of Samual's mouth. He's a dippy downer and gives people crappy advice. Just remember your training and all the things you were taught. If you stick to them then I'm more than positive that everybody in this room will make it out alive. You included. 

The recruit shook his head in agreement. Albeit in a nervous way " Y-your right. A-alright Duncan, just remember what you t-t-t-trained for. Y-you can do this. You can do this. T-this is what you signed up for"

Silence filled the room once more as nobody said a single word. Everybody keeping their focus on the door.

That's when the door suddenly opened.



The sound of countless gunshots filled the once silent room as everybody in unison, shot whatever was on the other side. No bullets in the thermal clips were spared as every single bullet shot. Until the sound of empty magazines was the only sound that remained.

Nobody said a word as they tried to see what was beyond the smoke of gunfire. Only when it dissipated did they realize….

There was nothing beyond those doors.

"H-HOW!? HOW DIDN'T WE HIT ANYTHING!?" Yelled one of the guards as he tried to make sense of what was going on. You could hear the panic that was inside of his voice.



"EVERYBODY! WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T GET CLOSE TO THE DOOR! BACK AWAY FROM IT AND KEEP YOUR GUNS CENTERED!" Yelled the highest rank Cerberus unit as he warned everybody to back away from the door. Whatever was beyond the door was nothing more than certain death trying to trick them into going in.

In unison, everybody was near the door slowly but surely back away carefully. Not trying to make noise while keeping their guns focused on the door. 

Everyone that was near the door, was far away from their original position and were behind the little that was left for them. Nobody said anything as they tried to hear anything that was beyond those doors.

"THAT'S IT! I'M TIRED OF WAITING! IF HE'S NOT COMING TO US THEN I'M GOING STRAIGHT TO HIM!" Suddenly, a random Cerberus stood up from the ground with a shotgun in his hands. He cocked his gun then proceeded to walk through the other side of the door.

But before he could make a single step, he felt something grasp his forearm. He turned around to see his fellow teammate looking at him as he was crazy "ARE YOU MAD OR ARE YOU STUPID? IF YOU GO OUT THAT DOOR THEN YOUR JUST ASKING TO DIE!"

"WHAT'S STUPID IS THAT HE GOT US ALL PANICKING WITH OUR PANTIES TWISTED! HE'S JUST ONE MAN! IF HE'S BLEEDS THEN HE CAN BE KILLED! I GOT A THERMAL CLIP WITH HIS NAME ON IT! LET'S SEE IF THAT BASTARD CAN SURVIVE THAT!" Yelled the guard as he pulled his arm away. He then proceeds to walk through the entrance. With a fully loaded shotgun in hand. Nobody tried to stop him as everybody just watched him go on alone.







"Thud, thud, thud, thud"





The rest of the Cerberus Guards who stayed behind could only hear the loud screamings of their fellow teammates only to be followed by the sound of snapping of a neck.

Not one said a word but you could feel the tension rising in the air. People's arms were twitching as they held tightly onto their weapons. Clutching on to the only thing that could protect them from the person on the other side.

Suddenly in the vastness of darkness beyond the door, a faint flash of purplish light could be seen. It was only faint but in a matter of seconds, the color expanded in brightness and before they processed what was going on, the sound of crashing bones and glass shattering could be heard.

Everybody turned their heads towards the source, only to see a man wearing a full set of Ajax armor suddenly standing among them. In an instant, they turned their heads again to see one of their teammates laying dead on the floor while being impaled by multiple small amounts of glass shards.

That's when they realized it was none other than Subject 1183! He used his newfound biotic power [Charge] to smash right unto a random Cerberus guard's chest! The force behind the charge combined with the power of the impact was so much that the guard instantly died on impact. His body crashed through one of the glass windows of the scientist's labs.

"DUNCAN NOOOO!" One of the guards yelled in rage at the death of her friend. She then proceeds to point her gun at the rogue clone. Hoping to avenge her fallen comrade by killing the bastard.

Unfortunately, her prayer would be denied as Subject 1183 was already upon her. He proceeds to punch her right in her face. Momentarily stunning due to the impact. He then used her as a turret as he forcibly grabbed her arms and made her shoot 5 of her buddies. Killing them instantly as the bullets went through their heads. 

"BASTERD!" Yelled the girl as she tried to punch 1183's right in his face. Dropping her gun. But before her fist could make contact, 1183, using his left arm, grabbed her forearm. Then using his supernatural strength, he snapped her arm in half. Snapping it like a twig.

"AHHHHHHHH-ah" The guard immediately yelled out in pain as she experienced the worst pain she felt in her entire life. Subject 1183, ignoring the screaming, raised up his right arm as his Omni-blade appeared before he swiped down his right arm. His Omni-blade went through the girl's neck. Instantly decapitating the Cerberus agent as her head and body fell onto the floor. Blood splurting out everywhere.

Not caring about what just happened, he reached behind his back and pulled out his own M22-Eviscerator before using his Biotic [Charge] once more as he charged towards another Cerberus guard. Sending him flying through the air and crashing on a nearby wall. Knocking him out.

In an instant, He turned around and placed the barrel of his shotgun to a nearby guard, and fired. Instantly blowing the brains of the poor guard. 

"SHIT!" Yelled one of the guards as he witnessed his comrade die in front of him. In the spur of the moment, he fired his Cerberus Harrier. Aiming all his bullets towards 1183's direction.

But before the bullets could even reach him, 1183 activated his barrier as a purplish layer covered his entire body. Soon, the bullets that were meant to penetrate him simply fell onto the floor. Not feeling anything whatsoever.

1183 then pointed his gun towards the guard and just shot him with his shotgun. Sending the man tumbling backward as he laid their dead 

"Thud, thud, thud, thud"

That's when he heard something behind him. He turned around to see a group of 5 Cerberus guards making their way to him. Not wasting any time, he rushed towards the group himself.

Before they could even tap the trigger of their guns, 1183 used a nearby experiment table as a ramp. Using it to front flip beyond the group. Landing right behind them.

Before they could even turn their heads, 1183 kicked one of the Cerberus guard's knees. Instantly snapping it in half as they fell onto the floor in anguish.

He then instantly reached behind his back and pulled out his M-25 Hornet. Using it to kill the rest of the 4 guards as he shot them right through their necks. They fell down to the floor holding their necks but quickly died due to blood loss.

Not even batting an eye, he finished off the last remaining guard as he used his feet to stomp on the poor guard's head. Pooping it like a balloon.

"OPEN FIRE!" Suddenly, the last remaining guards who managed to survive, all fired in unison. A hailstorm of bullets was let loose as all of them aimed to kill.

But before a single bullet could hit him, he dodged out the way just in time as he used a nearby crate as cover. Protecting himself from all the bullets that had his name on them.

"SURROUND HIM! Yelled on the guards as they all encircled the crate that 1183 was hiding behind. But when they went and tried to finish him off…

He was nowhere to be seen. 



"EVERYBODY FORM UP! HE CAN'T GET US IF WE'RE ALL STICKING TOGETHER!" Yelled one of the guards as they all proceeded to form up all together back to back. Making sure that every single sight is covered all the while protecting each other at the same time.

That's when they felt something was a little bit off. As if everything felt suddenly light. Then they realized when they looked down to see they were being lifted off from the ground.

In a matter of seconds, they were so high up in the air that they hit the ceiling of the facility.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of something decloaking as they were panicking. They turned their heads down frantically, only to see that it was 1183. Repairing out of thin air.

Without a single guilt of remorse, 1183's right hand was covered in a purplish layer as he proceeded to fire off a Biotic [Push] towards the center point of the singularity. Resulting in a mini biotic explosion. Capturing all of the remaining Cerberus agents in its blast radius.

1183 covered his eyes quickly as the biotic explosion quickly covered the room in a purplish glow. Soon he reopened his eyes to see there was nothing of the guards that remained. There was nothing that indicated that they even existed.

[You have killed an enemy!]

[You have killed an enemy!]

[You have killed an enemy!]

[You have killed 19 enemies!]

[You have received: 950XP, 1,900 Credits]


[Subject 1183]

[Level 3]


[Shields:648] (Base:520)



"19 enemies? I thought I counted 20?" Wondered 1183 as he wondered if he counted wrong. It was certainly a possibility since there was so much going on that he couldn't properly get a headcount. He was a little sad since he was hoping to level up once again.


That's when he heard the sound of grunting. As if they were waking up from a long sleep. He turned his head to see the last remaining guard laying back against the wall. He quickly realized that it was that guard that he knocked out when he used [Charge] 

He reached behind his back and pulled out his M-25 Hornet and started making his way to finish him off.




The Cerberus grunted as he was suddenly woken up from his sleep. Pain washed all over his body as clenched his chest. Trying to remember what had transpired before he was quickly put to sleep.

That's when he noticed somebody walking up to him. He lifted his head and his eyes widened in fear as he realized who was walking up to him. His memories quickly resurfaced as he recognized the man whose armor was completely bloody. It was the same man that put him out of commission.

He started to panic at the sight of the man as he quickly got closer to him. He even almost passed out again when an M-25 Hornet was put right in front of his face.

"P-please sir…..p-please don't hurt me"

1183 raised an eyebrow underneath his helmet as he quickly realized that the voice coming out of the man was for some reason, suspiciously young for a Cerberus operative.

"Take off the helmet" 1183 said with a demanding voice.




The Cerberus "Guard" yelped out in terror and out of fear of what would happen to him, quickly took off his helmet. Once he took it off, it revealed a young-looking kid. He was extremely young, around 18-20 years old! He had long blond hair that just barely reached the back of his neck. His light-green eyes were filled with fear as he clung to the wall. Fearing for his life 

"You're nothing but a kid! What the hell is wrong with Cerberus to recruit kids like you!?"

"I-I-I was desperate ok!? I didn't have enough credits to even buy the cheapest of things! I couldn't live life like that anymore! W-when they found me a-a-and asked for a job, I couldn't refuse! But I-i-if I knew that it was going to be like this then I would continue to sleep on the streets!"

1183 just looked at the kid. His finger ready to end the life of another person.

But for the first time, he couldn't pull the trigger.

Subject 1183 just sighed before putting the M-25 Hornet away "Listen, kid, this is something way bigger than you understand. I highly advise next time you find a job, make sure it doesn't cost you your life"

"So get out of here"

The kid looked at him with surprise "Y---You're letting me go!?"

"Of course. You're not worth the bullet. So get out of before I change my mind"

"Thank you! Thank you" Yelled the kid as he got up and started running away. 1183 just stood there as he continued to watch the kid run away until he couldn't even see him anymore


1183 ignored the notification as he turned around and started walking down the hallway. Stepping over some of the bodies of the Cerberus guards. With his first objective complete now he had to find Dr.Eversteans office. Wherever that is.

He looked back towards the direction the kid ran off to before his entire body disappeared from the universe once more.