
Masks Around Me

As Edward confronts the ghosts of his past, a former friend's return sparks a chain of events that leaves him questioning who he can truly trust. With secrets lurking in every corner, Edward must navigate the murky waters of betrayal to uncover the truth before it's too late.

Faerie_16 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: A New School, A New Sibling

A week had finally passed, and it was time for me to start school. My parents had arranged for me to attend a private kindergarten in the city to ensure my comfort. Mr. Williams, our chauffeur, was tasked with taking me to school that day as my parents had a business meeting.

Arriving at the school, it was larger than I had imagined, boasting a vast playground with numerous play structures for children.

"Sir Edward? Sir Edward!!!!" Williams's voice broke through my deep thoughts.

Startled, I looked up at him, finally snapping out of my reverie. Chuckling, he said, "We've arrived. Come on, let's go." Williams helped me out of the car and held my hand as we made our way into the school building.

Inside, I still felt nervous, my palms starting to grow sweaty. Sensing my apprehension, Williams stopped suddenly and turned to face me. "It's normal to be nervous on your first day, but don't worry, you will enjoy your time here," he assured me, offering some comfort.

Feeling slightly reassured, we proceeded to the registrar's office. While Williams completed the necessary procedures, I sat quietly in a corner, taking in my surroundings.

Once done, Williams approached me with a young lady by his side. "I am done with your registration, so I will be on my way. This is your teacher, Mrs. Carol, and she will be taking you to your class," he informed me.

"Okay," I replied, nodding.

"I will pick you up when the school day ends, so you have to wait for me at your class and don't go anywhere," he added.


With a hug, Williams bid me farewell and left.

"Alright, Edward, let's go to your class," Mrs. Carol said cheerfully, leading me down the hallway.

Moments later, we entered a bustling classroom. Mrs. Carol's gentle voice brought order to the chaos as she introduced me to my new classmates.

After settling in, we proceeded with activities, and soon it was playtime. However, I found myself alone in a corner, unsure of where to belong. Eventually, I settled on playing with sand, creating random structures.

My solitude was short-lived as three boys from my class approached, claiming ownership of the play corner and demanding I leave. Before I could react, one of them shoved me to the ground, berating me for my supposed offense.

Suddenly, a brave voice intervened, threatening to report the bullies to the teacher if they didn't stop. Reluctantly, the boys backed off, leaving me bewildered yet grateful.

The voice belonged to Cedric Smith, a boy with whom I quickly formed a bond, spending the rest of the day together.

A few weeks later, during dinner, my mother announced some unexpected news that left me feeling uneasy and uncertain about my place in the family.