
Marvel World Breaker

After a car accident, Yi Hu was chosen as the spokesperson for a deity, tasked with destroying the fantastical worlds that were imagined into existence. Reluctant to die, Yi Hu reluctantly agrees to the deity's request. With his soul in tow, the deity transports Yi Hu to the Marvel Universe, where he is granted a new lease on life. However, Yi Hu adamantly refuses to carry out the task of world destruction, even if it means begging for food. A day later, Yi Hu finds himself living on the streets, imprisoned by individuals planning to harvest his organs. With no other choice, Yi Hu is forced to comply and embarks on his journey through different worlds, gradually transforming into an emotionless destroyer of worlds. ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.

Tzek · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 11

 "Sir, his eyes have turned into vertical pupils"

  Sitting in the interrogation room, Edwards looked helplessly at his boss who kept moving around. No one would believe it as the truth .

  "You said that the weapon turned into smoke after falling on the ground?

"Excuse me, sir, some agents' waistlines are too thick, which is why they can't keep up!"

  Standing beside him The teammate yelled dissatisfiedly like a cat whose tail was trampled, "Get out, do you have a problem with us! I think you threw him off the roof!" After some arguments, the two left the interrogation room.

A woman He walked quickly to Edwards and whispered, "I'm Laurel Weaver, deputy medical examiner. I believe what you said! Find me in the coroner's room later. I have evidence!"

Edwards a little anxious, and when he was thinking about whether to go to the autopsy room, a magnetic voice came from the door,

"Hello ma'am, are you the Dr. Weaver?"


  "will you look at this please ?"

  Edwards looked at the white light flickering outside the glass in surprise, and then a black-haired man wearing sunglasses walked into the interrogation room and turned off the surveillance, Edwards asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

  "Did he tell you anything?" K took off his glasses and said in a very serious tone, Edwards subconsciously said, "He told me the end of the world is coming."

   K said in a heavy tone, "Can you recognize that weapon again?"

  Edwards was infected by the other party's tone, and said with a serious face, "Of course!"

  K pondered for a second and then softly said, "Let's go for a drive!"

  The two came to a shop. After getting off the car, Edwards said in a relaxed tone, "This is Jack's shop. He sells stolen goods but not guns!" "Really?"

  K shrugged indifferently, Edwards said in a low voice, "I'll go in and ask him a few questions, you're waiting here for me!"

  After speaking, he opened the door and walked in, looking at Jack who was packing up the stolen goods, and said in a bad tone, "I heard you're selling guns?

  " As you can see, this is all my stuff!" Jack pointed to the stolen goods on the table, and at this moment K pushed the door in, and when he saw K, Jack's body trembled slightly, and he said with some guilt, "K... How are you?"

  "Show him the imported goods!" K raised his gun and looked at Jack indifferently, and said in a bad tone, "I'll count to three!"

"Dude, he has a bad temper, hurry up and explain it! "

  Edwards shrugged his shoulders to persuade the nervous Jack, at this moment K suddenly shot him in the head, Edwards' expression changed, he raised his pistol and pointed at K and shouted loudly, "Put down the gun! Put your head in your hands  !

  " We warned him!"

  "Put down the gun! Hurry up!" Edwards ignored K's excuse and classified him as mentally ill, at this moment an indifferent voice sounded from behind the counter, "What a rude idiot! Do you know how painful that would be!"

  Edwards slowly put down the gun and looked at Jack's regrown head in disbelief, K raised the gun again and said indifferently, "Take out the goods or I'll give you another shot!"

  Jack swallowed his saliva and stretched out his hand to press it under the counter. The wall behind him immediately flipped a uniquely shaped gun and appeared in front of the two of them. K said calmly, "Mr. Edwards, go and see if there is That weapon!"

  Edwards swallowed, looked carefully at the guns on the wall, and said softly, "The one in the middle!"

  Jack showed a hint of helplessness on his face, and K stepped forward and said indifferently, "You actually reflected carbonized energy Convert guns to unlicensed Sebo!"

  "He looks like a good man!" Jack forced a smile and defended weakly, K ignored the other party's excuse and said in a low voice, "Who is he going to assassinate?" "No, no, no, I don't know! "

  Jake closed his eyes and didn't dare to look at the muzzle of the gun in front of him. K slowly put down the gun and said in a cold tone, "All the guns here are confiscated. You take the next spaceship to leave the earth or I will kill you!"

After the person left, Jack curled his lips in disdain, K slowly put on his sunglasses and looked at Edwards with a sad face, and said in a flat tone, "Are you still thinking about the problem? Don't worry, you will forget about it soon! "

  How can..."

  Before Edwards finished speaking, a white light flashed in front of his eyes. The two sat in the restaurant and chatted for a while. K glanced at his watch to end his cold joke, stood up and handed a business card to Edward said in a flat tone,

  "I'll see you at nine tomorrow morning, come or not is up to you!"

  Edwards looked at the business card in his hand with only one place name on it, 504 Bailey Street.

  Just when Jack was about to pack his luggage, a voice rang out in the shop, "I said, why is it a little familiar, so it's the men in black..." Jack looked at the man who suddenly appeared and subconsciously wanted to get a gun, but found that he couldn't move his body , can only watch the other party take away all the weapons in the shop.

  "You also have this thing?"

  Yi Hu picked up a small pistol, and a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes. He remembered that this gun was the first weapon K gave to J. Although it looked very low, it was actually quite powerful.  

 Yi Hu looked up at jack and said in a flat tone, " Is there any other private goods?" What kind of sympathy, especially this ugly one.

  Walking out of the shop, Yi hu began to look for the building with the appearance of a flying saucer. He remembered that the cockroach wanted to leave the earth on it. He wanted to buy Coke and popcorn in advance to watch the live broadcast, especially the scene where K was swallowed by a giant cockroach. He was looking forward to it.

  Yi Hu never thought of getting in touch with K. He was not Edwards. He didn't have a father who dedicated himself to the cause of the earth. K would only use an amnestic to blind his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

  In the early morning of the second day, Edwards came to the location of the business card and looked at the Bridge and Tunnel Authority written on it, his eyes were a little dull. He had never heard of this name.

  After some tests Edwards successfully campaigned for the Man in Black, K took him to a seat by the river and said softly,

  "There are about 1,500 aliens on Earth, most of whom live in Manhattan, and most of them are Honestly, I just want to make a living."

  "Why hide things? Human beings are very smart to deal with these problems!"

  Edwards spread his hands and was puzzled, and K said meaningfully, "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow." K's words made Edwards fall into deep thought

  . A little curiosity about this career arose,

  "Is there any disadvantage?"

  "The disadvantage is that no one will remember you! I will give you a day to think about it, and I will come to see you tomorrow morning!"

  K patted Edwards on the shoulder and stood Get up and walk away...