
Marvelous Twist

Evan Shepard finds himself inexplicably transported from his world into this new reality. With only three mysterious crystals and his knowledge of the MCU, Evan navigates the complexities of a universe where both mutants and superheroes coexist. As he strives to understand his new reality, Evan hatches a daring plan that starts with him obtaining Extremis, and ends with him standing at the top of the universal food chain. Amidst the unfolding adventure, Evan's past and origins come to light, revealing secrets that could alter the course of his journey. As he grapples with his identity, he must also navigate the intricate dynamics of this new world, where mutants and humans struggle for coexistence.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Learning Curve #8

Ororo smiled warmly, her blue eyes gleaming with kindness. "Well, I'm glad I could make your day a little better," she said, her demeanor unphased by my words as she firmly shook my hand. "Now, if you'll follow me. I'll show you around our school..."

Nodding in agreement, I replied, "By all means, please do." I fell into step beside her as she led the way through the X-Mansion's hallways. The mansion was massive, and I marveled at the intricate architecture and the grandeur of the place. It was clear that this was not just a school but a sanctuary for mutants.

After a few minutes of walking, Ororo brought me to an open classroom. Inside, I spotted a towering humanoid figure with a bestial appearance. His blue fur, fang-like teeth, claws, pointed ears, and unusually large hands and feet marked him as a mutant.

Despite his appearance, he was dressed in a suit, standing confidently near the chalkboard, engrossed in explaining something to the students. He glanced over and noticed Ororo and me, flashing us a friendly smile before resuming his teaching.

Returning his smile, I turned to Ororo for an explanation. "We encourage our students to live among humans and maintain regular lives," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of concern. "As such, they attend public schools whenever possible..."

I couldn't help but notice the hint of sadness in her expression as she trailed off. "Well, those capable of attending public schools, at least..." she added.

Her words spoke volumes, and I understood what she was trying to convey. Mutations were diverse, and while some mutants could blend in with human society, others displayed physical characteristics that would instantly expose them. For those with conspicuous mutations, attending public schools could be a challenge, given the negative opinions and prejudices held by some towards mutants.

With a nod, I calmly acknowledged, "A shame, but such is the world we live in..." The reality of the challenges faced by mutants was not lost on me. As we stood at the entrance, I couldn't help but scan the faces of the students. Many of them were unfamiliar.

Among the students, I spotted Kitty Pryde, a familiar face from our encounter at the entrance. Her warm smile and subtle wave made me feel welcomed, and I returned the gesture with a nod of acknowledgment.

Curious about the students with no visible mutations, I voiced my observation to Ororo. "I see a lot of students with no visible mutations," I pointed out.

Ororo nodded in response, her expression thoughtful. "Even amongst those with no visible mutations, some struggle to control their powers," she explained, her gaze momentarily shifting towards Kitty. "And there are those who attend classes here due to their diligence, not just their abilities."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "Eager students, eh? Looks like I'll be enjoying my job here more than I suspected," I remarked, feeling a sense of excitement growing within me.

Ororo chuckled, her silver-white hair shimmering as she shook her head gently. "That's good to hear," she replied, her voice carrying a tone of encouragement. "Let's move on to our next destination."

As we continued our tour of the X-Mansion, Ororo showed me the training facilities and the various classrooms where the students learned, the cafeteria, the faculty rooms, and other vital facilities.

Throughout the tour, I found myself becoming more and more enamored with the X-Mansion and its inhabitants. It was a place of growth, acceptance, and hope, where mutants could thrive and embrace their uniqueness without fear of judgment.

Eventually, we reached the entrance to the Danger Room, a place that had sparked my curiosity. Ororo moved to open the door, and I couldn't help but wonder what version of the Danger Room awaited me inside.

Would it be the old one with its classic version? Or perhaps the enhanced version with alien technology, courtesy of Forge? The possibilities were intriguing, and I eagerly anticipated the answer as Ororo swung the door open and walked inside.

Stepping into the spherical room, I found myself in awe of its setup. The walls and ceiling were adorned with numerous lights and projectors, creating an immersive and dynamic environment. At the far end, a large and impressive supercomputer stood, likely responsible for controlling the various simulations and scenarios.

Ororo, always the gracious guide, provided the necessary information. "This is what we call the Danger Room," she explained, her voice echoing in the vast space. "It is where you will be conducting your lessons three times a week in the evenings."

I took a moment to take in the intricacies of the room, observing the array of complicated devices and systems that lay before me. The technology was undoubtedly advanced and capable of creating lifelike simulations. It was an instructor's wet dream. If any of my drill sargents saw this, they'd have trouble sleeping for weeks.

Taking a step closer to one of the light projectors, I inquired, "Would I be right to assume this room has some special functionality?" I already knew the answer, but it wouldn't do to raise unnecessary questions.

Ororo put on a nostalgic smile, reminiscing about the room's humble beginnings. "This room was once nothing more than an obstacle course filled with flame throwers and rotating blades," she shared with a hint of amusement. After a brief pause, she continued, "Now it's a state-of-the-art facility capable of creating interactive artificial environments with the press of a button."

Her smile widened as she added, "Well, maybe several buttons, depending on the complexity of your intended scenario."

"Yeah, it looks like I have some learning to do before I'm ready to teach," I responded with a light-hearted tone, acknowledging the vast potential of the Danger Room and the knowledge required to operate it effectively.

Ororo shook her head reassuringly, her silver-white hair shimmering in the soft light. "Don't fret. You are not expected to start teaching until next week," she reassured me. "You'll have plenty of time to familiarize yourself with the controls and functionalities."

Waving my hand dismissively, I replied, "I've studied simple programming before, and I'm a quick study. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it if you show me how it's done."

Ororo frowned slightly, a hint of concern in her expression as she replied, "I can certainly show you, but while I don't doubt your capabilities..." Her voice trailed off, and she added cautiously, "I don't think that learning to use the Danger Room's matrix would be as easy as you might have imagined."

Sensing her skepticism, I couldn't help but chuckle at her concern. "I'm well aware of my limits, Miss Monroe," I assured her, my confidence bolstered by recent events.

A week ago, I wouldn't have been so self-assured in making such bold statements. However, after ingesting the intelligence-enhancing serum, created and perfected by the now-deceased Dr. Samuel Stern, from Hulk blood, my cognitive abilities experienced a remarkable boost.

The serum, a revolutionary concoction, had not only heightened my mental acuity but also enhanced my reflexes and problem-solving capabilities. It was a drastic change, and I found myself embracing this newfound sharpness with enthusiasm.

Ororo sighed softly, her expression tinged with a hint of exasperation. "If that is what you wish, then I won't deny your request." With that, she gracefully moved toward the supercomputer, her silver-white hair shimmering in the soft light of the Danger Room.

She gestured for me to follow behind her, and I did so eagerly, curious to see how this advanced system worked.

As she settled in front of the console, Ororo began typing swiftly, her fingers dancing across the keys with practiced ease. "Please watch closely," she instructed me, her eyes focused on the screen. "Your wording will be vital in crafting the scenario."

I leaned in, my curiosity piqued and observed her as she continued typing. Minutes passed, and Ororo's concentration remained unwavering as she carefully inputted each command. Finally, she finished, and with a decisive keystroke, her request was set into motion.

The room seemed to come alive as the simulation took form. The walls of the Danger Room shimmered, and the once-sterile environment transformed before my eyes. The white walls were replaced with the illusion of an open plain, bathed in the golden hues of a setting sun. The ceiling, now a seamless blend of holographic technology, created a realistic sky that stretched endlessly above us.

A clear blue sky enveloped the room, and I could feel a gentle breeze brushing against my skin. The illusion was incredibly realistic, and I could almost believe that we were standing in the heart of a vast wilderness.

The open plain stretched out in every direction, a panorama of natural beauty. Dried, yellow grass swayed gently in the breeze, and sparsely dotted trees provided occasional spots of shade. In the distance, I spotted herds of elephants, zebras, and other wild animals moving gracefully across the land.

The attention to detail in the simulation was remarkable, and I couldn't help but feel impressed by the Danger Room's capabilities. It was a testament to the brilliance of Xavier's technology and Ororo's skill in utilizing it.

Ororo turned to me, a satisfied smile gracing her features. "This is a neutral landscape," she explained. "It's not suitable for training purposes, but it will do as an example of the Danger Room's capabilities..."


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