
Mask society

The world was in an era of peace but suddenly, there were reports of a parasite's invasion in all the world, they removed our soul and used it as a battery to mutate into another type of life. There was only death and chaos in the way, no one was safe and they were trying to find a cure for this apocalypse but later, a communication from a mysterious organization appears on the TV that says they found a solution for the plague. They said that creatures only detect our emotions, and to stop the plague they design a mask that suppresses that sin. Also, they added to have an entire city prepared for that possible occasion, so millions of people travel to this location looking for a new home. That was the mark of an end and a new begging of this world, what now is under control of the "mask society" nation, so they to record that event they reset the years of the old era. Year 1 The higher-ups were thinking about, how to kill that plague so they could reconquest the old territories of the nations that were occupied by the parasites. So they create another mask to use our sins to materialize in psionic powers to obliterate the plague, this system's ability was called "E.M.S" (Emotional magical system) and the persons who have that mask were called "errors." persons with the purpose of killing the threat. Year 147 I was reading the records of the past and suddenly, I was called to be into the ceremony, to have an E.M.S Mask. So I have to prepare for my fate in this world.

CoolerINflames · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

First Day

When I got to the room where I was staying with Kai supervising me, I looked at the pill followed by the instructions so I placed the syringe in the middle of my arm and into a vein.

...the pain came and went quickly, bringing me back to the nutritional liquids that you put in daily with the syringe as an alternative to eating with your mouth.

'I still can't get used to this' I thought quickly after putting the medical equipment under the bed.

"Hey Kai, you know what's coming tomorrow, don't you?" I asked hesitantly.

"Here's the academic calendar" he said as he handed me a booklet with the schedules.

'First: combat theory in the morning and then E.M.S. and melee weapons practice', I guess it will be interesting.

"Thanks for the info K," I said in a mocking tone as I got ready for bed.

"You're welcome and good night" he said dryly after going to sleep as well.


8 hours later

"ed..ede.....EDEN¡¡¡¡¡" I heard something loud before I realized it was Kai calling me after opening my eyes with a slight yawn.

"eh... it's time already?" I said still a little sleepy from thinking about what weapon I could use.

"Yeah and it's almost time for class, so get moving before they take you away by force" said Kai half annoyed by his partner's lack of tact.

I quickly stood up while I put on my academic uniform that now that I look at it well it was a black suit with gray borders that matched my mask and hair plus it had my serial number on the suit.

"Stop looking and come here, we have 5 minutes left" he said as he opened the door while he escaped to the classroom.

without thinking much I followed him since I didn't know where to go, after a few minutes of just running we arrived to the classroom C011 in which my squadron was all seated with the teacher looking figuratively at the door just opened by me.

"Apparently the late duo arrived right before I could mark them as absent, go to your seats cadets," he said in a formal manner as we headed to our seats.

"Well, as I was going my name is Argos. I am the intelligence officer and instructor of this squadron, I hope we get along well".

and followed by that he said

"The first topic we will look at today, the plague."

"As you may know the plague is a parasitic menace that feeds on the victim's emotions until it leaves them in a state worse than death," he said as he passed around pictures of people devoid of life but still alive as empty corpses.

"After feeding, they mutate into an irrational creature with supernatural abilities such as rapid regeneration, hard armor and great speed of movement, so be on the lookout while you're out there." Small creatures could be seen as humanoid creatures.

"Their way of detecting people is through your thoughts, the more you think the easier it is for him to know where you are so you'll have to practice when and when not to cast abilities as these are what really trigger their regeneration."

"The power categories of each parasite vary depending on how many horns it has, if it has one it is easy to kill, if it has more than two it is something to watch out for, 3 or more is too much for you for now."

"Any questions so far?" said Argos and then saw Aiden raise his hand and say "What would you like to know?"

"Does the amount of horns and mutations depend on the person who consumes?" he asked formally.

"Yes, in theory. According to our research, the creatures are sort of like a clone of the victim it possesses and keeps them in a sort of limbo that tortures them into insanity to feed on that."

"The more insanity it has the stronger it will be so it is preferable to avoid an infected one."

Tired of listening to today's topic I started to think about the weapon I could choose. Not long after, I had a peculiar but effective idea.

So after a few more hours of theory we headed to the practice area where the instructor was waiting for us with an arsenal of different weapons at his side.

"Before we start practice is there anyone who needs a more specific or personal weapon based on their skills?" Asked the instructor as he looked around the squad.

Without hesitation I raised my hand as I asked him if he could see my blueprint that I was designing during the theory class.