
Marvel: Trading from Naruto

“I don’t care what Thanos’ ideals are, and I don’t care what the consequences will be for the creatures of this universe. As long as he doesn’t use that damn Infinity Gauntlet to ruin my business!” – Cain Pent After crossing over to the Marvel universe, Cain gained a golden finger for trading across the multiverse. From then on, Cain’s name not only resounded throughout the United States in the Marvel universe, but his influence spread to all worlds! PS: There are many follow-up worlds such as Naruto, Harry Potter, One Punch Man, The Boys, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and more. You decide… ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. A few months ago, I read this novel, and it quickly became one of the novels I liked most and would like to share with you. This is an amateur translation. Even so, I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. Nothing compared to just MTL. For those who want to read the original, the link is: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45680.htm

FicNovels · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

New Version of Extremis Virus

"That's a great idea, Orochimaru," Tsunade couldn't help but praise with joy. This was the first successful example they had after experimenting for so long. Even though there was an explosion during the experiment, the subject was controlled and stabilized in important areas such as the arms, internal organs, and brain.

"It looks like the serum is not enough. It seems that we need to experiment with the injection ratio a few more times, and perhaps it also has something to do with the cells, Orochimaru. I'll leave this guy to you. If he passes the test, Teach him how to extract chakra and see if he can learn Wood Release ninjutsu."

"If he can learn Wood Release, it would be a good thing for Konoha."

Before finishing her sentence, Tsunade left. She was preparing to find Cain, report the good news, and also request some more Extremis Virus.

After Tsunade left, Orochimaru chuckled hoarsely. Testing Wood Release was a given, but he wouldn't give this person to Konoha. If the subject could really use the Wood Release Bloodline, Orochimaru would kill him when he was successful.

The collaboration with Cain was not over yet, and Tsunade was too presumptuous. Her actions would only sacrifice Nawaki's future.

Research on human subjects was indeed crucial for Tsunade's medical ninjutsu, but her emotional intelligence was too low. Orochimaru had to take care of the aftermath; otherwise, the collaboration might go wrong.

Cain received the news a few days later but didn't return immediately. After he took care of his affairs, he headed to the experimental base.

After about five days, when Cain arrived, he found Orochimaru and Tsunade practicing ninjutsu with a person in the tree outside the underground laboratory.

"You're finally here. You're too slow. Tsuchiishi-kun learned ninjutsu in these few days," Tsunade noticed Cain's arrival and happily waved him over.

As Cain approached, he noticed a hint of hatred in the eyes of this Tsuchiishi, who quickly lowered his head. He understood that this person was probably one of the first death row prisoners, and when Cain showed himself then, he probably guessed that he was behind the human experimentation.

But Cain didn't care about these people. Since they were death row prisoners, they were bound to die in the end. So he turned to Tsunade and asked, "Has he started learning ninjutsu? His progress is good. Is Tsuchiishi also a genius?"

"I don't know about that. If we had Byakugan, we could see the chakra flow clearly. But I'm more inclined to think that the Extremis Virus gave him the instinctive Wood Release contained in the First Hokage's cells."

Orochimaru explained to Cain, but he saw the confusion on Cain's face. He realized that this financial backer was only half-hearted regarding ninjutsu and human research, so he changed his explanation.

"Tsuchiishi spent three days learning the simpler Shadow Clone Jutsu, but he failed. However, he used Wood Release Ninjutsu in just one day."

Upon hearing this, Cain nodded in understanding, "So, in his case, the Wood Release Bloodline leans more toward instinct?"

"That's right. If Wood Release can be reproduced, then the Sharingan, Byakugan, Ice Release, and Shikotsumyaku..." Orochimaru started to say, but Tsunade interrupted him.

"Orochimaru!" She shouted to stop him. This kind of thing couldn't be said openly. If the Uchiha and Hyuga clans found out, they wouldn't let it go.

Bloodline clans have a pathological desire to protect their bloodline limits, which is the foundation of their clan inheritance in the ninja world.

"I understand now," Cain said, somewhat surprised. "I didn't expect the Extremis Virus to have this kind of ability."

"The principle is probably to gain a new life through destruction. If the Bloodline Limit is transplanted at the cellular level using conventional methods, it is highly likely to cause the self-collapse of the organism. However, the Extremis Virus can avoid this problem. After the destruction, it will merge into a new self Bloodline Limit."

"Moreover, before injecting the Extremis Virus serum, the experimenter's own cells are first cultured with the Extremis Virus and the grandfather's cells in a vessel to produce a new serum. This can also reduce the risk."

Tsunade explained this to Cain non-stop, and through her research on the Extremis Virus, she gained a deeper understanding of the bloodline limit. Although there is a chance of achieving what Orochimaru said, what she wants to do most now is to help Nawaki recover his health.

Cain nodded and pointed to the experimental body named Tsuchiishi with a smile on his face. "I understand now. It seems that both of you have worked hard. And this person..."

"I think..."

"The data and flesh samples have been collected and recorded very clearly. With this data, there is enough help for the next experiment. In other words..."

Orochimaru paused here and then waved his hand. Several python-like snakes appeared from his sleeve instantly and wrapped around Tsuchiishi's experimental body. The pythons exerted force and strangled him by the neck and waist.

Then Orochimaru quickly formed a seal, and while Tsunade was surprised, he used Earth Release Ninjutsu to crush the body of the experimental subject and bury it deep underground.

After doing all this, Orochimaru laughed twice and said, "Okay, Cain-kun, now Tsuchiishi-kun is buried more than ten meters underground. I believe he will become worthless fertilizer in seven days."

"Hey, Orochimaru, why did you do this?"

Tsunade was shocked and angry, but before she could finish her words, Orochimaru patted her on the shoulder and interrupted her next question.

"Calm down, Tsunade. The experiment is not over yet. They are just death row, prisoners. Cain-kun, go inside and talk."

"Well, I also want to learn more about the Extremis Virus."

Cain readily agreed. If the success rate could be guaranteed, then he could also inject the new Extremis Virus.

Before going to the underground experimental base, Cain saw Tsunade still struggling, so he persuaded her, "Don't think too much, Tsunade. I brought a comforting gift for you, and I believe you will like it."

Orochimaru's actions resonated with him so much. cain never intended to spare these death row prisoners as experimental subjects, and this idea wouldn't change just because the Extremis virus was successful. Even if the experiment was successful, their value wouldn't change much. The greatest value was always the Perfect Extremis Virus, not an experimental subject with Wood Release bloodline.

Tsunade only saw Wood Release but did not realize the deeper meaning. In comparison, Cain preferred Orochimaru's style of doing things. He only cared about the goal, while Cain valued the result. The two can be said to have similar personalities. They are the best partners when the goal is the same, but it is difficult to say when the goal conflicts.

After arriving at the experimental base, Cain finished reading about the Tsuchiishi experimental subject's experimental process.

"Can we try a few more times? Orochimaru, I want to be more cautious. The current success rate is still not reassuring for me."

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Of course, after all, Nawaki is also my disciple, and I'm not comfortable with the current results when injecting him with the serum."