
Marvel: The Wolf Archer


Nov_Vi_ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Purple Eye

YEAR 1993




On the unmanned island's shore, the dark girl can be seen biting the ropes in her hands. Silver dusted with sand, flowed on her body. Hiding her front body, the ropes in her hand came loose after much effort. Freeing her hands and she started freeing her legs. After she loosened her legs she tried to stand up, Keyword tried. It 10 or 15 minutes to stand up properly, After getting up she started tearing the sack and making a cloak with a hood. After wearing the cloak that passed she started walking into the island not knowing what the future held for her.




A lone island in the middle of the sea

Inside that was a village

The village was like taken out of the pre-historic era

But the village was bright,

Burning everywhere

Screams of people

be it men

be it, women


With exception of children.

People tried running away from the village,

Only to be Murdered

Not by knifes

nor by arrows

nor with swords

nor with modern-day guns or weapons

nor by a group

Only one person

Who was a woman

But not fragile

People running away from her

Few stayed

Circled around her

Broken chains in her hands

In her legs

Around the neck

Standing bare like the day she was born

Long silver hair dripped blood

Shadowing her face only leaving her left eye.

Eye glowing purple in night.

The men around her didn't show lust over her bare beauty

Only fear was in their eyes

Everyone was holding a spear in their hands

The woman didn't say anything

She held the tip of the spear

Connecting it to the rib of its owner

Using both him and the spear as a bat

Spinning around her clearing everyone around her.


A man can be seen sliding backward until his back touches a mud wall with a fearful expression on his face.



The man can be begging the female figure in front of him. Even though his language can't be understood but the meaning behind it could be understood by his expression. He was scared of the woman in front of him. Silver hair dripped with blood, Chocolate skin, hands, legs, and neck with broken chains. Standing bare like the day she was born. Both of her hands were covered with fresh blood, Each hand containing long animal-like nails and canines like a wolf.

From outside the place-like hut, dead bodies can be seen men, women, the elderly, and even children. All of them were killed brutally.


Not long after a frightening scream can be heard. But the place falls into an eerie silence.


The night passed sun rose, on the edge of the island a woman in her 20s can be seen standing looking at the sun. Near her was a raft with baggage.

The woman standing was the same murderer who killed every one of that village. But unlike the beginning, now she was clean from the blood. She is now wearing a black dress, showing her legs, and arms. There was a hood covering her head, with a quiver strapped on back of her filled with arrows with a black end. Her hand was holding a bow.


After the looking at new risen sun for a while, she walked to the edge of the raft pushing it into the water. When the raft started flowing she jumped into it and started moving forward.