
Mary had a little dragon

I reincarnated into Mary had a little lamb. One of the most popular nursery rhymes ever. Who knew she was actually an annoying kid. Consider child hood ruined. Mary finds herself in a sticky situation and later has to escape. Only for her to meet a dragon along her journey.

Bumble_dee · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3


The library is huge! I do miss my phone but this place is beautiful. What should I look up first. I do have some questions about how I reincarnated. Maybe it's normal around here. Let's go ask the librarian.

"Sir do you have anything about reinca-"

"My lady, come quick!" Yerumi said. "You must get ready, now!"

Another one, who could that be? I got ready and went down. A weird man with a scroll stood at the entrance.

"Miss Mary Little Bo Peep, you are officially banished from the capital and your title shall be taken away from you. The many crimes and sins you have committed shan't be taken lightly. You may no longer come here ever again!" The man said.

Breathe in breathe out. A strange man, strange place, this strange body, this strange world. This is all too sudden. Is this some kind of bad luck, another prank? What do I say. I look left and right. Everyone around me doesn't seem surprised at all.

I glance towards Yerumi. Yerumi looks away in shame and so do the other people in the household. Hah, everyone here really wants me gone I see. I shall grant their wish. This place wasn't a good place to begin with. The whole reason why Mary turned this way is because of this place. Not only was she bullied, she was straight up brainwashed as a child.

"Fine, I'll leave this horrid place. But you must tell what grave sin have I committed to be banished? Do tell" I ask.

In Mary's memories I don't remember her doing something so bad that she could be banished. All she ever did was piss everyone off or forget to pay little debt. I could pay it now if I wanted to, I think.

"So what is it? is it the money I didn't pay? I can pay now" I added.

"You have not only forgotten to pay your 635 051 thousand debts but it is proven that you have stolen a holy artifact not long ago at the temple Judahraiya" the man answered.

"Yeah thats right, I saw her sneaking around the temple trying to get her hands on the holy cry harp of Judahraiya!" A girl screamed as she pointed her hand at me.

She looks familiar. Pink puffy short hair, green eyes, elegant and cute. Yes, she is supposed to be Mary's cousin, Frida. Why is she accusing me aren't we supposed to be family!? Let's just play along for now.

"Frida what are you talking about you know full and well that I did no such thing, do you have proof?" I cried.

"The proof is right here show it to them Fredrick!" Frida yelled.

The man named Fredrick looked like a wizard. He had a round orb and spoke some words as if he is casting a spell.

"This will help us find the truth. It will show me exactly what happened that night at the crown princes party. The day the holy cry harp of Judahraiya was stolen" Fredrick explained.

Blue figures showed up to represent the crime scene. There is no way I did it. Mary was at the party but in her memories she was busy trying to get with the crown prince. I don't remember stealing a harp?! I don't even know where this stupid holy harp is.

"What!" I screamed in shock.

That's Mary's face how can that be? This is not right. I didn't do it I swear. H-how? That looks exactly like me. Damn, I am I actually gonna end up banished?

"Hah, I has right you did steel the holy cry harp of Judahraiya! What a grave sin you have committed. Judahraiya would have cut your head off clean. Isn't banishment too soft? I say we kill her!"

Others joined in.

"Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!" From every corner.

"What, but I did no such thing! This isn't right. You won't even bother looking around the house if I actually stole it! Be honest you all wanted me dead in the first place! God what did I do to deserve this?" I cried out of fear.

"Shut up you petty b*tch" Frida said.

Frida slapped me. Frida has always been sweet

and kind to me why is she acting like this now? Well I can't really say Mary returned that kindness.

She comes closer to my ear and whispers.

"You have always been so stupid. Look at the situation your in. Now I can finally look down on you. You were always somehow favored because of your power. But now you will end. You will never find happiness. Good luck in hell"

"You framed me didn't you" I whispered.

"Just die already! Guards bring her to the guillotine" She Kicks me and I fall to my knees.

All I could do was smile at that moment. My life ends here, again. I raise my middle finger and-

"F*ck you"

"TCH, BRING HER TO THE GUILLOTINE NOW!" She yelled angrily. Who knew she could be so ugly?

The knights drag me to the guillotine. They place my hand in the two holes on the side and my head in the middle.

Please, that look on her face when I raised my middle finger. I can't stop laughing. What will become of my life now am I going to reincarnate again. Will I die in my next life.


No, I don't want to die again.


I can't let this happen...


I want to live!

And just like that, I stopped time.