
MARVEL X DC: Monster System

Jack was sent to a world of heroes, a fusion between Marvel and DC. A world with so many possibilities, full of heroes flying through the skies or hiding in the shadows. Heroes that Jack liked. It was really a shame that he had to destroy everything these heroes stand for. Will he be just another villain who will be defeated? Or will he actually achieve something that many villains have failed at?"

DiaboV · Others
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Assault on Oscorp part 1

It was very late at night and Flint Marko was in his bed but was awakened by a noise in his apartment. He got up, stepping with his feet on the cold floor of his old apartment. Attached to one of his legs was a tracker. He was a super-criminal on parole, one of the few who was trying to rehabilitate himself.

He leaves his room and goes to the living room of his small apartment and finds the source of the noise, the TV on. Flint was sure he had turned off the TV after all it takes energy to have a TV on and he barely knew if he could pay this month's bills.

Then the TV changes the image by itself. The TV showed a residential building. Flint was confused by this so he went to hang up but as soon as he was about to do so a voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" A man whispered from the shadows and Flint was in combat possession with his fist turning into sand and increasing in size.

"Get out of my apartment." Flint Mark says as he looks at the man. He had long black hair and wore a baseball jacket with black pants.

"Do you see the building that's on TV? That's Live, I thought you'd recognize the building where your daughter lives" Flint then looks at the TV. Since he was arrested he has never seen his daughter again, he only found out that she was now living with her adoptive parents, but he can never visit her because he is still on parole.

"If you've done anything to her..." Flint Marko already knew where this was going

"Marko please, I'm not an irrational monster. Little Penny is fine, she's sleeping in her room now dreaming about angels. Of course, she doesn't know that in the apartment below her, there are three barrels filled to the brim with nitroglycerin" Marko transforms his arm in sand stretches it out, and grabs the man by the neck

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" Marko starts strangling him with the sand closing around his neck

"Of course do that, but first take a look at the TV" Marko then looks at the TV, the camera that was filming the apartment moves and is pointed at the person who was filming

"Hello Markus, you better listen to what they have to say." A man exactly like the one he was strangling says this on camera while holding a detonator. Jack did this using two clones, one that was watching Jack in the building next door disbanded and transferred what he saw to the clone that was filming. Markus was astonished by this and dropped him

"What do you want?" Markus says in a sad tone. He was rebuilding his life, following his parole so that in the future he could have the chance to see his daughter, but it seems that this is about to end.

"Don't be so sad, I just want your help for just today. As soon as we're done I'll let little Penny go I promise" Markos didn't believe anything he promised but he had no choice now, he would do anything for his daughter.

"What are we going to do?" Markos says hoping it's not something too bad.

"We're going to rob Oscorp, so go get dressed. I'll tell you the details in the truck."

The black truck advanced through the well-lit streets of New York pulling two loads filled with sand to the brim. In the driver's seat was Jack driving toward Oscorp and in the passenger seat was Marko Flint.

"You may have already noticed the sand we are transporting, but there are more trucks like this full of sand parked around the building. I want you to use the sand to completely cover the building and not let anyone enter. Can you do that?" Jack says as he looks at Marko

"I can. But what if the Justice League shows up? Or the Avengers, Teen Titans, Fantastic Four?" Marko asks as he sees the gigantic Oscorp building approaching in the distance.

"Don't worry about them. The league is in space on another planet and the rest are out of New York a long way from here. Of course, some heroes may appear and may be able to get past you. If they pass, leave them to me" Jack says in a confident tone. He had spent all his remaining points buying information on the whereabouts of the main teams that could stop him in the System.

It cost him a lot but Jack knew it was worth it. He couldn't risk a confrontation with these teams of heroes because he knew he would lose and be sent directly to prison. That's why Jack had to do the robbery today.

Jack decided not to do this discreetly, he needed to put on a show in this assault on Oscorp. He had to show the world what he was capable of doing because this was part of his future plans. For Jack's future plans to work, they required Jack to demonstrate a certain Jutsu to impress certain people.

The truck then arrives at the Oscorp Industries building and Jack gets on the sidewalk with the truck and accelerates toward the main entrance of the building. The truck invades the building, breaking the glass walls of the Lobby, and surprising the guards at the entrance.

"You know what to do." Jack says as he pulls the emergency brake and gets out of the truck. Confused guards watch him get out of the truck with his hand already positioned on the gun holster.

"Hey you, don't take another step or we'll shoot" One of the guards closest to Jack shouted at him. Jack then pulled out several shurikens and threw them.

The shurikens flew and ripped the necks of five guards and the rest of the guards saw this and opened fire. Jack then pulls out a kunai and uses the Body Flicker Technique to dodge the bullets. Using his speed, Jack quickly kills each guard one by one, leaving a trail of bodies as he makes his way to the upper floors.

The building's alarms are activated, making noise throughout the building. Hearing this Marko Flint knew it was his time to take action, he then turned into sand while taking all the sand in the truck outside the building.

Outside the building he sees other trucks loaded with sand, and he starts to control the sand. He then uses all this sand to cover the entire Oscorp building, leaving no entrance available.

Inside the building, Jack pulled out his kunai stuck in a guard's neck while watching the sand rising through the windows and gave a satisfied smile. Marko Flint overshadowed Gaara when it came to controlling sand. Jack needs him to buy time and clear the way when he leaves the building.

Jack then focuses on the Oscorp robbery. He specifically chose Oscorp because it was the leading company when it came to molecular genetics and biochemistry as well as being advanced in several areas of biology. Throughout the building, there was a variety of cutting-edge equipment, many of which were developed by Oscorp itself and cost billions of dollars.

With limited technology Orochimaru alone managed to develop absurd things, imagine now with all this latest generation equipment what Jack could do using Orocimaru's talent and knowledge as a researcher.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Jack made a hand sign and ten clones appeared around him, he then handed the clones several storage scrolls.

"Go and get everything interesting" After saying that, the clones spread throughout the building and Jack goes to the floor of the CEO of Oscorp Industries to pay him a visit.

On the top floors of the Oscorpo building, sitting in his armchair in his personal office, Norman Osborn was watching on his computer the real-time images of individuals invading his building.

"WHERE IS THE HELICOPTER?" He shouts to the security guards who were guarding the door of his office, all with weapons in hand.

"Mr. Osborn, the sand has blocked the roof, we are trapped. But the police have already arrived" Said his head of security, who will be fired very soon, Norman thought.

"This bastard is stealing all the research equipment!" Norman says while watching the security cameras. On the screen, several men with the same appearance were spread across all important areas of the building.

They are on the floor where the laboratories are. They are stealing advanced machines, computers, chemical components, research equipment, and everything they can find. They carry a kind of oriental parchment and what they steal simply disappears after a white smoke clears and then they continue to steal more.

If this continues, Oscorp's main laboratories will soon be completely plucked. And this will cause a financial crisis for the company due to its most expensive equipment being stolen, some of this equipment cost billions to develop. The company's main shareholders were already planning to sell the company but now Norman doesn't know how to stop them, he can only watch helplessly.

"Sir, are you okay?" The head of security asks. Norman didn't even listen, he was too focused on how he could turn this around and regain control of his company. He then remembered the new experimental serum that was still in the testing phase. Yes, he could use it to recover his company.

But Norman was taken out of his thoughts when he heard gunshots coming from the other side of the door, his security guards then lined up and pointed their guns at the door.


Shots were heard, accompanied by the sounds of flesh being cut and men screaming in pain. This continued until everything was silent. In a tense silence, Norman saw his guards tense with some even sweating. Then the door opened and all the guards pointed their weapons, but there was nothing there except a hallway full of dead guards lying on the floor.

The corridor was completely stained with the blood of the guards, some of the guards had their limbs cut off, and others had their heads crushed. Then out of nowhere a shadow quickly enters the room and starts killing the guards, Norman Osborn quickly hides under his desk to avoid being shot. He hears his guards being killed then the tense silence returns but this time it is broken by a voice.

"You can get up now Norman" The voice spoke in a cold tone. Norman slowly stands up and looks at the man standing in the middle of his office next to the bodies of his security guards.

"If I'm not reading your personality wrong, the company's main server should stay here." The man smiles and goes after a giant painting of Norman Osborn himself and pulls it to reveal the server. He then pulls out the main server console and connects it to a hard drive he brought while typing frantically.

Norman saw this and understood what he was doing, he was stealing all the company's files that contained important documents about scientific research. He couldn't let that happen so he calmly opened a drawer where he hid a gun but a snake that climbed onto his desk stopped him from getting the gun showing its fangs to him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. The snake is poisonous, one bite and you'll be dead in seconds." Jack says while licking his lips while looking at the monitor. After typing a countdown appeared on the monitor, it was the time it took to transfer all the scientific research files to the hard drive.

"Looks like I'll be here for a while." Jack says as he stops typing and walks in front of Norman Osborn's desk.

"Please don't kill me. You can take whatever you want" Norman says as he raises his hands up. This makes Jack laugh out loud.

"I'm already doing that. Who would have thought that the man I see shaking in fear would become the Green Goblin." Jack then goes behind Norman Osborn and makes him sit in his armchair. Norman is confused by what he said, but then he forgets it as he is forced to sit down.

"You have two options. Option A, you give me access to your bank accounts, or Option B, the snake will bite you and you will die from intense pain." Jack says this, while the snake on the table hisses.

"Okay I choose option A! Just keep that snake away from me." Norman says while Jack smiles. The snake then moves away allowing Norman to access his computer. Jack instructs him on what he has to do, after doing everything. Jack checks his phone and sees 300 million dollars landing in his phantom bank account.

The money is then quickly moved to other accounts.

That was Alice, she was transferring the money to cryptocurrencies and then separating it and transferring it to several other accounts until it reached secure and untraceable accounts.

Jack smiled in satisfaction at becoming a multi-millionaire. Even though Norman Osborn was a billionaire, he didn't have all that money in his bank accounts. Not that Jack is complaining about all that money, Jack knows that very soon, he will get a lot more.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr.Osborn. That's all" Then Jack knocks him out takes him out of the chair and then sits down. Jack starts typing on the computer, clearing any compromising data, and then accessing the TV network. He then looked for any TV channel that was reporting what was happening in the Oscorp building.

Gwen Stacy was at the top of the Chrysler Building, Peter's favorite place to spend time. After he died she came here almost always to calm her mind after doing her hero work.

"Hey Peter, can you hear me down here? I miss you. Things were hard for me after you died. I left college and my parents' house and now I'm living in a run-down apartment. The apartment isn't so bad as yours, but it's almost there." Gwen said as she gave a weak laugh and then continued

"Mary Jane, your wife is doing very well in her reporting career. Aunt May has managed to keep the house. Silk is making a name for herself as a hero and is now acting alone. Miles is still too young to be a hero but he is making remarkable progress in training. They all miss you but I

I'm the one who seems to miss you the most. I keep remembering our high school and college days and how good you were at disguising your secret life. Back when I didn't know you were Spider-Man, How did you manage to do that? anyway...

I'm trying to fill the void you left in the city after you died but it's very difficult. Terrible things always happen in the city and I try to prevent them as much as I can. But it seems like nothing changes it's like fighting a war you never know how long

I'm trying to fill the void you left in the city after you died but it's very difficult. Every day terrible things happen in the city and I try to prevent them as much as I can. But it seems like nothing changes, it's like fighting a war that you never know when it will finally end.

I'm exhausted from this, exhausted from fighting these criminals, exhausted from seeing things never seem to get better. Please tell me how you managed to always remain unshakable about all this?" Gwen sighs as a tear falls behind her mask.

"I'm sure he didn't do it in such an intense and harmful way as you are doing." A woman's voice snaps Gwen out of her thoughts and she turns to see Silk landing next to her.

"Gwen, do you know what time it is? You should be resting. I've told you a thousand times to leave the night shift to me." Silk says as she crosses her arms

"I know Silk but it's the night when criminals are most active, you know." Gwen says after sighing

"Gwen, I'm just worried about you. You've been fighting crime non-stop since Peter died, and it's taking a toll on you in a bad way. See... we're all worried about you, Me, Miles, your parents, MJ. You barely answer our calls" says Silk. Silk was really worried about her, she knew that Gweny was trying to fulfill the role that Spider-Man left in the city. but this was causing great harm to Gwen's mental health.

"Silk I can't give up. Peter did it alone before, I have to do the same people are counting on Spider-Man. and I'm the oldest between you and Miles and I, I have to keep fighting." Gwen says sighing

"I know, Gwen, but this isn't healthy. And unlike Spider-Man, we're here to..." Silk didn't get to finish before Gwen's phone rang and she ignored what she was saying to answer the call. 

"It's a call from the program I made for when something big happens in the city" Gwen then pulls out the phone and it broadcasts a live report. Silk then sighs and watches along with her.

In the live report, a red-haired reporter was in a helicopter while the cameraman filmed what was happening in the background, the title of the report was written 'Siege at Oscop Industries'.

"I'm Mary Jane Watson and we are flying live over the main building of Oscop Industries. As you can see, the building was completely covered in sand. The authorities have already identified the person responsible for this, Marko Flint, better known as the Sandman. We don't know. Marko Flint's reasons for doing it.

But police confirmed he did not act alone. A second suspect was confirmed. We don't know the identity of the second attacker, but he was seen breaking into the building even before it was covered in sand. The police are trying to get in..." With that Gwen put the phone away and looked at Silk

"Okay, but this conversation isn't over... Let's go" Silk says. The two jumped at the same time and moved by web swinging.

As the two women approached the place, they could see the sand covering the entire building from afar. The two knew Sandman because he was one of Spider-Man's oldest villains, but what confused them was why he turned to crime. He had left this life some time ago and suddenly came back? The two were intercepted by the youngest member of the spider family.

"MILES?! What are you doing here? Turn around immediately, this is serious" Gwen starts

"She's right kid, you're still too young for this. Besides, you have school tomorrow" Silk also says

"You can forget, I'm going with you two. I'm tired of just training, I want some action." Even saying that Miles was barely able to keep up with the two.

I need to improve my web swing and also get a better uniform, Miles thought as he looked at the two's uniforms. Miles's spider uniform was horrible in comparison, made by himself using a sewing machine, and his mask barely stayed on.

"And if you die, kid? What am I going to tell your parents?" Gwen says in an irritated tone. She didn't want to involve a child in this, it was too risky. And if something happens, the responsibility will fall on her because she is the oldest.

"Look I'm going anyway with your blessing or not." Miles says

This made three veins pop out on Gwen's forehead. I hate teenagers thought Gwen

"Let him come, I'll take care of him." Says Silk

"Okay kid, but if I tell you to run away you will obey me and run away, am I clear?" says Gwen

"Deal." Says Miles

Then the three finally arrive at the Oscorp Industries building. The sand prevented anyone from entering the building. It was full of police officers surrounding the building and helicopters flying all over the place, it was a mess.

"Damn MJ's helicopter is filming us." Miles says while a spotlight is pointed at the top of the building they are on top of. Miles was a little nervous knowing that so many people were watching him on TV and he was even more nervous when he remembered the poorly finished outfit he was wearing.

"Okay, first we need to enter the building to find out what's happening inside." Gwen thinks as she looks at the entrance where there were firefighters throwing water to try to enter but they were quickly repelled by the sandman.

"It's a lot of sand, even if they manage to make a path using water it will take a long time." Silk says while watching the firefighters

"But the sand on top of the building is getting less dense," Miles points out. They both look at the top of the building and see that he is right.

"Miles, you're a genius. But it's still going to be hard to get in." Silk Says

"Unless you guys give me a boost and throw me with all your strength together." Gwen says as she gets some distance and they both understand what she wants to do.

Gwen then throws the web into Silk and Miles' arms and holds on tight to the web. She then begins to take more distance while the two remain still and hold the web. She stretches the web as far as she can and then jumps.

The two then force themselves to throw her as high and as hard as possible and she flies like a stone being thrown by a slingshot. She collides with the sand wall but manages to cross it and successfully enter the building.

Still sitting in the armchair, Jack sees the entire scene with the human slingshot and smiles.

"This is going to be fun" He then licks his lips

Hello everyone, how are you? I hope everyone is well. I want to choose a villain name for the MC but I can't think of anything that matches, so I thought why not ask the readers for help? So please send your suggestions, I'll be excited to see what you come up with ^^

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