
Marvelous Fated Life

Being reborn in Marvel wouldn't have been a bad thing except I suck at everything. Science, Physics, Engineering, and even Magic But with this maybe I have a chance.

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

I Have Never Seen Such A Thing Chp 8



Anakin with glowing yellow and red eyes filled with pure hatred with his one remaining limb grasps the burnt ground

"I HATE YOU," He screams with pure hatred in his voice

"YOU WERE MY BROTHER ANAKIN, I loved you," Says Obi-wan, and Anakin's eyes very briefly changed color back to their normal blue and the stump where his right leg used be watches on fire due to the magma flowing very close to him causing them to return their hate-filled look as he screams in pure agony as he begins to burn alive

Obi-Wan looks away as he can't bear to watch as the boy he raised to manhood burns alive the reality of the situation hits again as the atrocities that were caused by his fallen apprentice

"No," Whispers Thor as he finally drops his popcorn and soda with tears in his eyes filled with despair at watching the relationship between master and apprentice being fully broken

Arthur looks outside and he sees that the storm has gotten worse as thunder fills the air before turning back to look at the TV

In the realm of Asgard, the might of the prince is felt as a storm rages with such intensity that the All-Father himself has to intervene to calm the raging storm

But, the rest of the realms are not so lucky

"Oh, my son," Whispers Odin tears beginning to form as he senses his son's distress and feelings of utter despair

"Oh, Frigga what would you do," He says before a number of runes appear as he sees that some of the weaker seals that he placed on Thor are on the verge of breaking

Quickly drawing upon the Odinforce, he begins to reinforce those seals

"Damn it," Says Odin as a wave of exhaustion hits him as the amount of Odinforce left in him can barely do the job

The Odinsleep will soon be upon him

His eyes widen as a single one of the seals is broken

"It is too soon," He says as his 'eyes' widen


Thor, Steve, and I just finished watching the Star Wars movie in a single day as today has been a rather slow day

I pat Thor on the shoulder as he rubs his eyes, getting himself under control

"That was incredible," He says as he comes out of his depression

"These 'movies' have been incredibly draining as they have been enjoyable," Says Thor

"Still, I mean knowing that Anakin was Darth Vader but to see it," Comments Steve standing up and cracking his back

"Yeah," I say getting up as I have been sitting most of the day watching the Star Wars movies

"Quite the ride huh," I comment picking up the trash even though Tony made some machines that clean up the mansion, its not bad habit to clean up after myself

"Still, as much as I enjoyed myself, I feel like I am just...hugh," Says Steve getting

"Whats the..."

"You feel we could be doing something else," I finish for him while Thor watches us 


"I am with you on that one, but we have been training for the past week, resting for a day is not a bad thing, besides, we still haven't gotten any news about any of the escaped criminals," I say as we clean our mess

"Which reminds me, I am going to ask Tony about Graviton's situation. I don't trust Shield when it comes to him," I tell them as Thor nods at that while Steve seems to want to say something so I nod towards him

"Why don't you trust them?" He asks

"Because of what they were trying to do. Heck, I wouldn't really care, if Graviton was letting himself be studied on if he personally volunteered himself. But, no, they instead tried to find out how to replicate his powers while cutting him open every now and again. That is a huge issue," I say as I look at him

"People like Fury want, no, need to be in control in every situation and when something spirals out of control he lashes out like a child. I don't care if humanity improves, but what I am against is the haste. Like the saying goes, 'haste makes waste'," I explain a bit

"So, you are not against people gaining power but more along the lines of the consequences that may come from it," Comments Thor

"Yes, most people are not ready to receive any kind of power whatsoever. They may start thinking that they are gods, and then they start to behave like one. No offense Thor but you are one of the nicer ones," I tell him

"Aye, from the stories I have heard from my father. Most of the other pantheons were forced to stay out of human affairs, at least publicly," He says which makes me narrow my eyes a bit

"You mean you have never interacted with other gods?" I ask him

"Oh, I have, but the number of times is less than a dozen, and truth be told, from what I have heard that itself is a blessing. Every time a deity from another pantheon contacts mine, they all have to go through my father's approval," He answers and I want to ask a lot more questions but I resolve to wait another day

"There are other pantheons of gods?" Asks Steve in shock

"Oh, yeah loads of them," I answer him

"Before you ask, yes the creator of everything is real," I continue "Also, Hell exists, so there is that," I say as both Thor and I see that we need to give Steve some time for himself

"So, you said that you barely interacted with other gods," I ask him

"Indeed, the last time I interacted with another was not really that long, around 60 to 70 years ago, the Greek god of war was spreading his influence and as Asgard is one of the pantheons still allowed on Midgard, father tasked me to take him down..."

He begins to explain what happened and due to the massive loss of life in World War 2, Ares gained a massive power boost but was still defeated by Thor, which also led to him meeting Zeus who alongside the rest of the Olympians decided to rip away the immortality of Ares

He is still a god, and he can be killed but he won't age, and he still keeps most of his godly powers, but he won't be able to get stronger from conflict anymore, at least not that much

On that topic, a thought entered my mind

Could Thor give me his godly blessing?

I mean he is not a normal Norse god but he is still a god, which means he can give his complete blessing

Shaking my head slightly we continue to talk about many things and he mentions how he took a class on the Groot language

"It is rather interesting since every other race hears, well, I am Groot, it is more of a tone of voice and in some cases even physical moves," He says as he goes into further detail and I learned that he spent 300 years on his education

I winced at that, spending 300 years on what amounts to elementary school is not an idea I ever wanted to imagine

I say my good night and go over to my room which thankfully, Tony agreed on having expanded as I enter and see the finished magic circle that I am going to use

It is double-layered

The first layer acts as a barrier keeping the effects of the second barrier inside, while the second layer is the actual ritual itself

Taking my clothes off, I grab a brush and open up a can of Wyvern's blood

Soon, I begin to draw the lines around my face and I do so slowly so as to not make any mistakes

After a bit, my face, specifically the area around my eyes is surrounded by Wyverns blood

I put everything down and go towards the circle, once I reach it, I sit down and focus on drawing magical energy from as many dimensions as I can

It takes me about an hour and a half to gather the necessary amount of magic in order to properly begin

The first layer begins to glow slightly, but I stop it as I made a mistake

It is not supposed to glow completely

I have to send the power through one of the corners and then make its way through the rest of it

I begin to channel some more magical energy and this time I do it correctly

As I reach the second layer, I take a deep breath and focus even more

Sending the magical energy, through the second layer, making sure to take my time

Soon, both layers are glowing and I resist the urge to smile but I force it down as I complete the ritual I let everything go and a snap-like feeling happens and I can feel the magical energy from the Magic Circle, flow into my eyes as the blood on my face begins to move even though most of it had dried

It soon reaches my eyes and warmth spreads from my head to the rest of my body

I close my eyes as they start to itch a bit and they burst open when I feel my Dragon Core jumping into action

I turn to see a notification on the screen

[Notice the User's Dragon Core has come into contact with the blood of a Wyvern, and although, Wyverns are cousins and not True Dragons. The Dragon Core has begun to awaken due to the power of the blood and the ritual, Skill Dragon Core has been updated and a new skill has been gained

Dragon Core Unawakened(Rank: N/A) Due to possessing a Dragon Core which acts as a magical energy reactor. This can grant numerous benefits such as incredible Magic Resistance, and a tremendous amount of Magical energy. However, due to never having been able to awaken it fully. Most of the benefits are nullified until it is awakened, such as increased Physical Endurance, Increased Longevity, Increased Senses, and Increased Agility

Note to awaken the Dragon Core one must perform acts befitting those of a dragon, and the Dragon Core will awaken gradually. The process can be sped up in the heat of a battle, and as one gets older. 

Due to the Wyvern's blood being infused into the Owner's body, the Dragon Core will take it into itself to awaken marginally faster

New Personal Skill Gained

Draconic Sight (Rank E): Gives one the sight of a Dragon. A True Dragon can see the Past, Present, and Partial Future. 

At this rank, this skill grants the Owner, significantly improved sight, and the ability to see magical energy not normally seen by human eyes, even those of experienced Mages. Also, helps the User see through really weak illusions.

It should be made known to the User that Wyvern's blood may become ineffective, the more it is used and the effect it has on the Dragon Core decreases]

"Woah," I say as I read the skills a few more times

(Could I increase it by drinking Wyvern's blood,) I think to myself before I shake my head as I read that last part

Still though, I should look into other rituals that use Wyvern's blood as an ingredient