
Marvel Villian Emperor

I own nothing I haven’t thought of one yet This fanfic will be really fucked up. trigger warning R&&pe Incest Sex slavery Harem Do not read if u don't like that stuff

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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MC essence’s


Essence of the Dominator

* Gain a new body that sits at the peak of your species in capability, you are free to customize your appearance within the realm of what is possible.

* Have a very noticeable and commanding presence, weaker beings cower or are in awe of you more often than not. Stronger beings will at the very least treat you with a degree of respect even if they wouldn't otherwise.

* Very good at subduing opponents and keeping them restrained, you can even seal any powers they have leaving them helpless while bound through some method up to you. If desired, they can be given a humanoid form that they can switch to or be forced into for easier access.

* You are also capable of summoning a variety of bindings to keep opponents restrained, rope, chain, ribbons, pillories, bondage suits, and more elaborate still. These restraints are extremely difficult to get the person out of without your aid and the restrained target is completely incapable of escaping. You can inflict on those restrained a variety of sensations ranging from the full pleasure you could grant them if you were attending to them directly, unending pain, or just leaving them unable to sense anything. Those restrained won't require anything to sustain themselves while locked up and will have their sanity preserved if you wish.

* You can change and reshape the powers of anyone the more you plow them.

* You cannot be dominated against your will, any attempt to do so will backfire catastrophically for the wannabe dominator. You are furthermore immune to fear, manipulation, or otherwise subversion of your indomitable spirit.

* Unmatched in the realm of sexual activities, even the most ennui stricken succubus or goddess of lurid passions could be left a mewling mess. This bypasses any passive or active resistances and immunities that might stop it, your hands are the doom of any sapient creature you might care to lewd.

* All of your fluids are like a supercharged aphrodisiac, even the iciest composed soul would be reduced to an utter slave begging for another taste. Luckily no one can overdose on it. You can toggle this effect or only have it affect certain fluids. This effect bypasses any passive or active resistances and immunities that might stop it.

* Your sexual organs are similarly mighty, whether it is a sword that Aphrodite would swear devotion too or sheath that could tame the flighty Zeus himself. You would be hard pressed to find any being that wouldn't utterly submit their being to you after a round of sex. Even beings that would normally be extremely resistant if not immune will find themselves defenseless to you.

* You have perfect control over your fertility/virility, your line will never suffer from any issues of inbreeding or unwelcome mutation.

* Possess inexhaustible stamina

* Heart shaped pupil effects optional.

Essence of the Breeder

By taking this essence, you become the sexiest thing alive.

* Your body is changed to become your ultimate ideal of sex appeal, including tremendous endowment.

* Porn physics apply to you.

* Members of the opposite sex are inexorably drawn to you. You may toggle this on or off, or set it to target certain criteria.

* Your charisma increases to ridiculous levels.

* You are guaranteed to impregnate or be impregnated every time you have sex, with however many or few babies you want. This can be toggled on and off.

* Pregnancies last up to a third as fast as normal, and your offspring reach sexual maturity in a matter of months.

* There are no negative consequences for incest.

* Your offspring (which can be any sex you wish) can inherit your abilities, either at full power or weaker.

* You can breed with any species, and the offspring will either be a half-breed (with just the right amount of fusion) or purely one of the parent's species. You choose which.

Essence of Ultimate Intellect

By consuming this essence, the ultimate proof of the power of pure intellect, you transcend all possible limits of intelligence.

* Your purely intellectual faculties are now conceptual, incalculable, and immeasurable. This includes but is not limited to things such as adaptability, agility, analysis, calculation, cognition, competence, deduction, focus, hand-eye coordination, instinct, intuition, learning rate, memory, multitasking, pattern recognition, perceptiveness and attention to detail, reasoning, reaction time, and self-awareness.

* You are able to perfectly learn, memorize, recall, comprehend, and utilize any skill or knowledge as quickly as you are exposed to it. Even things that would take great lengths of time for other prodigies to learn could be mastered to perfection and beyond by you in virtually no time at all. Your memory is otherwise truly perfect in all respects, although you may choose to selectively let things fade.

* Abilities that involve an external physical or social component, such as physical skills, mind-over-body control, or charisma and/or interaction skills, may be honed to perfection and beyond as far as the purely internal/mental components go but are still capped by the normal physical limitations of the universe regarding how such perfected-plus execution might be limited by your body or another's ability to perceive and respond to your stimuli.

* Your optimized mind gains a peerless capacity for self-analysis and self-reflection. You can clear-headedly process and resolve your guilt and truly learn from both your successes and your failures, and then use what you've learned to make yourself a wiser, stronger-willed, and generally better person. Your emotions will be adapted for dealing with eternity and you are immune to PTSD and unwanted value drift. Otherwise you will still remain "yourself" as much as possible despite your new level of sentience, without risking the death of personality that can sometimes accompany transcendence.

* At the time you first drink this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc..

* At the time you first drink this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc..

* This Essence immediately becomes part of your most inherent and innate nature upon first consuming it, and from that point on its benefits will permanently and irrevocably be with you at all times unless voluntarily toggled by you as per the above benefit. Nothing else can ever remove or weaken your intellect in any way; curses, magic, Clarketech, even the will of ROB.

You gain the intelligence on par with Rick C-137 (TV

Rick) & C-132 (Comic Rick) without all the depression & alcoholism

Even if you jump to another body with insufficient faculties your intelligence won't be diminished.

Your knowledge cannot be suppressed, copied, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will & will not malfunction or have control loss of.

You gain perfect / infinite memory storage & processing power with instant recall, indexing creativity, learning capability & control over your thought process. In addition you will gain all necessary mental faculties to process and utilize these abilities while maintaining uninterrupted consciousness.

Gain practically infinite trains of thought & ability to multitask.

Essence of the Blank

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

Inheritable: Your powers and perks can be passed down to your descendants or not in any combination of your choice.

Essence of the Warrior

•By consuming the essence of the Warrior you are granted several boons:

◦A body perfect for battle, with a starting point just above the peak of your species in physical attributes, one sculped to your tastes and to fight.

◦The mentality of a perfect warrior with an unyielding willpower to tackle any challenge no matter how impossible, as well the ability to tolerate extreme pain.

◦Immense regenerative ability capable of regeneration so long as a single cell remain. Each time you go through a cycle of injury and regeneration, you gain an overall boost in all physical attributes, energy capacity and output (applies to both mundane & exotic energy). Though the degree of the boost depends on the degree of your injury, meaning the closer to death you are the strong the boost.

◦Your peerless talent and limitless potential combine your genius level intellect and perfect memory with infinite storage, allows you to learn any Martial Art (armed & unarmed, esoteric & mundane) with but a single glance.

◦Naturally this means you can perform any martial arts regardless of restriction or uniqueness. Your able to advance, combine, revise, and develop any martial arts (armed & unarmed, esoteric & mundane).

◦You capable of teaching martial arts (armed & unarmed, esoteric & mundane) to other, even if they previously lacked the capacity for it.

◦Finally your able to conceptually kill anything no matter how immortal.

Essence of Human Science God ]

[ Description: You are not an actual god, but you are the peak of humanity in how comic book captain america is a peak human. Your intelligence and understanding dwarfs any of your physical attributes however. You are the super genius, the one who builds an advanced suit of power armor in a cave with scraps, the one they call to fix a hole knocked in space time by an experiment gone wrong. You are probably the smartest person in the room in almost any given situation.

You are the equal and likely superior to just about any super genius. The technology you can make is beyond the wildest dreams of what any normal scientist could even comprehend.

Advanced A.I., earth shattering power armor, reactors that generate cosmic energies, power nullifiers and more.

Your ability to make the 'right' choices in a given situation remains as it was before your apotheosis.

You can further reverse engineer magic, psionics, and other things as a technological equivalent.

Optionally you could get this and also be as equally as capable a magic or psionic user making all of your tech magitech or even psitech, hell have psimagitech.

Perfect memory with infinite storage

None of your technology can be successfully corrupted or subverted by another force unless you build or modify it to possess such a weakness.

Gain ownership of an Earth sized megastructure that serves as your home. It is hidden away in a pocket dimension and safe from tampering or attacks. It is defended by billions upon billions of absolutely loyal robots. The strongest of these robots are capable of fighting and utterly dismantling individuals with city destroying capability. The megastructure and you are linked with an unbreakable connection and can command it anywhere, at any time, the megastructure is incapable of turning against you.

The megastructure can create and manipulate matter and energy giving you functionally infinite resources as you require. It has factories and matter forges that can create as much equipment and other tech then you could ever ask for.

It has its own habitats for other life if you want to do any collecting.

The megastructure can theoretically hold billions of people to live and work without issue. It is currently uninhabited except by you and your robots.

The megastructure has a gargantuan palace for yourself and anyone you take in, it is beyond luxurious.

It can resurrect any individual if it can scan something of them, i.e. their soul or some physical component. It will automatically resurrect you if you are somehow killed without fail.

It posesses weapons that can shatter fleets of alien starships or make Galactus fuckoff if he is getting hungry. It is tough enough to survive the omniverse imploding with a lot of dents and systems fried afterwards. Don't worry it can self repair, just very slowly if the damage is bad enough.

The Megastructure can freely open portals or teleport to different locations, universes, dimensions, multiverses, and Omniverses if you aren't wanting to deal with the local Omniverse creator.

It has a one of a kind forge called the Relic Forge onboard which can let you manufacture extremely potent pieces of technology to put fear into cosmic entities. For when you want to arm your Gods with a Mjolnir or Infinity Gauntlet, just in case.

The God part comes in that the megastructure has an additional function. Using its systems it can create transcendent beings that stand head and shoulders over the normal super robots or Al you can make.

The God Anvil can let you build or turn others into your own personalized super beings.

Making these Gods is not for the faint of heart, each one represents a ripple of power that could destabilize entire settings, they are walking apocalypses. That said they are programed to view you as their beloved creator with an unbreakable loyalty to weather anything and smother you to death in love, whether that be familial, friends forever, or some other type is up to you. Gods are psychologically incapable of even think of betraying you and automatically disregard anything that would even suggest they do so unless you order them. Even then it would make them uncomfortable to say the least. You may even turn yourself into a God and the megastructure will handle the process for you.

A Gods vital essence (soul) is stored in the megastructure so even if they are killed you can simply recall their vital essence of being and slap it in a new vessel. Gods properly designed can threaten or even thrash cosmic beings.

Gods not in use can be put in storage pods where they will hibernate unaware until called back into service. Individuals converted into Gods, new Gods, or resurrected Gods are automatically placed in storage once completed or restored. You can set or modify the traits, attributes, powers, personality and every other facet of your Gods when they are in storage.