
Marvel: Trading from Naruto

“I don’t care what Thanos’ ideals are, and I don’t care what the consequences will be for the creatures of this universe. As long as he doesn’t use that damn Infinity Gauntlet to ruin my business!” – Cain Pent After crossing over to the Marvel universe, Cain gained a golden finger for trading across the multiverse. From then on, Cain’s name not only resounded throughout the United States in the Marvel universe, but his influence spread to all worlds! PS: There are many follow-up worlds such as Naruto, Harry Potter, One Punch Man, The Boys, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and more. You decide… ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. A few months ago, I read this novel, and it quickly became one of the novels I liked most and would like to share with you. This is an amateur translation. Even so, I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. Nothing compared to just MTL. For those who want to read the original, the link is: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45680.htm

FicNovels · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Arriving at Konoha's Camp

"Jiraiya, that guy, actually chose to stay in the Land of Rain. Can't he see the current situation!?"

Tsunade complained about Jiraiya all the way. The war between Konoha and the Land of Rain had just ended, and they had fought against Hanzo and his men only a day ago. Yet Jiraiya chose to stay in the Land of Rain to care for a few orphaned children he had just met for the second time.

This behavior not only did not sit well with Konoha but if any Rain ninja found out, it would likely be seen as espionage provocation and could trigger another war between Konoha and the Land of Rain.

Moreover, leaving Konoha's camp without permission during wartime would be considered desertion and punishable as a traitor.


"Don't look at me. I can, at most, say a few words to Hiruzen sensei with you. As for other matters, don't bother me with that idiot."

Before Tsunade could finish, Orochimaru refused with a shake of his head. He was willing to help speak a few kind words about Jiraiya's leaving the village. Still, he was not willing to shoulder the burden of that idiot's actions.

Both Orochimaru and Tsunade were very dissatisfied with Jiraiya's behavior. They would rather care for three orphaned children they had met twice in the Land of Rain than return with Jiraiya to Konoha. There were plenty in the Land of Fire if they wanted to care for orphans. Why go to the Land of Rain?

"Well then, I won't bother with him. Let him explain to Hiruzen sensei himself."

After saying that, Tsunade slowed down her pace and came to the side of Cain Pent. She was very interested in the medicines that Cain had taken out. These medicines could not have been researched by a single person. It seemed more like the result of dozens of medical ninjas researching for five or six years.

When Cain talked to Orochimaru and Tsunade earlier, he kept a distance to avoid suspicion. Before establishing successful trading relations, he had to be cautious.

Cain didn't have much to say about the medicines Tsunade wanted to discuss. He had learned some medical skills, but he was not proficient in the development of medicines. So Cain talked to Tsunade about emergency medical treatment on the battlefield, such as suturing and bandaging. With the help of emergency techniques and medicines, ordinary ninjas could save injured personnel.

Cain's medical skills were most proficient in this area. Even if ordinary ninjas learned a little, they could save injured personnel with the help of medicines. Tsunade's interest grew as she listened.

Medical ninjutsu required too much talent for ninjas; only one out of a hundred could master it. But the emergency techniques and simple suturing that Cain talked about could be popularized. They saved a lot of time compared to cultivating medical ninjas.

When they were almost at Konoha's camp, Tsunade praised Cain, "You, the name may be a bit strange, but your medical skills are quite high."

"It's just that I'm more familiar with this area. After all, I have to sell medicines..."

Cain replied expressionlessly but silently ridiculed Tsunade's name, which was also very strange. Which normal woman would call herself Tsunade? How was it any different from a great hammer?

"If you know medical ninjutsu, you would be at least a highly skilled medical ninja."

Tsunade continued to praise, feeling that she had gained a lot. When she returned, she would organize emergency treatment methods for injuries and popularize them to every ninja, which could save many of their comrades.

After a while, they arrived at Konoha's camp. The guarding ninja saw Tsunade and Orochimaru and asked them the usual questions, then checked for any signs of transformation or disguise with sensory ninjutsu.

After confirming their identities, they were allowed into the camp. Although Cain was brought back by Tsunade and Orochimaru, he was still checked as a matter of routine.

Then, Tsunade took Cain to a tent and said, "This is where I rest. You can rest here first while I discuss the matter of the medicines with others."

"Don't worry. No one will cause you trouble here."

After Tsunade finished speaking, she took the medicines that Cain had given her and left her tent. Before leaving, she arranged for a Hyuga ninja to guard the entrance to prevent Cain from stealing information from Konoha and protect him. After all, Cain was the most cautious and timid merchant Tsunade had ever met. He often emphasized that he would leave immediately if he encountered danger.

It was unclear how an ordinary person could leave the Konoha camp. Still, the sensory ninja and the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan had confirmed that Cain had no chakra. There was not even a trace of training.

After Tsunade had settled Cain, she immediately went to the conference tent. By the time she arrived, she was the last one.

"Tsunade, why didn't Jiraiya come back with you? Also, who is the person you brought back? It's still wartime, and you brought a stranger into the camp."

The front-line commander of the Land of Rain was Shimura Danzo, who was trying to earn some good military achievements in this war, but was overshadowed by the three disciples of the Third Hokage, who were known as the "The Legendary Sannin" despite being on the losing side. To Konoha ninjas, the Third Hokage's three disciples united and were powerful enough to confront a semi-god of the ninja world.

"I have already reported Jiraiya's situation to the Hokage. As for the person I brought back, it's something we need to discuss."

Tsunade didn't care about Danzo's scolding. She had long been displeased with this cunning old man who had even instructed his subordinates to pretend to be ninjas from the Land of Sand and the Land of Rain to massacre civilians at the border. Although this was advantageous to Konoha, Tsunade couldn't stand it.

"Well, let's start discussing the war."

Danzo was also helpless with Tsunade. She was not an ordinary top ninja, and Lady Mito was still alive. Moreover, Tsunade had just made great contributions; targeting her for Jiraiya's absence and bringing a stranger back was impossible.

"The Land of Rain has withdrawn from the battlefield. Their logistics can't keep up. They can't even throw a shuriken now. Only the Land of Sand is left."

After that, the tent began discussing the battlefield cleanup in the Land of Rain. This time, Konoha initiated the war and defeated the Land of Rain, which had a semi-god of the ninja world, and the Land of Sand, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages. It was a great victory.

As long as the two ninja villages signed the treaty of defeat, Konoha would have won a great victory.

Another Konoha ninja said: "Sakumo sent a message. There seems to be some activity in the Land of Stone. They are likely invading the Land of Grass."

Danzo pondered momentarily and said: "Send him a message; the next batch of reinforcements will be sent to him first. We must not let the Land of Stone invade the Land of Grass."

The Land of Grass was now a vassal state of Konoha. Once the Land of Stone invaded, it would be a declaration of war against Konoha.

After discussing for a while, everyone reported what needed to be said. Danzo looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade noticed the gaze of her colleagues and immediately took out all the medicines and medical supplies Cain had given her from her bag and said to them, "The person's name is Cain Pent, a merchant who got lost in the Land of Rain. And these are the things he sells."