
Masks Around Me

As Edward confronts the ghosts of his past, a former friend's return sparks a chain of events that leaves him questioning who he can truly trust. With secrets lurking in every corner, Edward must navigate the murky waters of betrayal to uncover the truth before it's too late.

Faerie_16 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Unveiling Deception

The next morning, a loud knock jolted me awake.

"It must be Cedric," I mumbled, making my way to the door.

To my surprise, it wasn't Cedric, but James and my parents standing there.

My heart sank as I realized I would have to confront what happened.

"Welcome back," I greeted them with a forced smile.

"Go freshen up and meet us downstairs," Dad instructed, his tone distant.

After getting ready, I headed downstairs to find my parents talking to the Smiths.

Dad stood abruptly, bidding the Smiths farewell before leaving without a word.

"Let's go, Ed," James said, taking my hand.

The car ride home was tense, with Dad remaining silent and Mom looking worried.

I wanted to tell them about the exam, but the timing felt wrong, so I stayed quiet.

Once home, Mom took James to his room while Dad headed to his study.

As I turned to go to my room, Dad's cold voice stopped me.

"Follow me," he commanded, his tone sending shivers down my spine.

In his study, before I could speak, his hand collided with my cheek in a resounding slap.

My face stung as I stared at him, his expression a mix of anger and disappointment.

"Why did you do it?" he demanded, his voice cutting through the silence.

Confusion clouded my thoughts. Did he know about the missed exam?

"I didn't... I wanted to make it to the exam, but..." I stammered, cut off by his shout.

"Don't play dumb! I did everything to help you prepare, and you threw it away!" he accused, showing me damning texts on his phone.

"I didn't send those messages, Dad, I swear!" I protested, but his disappointment only deepened.

Grounded and stripped of my electronics, I left without another word, retreating to my room.

Alone, I wondered how Dad found out. Only Cedric and I knew about the missed exam.

Why would Cedric betray me like this? I resolved to confront him when he came.

Weeks passed, but Cedric didn't show. Then one day, a maid announced his arrival.

As Cedric entered with a smile, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal.

"I'm sorry for not visiting sooner. Heard you were grounded," he said casually.

We walked to the garden, where I finally confronted him.

"Did you use my phone to send those messages?" I asked, watching his expression shift.

He denied it, but I could see the truth in his eyes.

"Why, Cedric? Why betray me like this?" I pleaded, but he left without a word.

That night, Dad came to my room, guilt written on his face.

"I heard you and Cedric talking. I'm sorry for doubting you," he confessed, returning my confiscated devices.

As he left, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal.

Tomorrow, I vowed to confront Cedric and uncover the truth once and for all.