
Marvelous Turbo

Jake, an average everyday person with a barely used degree had an encounter with our favorite truck. Poor guy got dragged into my multiverse. How I love my multiverse, some DC oriented ones, Marvel ones and others. I'm going to have so much fun with this one. A Noctice-verse story By the way The images aren't mine though I edited them a bit after downloading them. I don't own anything that isn't original i.e my oc characters and stuff like that I also uploaded it on Wattpad under the account name RegoNoctice (reuploaded since the one-click upload messed it up)

RegoNoctice · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 22: On The Other Hand

So those doing A-Levels know that exams are done now for the most part. I'm definitely done, so I'm going to upload the chapters I worked on. The discord server is still a work in progress and i guess I have idea's for another story that will be on the backburner for now until the ones i mentioned before are at a suitable number of chapters.

I'll take recommendations for x-men show's and the like here, should help in getting more stories flowing. Gonna rewatch the guardians of the galaxy animation too. If you haven't watched it you should, its pretty good.

*Celebration gifs here, the one with the most likes wins*


While Ja'em was in his month long coma

(Jakes POV)

"Sorry about that, I probably should have mentioned that I tend to explode with energy whenever my heart rate, adrenaline and other bodily functions go up," I say while looking at the shocked teenagers and children with a sheepish grin on my face. Hell, even some of the adults looked at me with a little worry on their face.

I noticed as a look of realisation appears on the groups faces, by group I'm obviously referring to those I was talking to before my body decided that more TURBO energy was needed. Namely Jean, Anne-Marie , Kitty, Scott, Kurt Wagnar (Nightcrawler), Ororoe, Piotr who is currently in his metal form and Laura looking at me with her claws out. "You smell like that weird man who brought me here with my father, who exactly are you?"

"Are you talking about that weird blue headed guy with glowing eyes and a goatee," Jean asks receiving a nod from Laura. "The creepy guy who made the professor annoyed," Scott says with a little venom in his voice earning a glare from Laura that stopped him from saying whatever stupid stuff he wanted to say after. "Is he the guy Logan said is one of the few people he completely trusts?" Anne-Marie asks getting another nod .

I however looked at Laura in confusion, "Are you talking about me or him?" I point at Alloy. She takes a wiff and responds in a slightly growly voice "Both of you." Alloy and I look at each other before we laugh finally understanding who she meant, "You guys want the long story or the short one." "Long (Short) story," the one disagreeing with everyone being Scott obviously. I think that he has a control problem since his brother was once in charge of the team.

"Well since we're democratic long story it is," I look at the stragglers surrounding us before making another decision, "We should go inside I believe. Some of this information is sensitive." Seeing the nods of agreement from everyone we look for an empty room that should be secure after all as a project funded by the government of the United States in a universe with superpowered people roaming about and comic book logic, I wouldn't be surprised if every room is bugged aside from the girls dorms and bathrooms.

For some reason in universes like these the governments avoid bugging the girls' rooms. Might be due to them realising that girls usually have a sixth sense about this or maybe some other reason. Either way I'll save that info for future use later, it should come in handy at some point.

After a couple minutes searching, we finally found an empty room which at my insistence was close to the bathrooms. "Alloy, can you generate a neutralising field in case of any bugs," I ask the ultralink who's as close as a brother to me. "Can I? If I couldn't, I wouldn't be so different from others of my race," he scoffs before releasing the bluish green field.

To further reiterate how different Alloy is different from the other ultralinks, lets talk about how he was made according to what I was told. You see after Steel went through the process to basically become this universes version of the androids from dragon ball who is practically millennia more advanced than the androids in dragon ball, there were some leftover parts that were not used. Let's be honest here even the MCU's version of ULTRON and VISION where way more advanced than those androids not to mention the comic versions.

Back to the leftover parts *clears throat*, Steel had what I would call baby fever, so he decided to make an ultralink from them guy took build your own child to a whole other level. The materials used were Wolverines claws that got cut off in Japan which he seeped in liquid TURBO energy he generated himself, vibranium both Wakandan and Talocan so basically normal vibranium and anti-metal, a blank energem and some of his blood and other physical fluids and matter.

Due to these features he's able to store TURBO energy instead of just utilize it as it enters his system as well as do other more refined stuff I can't do with my energy, like create a controlled emp field. His soul is also all natural without any artificial code being used as a basis thanks to the energem. This is why I said Steel was looking for the perfect woman to make his body as some female DNA is needed to create a body for someone as unique as him.

Vision was pure AI that evolved due to Starks or Pym's (depending on the version) genius, sometimes both and the influence of the mind infinity stone as well as Wanda's magic. Thus just the biomechanical properties of his vibranium body was enough for it to transform into a soul, his slow grasp on emotion and other such stuff a side effect of how he was formed and his age soul wise.

I went of on a mental tangent there didn't I, 'Crap judging from how often this happens I might be in a fanfic or something. Meh, doesn't matter not like it'll get animated or something,' I refocus on the people in front of me while ignoring the urge to break the fourth wall intentionally, if there even is a fourth wall <AN Good ignore that urge\AN> and the voice. "Short story that was a sort of clone of my dad."