
Mass Effect:Inception

In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time. They called it the greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy call it... MASS EFFECT. A Teen seemingly around the age of 19-20 woke in a room that was unknown to him. Suddenly Memories washed into his mind. Knowledge that wasn't his own Unbeknownst, A small camera in the corner of the darkroom was silently looking down at him. as if it was silently observing his every movement "Finally....A working test subject...." (I Clearly do not own Mass Effect.If this pic is yours and want it down then don't hesitate to ask)

Overload_man32 · Video Games
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10 Chs


(Once again, sorry for the extremely late chapter and if it isn't up to snuff. Felt like this was one of the weaker chapters)


"How the hell did they get here so fast?"

1183 thought silently and he continued to observe the guards through the window. They were a small group. Only constant around 4 guards individually. Nothing that he couldn't handle but what made them dangerous was the equipment. They were all heavily reinforced with multiple guns. Two of them were equipped with riot shields and shotguns. While one of them was equipped with a sniper rifle and the other one had their hands on a rocket launcher. A frontal assault would be suicide.

How did they figure out his location? He decided to be patient and continued to listen to what they were saying 

"Search the perimeter Subject 1183 should still be in the area" The leader of the group said as he and the rest of his companions continued to walk down the hallway. Looking through the empty rooms by flashing their flashlights through the windows.

"You think it's truly possible for somebody to kill so many people? I mean come on, there's no way one man could handle so many people at once"

"Then you clearly didn't see all the bodies making our way here. That thing, whether it's truly human or not, is capable of taking on multiple groups of people by itself. It is willing and able to snuff out life whenever it wants"

"But why do you think he spared the kid? He could have killed everybody but he decided to spare one"

"I don't know, maybe due to guilt? Could you look at somebody in the eyes before pulling the trigger? Especially against somebody so young"

"Yea but that didn't stop him from decapitating, smashing, and blowing the rest of them up into tiny pieces. Then out of nowhere, he developed a guilty conscience in the heat of the moment. The kid got extremely lucky"

"It doesn't matter in the end. That single act of remorse is going to get him killed. Thanks to him, Samual told us where he was and we got the entire Medical bay locked down. All the exits are fully heavily guarded. We got multiple groups roaming around and we're all heavily equipped. It doesn't matter how much tries to fight back, Subject 1183 dies here.

"Samual? The kid? Who could they be talking about?" 1183 questioned himself as he continued to observe the group. The name wasn't familiar but when he heard about a kid, he felt like he forgot about something

That was when it hit him.

They were talking about the blond hair kid!

Suddenly, a waterfall of emotions started to drop upon him. Anger, betrayal, hatred. He gave him a second chance at life. He thought he was doing the right thing. Sparing the life of an innocent kid who had no part in this.

But that decision of mercy came back to give him his reward. By stabbing him right in the back and leaving him for dead.

"I tried to do the right thing! Tried my hand at being the good guy in a bad situation! But yet, in the end, he bit the hand that spared him!"

"Samual….that's what they said his name was right? Well, then after this, I'm going to pay him…What do you call it? A visit?"

"A beating! That's it! I'm going to pay him a beating! But first, I'm going to have to deal with everybody in the medical bay first"

Before he did anything else, he decided to check his stats real quickly. If he remembered correctly, He was just on the verge of leveling up once again.


[Subject 1183]


[Shields:648] (Base:520]

[Experience: 2,950/3,000]


He thought correctly. He could just deal with one random guard who was all alone, he could quickly level up and get a new skill and rank up all the skills he had currently. Either way, getting that level up would give him that little extra boost of getting out of this alive and well.

He looked outside and saw that the guards that were there before disappeared from their original positions.

Quickly, before anybody else came out of nowhere, the door suddenly opened and he started running out of the room. All the while his body started to turn completely invisible.


"Thud, thud, thud thud"

Somewhere else in the medical wing, two guards were slowly walking down the corridors with their guns raised. Looking around everywhere all the while making sure that nothing wasn't out of the ordinary. One of them was currently equipped with a sniper rifle while the other once was wielding a Cerberus Harrier. 

"Did you notice anything?" Said the guard with the sniper rifle as he looked around the empty rooms. 

"Haven't noticed anything yet. Why are you checking the other side? I don't even think he's even in this part of the bay. 

"Still, we have to check every single crevice that could be used as a hiding spot. We can't let that bastard escape while we have him corned like a rat"

"We can't let this chance go. You understand Andrew?" 





"Andrew?" He said as he continued to look around his surroundings while expecting a response for his partner.

Yet there was no response.

The guard looked back around, expecting to see his partner and yet the only thing he was greeted with was a dead body laying on the bloody floor. His neck was completely slit as it poured blood down to the floor.

"OH MY GOD ANDREW!" the guard yelled as he ran towards his dead friend. But that's when I felt something right behind him. Something extremely dangerous staring right at him.

He slowly turned around to see a man wearing a fully bloody Ajax Armor staring right at him. Instantly, he was lifted off the ground as the man grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up with one arm. And with a quick flick of the wrist…


What came after the sound of neck-snapping followed up with the sound of something dropping down to the ground.

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[User Has Been Awarded:100XP, 200 Credits]

[User has reached Level 4!]

[You have gained (6) skill points!]


[Subject 1183]


[Shields:673] (Base:545]



[Some Skills are not available]

[There are (3) skills available]



[Adrenaline Rush:Available]

Compared to last time, the list that was right in front of him wasn't as big. The best skill he immediately noticed was [Dominate]. It was one of the skills he didn't really use during his time playing the game. It was a niche skill that would have been useful from time to time but in his current situation, the value of such a skill is extremely high since it essentially allowed him to control people's minds. So without hesitation, he decided to put one skill point into it.


[Disrupt the synaptic harmonics of an organic brain so it differentiates between friend to foe and foe to friend. A single affected target will fight on your side for a time.]

[Rank 1]

[Manipulates an organic target's perceptual system, causing it to see its allies as enemies. Only a single target can be dominated at a time]

[Recharge Time:6.00 seconds] 

[Duration: 10 sec]

The next skill that caught his eye was [Adrenaline Rush]. [Adrenaline Rush] was a simple yet powerful skill that provided a limited duration damage boost to weapons while being accompanied by a time-slowing effect making it easier to line up shots. He had no reason to not pick it up so he put a skill point into it.

[Adrenaline Rush]

[Hyper-accelerate your reflexes, giving you time to line up the perfect shot]

[Rank 1 - Boosts your combat awareness for a brief time, slowing your enemies by comparison]

[Recharge Time: 5.00 seconds]

[Duration: 5.00 seconds]

[Time Dilation: +50.00%]

[Damage Bonus: +100.00%]

And lastly was the skill [Backlash]. It was another mid-tier skill that he barely ever used during the time he played Andromeda. Similar to [Dominate] It was another skill that would be useful during gunfights. It was still a little worse than the barrier in his opinion but what it had over the barrier was that it reflected most projectiles. He didn't know if it could reflect a rocket straight at him or a grenade launcher, but he would cross that bridge when he got there.


[Rank 1]

[Generates a frontal biotic aegis barrier that reflects most projectiles and reduces the damage of other enemy attacks. A well-timed initial activation interrupts melee attacks]

[Aegis Health: 400]

[Projectile Damage Returned: 200%]

[Frontal Damage Resistance: 75]

[Recharge Time (s): 20]



[Subject 1183]


[Shields:699] (Base:566]




[Skill points available: (3)

[Barrier:Rank 3]

[Offensive Biotics:Rank 1]

[Biotic Push:Rank 1]

[Singularity:Rank 1]

[Charge: Rank 1]

[Tactical Cloak: Rank 1]

[Tech Armor: Rank1]

[Battlemaster: Rank 1]

[Dominate: Rank 1]

[Adrenaline Rush: Rank 1]

[Backlash: Rank 1]

And with that, he was once again done gaining new skills. Unlike the previous times, he decided to forgo spending the rest of his skill points. Many of his skills were proving to be invaluable just at their base rank. He wanted to save the rest of his skill points for either emergencies or for skills that were exclusive like battle master. Maybe he would get something new at level 5? It wouldn't hurt to have some skills points on backup. 

Not wasting any more time, He started making his way towards the other side of the facility towards the security checkpoint. But before he could take a single step, he felt his foot stumbling into something.

'Hm?" He looked down to see his feet standing on a gun. It was the sniper rifle that the guard was previously wielding. He picked the gun up and examined it before putting it behind his back. Adding the sniper to his collection of weapons.

[M-13 Raptor]

[The Raptor is a human version of a Turian weapon developed for conflict on the low-gravity world Amar. Fighting at longer ranges than expected, the Turians optimized a low-recoil, semi-automatic rifle with a scope, and issued it to their regular infantry, creating a hybrid weapon that was a half-assault rifle and half-sniper weapon. Cerberus assigns the Raptor to Nemesis snipers]


[A few minutes later]

[Medical Wing, Security Checkpoint]

Near the exit of the Medical Wing, was a group that consisted of 30 men strong. All of them were heavily equipped with riot shields, sniper rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, and grenade launchers. Their objective was to defend the exit of the security checkpoint. Making sure that nobody gets in or out.

Everything around them was heavily fortified. There were tables and boxes laid out around to be used as cover and everybody had their guns pointed out in every direction. Making sure nothing was out of the ordinary.

One of the guards, who was welding a Cerberus Harrier, looked back at his commanding officer "Sir, delta team hasn't responded for a while now. It has been more than 10 minutes since their last transmission"

"Should we send a squad to check out their last known position? They could be in danger"

The commanding officer shook his head "No we shouldn't. If they haven't responded more than 10 minutes ago then their position must have been compromised. They're most likely dead"

"Then what do we do? Wait for subject 1183 to come straight at us? We should be taking the fight to him instead of waiting here!"

"That's what the recon teams are for! We have multiple groups spread out throughout the wing! It's our job to make sure when that bastard is cast out of his hiding spot, to make sure he doesn't try to escape. It's only a matter of time until he's found" Yelled the commander as he explained the situation they were in. He understood what his subordinate was feeling but it wasn't the time to run on emotions. They need to have a cool head in order to see this through.

"Tch! This whole situation wouldn't even be happening if we sent more troops to flush him out. Don't you agree adam?" The subordinate said as he look over at his friend who was looking in the opposite direction"




Yet for some reason, after a few seconds of waiting, there was no response.

"Adam? Did you even hear me dude?" The subordinate said with a questioning look as he walked over and placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and turned him around. Wondering why he didn't say anything.

But once he turned his friend around, his face turned from confusion to shock.

He continued to gaze on his friend's facial features. His short trimmed black hair and black trimmed beard. He had a rough exterior making him look older than he actually is. But that wasn't what shocked him. His usually filled with life brown eyes were replaced by a dark purplish color. Devoid of life whatsoever. It was like staring at a mindless husk of a man. Devoid of all emotions.

"Adam, your eyes! What the hell happened to you!?" Questioned his friend as his voice was filled with concern. He had never seen eyes like this before.

But out of nowhere, Adam reached behind him and pulled out an M-22 Eviscerator, placing the barrel of the gun right in front of his friend's face. Then suddenly…


Everybody who wasn't paying attention suddenly heard the sound of a shotgun being fired. They all turned their heads and their faces were filled with shock as they witnessed Adam blowing their teammate's brains onto the walls with a shotgun! Blood spewed everywhere as the sound of a body fell down onto the floor.

Instantly, using the remaining two shells of his Eviscerator, he pointed at two random Cerberus troops and pulled the trigger! Instantly making two holes right in their chests and killing them instantly! 

"Bang!, Bang!, Bang!, Bang!"

A volley of bullets were sprayed into the air as everybody in the vicinity pointed their guns right at Adam and proceeded to fire in unison! Multiple holes were made in Adam's entire body as every single bullet penetrated him. He had no choice but to stand there taking every single bullet. 

"Clank, Clank,Clank, Clank"

The sound of empty magazines filled the air as everybody stood there watching the dead body of their once teammate. His body laid her on the ground as multiple gigantic holes were everywhere on his body. You can even hear the sound of a sizzling corpse.






Before the commander could even finish what he had to say, a big hole was suddenly formed right in the middle of his face! Blood spewed from his head unto the ground as his entire body dropped like a bag of bricks.

The remaining guards were in horror as they witnessed their commander just die in front of their eyes. In a matter of seconds, 5 people they personally knew, worked with for so long, lives were taken away from them in an instant. In unison, they all looked up to see who was the person that took their leader's life away.

What they saw was a man who appeared to be wearing a full set of bloody ajax armor. He was slowly walking up to them. Taking his time as he wielded an M13-Raptor semi-automatic sniper rifle in his hands.

It was Subject 1183!

"THERE HE IS! OPEN FIRE!" Yelled one of the guards as everybody in the vicinity proceeded to aim their sights and place their fingers on the trigger.

But before a single shot could be fired from the side, 1183 aimed down his sniper scope. Suddenly everything and everyone seemed to slow down as time came to an almost complete halt.

[Adrenaline Rush: Activated]

Using the last 11 bullets in his clip, he took one deep breath before rapidly firing his semi-automatic rifle


From the guard's perspective, it was merely a split second as they witnessed 11 of their comrades drop dead as their heads were completely blown off. Instantly dropping their numbers from 25 all the way down to a measly 14.

Using the last remaining seconds of his adrenaline rush, he placed the sniper rifle behind his back and began rushing toward the last remaining individuals. His whole body was covered in a purplish layer as he used his boric [Charge] to instantly ram into one guard! 

Everybody turned their heads as they watched 1183 ramming his fist right into their teammate's face! His fist was covered in blood and tiny pieces of brain as he pulled his arm right out!

"JESUS CHRIST SHOOT THE MOTHERFUCKER!" One of the random guards yelled out in the background as everybody in the vicinity proceeded to fire their guns!

"Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!"

Seeing that he was about to turn into a thin paste, 1183 jumped out of the way just in time before any bullets could touch him. Jumping behind a crate and using it as cover to protect himself.

Reaching behind his back and reaching over to grab his M-13 Raptor, He quickly reloaded his gun as an exhausted thermal clip fell onto the ground and a brand new one was placed right in its place. All the while ignoring all the bullets that were fired right above his head.

Using this time to fight back, he reached out behind the cover and proceeded to fire back against his aggressors. Placing 3 well-placed shots right between some of the Cerberus guard's eyes.

'Bang, Bang!"

That's when he heard two random shots aiming at him from the opposite direction. He quickly went behind cover, protecting himself from the gunfire. He looked back up to see the shots came from two guards with riot shields and shotguns rushing right at him.

Quickly, he stood back to fire back retaliation, unfortunately, the bullets didn't make their target as the guards raised up their shields. Protecting them from the bullets and certain death and immediately firing back at 1183

He quickly took behind cover, protecting himself from all the bullets that were flying at him from multiple directions. He was racking up something inside of his head, trying to find the best way to get rid of the guards that were closely reaching him. He banged his head against the crate.

The crate….

The crate!

That's when he realized a way to get rid of them instantly! He turned around, got on one knee and placed his right hand on the side of the crate. His hand glowed purplish as a massive amount of mass effect fields grew in mass in his hands.

While this was happening, Both of the guards continued to rush to 1183's position. That's when they realized the crate that he was hiding behind was suddenly covered in a purplish glow. Suddenly, a mini-biotic could be heard behind the crate as the box was suddenly shot forward towards them like a speeding projectile!

In an instant, the massive weight of the speeding crate crashed right upon them. Their shields proved to be quite ineffective as when they were hit, both of them were sent flying across the hallway. 

When the dust settled, all you would see was a massive crater in the wall. Underneath it, you could see the dismembered body parts of arms and legs laying on the ground, and blood was slowly leaking onto the floor.

A nearby guard that was extremely close to the impact, stood there horrified as he witnessed his companions just die in front of him in such a gruesome way. 

'Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud"

That's when he heard massive footsteps even under the large amounts of gunfire. He turned his head to see a man in fully bloody ajax armor running straight at him! He pointed his gun as fast as he could but unfortunately, the last thing he saw was an Omni-blade proceeding to stab right in his face! 

In a swift motion, 1183 proceeded to swing his arm all the way down to the ground. Cutting the dead guard's body completely in half! Blood and guts spewed to the ground as both halves of the body fell on the ground with a thud.

Quickly moving on to his next targets, he tilted his head to the right as bullets barely missed his head. He turned his head to see a group of 2 Cerberus guards taking aim to shoot him. Not letting that happen, He used his [Charge] to instantly close the gap between them. This time not using the ability to ram into them but to cut them in half as when he got close enough, he used his Omni-blade to bypass one of the Cerberus guards waist! Completely cutting it! As he appeared right behind him instead of smashing right into him! He turned around to see the guard's upper body fall down to the ground followed up by the lower half.

'Bang, Bang, Bang!"

He turned his head to see a guard wielding a Cerberus harrier shooting him point-blank. His hands and face shaking in fear as he hoped that the bullets would due him in. Sadly for him, it would be futile as the bullets didn't even hit his body as the biotic shields that constantly surrounded his body stopped the bullets mid-air and fell down to the ground with a slight, small clank.

Turning his body, he slowly walked towards the man as the guard continued to shoot right in the chest yet no matter how many bullets were fired, no bullets were able to puncture him.

'Clank, clank, clank, clank" The sound of an empty magazine as the guard rapidly pressed the trigger yet no bullets came out of the barrel.

1183 continued to walk towards him and when he got close, he firmly grasped the man's head and pressed a lot of pressure. He continued to do this while ignoring the man's agonizing screaming. He could even hear the sound of bones cracking and breaking. He finished the man off by jamming his thumbs right into the man's eyes and snapping his neck. Turning the man's head doing a complete 180. 1183 watched as blood came where his eyes used to be down his face while facing the opposite direction. Eventually, the body fell down to the ground.


1183 heard someone yell at him as he turned around to witness a group of 4 rushing right at him with no weapons in hand. It seems they were going to try to beat him with hand-to-hand and superior numbers. 1183 just smirked at the thought. 

The first person who came to challenge him was a bald man who was far ahead of the group. He rushed right at 1183 and tried to land a strong right hook but 1183 caught it with one and proceeded to break his hand with force pressure alone before grabbing his neck with one hand and snapping it.  He tossed the body to the side as he walked up to his challengers,

Unlike the previous one, these remaining three were smart enough to stick together. Instead of rushing him straight on, they closely encircled him. Slowly walking around him in a circular motion. Montering his every room and weakness before they strike him down.

"Thud, thud, thud, thud"

Footsteps could be heard as all three of them rushed towards 1183 in unison. 1183 moved his head to the left as he dodged an incoming hit from behind. He turned around and proceeded to punch her in the neck. Breaking it before he uppercut her. Leaving her laying there gasping for air. 

1183 ignored her for now as he shifted his focus towards the other two who rushed him from opposite directions. They proceeded to try to land combined punches and kicks all the while 1183 to hold back for a bit and was pushed into the defensive. He dodged and blocked as he continued to observe their attack patterns.

One of the guards launched forward, trying to land a kick while the other one tried to land a punch to the face. He blocked both hits before they could even hit him. He punched the other man in the face sending him crashing to the ground and used the other hand to grasp the other leg. The other man tried to break free but his face of struggle turned into a face of pain as 1183 used his elbow to break the man's leg. He let the leg go and watched as the man held on to his broken leg before walking up and smashing guards face in with his feet. 

While this was happening, 1183 looked to his right and watched as the man got up and wiped the blood from his mouth. 1183 just smiled and decided to give him a proper fight as he took off his helmet and tossed it to the side. They both got into a fighting stance before they rushed at each other 

They proceed to exchange blows with blows but you can clearly tell the Cerberus guard was seriously on the wrong foot. His face was fully bloody and you can tell his stance was weakening while 1183 wasn't suffering any injuries and he looked like he had much more energy to spare.

The guard tried to land one final hit that had all the strength he had left but before he could land it, he felt a massive pain coming from his stomach as he looked down to see a fist jammed right into his stomach. He fell onto his knees as he coughed up blood onto the ground. That's when he felt something grab his hair. He looked up to see it was 1183 grabbing him. Before he could do anything, he felt a massive wave of pain rush through his head as the man got kneed in his face. The man was sent flying in the air for a few seconds before he landed back on the ground. Blood was spewing from his mouth. That's when he realized that his teeth were completely broken! He even noticed some teeth that belonged to him on the ground

1183 looked around his surroundings and looked at his remaining opponents who were laying there broken or even dead. He looked back at the man and walked toward him. Going to finish him off. 

"Thud, thud, thud, thud," That's when he heard footsteps coming from the opposite direction. When he turned around, a massive amount of danger washed through his body. 

What he saw was a woman on one knee aiming right at him with a weapon in hand. The weapon was a….

ML-77 Missile Launcher!



She pressed the big red trigger as a rocket was shot right at him! It flew for a few good seconds before it hit its target! A big explosion covered the vicinity as the whole hallway was covered in dust!

"Cough, Cough" 

Within a large amount of dust and debris, a woman slowly got up from the ground. She was completely covered in dust but that didn't matter to her as she ran up to the nearby debris as she tried to look for any signs of life.

After a few seconds of digging, she finally found a sign of human life as she found one of her companions unconscious. His teeth were completely gone but that could be easily fixed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes to see a woman staring right at him. He coughed before he looked where 1183 previously stood and tried to smile the best he could. "It's over right? We finally got him right?"

The woman nodded in return "its finally over"

She placed her hand on her ear and activated the earpiece "Sir..We did it. We lost a lot of good people but we completed our objective…"

"Subject 1183 has been finally terminated"

With their objective finally completed, their job was over. Slowly. She helped the injured man off the ground and placed his hand around her neck. Helping him reach the elevator that was beyond the security checkpoint.

"Thud, thud, thud ,thud"

That's when they hear footsteps coming right behind him. They turned around and what they saw turned their faces into Shock and horror. They couldn't believe their eyes.

They turned to see a man walking out of the dust and derbies. His left hand was raised up as a massive botic shield stood in front of him. His armor was covered in blood stains and his brown short hair was a complete mess.

It was 1183! He used [Backlash] to create a massive aegis shield to protect himself from the rocket and possibly even certain death.

Deciding to finish this once and for all, he rushed towards the two and effectively decapitated them. Sending their head rolling across the floor as their body's spewed blood from where heads used to be.

And with that, Subject 1183 was the only man standing as he stood in a sea of bodies and blood all around him.

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed An Enemy!]

[You Have Killed 30 Enemies!]

[You Have Been Awarded:1,500XP, 3,000 Credits]

[User has reached level 5!]

[You have gained (6) skill points!]


[Subject 1183]



[Shields:724] (Base:591]



Not caring to level up at the moment, 1183 took one deep breath before grabbing his helmet off the ground and making his way through the security checkpoint. Leaving all his mess behind him.

After a few minutes of walking, he found an elevator waiting for someone to enter it. And entered it and pressed the button for the next floor. The elevators closed and took him to his destination.

Next stop.

The X1 wing.