
Mashle: My Spells Are Ninjutsu

A fan of Harry Potter and Naruto reincarnated and was born into a world of magic, fighting at the very beginning while mastering many ninjutsus to survive. He could live a normal life of wizardry, but his painful memories kept making him remember. He's no longer ordinary, he is Tom Burnedead. The depressed, the sorrowful, the regretful, the rageful brother... of the boy who lifted.

FreedomPalz · Anime & Comics
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{Index I: The Man Known For His Failures}

Looking at the stars in the sky that illuminated the vast darkness of the night, a 60 year old man moved slowly up the stairs.

His old wrinkled face scrunched up as a cold breeze passed by, but nonetheless, his steps which shivered continued to walk.

"My name is Regro Burnedead and ever since I could remember, I have always been a failure of a human."

"As a young child, because my magic was not as strong or as brilliant as the other kids of our neighborly households, my mother has always belittled me. I tried my best, but tasks and spells that were easily recognized by her were hard for me to accomplish…"

"As a teenager, because I accidentally sent out a special potion to the wrong address, my boss yelled at me for being useless, and unable to complete even the simplest of tasks while clearly stating that there were plenty of others who can replace me, and you know what. He was right…"

"As I grew older and older. One day to the next. I just couldn't stop. I try, but I just can't seem to get it right. I kept failing even after I became an adult."

Regro silently gazed up. His movements were slow as he recalled the very memories that brought not joy, but disappointment, uncertainty, and pain deep in his heart.

One step. "You messed up again for the 11th time already! You're fired!"

Another step. "How can you keep living like that? Don't you feel ashamed of yourself!"

A sad sigh escaped from him before he took the next step. "If I were walking in your shoes you incompetent fool. I'd already be dead from embarrassment!"

More and more memories replayed. Each memory being as unpleasant as the next one, and before Regro knew it, he had already reached the top of the platform, which had a perfect view of the glittering stars and of his home.

Regro was quiet as he saw this view that completely overlooked the streets, and the bustling lights of the city.

In fact, this wasn't his first time here. When he was young, during the sad and lonely nights, he came to this place to get away from all his troubles.

It was peaceful here especially during nights, even if it was used as a comfort place to run away from all the problems that occurred, even for that split second, he feels a sense of relief, standing on the edge while peering out to the beautiful view that it had to offer.

Taking a few steps, he reached the edge of the platform while clenching his fists.

Regro took a deep breath before smiling sadly. His eyes dully squinting down as the wind rustled through his hair.

"Completely unwanted. I thought that's how my life would end, from a sore loser to an even bigger loser in life." his lips lowered into a thin line. "If that's the case, if I am going out… then I might as well go out in a place that at least brought me a sense of comfort in this miserable life."

Overlooking the edge, Regro lifted his foot and was about to walk forward when suddenly a cry pierced through the area.

Shocked, Regro stumbled before regaining his balance. Stepping down, he turned around and saw a baby that was crying.

The baby was wrapped in a small blanket, with a small tuft of hair on his head, tears were slowly falling down his chubby cheeks.

What was a baby doing here? Regro slowly walked forward, but when he finally got a closer glimpse at the baby's face, his pupils dilated in shock.

"This baby… has no mark."

Without a mark, that would mean that this child is unable to use magic.

Was that the reason why this child was tossed away? Because he cannot use magic?

Picking up the crying baby, Regro awkwardly cradled the child, looking down at the markless face. "You were abandoned because you were unmarked. You… just like… me?"

The baby that was crying paused before looking at the wrinkly man with curious eyes before a giggle left his mouth, lifted his little arms and began waving them up at the stranger.

Seeing this silly action, the 60 year old man felt stunned.

Suddenly a second cry pierced the air.

Regro snapped his head to the side to see another baby on the opposite side of the platform. "A-Another one?!" quickly running with the boy in his arms, he gazed down at a face with a single mark that extended from his forehead down to his right cheek bones in a curve before finishing off at the chin.

Seeing the tuft of curly brown hair and soft colored chestnut eyes, Regro once again leaned down and took the baby in his other arm. "You have a mark, so why… Why were you abandoned?"

The baby babbled up at him, unlike the clean state the 1st baby was in, this one was wearing tattered clothing while being surrounded by a dirty blanket that was filled with holes.

Helplessly carrying the two children, an unknown emotion welled up inside the man who kept letting everyone down.

At this moment, for the first time in his life, Regro felt like someone finally needed him.

Pulling the two children closer to his chest into a light hug, Regro closed his eyes while making a vow in his heart.

Even… Even if we're not related by blood, even if the entire world denied or rejected their existence, I will always be by their side, as a careta- no… as a father to them!

This vow, I'll carve it into my soul! I had so many failures in my life, but these kids. These two tiny kids, I'll raise them to succeed in life!

That's a promise!

As Regro started to walk away, he didn't know that the innocent look on the curly haired baby suddenly turned into a deep frown.

Out of nowhere, a sound that only the baby could hear, rang through his little head.

[... Meeting the following conditions. Random choosing of power…]

[One Piece, Bleach, Pokemon, Yugioh, Black Clover, Fairy Tail… Ding! Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring Naruto! The ninja world's base as power!]

[Battle Simulation converging… Ding! Opponent: Konohamaru Sarutobi chosen!]

The baby's eyes turned dull before his whole body slumped back.

Regro, upon noticing one of the children sleeping, gave a warm smile. He walked more slowly so as to not disturb the child's rest.

Meanwhile what he didn't know was that a very stunned reincarnated soul was fighting a child in his mindscape.

And was badly losing too.

I saw that there wasn't any Mashle: Magic and Muscles fanfic here yet for some odd reason, so I decided to write one myself. Not too sure on moving forward with this completely. It is still an idea in my head. Let me know what you think.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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