
Mass Effect: A Hero Rises

A Mass Effect Trilogy Novelisation. John Shepard was born on Earth, experiencing life on the streets before joining the Alliance Navy and becoming a hero of humanity. But it is only after nearly being killed by a Prothean beacon does he rise to become the only man that can stop the annihilation of the galaxy. This story will cover Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, while touching on comics and books.

hackwriter29 · Video Games
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Book 2, Chapter 19 - In the Name of the Father

We were both dripping with sweat. I was absolutely exhausted. So was she. Somehow, we still hadn't stopped. "Shepard," she breathed. I could only grunt as I continued to drive my cock into her, feeling her heels digging into my lower back, not wanting me to stop for a second. Her lips searched for mine, her tongue exploring, eager, fingers digging into my back, her nails definitely having left scratches. "Goddess," she cried quietly.

I somehow found the energy to keep going, her pussy tight, warm, wet, eager to take my cock constantly. My hands caressed the back of her crest, having learned how sensitive they could be, her eyes widening with pleasure whenever my fingers lightly touched them. "Don't stop," she breathed before she kissed me, hunger and desire in one gesture, her eyes will with unbridled lust for me.

I moved my arms slightly, now hooking my arms under the back of her knees, almost curling her into a ball, really starting to drive into her. She moaned. She groaned. She squealed. She wanted, needed more. I couldn't keep going forever. I'd already cum at least twice, or maybe it was three times. No idea how many times she'd cum by now. I didn't keep count. We'd been going for what felt like hours. "Oh god," I groaned.

"Close?" I nodded before I drove even harder into her. Her fingers dug into me even more as I leaned down to kiss and bite her neck, almost digging my teeth in like a vampire. She cried out when I did, feeling a hand on the back of my neck to hold me in place.

"Shepard!" she cried quietly.

Burying myself time and again, I finally orgasmed, groaning loudly as I felt my entire body drain itself of the final bits of energy it contained before I could do nothing but collapse on top of her, feeling her legs and arms immediately wrap tightly around my body, her soft kisses on my cheek. "I love you," she whispered.

I looked up to see Shiala gaze at me with nothing but love in her eyes for me, leaning down to softly kiss her lips. "I love you too," I whispered.

We were on our way back to Omega having left Liara and Feron back on Hagalaz. Liara T'Soni was now the Shadow Broker. After the shock of what we'd done simmered down, we sat down and discussed what would happen next. Liara would take over the network and use it to help me investigate anything to do with either the Collectors and the Reapers. She would use the influence of the network for the power of good rather than… well, the Shadow Broker wasn't exactly evil, but could be a pain in the arse.

She had a lot of work to do, and knew I still had to deal with the Collectors. We stayed to rest and recuperate for a night before we had to leave. Liara was sad to see us go, obviously, particularly Shiala, though the two asari came to agreement. Shiala would now split her time between Feros and Illium. Though she would continue assist the colony, Liara wanted Shiala to take care of her company on Illium. Shiala was delighted at being given the opportunity, and accepted immediately.

Approaching Omega, we gathered around the table. "Okay, people will likely realise we haven't returned with Liara, but we say nothing about what happened. If Miranda was telling the truth, we won't have to say a thing. Shiala, to help keep the cover story going, can you find your own way back to Illium, as I'm going to take the Normandy and head in a different direction?"

"Of course, Shepard. That will be for the best, I think. A return to Illium could prove to be a… distraction."

I grabbed her hand with a grin. "A welcome one, but it's time to focus our concentration again on the matter at hand. So, Garrus, Tali, Thane, Grunt, you're all sworn to secrecy. I trust you of course, as does Liara, and Shiala too, of course. But we cannot let this information slip to anyone on the Normandy."

"Loose lips sink ships, Shepard, so I won't say a damned thing to anyone in Cerberus," Tali stated.

"The secret is safe with me, Shepard," Thane stated solemnly.

Arriving back on Omega, the docking bay opposite to where the Normandy was currently docked, I messaged Miranda to let her know we had arrived back and to prepare the ship for departure. The others gave me privacy to say goodbye to Shiala, as the pilots of Liara's ship had agreed to fly her back to Illium, before they returned to Omega, no doubt awaiting further instructions from Liara. She hugged me for a long time, perhaps thinking this would be the final time she'd see me before I went through the Omega Four.

"Last night was wonderful, Shepard," she whispered.

"Yeah, it was pretty spectacular. Methinks someone was a little carried away."

She leaned back to meet my eyes. "It was worth the slight discomfort I woke up with this morning, Shepard. I just… needed you last night, all to myself. Call me selfish…"

"Shiala, trust me, I understand. And I'm not complaining."

"Liara has offered me her apartment, of course, so next time you're on Illium, maybe just you and I…"

"Definitely. I'll let you know when I'm next in the area."

With a final kiss, she turned and headed back to the ship on which we had arrived, glancing back more than once before offering a final wave. Once she disappeared, I headed straight towards my own ship, Kelly waiting for me by the docking bay, running towards me and leaping into my arms, pretty much carrying her the rest of the way as she smothered my face in kisses.

It was nice to be wanted and appreciated. Only begrudgingly did she let me go, taking my hand instead as we passed through the airlock onto the ship. Joker was in position, ready to go, so as soon as I was on board, the airlock was closed, the docking clamps released, and we headed off back into space. Miranda was waiting by my terminal. "Where are we headed to, Shepard?"

"Not sure. I just figured getting away from Omega would be best for now."

Miranda must have had word in the ear of every member of crew as no-one asked myself nor any of those who had been with me where we had been. They were all aware we'd been away on a mission. Even Chakwas didn't know, and we all popped in to visit her upon our return, as I needed a couple of wounds seeing to. Tali had a suit breach, and despite a dose of antibiotics, she was feeling a little queasy, so she spent some time with the doctor as well. After checking my message, and of course there were thousands again, not literally though it sometimes felt it, I wandered around the ship, catching up with the crew.

Jack seemed to be in a better mood nowadays. Still dealing with a lot of personal issues, but aside from talking with Chakwas and talking to specialists over a vidscreen, she had actually found talking with Thane to be helpful. "He's got this calmness to him that simply doesn't fit what he has done for a living," she said. She was playing cards with Zaeed as usual, the veteran mercenary also in a better mood, rather thankful for the fact we'd taken out Vido and I'd done nothing to stand in his way. Far as I was concerned, taking out the leader of the Blue Suns was only ever going to be a good thing.

Kasumi was pleased to see me, sitting down with her and gazing upon the stars as she filled me in with what she'd been up to while we were away, which generally involved sneaking around cloaked and eavesdropping on conversations. Though I wasn't really one to listen to gossip, I did learn one or two eyebrow raising rumours which I would store in the memory for later, if I needed them.

I did wonder what Mordin kept himself occupied with, but asking what he did to keep himself busy, or at least amused, made me regret asking, mostly because I didn't understand half of what he told me. In simple terms, he kept in touch with people from STG and performed a few experiments here and there. Nothing that could possibly cause the ship to blow up, at least. Otherwise, he was content working in his lab though admitted to wanting to go on another mission as soon as possible.

After a day and night of travel, I was about to ask Miranda about linking me to the Illusive Man to hurry him up about finding a Reaper IFF. I could understand that finding one would be difficult, but time was starting to be of the essence here, and I hated the fact we seemed to be just passing time, doing odd jobs, without really actually doing anything worthwhile.

Then Thane approached me about a job.


Thane would admit that he had not gotten to know Shepard as perhaps as well as he could have done. They had talked often, of course, but Thane would admit he did not speak of personal matters too often. The wounds, the sense of loss, was still too great, and speaking of them again would only cause him to fall asleep once more. But after receiving word of his son, and of what his son was planning on doing, he knew that he must speak with Shepard and ask a favour of him. Shepard had already helped others on the ship, and hoped he would find the time to help him in his hour of need. He did not like having to approach him with such an important but personal matter, but when it came to his son, he would admit that he was also a little out of his depth. And that is what he must now confess to Shepard.

He walked into his quarters, already looking concerned. Thane could understand why. He rarely asked for anything. Was generally silent unless he was asked a question. He spent most of his time with Samara in meditation, keeping his mind sharp and focused, ready for the next mission. The only person he had spoken to at length was Jack, and that was only to help mend herself, imparting knowledge that he could only hope would bring her peace and comfort in the difficult years ahead.

"Kelly said you wish to speak to me?" Shepard asked.

He gestured to the chair opposite. "Please, take a seat, Shepard. I did ask Miss Chambers for a word with you. It is a private matter I wish to discuss. I do not like having to approach you about it, but with what lies on the horizon for us all, and the urgency of the matter in hand, I feel I must ask this favour of you."

"Lay it on me, Thane."

He couldn't help the slight grin. Shepard had been approachable from the moment he had stepped on board the Normandy. He had observed the crew rally to his call and his cause, believing a number would turn away from Cerberus when it came for Shepard himself to walk away. He knew Shepard only remained to eliminate the Collectors. He was even starting to believe Miss Lawson would be willing to turn her back after everything she had learned.

"We have spoken about some aspects of my life already, Shepard. You are aware of the work I have done, and how I managed to deal with it, how I closed off that part of me and merely became a vessel that carried out the orders I was given. Battle sleep, I called it."

"I remember. An interesting viewpoint in regards to the mind, body and soul."

"I am aware it is rather different to any teachings on Earth but you listened and understood, and for that I am thankful. While I was asleep for many years, I was eventually woken up by… a woman. Irikah. My wife. For the first time in many years, I felt I was in the land of the living once again. She brought me peace, even joy, at least for a few short years. And she also gave me a gift. My son, Kolyat."

"I wasn't aware you had a child."

"Not many people are, Shepard. You are the first to learn of this on the ship. I have spoken with many people about my life, the jobs I have done, even of Irikah, but I do not wish anyone to know about my son. Until this moment…"

"Okay, why?"

"First, you must understand what led me to this moment. I left my wife and son many years ago, Shepard. I have not seen my son since he was a boy. Before and after Irikah, I have always been good at killing people, Shepard. It is what I was trained to do. After I lost Irikah, I was ill-equipped to raise my son alone. While I left him, he was not alone. He has lived with family members ever since. He is loved and cared for, but as to his father, I have been kept up to date with his progress, but I have not seen him. It is for his own protection. Or, at least, I thought it was."

"What happened to your wife?"

It was the only question he feared. He could close his eyes and still see her face. Her eyes. Nose. Lips. The scent of her perfume. Her smile when their eyes met. She could still hear her voice, the way she breathed his name when they joined, her laugh whenever he managed to tell a joke. He had always been serious, the job had forced him to close himself off from emotion for so long, that when he finally opened himself up, he wondered if he'd ever feel. When he did, finding love in his heart for someone else, it took time for him to simply understand.

"She was taken from me, Shepard. I walked away from the life when I met her. I tried to become… 'ordinary'. I failed and I could not provide for my young family, so I returned to the life. Then people came and… took her from me."

"I assume you didn't just take that?"

"I did not, Shepard. That is why I left my son with family. I hunted down everyone responsible, from those responsible on the day, to those who ordered it. She was not meant to die, of course. They were after me. It was my fault that she was taken. It was then that I realised that my soul was black, that what I had been doing had brought darkness to the galaxy. Once I completed the task, I resolved myself to bringing light to the galaxy, to help restore order, to take down those who would bring pain and suffering to others."

"Which is why we found you in Dantius Towers."

"Correct, Shepard."

"Okay, so what do you wish of me?"

"My son is… disconnected, Shepard. He is walking a path I never intended nor wished for him to follow. He was to never learn of the life I have lived."

"Disconnected? How do you mean?"

"Correct, Shepard. Allow me to put it simply. The philosophy I have mentioned before. The body is not the true self. The soul is not the true self. Body and soul work as one to make a whole person. When the soul is weakened by despair or fear, or if the body is ill or injured, then the individual is disconnected. They are no longer whole."

"Okay, I follow. But how does this apply to your son?"

"He is aware of my previous life. That should not have happened."

"Do you know how he found out?"

"I am unsure. I would like to know. Whatever the case, he has gone to the Citadel as he has taken a job as a hit man. I would like you help to stop him, Shepard."

"Of course. We'll get it sorted as soon as we arrive."

He bowed slightly. "You have my thanks, Shepard."

Shepard disappeared out the door as he rose and walked out of his quarters, turning and joining Samara in the lounge. She was meditating as always, legs curled in front of her, palms up as they rested on her knees, nothing but calm and relaxation. Removing his shoes, he sat next to her and relaxed next to her. They sat together in silence for a long time, at least an hour. The memories returned, as always. Flashes of his life. The lives he had taken. The pain and agony he had caused others. The brief moments of respite he had enjoyed. The joy he had felt when holding his son in his arms for the first time. The heartache and rage that overtook him upon finding Irikah. The hell he had unleashed on the galaxy when hunting down those responsible.

The journey to the Citadel ended up taking two days. Thane spent of the time preparing mind and body for the ordeal to come. Not only did he have to track down his son and stop him following the path, it would be the first time he'd seen him in years. The last time he had seen his son in the flesh, he had only been a small child. His son was now a man, eighteen years old, and he knew there would be anger and bitterness in his direction. His son would feel abandoned. A dead mother and an absent father. Little wonder he'd followed the same path.

Once the ship had docked, Shepard had the crew remain on the Normandy, perhaps anticipating a shorter stay on the Citadel than expected. He was also aware that Shepard had been warned off the Citadel. Not barred from visiting completely but he knew his presence, and that of his ship, would attract attention, raise eyebrows, and lead to some rather uncomfortable questions.

Waiting near the airlock, a few crew members did leave. He heard Shepard joke with Garrus about going to visit his girlfriend, Chloe, assuring the turian that he would have enough time to enjoy some 'sexy times' before they left. Mess Sergeant Gardner would be departing to purchase more food for the ship. One or two other crew members were departing to visit family and friends. Anyone departing, who usually wore the Cerberus uniform, was wearing clothing that did not contain the emblem, simply for their own safety.

"Ready, Thane?"

He took a deep breath. Calmed any nerves about what was to come. "Yes, Shepard. We should proceed immediately."

Heading out onto the Citadel with Shepard, he noticed how relaxed the man was when out of uniform. Their time together off the ship was limited. He did not leave the ship whenever on Omega, and kept to himself when on Illium, aware of Shepard and his private life, and he simply did not wish to intrude. Walking alongside him now, despite the fact he did not wear a uniform, he still strode along with purpose, and the crowds simply seemed to part as they walked together, side by side. There was no doubt Shepard had a presence, though it was surprised so many seemed to recognise him. Or perhaps it was simply how he actually walked. Even without wearing the blues, he was still a soldier at heart.

Shepard took them straight to C-Sec, suggesting that drelll were so uncommon, it was likely they would have a record of the arrival of any drell. It made sense, and he was soon introduced to a Captain Bailey. He realised quite quickly that Shepard had a rapport with this C-Sec officer, and despite what looked like negotiation, Shepard called in a favour owed, and Bailey was able to provide the assistance they needed when Thane explained the situation to him.

"I'm looking for my son. I believe he has been hired by a local criminal syndicate to carry out a job."

Bailey wasn't stupid. Drell were usually only hired for specific job. "A job? I'll be honest, don't particularly want to ask or know. One can assume what sort of job when it comes to drell. No offence."

"None taken."

"We don't get many drell here on the Citadel. Let me check our records, see what we can dig out."

Bailey was silent for a few moments and he typed away at his keyboard, making a grunting sound every so often before finally stopped. "Yep, figured. One of my men reported seeing a drell recently. Hmmm, interesting…"


"He was talking to Mouse. That certainly clarifies what I thought the job may be." Thane knew who Mouse was. Kids who lived on the streets used code names. He had used kids as his look outs whenever he worked jobs, and the Citadel was no different than anywhere else in the galaxy. Street children were more often than not ignored and overlooked. They could get into place that he simply couldn't, overhear things that shouldn't be heard otherwise. "You'd like him, Shepard," Bailey added.

"Why the hell would I like him?"

"Mouse runs all sorts of schemes. One of them was selling illegal VI personalities. Particularly one of you."

"Gods, that all I need, VI's of me around the galaxy. I think one of me is enough at times."

"Do you know where I can locate this Mouse?" Thane asked.

"You'll find him around here somewhere. He's usually seen loitering outside the Dark Star lounge. If Mouse can't put you in touch with your son, he'll know where you can find him or at least who to contact. But if you run into any roadblocks, head back this way and I'll see what I can do to help further."

"You have my thanks, Captain."

"Don't thank me. I've worked this Ward for more than two years. Seen too many kids turn to crime because their parents stopped caring or never gave a shit to begin with. You're trying to save yours. And I'll do anything I can to help simply because of that."

"He faces a dark path. I wish to turn him to the light."

He was aware of where the Dark Star lounge was located, the pair immediately heading in that direction. Much had changed on the Citadel between the attack on the Citadel and the present day, so Shepard didn't know his way around as well as he used to. Thane knew where the Dark Star lounge was so helped guide the way. Approaching the club, he could feel and hear the bass from inside, the noise only increasing with a burly guard at the door opened it to allow someone new to enter. The line to enter, even at this time of day, was long.

He recognised Mouse immediately. Still a young man. No doubt still leading a life of petty crime. It had been years since he had seen him, though he figured Mouse would recognise him immediately. Thane looked at Shepard and gestured with his eyes. When Mouse finally noticed their approach, far too late from him to turn and run, he seemed to almost slink back against the wall in fear. Thane could understand why. He had never intended to scare any of the children that worked for him, but they had learned of his reputation.

"K-K-Krios, I thought… I thought you were retired? Oh shit. Oh shit. You're here to finish me, aren't you? I know too much, right?" Then his eyes glanced at Shepard. "Hang on, aren't you… You're Commander Shepard! I've seen your photo's on the news! But… You're dead…" He fell silent, glancing between the pair of them, before he finally slumped. "Shit."

"Calm yourself, Mouse," he said, gently as possible, resting a hand on his shoulder, surprising the young man didn't leap when he touched him, "We are not here to cause you any harm. We merely require information."

It was no surprise that Mouse was immediately defensive. Thane may have used him at one time, but that was long ago. He no longer held the young man's allegiance. And even though he would fear him, information was his lifeblood. If others found out that he'd sold someone out, that would be his livelihood gone, in addition to putting his life in danger. "What information?" Mouse asked, "You know that sort of stuff doesn't come cheap."

"Come, Mouse. You know you will give me the information. Do not be defensive. I only require a name. You gave another drell information about an assassination. I merely wish to know who the target is."

"I don't know. You don't know the people I work for now, Krios. You were good to us. None of us will forget. But I'm not prepared to die for you."

"Do you trust me, Mouse?"

The young man looked between them again. Shepard appeared relaxed, not wishing to intervene. No doubt part of him would have slapped the kid around until he talked, but seemed to recognise Thane wished to obtain the information his way. "Yeah, I guess. I mean, you never did me or the other kids any harm. Your credits kept a lot of us fed."

"Help me now and I will ensure whoever you work for will not harm you. And you know I am the sort of person who can guarantee that."

Another glance between the pair. He would have known of Shepard's reputation. And Thane had a mystique about him. Mouse had trusted him long ago. And no doubt that trust still lingered in the back of his mind. "Okay. Fine. The other drell approached me. Said he knew you. Said he was looking for a job. Knew the code we used to confirm he was legitimate. So I ran through all the contacts I've built up over the years. Someone who'd give a rookie a shot. Eventually came upon a name."

"Who, Mouse?"

"Elias Kelham."

Thane looked at Shepard, who returned a shrug. "Who is this Elias Kelham?" Thane asked Mouse.

"He's a human. Been here for around a decade or so. He was a nobody for a long time. Small-time criminal. Never really looked like going anywhere. Ran into him once or twice when you were still active. Didn't like him then. Don't like him now."

"And now?"

"Now he's a somebody. Lot of big shots got taken out when the geth attacked. Now he's got plenty of cash. And people in his back pocket. He's near untouchable."

"Where's he based?"

"Shin Akiba."

"Thank you, Mouse. Are you contact details still the same? And your account details?"

"Of course."

"Expect something by the end of the solar day. And rest assured Kelham will no longer be your problem."

Mouse would believe him, of course. His reputation has earned him respect and fear in equal doses. And kids like Mouse had almost worshipped him at times as he had kept them safe. And there was no doubt the young man believed him as he no doubt believed he and Shepard would now either kill or intimidate Kelham.

Heading back to C-Sec for information in regards to Kelham, getting Bailey to help out was trickier. It wasn't necessarily corruption that was taking place within the ranks, though C-Sec was as easy to corrupt as any organisation, but it was obvious that Kelham used power and influence to ensure he could continue his operations with interference. Bailey sounded disgusted, at least, so it seemed he may have been fighting the good fight but with limited success.

Bailey was helpful, stating he would have Kelham brought in for questioning but they'd have to sit tight until his arrival. They were shown to an interrogation room, Bailey stating that Kelham would be brought in, but otherwise, he would make himself scarce. There would be blowback against having someone with his influence brought in. Shepard simply thanked the man, assuring him he now owed him a favour now.

"What are you thinking, Shepard?"

"Bad cop. Worse cop. I'll be the latter. If I've read this guy properly, even threats won't work. We let him know that, in this room, there are no rules. We are in charge. He co-operates, or he dies. Simples."

Thane wasn't going to disagree with what Shepard had planned. He had killed many with the reputation of Kelham before. He'd be doing the Citadel a favour if he was left in a body bag somewhere, though as always the case, the vacuum left by Kelham being dead would simply be filled by someone else. There was always someone else…

Twenty minutes later, Shepard leaned against a wall, seeming to check his fingernails, Thane relaxing with his eyes closed against the wall, the door into the interrogation room opened, and a half-conscious man was dragged in by a pair of C-Sec officers. Dumped into the chair, Shepard stated he was a Spectre and dismissed them immediately. Shepard grabbed a glass of water from nearby, splashing it into the face of Kelham before tapping his cheek. "Wakey, wakey, sunshine."

Kelham opened his eyes, blinking rapidly, immediately confused as he looked at Shepard first before himself. "Who the fuck are you two? Where am I?"

"C-Sec," Shepard replied simply.

"C-Sec. I demand you…"

Shepard put a fist straight into his nose. "You don't get to demand a goddamned thing."

Still holding his nose, blood already flowing, Kelham glared daggers. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Where's my advocate? I'm going to have your fucking badge for this!"

Shepard laughed. Thane thought it was positively evil, left thinking he was getting a kick out of this. Taking the pistol from his hip, Shepard jammed the barrel under Kelham's chin. His eyes were immediately one of fear, staring at him, hoping he would intervene. He would not, unless Shepard looked on the verge of actually killing him. "Let's get one thing straight here, bozo. You are not in charge here. I am, and my partner has questions. You answer his questions, we let you go. You don't answer his questions, you have four limbs I can put a bullet in. Don't answer a question, get a bullet. Understand? A simple nod or shake of the head will suffice." Kelham nodded his head. "You may proceed with your questions."

"You sent a young drell after a target. He is to assassinate said target. Who is he?"

"I don't know."

Shepard stood back and put a bullet into his right leg, the howls of pain echoing around the room. Thane looked at Shepard, who simply shrugged. "I warned him. He lied. Try again."

Looking back at Kelham, he asked again, "You sent a young drell after a target. He is to assassinate said target. Who is he?"

Kelham delayed answering, Shepard levelling his pistol at his other leg. "I have another leg and two arms before I get towards the more sensitive areas. And you won't bleed out before I'm done."

"His name's Talid!" Kelham cried, "Joram Talid. He's a turian running for office in Zakera Ward. He's running on an anti-human ticket. He's going to mess with my enterprises. I intend to stop him."

"Where and when?"

"His apartment. The 800 blocks."

He bowed. "You have my thanks, Mister Kelham. Have a nice day."

Before they walked out, Shepard clocked Kelham across the jaw, knocking him out. As they were strolling out, they ran into a man, demanding access to his client. Shepard thumbed back into the room. "He's having a little nap in there. He was also shot. Not sure by who. I think Mister Kelham needs to be more careful in regards to who he hangs around with."

As they walked away, Thane could resist the slight grin as he said, "Shepard, I do believe that may go down as one of the shortest interrogations in history. I didn't think you had that in you."

"Please, I have no problem dealing with people like Kelham with overwhelming force and intimidation."

Back with Bailey a few minutes later, he asked no question and they gave no explanation. Asking who Talid was, the C-Sec officer could at least give details of his movements and where they could find him. He also explained how Talid had become so popular as an anti-corruption advocate, but also one who was vocally anti-human. Bailey didn't appear perturbed by it but Shepard didn't sound particularly happy. But he still didn't want to see the turian killed just because he held an opposing viewpoint, so Bailey offered to have them driven to the 800 blocks and they'd work from there.

Once dropped off, he asked Shepard to tail Talid from a distance, something he knew Shepard would not be used to, but he trusted him enough not to be seen by the turian, lest he believe Shepard was here to kill rather than protect him. As for Thane, he would follow from the shadows, ensuring he would be between Kolyat and the target when the time came.

In the end, finding his son wasn't difficult. He was too young. Too naïve, Too inexperienced. And he made too many mistakes. When he finally came face to face with his son, he saw Irikah more than he saw himself. The colour of his skin. His eyes. Even his voice was a reminder. But he also saw a man. A young man, but a man nonetheless, confident in his abilities, confident that he would still somehow walk out of that room live. Shepard had his pistol aimed at his son, the pistol of his son at the head of the turian. It was a stand-off.

Bailey had obviously been monitoring their progress, because before anyone could say a word, the apartment was fill with at least three more people, including Bailey, his own weapon drawn.

"Kolyat," he stated quietly.

"Of all the times, now you show up? Is this some sort of sick joke?"

"Help me. Please!" the turian pleaded. Kolyat simply leaned forward, pressing the pistol into the back of the turians head, forcing it down further.

"Alright, son. I think this has gone far enough. Gun down," Bailey instructed.

"No. I'm walking out of here. And this piece of shit is coming with me. You're all going to get out of my way and let me leave."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," Bailey stated.

"Put the gun down, Kolyat," Shepard stated gently.

"Who the hell are you?"

"A friend of your fathers."

The eyes of his son looked around, noticing that he had no chance. If he shot Talid, he would be dead seconds later. If he dropped his weapon, he still had a chance. With a sigh, he dropped the weapon and kicked Talid in the arse, the turian immediately rising to his feet and running out. "Sergeant, take the boy and his father back to the precinct. Give them a room and as much time as they need. Understand?" Bailey said.

"Of course, sir."

"You have my thanks, Captain Bailey. But I must ask why?"

"You think he's the only man who ever screwed up raising a son? And I figured you'd like some time to talk. I'll do what I can to help, but this will be hard to look anything different than what it was."

"I understand."

Kolyat did not speak the entire time on the way back to the station. Shepard travelled separately, and gave father and son time to speak. Thane sat opposite his son in an interview room. There was anger in his body language. Anger he could understand. The conversation was one-sided at first. The only words he received were scathing, but with a lack of understanding about why… why he had left. What had happened to his mother. What happened to him. The years he had spent tracking down those responsible. By the time he had returned, it was too late. So he left to pursue a different path. He answered the questions, whether asked or unasked, as best he could, to try and help his son understand. By the end of their conversation, he could only hope he had imparted at least some knowledge.

His last words of love. That he had loved his mother. And that he had always loved his son. In the darkest moments, it has always been the moment of his birth that had given him a true sense of purpose. Kolyat would likely never understand that feeling until he had children of his own, but it was the one reason remaining as to why he still lived.

Walking out of the interview room, he leaned against a wall and took a deep breath, calmed himself down, found his centre once again. Shepard obviously gave him a few moments before approaching. For once, there wasn't a joke. Only a caring pat on the shoulder. Thane turned and offered his hand, the shake warm as he thanked Shepard for his help.

"My pleasure, Thane."

"I will return to the ship, Shepard. I will meditate on the events of today. It is early days, only the first day, but I see a chink of light for the future, a door slightly ajar. It is not up to my son if he wishes to speak again. I will not push him to reconnect. I will understand if he does not. But I will now go into this mission with hope for the future once again."

"Sounds like another good reason why this shouldn't be a suicide mission then."

"Before today, I would have gladly died to ensure its success. Now… now I hope to live, Shepard. I have not felt that in a long time."

Thanking him again, Thane turned and began his walk back to the Citadel. He must have appeared content, even happy, as more than one person smiled at him on his walk back. It was unusual not to be stared at, people even recoiling slightly, whether in distrust, even fear. Back on the ship, he returned to his quarters, changing into new clothes before joining Samara once again. Getting into a comfortable position, he felt himself calm, and for once, the memories did not disturb him. He felt reconnected himself.

A hand grabbed his. "I am glad you are well, Thane," said a soothing voice.

"I feel at peace, Samara. It is a feeling I am not used to."

"Embrace the feeling, Thane. It is something that you will not wish to see diminish anytime soon, not with what lies on our horizon."

They did not share any further words. At least for the next couple of hours.


Knocking on her door, I didn't actually expect her to be home. It was late enough in the evening that people would have finished worked, but journalists worked off hours sometimes, or she could have been away on assignment, or…

I need not have worried. The door opened and I soon had a smaller woman than myself hugging me tight enough that it could have led to trouble breathing. Leaping into my arms wasn't unexpected, I was ready for that, at least, managing to carry her inside, shutting the door with my foot, before I sat her down on a stool. Her lips found mine immediately, and it was obvious she was happy to see me.

"I didn't know you were even here," Emily said.

"Last minute thing. A colleague of mine needed some help. And since I was in town, I thought I'd come and say hello."

"How long are you on the Citadel for?"

"No idea, to be honest. Long enough that I can take you out for dinner tonight, at least. What do you prefer? Fancy or simple?"

"Simple and close to home, Shepard."

"Oh, and why would that be?"

"Because the last time you were here, we slept in the same bed but I didn't want to do anything. I've been thinking about that ever since. The opportunities we have to be together are fleeting because of what you do. But it was such a shock to see you standing at my door again…"

I just hugged her tight to my body. I'd reunited with everyone since then but had only seen her the once. We'd messaged often, but messaging wasn't the same as seeing each other face to face, or talking, and definitely not like being intimate. "Well, why don't we order some food in then and not bother leaving?"

"I know the perfect place. Can I fit the stereotype of ordering Earth food at least?"

"I don't mind what we eat. I'm sure you know the best places to buy from though."

Half an hour later, we were sat together on her couch, small tubs of food across her coffee table, sampling each one as we chatted about our lives. Even though she was a journalist, I knew our conversation would be off the record, as I'd already promised her an interview as soon as I was out of the clutches of Cerberus. But I guess giving her a head up about one or two things wasn't a bad idea either. She told me about some of the big news items she'd been involved in. Of course, absolutely no-one spoke of the Reapers anymore, completely written off by the Council, and even the Alliance seemed to be in full denial mode. Whether it was different back on Earth, or on Arcturus, I simply couldn't know.

Finishing our meals, we finished the bottle of wine she had also bought, turning towards each other now, moving closer and closer until we finally kissed. Wine was forgotten about as hands started to explore once again. I couldn't wait to get her shirt off, making her giggle as I practically ripped off her bra at the same time, lips and tongue immediately heading south to her breasts, feeling her hands wrap around my head as she gasped.

Moving down her body, she rested back as I removed her skirt, joking that she must have known as I coming before I moved her panties at the same time. I definitely licked my lips as she automatically spread her legs for me, beckoning me on to taste her. So I did, making her moan quietly as I ran my tongue up her slit. "Taste as good as ever, Emily," I whispered. Corny, but it made her giggle again. And I wasn't lying. Our brief times together during my chase of Saren had always been passionate and the sex had always been excellent.

Sex on a couch is generally awkward, so I picked her up and carried her into her bedroom, helping remove her footwear before joining her on the bed, resuming what I was doing before. I didn't just focus on her pussy straight away, my lips finding other places to kiss around her body, finding those little zones that made her moan or giggle, before I moved back up to her face, and simply gazed into her eyes for a little while as my fingers gently played with her pussy, watching each and every reaction.

"Shepard," she whispered, followed by a gasp.

"Miss me?"

"We should have made love the first time you were here. I'm sorry."

"Emily, I loved that night we shared. It was nice just to reconnect. For me, it felt like barely a week. I knew it was much longer for you."

"Should have made love, Shepard. God, I was so mad at myself when you left the next day."

"I'm here now, so we can make up for it."

Moving back down her body, I definitely spent time slowly bringing her to orgasm, not talking anywhere near as much, using my fingers to tease her along the way. When she started to beg and plead about needing to orgasm, I relented and did all I could to help it arrive. When it did, she cried out loudly, chuckling to myself as the neighbours would have no doubt heard. And, of course, I kept on going as well, pleased that she didn't ask me to stop.

Her second one arrived only a few minutes later, and she needed me to stop after that one, her legs like jelly, she said. Then she giggled to herself, realising I was still dressed. I just lay down beside her, gazing up and down her naked body, enjoying everything I could see on display. Once she had calmed down and recovered, she set about taking off my clothes in return, and once she had me naked and on my back, cock in her hands, I was treated to one hell of a blowjob. Rather quickly, her head was bobbing up and down, watching her swallow my entire length each and every time, eyes continuously looking up into mine as I could only watch mesmerised at how eager she was to please me in return.

And considering I found eating out a woman a complete and utter turn on, it was no surprise my own orgasm wasn't long in arriving. When I warned her I was getting close, she simply doubled down her efforts, bobbing up and down even faster, doing things with her tongue that I can't even describe. I warned her a final time, and that was barely seconds before I groaned and almost thrust up into her mouth as I felt the sweet release again, relaxing back into the bed once I was done, no doubt with the same grin I always had after a woman had brought me to climax.

She definitely cleaned my cock with her tongue before I felt her lips gently kiss up my body before she relaxed into the bed beside me, wrapping an arm around her as she cuddled into my side. "That is what they call the entrée, Emily. Main course is up next."

"Oh, and what would the desert be then?"

"Hmmm. Good question."

Emily did only want one thing from me and that was to straddle my lap, slide down my cock, and slowly ride me. And I was perfectly happy to let her do that. The lovemaking was incredibly slow, but the kisses we shared were passionate, my hands all over her body, her hands running up and down my chest, or she would lean back and I'd watch her body move on top of mine, my large hands covering her breasts, running up down her back or stomach.

I'm not sure how long Emily rode me for, but I realised quite quickly that she was doing anything to delay her orgasm, picking up her pace for a little while before she'd slow right down, then she'd started to ride me a little faster again. Most of the time she was on her knees, though she did change slightly, feet flat on the bed, asking me to hold her hands, as she really started to ride me hard. To be honest, I was thankful that she'd blown me, otherwise I would never have lasted as long as she did.

When she did finally cum, it was only the once, and it was one of the most beautiful orgasms I'd ever witnessed. By the time it had passed through her body, she could barely move a muscle, her entire body turned to jelly. She could barely lift herself up off my body, yet when I tried to touch her, she gasped as her entire body was simply too sensitive. Even moving was too difficult, so I could only lie there until she found the energy to roll off my body.

Once she was with it again, she gasped and asked if I needed to cum too. Admitting that I did, she immediately spread her legs again and insisted we continue. She could barely lift her legs to wrap around me, but I wasn't going to last long, her arms around the back of my neck as we made out. I only needed a few minutes before I finished inside her.

Then we showered and, once we were dry, went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke first and watched her sleep until her eyes fluttered open, and she immediately blushed. After the usual morning ritual, she cooked breakfast for us both before she really needed to head off to the office. "Are you heading off today or can you stay?"

"I would, but the longer the Normandy stays in dock, the more attention we'll get."

Thankfully, she understood, but I wasn't just going to leave her then and there. We wandered out of her apartment and grabbed a cab, where I directed it all the way to her office building. Only when we were about to enter did I stop, pull her towards me, and kissed her. I'm sure we received more than one stare before we pulled apart. While her cheeks were starting to go red from a little embarrassment, the look in her eyes told me everything, and she kissed me again. Hard. The sort of kiss that ended with her moulded into my body, and if she didn't have to go to work, we probably would have got back into the cab and returned to her apartment.

Finally breaking apart so we could breath, she told me to message as soon as I knew when I'd be back. That was an easy promise to make. That made her smile before there was a final brief kiss before she turned and wandered into the building. I received more than one curious look, no doubt being recognised, as news of my return was somewhat common knowledge by now. I'd been back long enough for the stories to spread and I think be confirmed.

Boarding the Normandy, I wasn't the last one back so asked a message to any crew not currently aboard to return immediately. Within thirty minutes, Garrus was the last one back, apologising for being late, though I assured him he wasn't. I just wanted to be away from the Citadel as soon as possible.

As the ship headed towards the nearest relay, I simply hoped I'd hear that we could finally take the next step in our mission to stop the Reapers.