
Marvelous Twist

Evan Shepard finds himself inexplicably transported from his world into this new reality. With only three mysterious crystals and his knowledge of the MCU, Evan navigates the complexities of a universe where both mutants and superheroes coexist. As he strives to understand his new reality, Evan hatches a daring plan that starts with him obtaining Extremis, and ends with him standing at the top of the universal food chain. Amidst the unfolding adventure, Evan's past and origins come to light, revealing secrets that could alter the course of his journey. As he grapples with his identity, he must also navigate the intricate dynamics of this new world, where mutants and humans struggle for coexistence.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Twist of Luck #30

The penthouse resounded with the echoes of battle, the clashes of powers and wills forming an almost tangible symphony of conflict. The young mutants fought with determination, their abilities on full display in the chaotic dance of combat.

But the cacophony was abruptly interrupted, shattered by the distinct sound of glass breaking. Heads turned, attention shifting toward the source of the intrusion.

Evan had made his entrance. He had climbed the heights of the penthouse with a single-minded focus, his thoughts locking onto the situation at hand. As he materialized amidst the chaos, his eyes widened in recognition at the familiar figure of Domino.

Instantly, he gathered his bearings as he charged Domino, his movements a blur of motion. The element of surprise was on his side, and his hands moved with calculated precision, reaching for the back of Domino's head.

In that tense moment, the world seemed to narrow to a singular focus.

Evan's internal conflict, a collision of loyalty and necessity, drove his actions. Domino, a figure he held a complex connection with, had become an adversary in this pivotal moment. The lives of his students and the grand designs he held for the future depended on his resolve, and he would not let sentimentality stop him from doing what was necessary.

But just as he was poised to deliver his strike, the capricious hand of fate intervened. The very concept of probability, the whims of chance itself, responded to Domino's powers. In a sudden twist of events, the chandelier above wrenched itself free from its moorings, descending like a deadly pendulum. Its trajectory formed a perilous line, slicing through the air between Evan and Domino.

The near-miss left Evan with a grunt of frustration, his momentum halting as he adjusted his stance to stop his advance. His gaze locked onto the plummeting chandelier, watching its descent with irritation and resignation.

As the chandelier found its resting place on the ground, Domino turned to face Evan, a smile curling her lips. Her casual demeanor contrasted starkly with the gravity of the situation. The rush of a near-death experience had seemingly washed over her, leaving her unphased and undeterred. Her gaze held a knowing glint as it met Evan's masked visage.

Evan's sudden appearance had an immediate effect on the battleground, eyes that had been fixed on the turmoil now pivoting to focus on him. His students, entrenched in the heat of battle, seemed momentarily paralyzed by the unexpected development.

But Evan wasted no time in setting them straight. His gaze swept over the young mutants, his expression carved from stone, his voice cutting through the chaos with a frigid edge.

"Enough gawking," he commanded, his tone a departure from the usual warmth they associated with him. "Keep your eyes on your opponents," he directed with an uncharacteristic severity.

His words acted like a surge of electricity, jolting his students back into action. The momentum of the battle resumed the young mutants rekindling their efforts with newfound determination.

With the battlefield reanimated, Evan turned his focus to Domino, his attention unwavering as he addressed her. His voice was a blend of curiosity and reproach, reflecting the complex emotions he harbored. "What brings you here? I never took you for one of Shaw's lackeys.." he queried, his words edged with incredulity.

A sigh escaped Domino, a faint weariness that underscored her response. "My job," she replied, a sense of resignation lacing her words. The exchange was tinged with an undercurrent of familiarity, a reminder of their past interactions. "I Told you to stay away from the X-men," she remarked with exasperation and fondness. "But you never were one to listen, were you?"

Evan's frown, concealed beneath his mask, deepened as he absorbed her words. "That doesn't answer my question," he countered, the tension between them palpable. His demand was unambiguous, his need for clarity resolute. "What are you doing here, Domino?" he pressed, the weight of his inquiry hanging in the air.

A dismissive shake of her head signaled Domino's reluctance to elaborate. "You wouldn't understand, Evan," she replied, her voice carrying an elusive quality. Her hands assumed an offensive stance, the air around her charged with a palpable energy. "When all of this is over," she continued, her tone a blend of ruefulness and intrigue, "maybe I'll owe you that drink and the full story."

Her eyes narrowed, her focus intensifying as she mustered her resolve. Her charge toward Evan was a testament to her commitment, her words ringing with a hint of dark humor. "If you manage to survive until then, that is,"

In the midst of the chaotic battleground, Evan and Domino faced off. The tension in the air was palpable, a collision of skill and power. Evan, armed with the Extremis serum coursing through his veins, stood ready, his stance an embodiment of control and confidence. Her posture poised and calculating, Domino radiated an air of measured determination.

The initial clash was a whirlwind of motion, Evan's superhuman speed propelling him forward with a burst of energy. His fists became blurs as he unleashed a torrent of calculated strikes. Each punch was precision itself, honed through years of training and augmented by the amplified strength granted by Extremis. But Domino was no ordinary adversary. As Evan's fists closed in, fate intervened.

With a sudden twist, the trajectory of Evan's blows met with an obstacle. A pile of debris toppled in front of Domino, a barrier standing between him and his adversary. Still, Evan was familiar with Domino's power and didn't let it deter him as he smashed through the debris, but she was nowhere in sight.

As Evan scanned the area for any sign of Domino, he knew he couldn't rely solely on his raw strength and enhanced abilities. The battle had shifted into a realm where every action he took could be twisted by the capricious hand of luck. His instincts sharpened, and his senses heightened; he braced himself for whatever unpredictable tactic Domino might employ next.

Time seemed to stretch as Evan remained on guard, his gaze scanning for even the slightest hint of movement. Suddenly, a soft breeze brushed against his skin, a sensation so subtle it could have easily been dismissed as nothing. But Evan's intuition kicked in, and in an instant, he realized the danger. With a surge of speed, he twisted to the side just as a series of bullets whizzed through the air, narrowly missing him.

Each projectile seemed to defy logic, changing its trajectory as they bounced off the various surfaces in the penthouse as if guided by some unseen force. Evan's enhanced reflexes kicked in, allowing him to evade the projectiles that danced like a deadly rain around him. He weaved through the barrage, his movements are fluid and precise, a testament to his training and superhuman agility.

Yet, Domino's luck persisted, her powers causing the projectiles to collide with each other in mid-air, creating a dazzling display of chaos that momentarily obscured Evan's vision. Still, Evan relied on his memory, enhanced by Hulk Blood, and navigated through the chaos, dashing forward with explosive speed toward Domino.

But just as he was about to close the distance, the very ground beneath his feet seemed to shift against him-- A concealed wire, seemingly placed at random, coiled around his ankle with impossible precision. Evan staggered, his balance compromised, and in that split second, Domino capitalized on the opening.

She pushed like a shadow, her motions fluid and calculated. Her strike was swift, a precise blow that aimed to exploit Evan's temporary vulnerability. Despite his enhanced durability, the impact sent a shockwave of force through his body as Domino's attack seemed to land on a pressure point by sheer dumb luck.

Evan's instincts took over once again, his training and experience guiding his actions. He managed to regain his footing, his agile form propelling him backward to create distance. With a swift motion, he opened his mouth, sending a torrent of flames toward Domino in an attempt to force her on the defensive.

But Domino's luck intervened yet again, her body moving in ways that defied the odds as she narrowly avoided the flames. In response, she hurled herself into a series of acrobatic maneuvers, her form a blur of motion. She somersaulted, twisted, and rolled, the deadly fire missing her by mere inches with each passing second.

Evan couldn't help but sigh in exasperation as he watched Domino effortlessly dodge everything he threw at her.. With a wry smile, he couldn't resist voicing his frustration. "That power of yours makes no sense at all..."

His frustration was palpable, the tension in the air mirroring the complexity of their encounter. Shaking his head in awe and irritation, he added, "To put it in less polite terms, it's pure bullshit..."

Domino's response was a roll of her eyes, a gesture that seemed to carry both amusement and a touch of weariness. "You're one to talk," she retorted, her voice laced with an underlying edge. "You were already a monster before you started ingesting super-soldier serums like friggen soda..."

There was a hint of truth to her words, but Evan's resolve remained steadfast. He had made his choices, his reasons driven by a complex mix of necessity and ambition. The serum coursing through his veins had granted him enhanced abilities he saw as tools to achieve his goals.

As their battle reached a momentary lull, Domino relished the opportunity to catch her breath. Unlike Evan, who seemingly possessed limitless stamina, her endurance had its limits. The exertion of their conflict was evident in the sheen of sweat on her forehead and the rhythm of her regulated breathing. With a determined exhale, Domino wiped the sweat away, her focus never wavering.

Raising her hands in a posture that combined readiness and resignation, she addressed Evan with a mixture of challenge and fatigue. "Come on, let's get this over with..."

Much to her confusion, Evan's response was a simple shake of his head. The gesture seemed to convey a depth of understanding that caught her off guard. "The battle is already over," he stated calmly, his words carrying an air of finality that seemed at odds with the ongoing chaos of their conflict.

The unexpected turn of events intrigued Domino, her curiosity momentarily overriding the tension of the moment. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she regarded Evan, waiting for an explanation.

His next words held an element of surprise, a revelation that caused her to pause. "It's your loss, Neena," he spoke, using her real name in a deliberate choice that seemed to echo with a history shared between them.

The sound of police sirens in the distance added another layer of complexity to the scene, a reminder that their battle had consequences beyond their individual conflict. The imminent arrival of law enforcement sent a ripple of uncertainty through the penthouse, as both combatants assessed their options.

What surprised Domino even more was the realization that Kitty had managed to recover from her earlier setback. The young mutant had moved with a grace that was almost ghostlike, positioning herself behind Evan as if assuming a protective stance.

Evan's grin was almost feral, his amusement palpable as he addressed Domino once more. "The police are on their way, and the capes will soon follow," he remarked, his tone laced with a mixture of taunt and challenge.

With a knowing glint in his eyes, he posed a question that hung in the air like a challenge. "What will you do?"


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