
Marvel: Trading from Naruto

“I don’t care what Thanos’ ideals are, and I don’t care what the consequences will be for the creatures of this universe. As long as he doesn’t use that damn Infinity Gauntlet to ruin my business!” – Cain Pent After crossing over to the Marvel universe, Cain gained a golden finger for trading across the multiverse. From then on, Cain’s name not only resounded throughout the United States in the Marvel universe, but his influence spread to all worlds! PS: There are many follow-up worlds such as Naruto, Harry Potter, One Punch Man, The Boys, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and more. You decide… ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. A few months ago, I read this novel, and it quickly became one of the novels I liked most and would like to share with you. This is an amateur translation. Even so, I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. Nothing compared to just MTL. For those who want to read the original, the link is: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45680.htm

FicNovels · Anime & Comics
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The World of Ninjas

"Hey, Carl, you stood me up again these past few days. If you don't come and help me beat that video game soon, you'll lose a highly skilled trader like me!"

Carl Sheldon wrapped his arm around Cain's neck and threatened him. Carl's father was a well-known stockbroker on Wall Street. Influenced by his father, Carl had been learning about the American stock market since he was young and was quite good at trading.

Knowing that Carl had these skills, Cain entrusted his money to help him open an account. With the help of Carl's father, it was much faster than opening an account himself. After the account was opened, Cain was in charge, and Carl followed his orders.

So far, the two of them had made quite a bit of money. Because Carl had heard from his father how scary the stock market could be, he hadn't invested much money, so he didn't make as much as Cain did. Now, most of Cain's funds were managed by himself, and he had only entrusted Carl with a little over a million dollars.

"I didn't stand you up, Carl. I think you need this more than the game."

Cain took out several textbooks, which he had used before, and filled them with notes. They weren't prepared explicitly for Carl, but Cain happened to have brought them with him today.

"Carl, read through these, and you should be able to handle the exams at school."

Carl took them and flipped through the pages. The dense notes made him feel like his head was about to explode. The only thing that would make him sit down and read something thoroughly was a financial report from Wall Street.

"Cain, my goal isn't Columbia University, and I don't need this."

"What? Are you saying you don't need this? Carl, look at the notes inside and then look at me. Do you have any idea how much time I spent preparing this for you?"

Cain spoke earnestly, attacking Carl's guilty conscience before he could realize what was wrong.

"Brother, you know me. If I read through these, I'll definitely end up in the ICU for emergency treatment." Carl apologized, realizing how much effort Cain had put into these basic textbooks. But he still refused this kind gesture, making him feel guilty.

"Never mind, maybe I wasn't thinking it through. It's not your fault. But Carl, there's something I need your help with."

Taking advantage of the situation, Cain made a request. Before Carl could react, this guy, who was slow in every aspect except for his sensitivity to the stock market, and who managed to maintain his virginity until his senior year of high school, had no one else to turn to but Carl.

"No problem. If I can do it, I won't refuse." Carl agreed readily.

His father's connections were wider than the bankrupt Pent family, and Cain had many things to do. Sending Carl to run errands was much better than having him play video games all day.

"I need to rent a warehouse with high security and find a reliable supermarket supplier. I might need them in the future."

Cain didn't know what kind of world he would trade-in, but the only things he had to offer right now were daily necessities, medicine, and weapons. He couldn't supply weapons on a large scale yet, so he could only hope that the first trading world would go smoothly.

Carl looked at Cain suspiciously. "Are you starting a supermarket, man? That's not a good choice. Aren't you going to disband the Wall Street Lightning Group?"

"I have other plans. Please, Carl, I'll contact you later. And by the way, the so-called Lightning Group never existed from the beginning. I've never joined any group, especially one with a weird name."

With that, it was almost time for class, and Cain ended his conversation with Carl.

Cain has the most freedom during class time at school. As long as he doesn't disturb others or break the laws of the United States, no one will bother him. This is due to his grades. Those who are already likely to be accepted into Columbia University don't need to learn things they already know.

Cain even decided to ask the teacher for a long-term leave during class. He didn't want to waste his time at school anymore.

Looking back now, he realizes he still has much to learn. However, it would be difficult for Cain to do so if he were to spend four or five more years studying and wait until the peak of his life to use the trading system.

It's like a gamer facing a new game server. It's unrealistic to ask him to practice his skills first before playing the game because he can't resist the temptation.

After a few days, Cain arrived early at another trading residence. Although there were many buildings here, not many people lived there. Cain's parents had also bought this place but had not lived there much.

At night, Cain finally saw a small truck parked at his door. After the truck flashed its lights three times, Cain opened the garage door and let the gun shop owner drive in.

"Everything you want is here. Outside are bullets, and inside are guns and rocket launchers. Once you leave here, I will never admit to selling you these things."

The gun shop owner finished speaking and helped Cain move the ammo box down before opening each one for him to inspect. After confirming that the ammunition was correct, Cain entered the car to examine the firearms he wanted to purchase.

There were no problems with the handguns, rifles, and submachine guns. The sound was crisp, and Cain had been playing with guns for a few years, so he could tell this batch was new. He had never seen a rocket launcher before, so he didn't know how to distinguish it, but he still picked it up and looked at it.

"No problem, boss. It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

After speaking, Cain returned to the house. He took out the remaining payment, handing it over to the gun shop owner, saying, "Boss, I hope you can give me an excellent discount next time we do business. After all, I'm considering long-term transactions."

Cain could only buy from these people in the previous few weapons purchases. After he developed his power, he might be able to order directly from Stark Industries.

"Call me George. It will be a fair price next time. I won't cheat my old customers."

After confirming the money was correct, the gun shop owner George drove away. After this transaction, he planned to take a month off. He would only reopen the shop if he confirmed that Cain hadn't gone crazy.

After George left, Cain put all the categorized ammunition and firearms into the space backpack of the trading system. However, before doing so, Cain had already loaded all the guns with ammunition, including the shells in the rocket launcher.

"It's quite convenient."

Cain tried removing the firearms from the space backpack and putting them back in, which only took a moment. This way, he could catch others off guard.

"Next, let's search for the first trading world through the system."

After getting the gun, this house was no longer helpful to Cain. He drove back to his place, which was a safer villa compared to the previous location.

"System, search for the trading world."

As Cain gave the command, a chaotic scene appeared on the panel. Countless stars flashed by, and finally, a dazzling star appeared on the panel. Cain quickly headed towards the star, and the system panel then showed some scenes of this world.

Many people were fighting on a battlefield, wearing thick green vests with multiple pockets. However, instead of guns, they used hand gestures to release elemental attacks such as water, fire, wind, and lightning. They also wielded shurikens with four corners and sharp blades wrapped in cloth.

Apart from this battlefield scene, Cain also saw other places. He saw civilians shopping on the streets and merchants eating and drinking in a tavern while chatting and laughing about their business.

"This is the world of Naruto."