
Chapter XV: The False Prophet Dream Illusion

Having escaped the clutches of Zarathustra's illusory labyrinth, Ariel's heart beat with a mixture of relief and anticipation. They clutched the ancient scroll they had discovered in the dream, its words etched in faded ink and revealing a long-forgotten truth.

As they studied the script, the realization struck them like a bolt of lightning. Zarathustra, the enigmatic figure who had ensnared them in his web of illusions, was no ordinary being. The scroll spoke of his existence beyond the physical dimension, his powers to manipulate dreams, and the enmity he had garnered among the celestial realm.

Curiosity burned within Ariel, fueling their desire to understand the full extent of Zarathustra's abilities and the reasons behind his fall from grace. They knew that to uncover the truth, they would need to seek out the angels themselves, the celestial beings who held the key to Zarathustra's past.

Guided by their celestial connection, Ariel embarked on a journey through the ethereal planes, traversing realms that teemed with celestial wonders. As they soared through the celestial expanse, they marveled at the majestic sights that unfolded before their eyes – galaxies swirling in cosmic dance, stars cascading like shimmering jewels, and celestial beings of untold beauty.

Finally, Ariel arrived at the celestial realm, where the angels dwelled in ethereal splendor. The air hummed with an otherworldly resonance as they approached the grand celestial council, their hearts filled with a mix of trepidation and awe.

The council of angels, radiant in their celestial forms, welcomed Ariel with a sense of solemnity. Their voices blended in harmonious tones, their words carrying the weight of cosmic wisdom. "Ariel, seeker of truth, you have come seeking knowledge of Zarathustra. Speak, and we shall reveal what we know."

Ariel stepped forward, their voice steady yet tinged with curiosity. "Honored angels, I have discovered that Zarathustra possesses the power to make people sleep, trap them in dreams, and manifest his thoughts within those dreams. How did he come to wield such abilities? And why has he become the enemy of the celestial realm?"

The angels exchanged knowing glances, their expressions revealing a profound sadness. "Long ago," one angel began, their voice resonating like a celestial melody, "Zarathustra was among our most esteemed brethren, gifted with a unique talent for traversing the realm of dreams. But his insatiable thirst for power led him astray."

"He delved deep into the secrets of dreams, unlocking forbidden knowledge that allowed him to shape the dreamscape at will," another angel continued, their voice tinged with sorrow. "Yet, in his pursuit of limitless power, he lost sight of the sacred balance between the ethereal and physical dimensions and exist as beyond uncountable infinity, the uncountable infinity are the dimension itself and containing infinite higher dimensions but it's still in Asiyah no more than that."

The council of angels spoke in unison, their words an ethereal chorus. "Zarathustra's actions disturbed the cosmic equilibrium, causing ripples that threatened the very fabric of existence. We, the celestial guardians, confronted him, urging him to relinquish his reckless pursuits. But he refused, declaring himself the master of dreams and defying our authority."

Ariel listened intently, their mind grappling with the weight of Zarathustra's transgressions. "But why did he become the enemy of the celestial realm? What led to his fall from grace?" they questioned, their voice filled with a thirst for understanding.

The angels' expressions grew somber, their voices carrying a mixture of sorrow and resolve. "Zarathustra's actions posed a grave threat to the harmony of the multiverse," an angel replied. "He sought to reshape reality itself, to bend it to his will, heedless of the consequences. For his defiance, he was cast out, his name erased from the celestial annals, and his existence banished beyond the realms we inhabit."

Ariel's heart swelled with empathy, the gravity of Zarathustra's plight sinking in. They realized that their cosmic journey held a deeper purpose – not just to uncover the truth, but to understand the consequences of unchecked power and the delicate balance that held the multiverse together.

With newfound determination, Ariel pledged to restore equilibrium, to confront Zarathustra and prevent his unrestrained dominion over the dreamscape. The angels offered their guidance and blessings, empowering Ariel with celestial knowledge and ethereal strength.

Armed with celestial wisdom and the weight of a cosmic mission, Ariel departed the celestial realm, their mind ablaze with the magnitude of their task. The confrontation with Zarathustra loomed ahead, a clash of cosmic forces that would shape the destiny of the multiverse itself.

To be continued...