
Chapter Fourteen The Drift

"She woke up that Saturday morning at 7am, and decided to do her laundry. there was a washing machine at her dorm room, but she didn't know how to use it, because it was different from the one in her house.

After some tinkering and searching the internet, she learnt how to use it, stuffed her clothes into the machine, poured a detergent and switched the machine on.

She used the whole of her morning for chores, and after she was satisfied, she gave an heavy sigh. That day was the inaugural ceremony/party for freshmen, and the Graduation ceremony for students who have finished their programme in the school.

The inaugural ceremony was holding at the large hall, that was used during the orientation.

She was deep in thought about being a doctor in the future and creating a better future for her family when she received a call, It was her dad.

He had driven for four hours before he got to her school, and he had brought jade. he instructed her to come, where he had parked his truck.

She quickly wore her red dress and her black crocks, and hurriedly went towards the car park outside the school.

She sighted her dad, and hugged him tightly with a warm embrace. She had missed her parents, and seeing her dad made her teary.

After exchanging pleasantries, Her dad showed her they lean and limp jade, the once bright and lovely companion had become so fragile. she held and carried jade, and then listened to her pulse. She wanted to go get some herbs from the school garden, but her dad stopped her. he had brought all the herbs she always used.

She crushed the herbs she needed and mixed them with water, she then prayed for jade and gave her the herbs to drink, and then put her at the back of the truck to sleep. they both decided that for jade's welfare, she should be kept with Mary, and then her dad drove off with jade, he would come the week after to drop jade with her.

She waved her dad goodbye and rushed back to her room, it was about time for the programme. Alicia had already woken up, worn her dress and was doing her make up.

She decided to wear her best dress for the event, it was her jeans and red top. She wanted to wear her straw hat but decided to drop it.

Alicia was ready after some minutes, and they both left the room, and went for the ceremony.

They got to the venue early and got front seats, She was marveled at the decorations and designs, and was deep in awe, when she felt a light touch on her hand. it was .....

thanks guys let's get to 4k sorry I haven't been uploading daily, I will soon be having my exams