
Marvel: With my Naruto

Due to a mysterious seal in the Uzumaki village, Shiori and her Naruto get teleported into a Marvel universe. Now, how will the concepts of the Shinobi World, Shiori's knowledge about the confusing world which might as well be as useful as Sakura, and her Naruto, come around? Well, read to find out. *AU

SolaceViolet · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Naruto Meets Kishimoto

(3rd PoV)

Naruto searched through the internet, on the flip phone that is prevalent in japan instead of smartphone right now. Even though it has internet, he was getting tired of typing on it.

"I wonder how it works..."

Naruto searched up recent news about the creator of his manga, Kishimoto. Honestly, he didn't know how to feel about it.

Did he exist because someone's imagination? Is he some sort of god?

According to Shiori, he is just a normal human. But, since there are so many huge energy sources in this world, a stone which has more energy than him, which is the first time he got to see with his own eyes.

So, it is not entirely impossible for Kishimoto to be a god, who can hide from his sensing. Afterall, he created a manga about magical ninjas. What if he is Ninja God himself?

'I should use genjutsu only as a last resort. By the way, how do you feel about it, Kurama? You have been unusually quiet.'

Inside Naruto, Kurama was reading the original Naruto manga. On being disturbed, he grumbled.

'This original has a better heart than you. Fake.'

'Hey! Who are you calling fake!?'

'You, of course! I don't know why am I cooperating with you evil people. Stealing, abusing genjutsu, taking over a country, and showing no remorse. Had I abused my power, our world would have had no humans left, and I would be left in peace.'

Kurama grumbled. Kurama hates genjutsu, for obvious reasons. Since he is the most intelligent tailed beast, with the most Yin chakra in the world unless a person has Rinnegan, he could have easily learnt genjutsu, and probably people with even the three-tomoe Sharingan wouldn't have been a match for him.

But, he didn't see a need to learn it until Madara came around. After that, he spent chained and gutted in the first two Jinchurikis, which didn't allow him to learn about it. And when Naruto came around, he didn't see the need to learn it because he wasn't going to harm him. Not when Shiori likes all animals, big or small, unless its a dog.

Even after getting Karma and Rinnegan, he hasn't tried to absorb his power, which he can easily do so.

And Kurama wouldn't admit it, but he cared less about humans and what's going on with the world than sleeping and keeping himself entertained.

Though, looking at a version of himself being a part of another man's imagination was a little bit unsettling. With all the chakra of their planet and Creation of all things, it wouldn't be impossible to create a whole another copy of his world. Perhaps, this Kishimoto is much stronger than his father, grandmother and her whole clan combined?

'Don't provoke him.'

'Yeah. I wouldn't.'

If that person is that powerful, and even capable of hiding it, they wouldn't even know how and when they will disappear.

Of course, he can be a puny human even weaker than the civilians of the shinobi world. But it's best not to take a risk.


Masahashi Kishimoto was lying on a hospital bed, taking a rest after having just completed the Kakuzu-Hidan arc while being hospitalised.

All the advance chapters have been already published, and he would have to rush more to meet the deadlines. Drawing weekly manga is nothing short of torture and exploitation, no matter how much money he is making, which only few mangakas are able to.

The door to his VIP ward opened, and a nurse walked in.

Meanwhile, Naruto who has disguised as the nurse assigned to Kishimoto, and Kurama were a little nervous.

'He didn't notice? Is he really the god that created my world?'

'You dumb guy. He must be faking it. He created the ninja world afterall.'

'Did you sense any fluctuation in his mood?'

'No. But I think he can easily fool my sensing too.'

With the assumption that Kishimoto was just pretending to not recognise him, Naruto undid the transformation jutsu, and Kishimoto screamed.


Kishimoto's mind was working the fastest it did in his entire life.

'D-did the nurse just transform into Naruto!? Is it some sort of plot where a character comes into real life? Why does he have Rinnegan!?

D-did he take Sasuke's Rinnegan in the future and went evil, and used its power to hunt me down, the cause of his suffering!?

"Umm, Hello-"

As Naruto tried to greet him, Kishimoto immediately performed dogeza on his hospital bed.









'He is trying to get our guard down.'

Naruto concluded, and Kurama agreed.

"Umm. I don't know why you are apologising, Kishimoto-sama. I am here to just request you to stop making my manga. It will expose my abilities."

"Of course! I will immediately quit drawing manga altogether!"

Kishimoto was intensely sweating, ready to quit the industry altogether and settle in the countryside. He has made enough money to live his life comfortably without any need to do any job. And even if he needed a job, he wouldn't create mangas. His life is more important.

And, the Rinnegan looks very, very scary.

"Just don't kill me! I have small kids and wife, I mean, I have a wife and small kids!"

Naruto was feeling more and more that Kishimoto was a normal human with no chakra, living in a peaceful country.

'That's just how good he is at pretending huh.'

Kurama muttered. He thought that it is best to introduce himself as well.

Kurama's chakra avatar head came out of Naruto.


And this time, Kishimoto fainted at the sight of the big bad Kyuubi, but not before screaming his lungs out.



'He fainted?'

'Wow! Only few people in the ANBU like Kakashi-sensei can faint so convincingly! There is no doubt about it, he isn't someone we can risk going against us.'

'Naruto, I think Shiori brat was correct that he is a normal human with no chakra.'

'That's just how convincing he is!'

Naruto transformed back into the nurse, and went outside to get him some food and water, and alcohol. While he and Shiori themselves haven't drank alcohol in their lives, they had to prepare for it for all the parties and stuff with the important figures.

'It's a good thing we silenced his room before entering. His screams would have alerted the staff.'

Thankfully, there wasn't any CCTV inside his room, and even if there was, the light distortion seal would have prevented him to be recorded.

After a while, Naruto returned to Kishimoto's room, and he was still pretending to be unconscious. So, he just left the food in his room, and left a note apologising for disturbing him, and left his japanese number in case he wanted to contact him while keeping up the act of a normal human.

Not wanting to intrude more than he already has, Naruto teleported back to Shiori.

Meanwhile, Kishimoto's wife entered his room, and saw him drenched in sweat. And, a note beside his bed, with particularly messy handwriting that screams a person of medicine. And, it looked particularly girly. And, it had a number on it.

His wife screamed.
