
Mask Holder

A Mask can hold Great Power. Wear it for too long, and you lose oneself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No Name, No Objective, and No Escape. There is a boy who travels between [Veils], sometimes appearing in already occupied Spaces. When he appears, the [Shadow] is immediately taken care of with his Blade, and the [Masks] are left with nothing to do. When faced with greater threats, the boy will begin to use 2 Weapons. One of which is a Sword as Black as Space, and a Gun as White as the Moon. When both weapons are in play, every enemy is dealt with swiftly, and flawlessly. There is a downside to his appearance, however. When he defeats the [Shadow], the [Shard] is taken by him without a single word. Nobody knows who he is, or if he is Human. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bright Light floods his vision as he opens his eyes. Not knowing where he is, he wanders the Plains, aimlessly roaming, and looking for Signs of Life. As he wandered, he found a Little Girl who was "Training" with a Wooden Stick. Not being able to bear her terrible swordsmanship, he walks up to her, and draws his blade. The Girl, frightened and confused, began to fight him. As the days went by, her Swordsmanship grew steadily. As "He" taught her his Sword Technique, he continued to eliminate [Shadows]. This is the Story of a Mysterious Boy who has finally escaped the Ropes that tied him down, and into a New World that he had yet to explore.

_LucXy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Masks History of the Mask


Nobody knows why, or even how they came to be, but over 100 Years Ago, these Tears in Space that randomly appeared on Random Surfaces began to appear.

The First to appear was in Russia.

Nobody knew what it was, so the Government kept it on lock down.

As Time went by, the Tear began to consume both People and Objects, as well as the Ground and Buildings around it.

For almost a Month, the Tear continued to Consume Large Masses of Land.

That was until it finally stopped.

Some of the People who were Consumed, most of them being Soldiers, fought back against the Black Entities on the other side.

Successfully defeating the Enemies on the opposite side, they learned about the Masks that appeared, as well as the Weapons that appeared when one of the People asked for Help.

They called the Dark Entities [Darkness], which was later officially named [Shadow].

They began studying the Masks, and later found out that they only appeared within the Space.

After more thorough study, as well as making Groups to enter more [Spaces], they found out that there were specific Emotions that seemed to grant the [Masks] Strength.

After 3 Years, more and more [Spaces] began to appear all over the World.

Russia had many problems of their own, so they were forced to make agreements with other Nations.

10 Years go by, and they officially change the name from [Space] to [Veil], because of the Fog that always appeared within the Space.

Along with the Renaming, there were more and more Civilians who either Stumbled into a [Veil], or ran in, thinking of the Power they would always dream of.

Another Year goes by, and over 10% of the Earths Population has obtained the Power of the Mask within the [Veils].

Due to the Government not being able to do anything to prevent it, they decided to embrace it.

They created the [Mask Faction] for the Public to Officially and Legally acquire the Ability to Enter [Veils].

13 Years After, they discovered that the "Emotions" that gave [Masks] Strength were actually manipulated by their Sheer Will.

They put these [Wills] into 5 Categories, which were then later measured using a [Will Gauge] created a Year later.

Using the [Will Gauge], they were able to determine how strongly one person can manage their Weapons.

After many years go by, the [Masks] who joined the [Faction] began to name their Weapons, which seemed to give their Morality a Boost, as well as strengthening their [Will].

Not long after that, the Government gave the Weapons an official Name.

The [Holders Will].

With that name, the [Masks] were called [Holders] under Formal Events.

All was well... until the day a High Ranking [Mask] entered a [Veil], and was never heard from again.

Afterwards, they began putting [Ranks] on [Holders], not allowing anybody below a specific [Rank] to enter any [Veil] alone.

They Named these Groups [Domino]. The Groups, like a Domino Piece, was only able to have the Max Number of 6.

There were 8 Ranks.









Although Simple, it was decided by the Votes made by the [Masks] who thought of the Idea.

[Rabbit] forces you to join into a Group of 6 before you can enter a [Veil].

[Deer] decreases that number to 5.

[Wolf] changes it to 4, and allows Groups of 6 of the Same Rank to enter a Stronger [Veil] containing a [Demons Shadow].

[Bear] decreases to 3, and changes the [Demons Shadow] Group to 5.

[Monster] allows Solo Runs, an [Demons Shadow] Groups to 4.

[Demon] makes [Demons Shadow] Groups 3 People.

[Masked], the Highest Rank, allows Solo Hunts on All [Veils], and allows them to enter [Veils] that contain a [Death Shadow].

With these [Ranks] in play, nobody was allowed to do anything Reckless.

This, however, did anger a lot of [Holders] who fought in Larger Groups, or hid behind others to make Money selling the [Shards].

These [Shards] were sold at $30,000 USD, and could make anybody a large amount of Money quickly.

The [Demon Shards] that are Dropped by the [Demons Shadows] are sold at 6 Times the Price.

And a [Death Shard] dropped by a [Death Shadow] can be sold at $1.2 Million USD.

The Money is converted throughout the other respective Nations.

Many [Holders] complained that the Money was too little to risk their lives for.

Due to that, there was a slight revolt in the [Faction].

The Money Given was then multiplied by 10.

From $30,000 USD to $300,000 USD.

The [Holders] were satisfied with the change, but because of their selfish actions, multiple Nations were forced to Print more Money, creating Inflation on Prices, and making common items cost more than before.

Angry at the Effect, the [Holders] could only blame themselves.

3 Years after the Inflation Incident, the first [Awakening] was discovered.

All over the World, people began to [Awaken] their Abilities within the [Veils], granting themselves more Strength.

With further study, they learned that the [Awakening] only occurs when a specific amount of [Shadows] have been taken out.

This Number ranges from around 100-150.

Around the same time, they learned about the [Stages] of their Weapons.

[Stage 2] was discovered after an accident occured within a [Veil].

The [Shadow] occured to be Normal, but was actually a [Demons Shadow] with the ability to disguise both themselves and the Aura that they usually leaked.

When the Blunder occurred, the other [Masks] were nearly killed.

One of the [Masks] who entered the [Veil] entered along with her Friends and Lover.

When her Lover was about to be Killed, a flurry of Emotion ran through her, and she managed to unleash a torrent of Power.

That specific Group has been fighting [Shadows] for roughly 2 Years.

One [Holder] was the strongest amongst them, and She has been landing the Final Blow on [Shadows] almost every chance she got.

By doing so, the Strength gained from the [Shadow] swelled up in her Weapon, which was a Hand Cannon with a High Fire Rate.

When her Emotions overflowed, she subconsciously activated her Weapon's Internal Strength, and activating the first [Stage 2] Weapon.

Her Weapon went from a Hand Cannon to a Large Cannon that shot Sharp Needles that stuck onto the [Shadow], and Exploding shortly after.

Using the Newly Powered Weapon, she began to fight back against the [Demons Shadow], eventually Killing it.

Afterwards, researchers began to work around the clock, and in a single week, learned that the [Shadows] that are slain will infuse a small amount of Power into both the Mask, as well as the [Holders Will].

Another Year after that, and the 2nd [Awakening] and [Stage] were discovered almost a week apart.

They gave the new [Awakening] the name [Enclose], for the reason of Making out specific [Wills] and completely depleting every other [Will].

They simply gave the new [Stage] the name [Overclock].

[Overclock] was a Further Transformation, increasing both Power and/or Fire Rate Greatly, while also greatly boosting the [Holder].

4 Years later, and the Final [Awakening] was discovered.

They named it the [Liars Mask].

The first time it was used, the Opponent was Extremely Quick, as well as Powerful.

At that moment, the Survival Instinct of one Man kicked in, and in an instant, the Enemy [Shadow] was slain.

After that, the Man was put into a Coma for an entire month.

The name [Liars Mask] comes from the Great amount of Power that is given, and the Large setback that is applied.

Another Year goes by, and a new [Stage] was discovered. [Stage 3].

[Stage 3] was named [Striker] for it's extreme boost to Agility. After a bit of Research, they learned that the Weight of the [Holder] was also halved, which allowed the [Holder] to move much easier than they normally could.

After the discovery of these [Stages] and [Awakenings], the World began to slowly get used to the [Masks] and [Veils].

That is, until "He" begins to appear.

"He" has no name, and appears randomly in a [Veil], only to kill the [Shadow] and run off with the [Shard].

Nobody knows who he is, or where he comes from.

All they know, is that he is incredibly strong.

No matter what [Shadow] "He" fought against, "He" would always win.

"He" was later given the nickname "Taker", for "Taking the Hunt" and [Shards] of others, no matter who they were.

- - - - - - - - - -

And thus, leads us to the Current Time of this Story.