
Marvel with the template system

Reborn in the crazy world, Ray tried to live his life peacefully but he always knew that he would find himself in a troublesome situation. Fear for his life, Ray was forced to step up in the world. Follow his journey as he tries to navigate crazy adventures. *** Main World is MCU but it will shift into a comic version. But his domain will not be limited by Marvel.

goffyboy · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Cleaning the building in and out

Ray opened the door and checked inside. What he saw was the long stair stair-packed with numerous curses. They all muttered in a creepy tone.

The blood painted on the wall with handprints showed that there was chaos before all of this happened.

Ray used combined shadow to merge himself with divine dogs and started to clean up all the curses. He slashed them in half, sometimes even using his jaws to but through their flesh.

He didn't need to use Nue or Toad because it would disrupt his flow and could cause his brain to overload with various senses.

Although he was pretty sure he could adapt to the change pretty easily. But he didn't want to damage his brain without any safety.

He felt three cursed energy coming from downstairs. He crouched down and observed the sound, the smell and taste of the air.

Their steps were slow and steady each filled with determination.

" Do you think Gojo could be sealed by them? " A grumpy voice echoed down the staircase.

" I don't but you know that we had to gamble this right? So shut up and let's set up the seal. " The second voice scolded.

" I am going to feel the feeling of blood when Gojo gets sealed. Can't wait to see the bloodbath. " The first voice giggled creepily.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped. There was a moment of dead silence hung in the air. Ray knew that they had noticed his presence.

He jumped down from the stairs. Gravity pulled him down and he quickly reached toward the trio.

An old man who wore traditional Japanese clothes, an old man with large beams on her neck and a creepy-looking young man.

Ray slashed his claws at the old man and kicked at the young man. For some reason, his slash did not affect the old man.

But the young man coughed a fair amount of blood.

" Look. We got a rat. " The old man said.

The grandma yelled. " Kill him. " She then helped the young man stand up.

Ray grabbed the staircase and stood on the stairs. The old man immediately came toward and grabbed his hand.

Ray threw a quick punch at the old man's jaw with a free hand. Still no damage. Ray frowned.

The old man pulled his hand and jumped down on the floor. They were both on the tenth floor of the building.

" Serious? Do you want to die? " Ray cursed.

" No. " The old man laughed.

Ray brought his leg and launched at the old man's face. The old man grinned in a wide smile.

He let off his hand. Ray summoned Nue and saved himself from the impact.

He then quickly undone the summoning and observed the old man.

Concrete was cracking. There was no way he could survive this.

Ray's eyes widened as he saw the old man standing tall.

He squinted his eyes and nodded in understanding. He summoned Toad and placed it behind him. He then dashed in all four and slashed at the old man as hard as he could.

The old man smiled and quickly took out a small blade. Ray smiled and ducked at the swing.

He dismantled his shadow. Two wolves appeared.

Ray threw a punch. The two wolves attacked. The toad extended his tongue. All four simultaneously attacked the old man.

Ray watched as the old man shook in pain.

" How did you notice? " He muttered.

Ray picked up the small blade and slashed it at the throat. " One down. "

He started to run up the stairs to catch the two. They were about to start something strange. He didn't it was good or bad but it could change something.

While climbing the stairs, he combined himself with the Nue.

Soon he reached the top again.

The old woman was in a lotus position praying. While the young man stood in front of her as if he was using his body as a shield.

Ray arrived at the scene and threw a punch. Surprisingly, the young man was durable.

' See if you can withstand this. ' Ray smiled and clenched his fist. A purple spark formed around his hand.

He felt a rush of electric burst and his speed increased by that. He swung his fist hard and punched through the young man's chest.

The old woman stopped praying and opened her eyes.

" What? Who are you? "

Ray killed her the same way.

He sighed and let go of his shadow. Fatigue washed over his body. He clenched his head as a headache came suddenly.

He looked at his hand and conjured a cursed energy.

' Look like I have a large reserve of cursed energy. But I need to understand the mystery to increase the output of my cursed energy. '

' It is frustrating. Like standing on the mountain of treasure but unable to use every single thing. '

Ray walked out of the building. Although he had cleared all of the curses from the buildings, there were still a few left inside.

He scanned the road. There was no sign of humans. More cursed spirits roamed the street.

Ray walked around. Soon he saw a group walking in front of him.

A blonde middle-aged man leads the group. Ray walked over to them. He clapped his hand to signal them.

The trio stopped.

The blond man stood in front of the two. " Who are you? "

Ray looked at the defensive position of the blond man. He then looked at himself. Blood on his shirt and pants from the curses and humans.

Surely, he looked like an enemy.

" My name is Ray. I don't how I got here. But I just cleared a handful of curses from that building. " He pointed. " I heard a trio speaking about sealing Gojo "

Nanami frowned. He didn't know the truth from the ststranger'south but he was feeling uneasy the whole time.

" Nanami. Gojo got sealed. Nanami. Gojo got sealed. "

A loud voice echoed the whole block.

" Look like you are correct. " Nanami spoke.

He turned around. " Let's meet with Yuji and talk about the situation. "

The two men nodded.

Nanami looked at Ray and said. " I don't know you but you are not in this mess, right? "

Ray shook his head.

" Good. Follow us we can use help. "

Ray nodded.