
Marvo's Legacy

"Where did my fat go!?" Our protagonist wakes in a room with a body and memories that aren't his own, with only the clothes on his back, a miniscule amount of money and a strange ring. After getting his bearings, he will go on a journey that surpasses his imagining. Meeting different people, encountering danger, making references that no one understands, ect. Let's see where this goes...

NalyDMOC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

A helping hand

"What a long day" I sighed as I sank into the hot waters of my bath, finally relaxing after such a strange day. Muscles relaxing for the first time in hours as I massage my shoulders, then lean back with only my head sticking out of the tub.

Thinking of the past few hours, I realized it was more eventful then my entire life on earth.

Shaking my head, I grab a spare sponge from beside the tub, as well as a bar of soap and gently lather it together. Then I get to scrubbing.

As I'm scrubbing, I start singing a song, when my gaze lands on the ring on my hand.

I pause my sick singing, and furrow my brows, looking closer at a certain detail I noticed.

Of the three lines that was on the rim of the ring, only one was there.

"What the.. I'm not seeing things right? I know there were three.."

If there's one thing I'm confident in, It's my memory. Thinking back I'm sure there were three lines, so something changed on the ring from the time I took it off in the crack house to now.

Wracking my brain for something to explain it, I came up empty. Guess I just don't know enough about the ring. I hope the library will give me some sort of info...

I continue looking at the ring, remembering the different unexplainable things that it's done.

"What are you" I murmur softly, gazing on the imprint of the owl in the ring. Strangely the owls eyes looked.. Lifelike. Almost like they were real eyes, staring right back at me.


A loud knock startled me from my reverie.

"Rei, I left some clothes on the bed for you, they should fit you nicely, but let me know if they don't" Miss Annie spoke from behind the door, once again helping a bro out.

"Thanks Miss Annie, I really appreciate it" I called loudly so she would hear me.

She chuckled to herself "No more saying 'thanks'. You had a run of bad luck and I have the ability to help you, I wouldn't have the right to work at St. Harold's if I didn't lend a helping hand" she said before turning away to leave.

Her footsteps faded from the door. As she left I couldn't help but feel bad for lying about my circumstances, but I was pretty desperate. I'll just be sure to repay her some day.

I turned my eyes back to the ring, however that strange feeling from before was gone, the eyes on the ring looked like it should, not realistic in any way.

Frowning, I squirt some shampoo into my long hair, scratching my scalp till it bubbled up.


Walker POV

"I'm telling you, that's how it went" taking a sip of my drink. Currently hanging out a a popular bar called 'Eddie's Shack', however some funny guy keeps painting over the 'h' in shack. After a while, everyone started referring to the place as 'Eddies Sack' causing a great deal of stress to the bar owner Eddie.

I finished telling my most trustworthy friend of the happenings of the day. Hoping maybe he could help me figure out a way out of this mess.

He named himself Shiku, no known last name do to being parentless, however, he still remains in good spirits, even though he's an orphan that was left on the streets for a good chunk of his life.

The reason being... His luck is unbelievable.

I'm not sure whether to call it good or bad, he always finds himself in terrible situations, however, he seems to never come off worse for wear.

For instance.

When he was still on the streets, someone tried kidnapping him, and nearly succeeded, he was taken to a warehouse that held many other kidnapped children as slaves, when the thug that took him there sprained his ankle, tripping over a window that was left open to his right, falling to his demise.

That caused quite the scene and officials were drawn to the scene. Knowing that they would get caught at this rate, the people in charge of the child slave ring quickly attempted to take hostages, however all fell to mishaps.

Some slipped and knocked themselves out by accident, others got injured from the other slavers by freak accidents.

Eventually only one was left standing and out of desperation he charged Shiku in hopes of getting one hostage to ensure his escape, However the floor under him turned out to be under construction, and he fell through till only his head was poking out.

Seeing the opportunity, Shiku started punching and kicking his head.

That's the scene that the police showed up to, over 10 thugs knocked out cold and a little kid hitting a wailing middle aged man.

After the police asked what happened, the other kids told them that the thugs faces the heavens wrath in the form of Shiku.

Since the other kids all said the same thing, they could only thank Shiku and give him the reward money that the parents offered for their kids.

He was elevated to a wealthy person in the span of a night. This was only one of many occurrences, some even more bizarre.

We met a few years later and quickly became thick as thieves. He was the one who introduced me to the supernatural world. If there's one problem with him it's that...

He gets hit on by both men and women constantly due to his girlish looks.

Yep. He's a trap much to his dismay. Even though he tries to make himself look more boyish, all it does is make him look like a rugged beauty. Even now, he's getting many stares from the patrons.

I've long since grown immune to his pretty features, which is probably why he hangs around me.

"Hahaha! Did you shit a brick when that owl snuck up on you? Careful" he covered his mouth in mock terror "it might drop a nugget on you" he finished, before laughing loudly again. "I can't believe you even ran away from it"

Did I mention he had a dirty mouth? It certainly paints a strange picture, seeing a rugged beauty saying such vulgar words. The men that were eyeing him turned away awkwardly.

Oh? Maybe that's why he talks like that.

I sigh "Laugh it up 'princess', you would be just as scared if you experienced it, besides, I swear there was something off about that bird"

He gives me a scathing look at my jab, then sighed as well.

"It seems you've gotten yourself in quite the bind. Everyone knows that the Viscount doesn't tolerate failure, and now you even provoked someone who could break a space seal" he gives me a stern look as he picks up his drink for a sip.

I shrug helplessly "What was I supposed to do? It seemed like such an easy job, how was I supposed to know an expert of that caliber would be my opponent"

Shiku chugs his drink down then slowly places his mug down. Looking over at me, he gave me a once over. "Well" he hesitates, then continues "Your fine right? Maybe the mysterious expert will let you off? Experts don't normally waste time on small fry. The only thing you should worry about is that Viscount" he raised his arm, calling for another round to drink.

I raise my brow "Small fry? Only around 500 known people have a chance against me" I take another swig, trying to swallow my depression away.

Shiku chuckles "500 huh? Since when did you become so impressive? Your not weak, I'll give you that, but that doesn't change the fact that the top 50 of those people could slap you silly in a fight" he paused giving me a knowing glance

"Me included." Grabbing another drink, he chugged it down then stood up.

I give him an exasperated glare "You started studying the arts a year before me, so don't be too cocky. Just wait, I'll catch up to you real soon, then" I chuckle dryly "then we will see who the small fry is" I finish.

He looks down at me, the fact that he's barely taller then me even when I'm sitting on the stool doesn't help him look more manly, it only makes him look cuter

He smirks then says "Oh? You think I'll just stay at my current level and let you catch up? Dream on. I'll always be a step ahead of you. Besides my luck is better then you, good things love to fall in my lap" he gives a shit eating grin then walks away.

Tch. "Don't even mention your luck" I finish my drink then retort "I would rather have crappy luck then get hit on by greasy dudes every day"

Standing up I toss some bronze bank notes down and follow Shiku's departing figure

As if on cue, before he could retort with an insult of his own someone stands in front of him. The guy dwarfed him in size, and seemed a bit intoxicated.

He seemed like a generic guy that you could find in any crowd and went around attempting to pick chicks up.

"Hey miss, I couldn't help but notice you earlier. You can really hold up to expert alcoholics" he glances at me, scouting competition, frowning. Probably cause I'm more handsome then him.

However he seems confident that he's worthier of the 'babe'.

"Interested in a few rounds with me? Don't worry, I can pay for you" he says with a crooked smile.

I'm quite impressed to be honest. Most people would have gotten scared away from Shiku's previous crude behavior.

Shiku's lips twitched at my point being proven instantly. However to my surprise he didn't correct the guy like he normally does, instead he turned and gave the guy a sly smile that sent shivers down my spine.

I had a bad feeling.

"Ah. I'm sorry but my 'boyfriend' here" he points at me "I promised to go to his place tonight and.." she smiles, leaving the rest of the sentence to our imaginations.

The guy noticeably deflates in disappointment with an ugly expression, while I give a sour look to Shiku

"You-" I attempt to scold him, however he cuts me off with a wicked grin of his own.

"However, he's been picking on me so maybe if you teach him a lesson, I'll drop him and go with you" he said while putting on an aggrieved act.

"Eh?" "Huh?!" Both me and the extra reply at the same time.


The man was originally uneasy, seeing as I'm not a weak looking person, however my reaction bolstered his confidence. He seemed to think I was scared.

"Heh, you don't mind if I rough the chump up too bad right? Anyone who tussles with Big Bart never leave with the same health afterwards"

Shiku nearly cracked up at his name. "If you beat him, you can have me. All. Night Long." he whispers softly near his ear, glancing at me and winking in the process.

At this point I'm glaring at him.

I sigh. "Listen, Big Bary right?" as I'm about to defuse the situation, I get a bolt of inspiration. I suddenly adopt a mischievous grin of my own.

"Go ahead and take the wench, she's all yours, have fun" I smile then turn to walk away.

However, the man takes this as an opportunity to dig himself a hole and say the worst thing he could say in this situation.

"Aha, good. I didn't expect you to be such a coward, but that works for me. This is MY woman now.

I pause. Anger starts to burn through my body as certain memories float to the surface. Coward? My eyes harden, and I turn, releasing my aura in the process, just in time to see Shiku punch him in the stomach, causing him to fly through the air, overturning a couple tables in the process, and slamming into a nearby wall.

The room went dead silent and everyone stared in shock at the petite 'woman'.

Shiku glanced at Eddie with an apologetic smile "You can deduct the expenses for repairing any damages from my tab" he says then grabs my arm to pull me away.

After breathing the cool afternoon air, I feel the anger slip away. I turn to Shiku and prepare to ask why she did that when he beats me to it.

"You seem to love picking on someone who you need help from" he gives me a small smile "I only wanted to have a little fun with you, but that brainless loser had to aggravate you like that. If I hadn't done what I did, you would have killed him"

He starts walking down the street and I contemplate whether I should follow.

Sighing, I trail behind with attempt to apologize for losing it, however he stops me by putting a finger on my lips

"Don't say anything. We should worry more about how to solve your situation right now. I'll help as much as a can while we think of a plan.

I get a lump in my throat as I see the sincerity in the eyes of my best buddy.

However, a granny passes by and smiles "Young love, how lovely. Take care of each other and use protection" she warns as she passed by.

"I DON'T LIKE MEN!" both me and Shiku screeched at the same time.


Ten minutes later, we're sitting in a carriage, when Shiku speaks.

"I should hang around you for a while, at least till this situation gets figured out, who knows, maybe my luck will benefit you"

I look at him with a wry expression "All our friends already think we're gay for each other, maybe staying in the same place isn't the best idea, it won't help with the rumors"

Shiku scowls when I say that and looks down.

I turn and look out the window and contemplate, trying to think of something to do, when Shiku suddenly speaks.

"Your mom runs St. Harolds Library right? Lets go there then. No one can say a damn thing if your just visiting your mom. Anyways maybe we can think of a plan using the books there as inspiration" he states, getting more exited as he speaks.

Hmm. I haven't seen mom in a few weeks, and they wouldn't implicate someone who owns such an important building for a small matter like this.

"Ok" I pat his shoulder in approval "Lets drop in on mom then" Looking at the driver I say "Take us to St. Harolds Library!"

A wild trap has appeared. It had to happen sooner or later, so why not sooner.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NalyDMOCcreators' thoughts