
Masked Revenge

Twenty-year-old Eloise Dickinson, grew up under severe hardship, with only one goal and determination, to give her family a better life. Many young ladies would be falling in love and getting loved at this age, but not Eloise. She was so preoccupied with saving her family that, she was willing to do just anything, including marrying a thirty-five-year-old tyrant CEO. One thing led to another and Eloise becomes Mrs Lexington. When her childhood sweetheart returns, what would become of this marriage built on duress? Would Eloise finally choose her happiness? Secrets get revealed, and vengeance takes centre stage. The weak get strong, while the strong pay dearly for their misdeeds. Come on this journey with Eloise as she embarks on the sweetest revenge ever, and against none other than her dearest husband, the ruthless Thomas Lexington Read Masked Revenge

Estypen · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Eloise glared at the CEO in surprise. "Sir, I don't understand. My apologies but I don't think I ever met you before to make you conclude with the way I speak," she snapped back softly.

The CEO smirked at the pale-looking Eloise. "You play with a lot with fire Eloise." Striding towards Eloise.

Leaning over while Eloise gradually jolted back.

He reclined upright, with a vicious smirk across his lips. "You embarrassed me Eloise, disgraced and humiliated me." He yelled brawling his fist against the table causing Eloise to jolt on the spot. After which he strode towards the window behind his seat.

"I've never come across you before in my life. Moreover, I don't stay here in Naiden. It could be a mistake in identity." Eloise replied with her face positioned downwards.

"Damn it, you've got the guts to reply to me?" Rushing towards her, pinning her to the wall yelling so loud.

His countenance changed into a fierce looking one. "The mall, the spill, the damn little kid who pointed his fingers at me in humiliation Isn't that enough for an embarrassment?"

"Fine, I've dealt with him by selling him out to those who need children for good and favorable deeds. And you! I'll make sure you are dealt with because you instigated all of this.

His fist clenched more to her neck causing the already choking Eloise to gasp for breath, equally struggling his hands off her neck with her hands which seemed too little to withhold his.

"Sir, I'm choking," she struggled to say with a faint voice.

He took his hands off her throat in an instant causing her to fall to the ground gasping for breath. He took her in by one hand while she coughed extensively. "You will pay for every single embarrassment you caused me that day," he voiced out. Reaching out for her cloth and shredding it apart.

Eloise struggled to her feet with her hands clasped around her neck to ease the effect of his hands. Anger filled her heart immediately. She couldn't process any consequences of the man before her who leaned over trying to hurl more words at her when she returned his words with a resounding slap.

"I spilled my drink on you fine. Was it intentional? Did you try to find reasons behind me doing what I did? Moreover, I apologized so what the heck? You know what? you disgust me."

"And mind you, "I'm resigning, I'll submit my resignation letter to the head of the department. To hell with you, to hell with Lexington cooperations, and to hell with you Mr. Thomas." She yelled and twisted the doorknob to dash out of his presence.

"Resigning? Go on, try your luck, submit your resignation letter." Thomas said with both hands on his chest with a smirk across his lips.

"Suit yourself," his words never bothered Eloise who instead dashed out, while he returned to his seat like nothing ever happened.

As fast as she could, she bolted toward the office of the head of the department to tender her resignation letter.

She tried catching her breath. The effect of the suffocation was still visible causing her neck to turn red.

She got hold of a pen and paper and wrote down her letter placing it on the desk before Olivia. "Ma'am I'm resigning." She takes her to leave immediately without expecting a reply.

She hastened towards the exit section. With anger fuming within her.

A young man in a suit strode past her, then turned around to have a second look when he noticed it was her from her back view. She took a stride towards the exit.

"Eloise," the voice called she refused to answer instead and kept moving.

He called her name the second time with several warnings. "Eloise," if you leave and try applying for a job, there's no company in the entire North Hill, that will employ you, none! not even one. Moreover, be sure to submit alongside 2 billion as well for compensation in place of the embarrassment from the previous day, as clearly stated in the contract. It's either you work in this company for the next five years or you pay the contract termination fee of 2 billion. But I guess you didn't read through the contract before signing right?" Eloise came to an abrupt pause, turning her gaze backward and striding towards Dan who disseminated the information with speed.

Leaving some centimeters in between them. "Why, what - - what contract, I never signed any. What now, how come? I never signed any contract." She spluttered before Dan.

"Yes, he wants the contract to elapse before he lays you off, and before then if you choose to disobey his orders please do," Dan concludes and walks off. In anger, Eloise hastens back to Thomas's office. She waited for no permission before she barged into his office throwing caution into the wind.

Thomas scowled at the sight of Eloise, pushing his laptop aside.

"What an effrontery to barge into my office like that?"

She fought back tears and balled her fist.

"You are loathsome, malicious, merciless, vile, perverse and the son of the devil himself. Why would you cage me into signing a contract to work for you in the next five years under torture?

Thomas cracked up heavily mocking Eloise. " Oh, that! It's not my fault, I only played my game and you fell into my trap because you failed to read the contract you were asked to sign."

Eloise sighed. "So you made me work in the cleaning department, and you ordered the head of the department to torture me."

"Exactly, you are so smart ." Thomas laughed circling in his seat.

Eloise stared at him in disgust feeling like dashing a blow into that devilish face of his. Her hands tightened into fists. Thomas noticed this and strode towards her. "You wanna hit me right?"

"Mr. Lexington, If I hit you so hard that you bleed, you deserve it and you deserve m–" she got silenced as he grabbed her by the waist and landed a kiss on her lips. It was her first kiss, and she felt something, a bubbling feeling that she had never felt before.

However, it didn't make her escape into space; she remembered all that was happening. She immediately pushed him away but his grip on her waist was so tight that all her efforts were futile.

Thomas was too tough to resist and the kiss left her breathless.

"Your kissing skills are terrible," Thomas dissed after he let go of her lips.

Eloise gave him a hot slap releasing the tension in her balled fist to his cheek.

"Son of a bastard, you put me under torture, and now you stole my first kiss."

Thomas laughed, rubbing off the effect of the slap. She moved towards the door about twisting the door knob when Thomas gave her a word that left her expressionless.

"Be my woman Eloise, then I'd consider my intentions towards you. I'm not asking, it's a must. " Thomas smirked in conclusion.

Eloise gulped in shock. "I could remain single all my life instead of marrying this idiot." She mutters to herself.

Thomas strides towards her again trying to kiss her but this time she breaks free from the boss' grip and walks out.

"Sounds Bold, You will pay for all of this anyway. Thomas mutters angrily.

" Shit! Something feels so different about her. Not more than a kiss from that woman you lost control and left your job because of a damn kiss from an inexperienced slut." Now Thomas had to scold himself.