
Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities

We all know the story of Spider-Man, and most of all we know the famous quote from our childhood that we are still reminded of today, "With great power comes great responsibility," And with these words Spider-Man swears to always protect the innocent from evil, and in every universe or even in every alternate world, Spider-Man is a hero who saves everyone by sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of others... A difficult life, full of sacrifice and pain, never achieving anything he can truly call his own. With a distorted sense of values in which he finds self-worth only by helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is he reward... The story of Peter Parker who lost Uncle Ben during one of his many battles, or even because of his double life he cannot make his relationship with MJ or even other women in his long hero's life. But what if this time things would be a little different than usual? A different Spider-Man takes on the mantle, this one a Spider-Man who will not take shit from anyone will not have the cursed luck of any Peter Parker or any other being with the same powers. A boy died, without knowing the cause. That should have been the end, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for him, it was only the beginning of something really very big. Having no memory of his past life or any information about why he had been reborn, he had no intention of making a life sacrificing himself to others. This was his story! And he will not allow anyone to decide his path in this universe. Reborn of the world in the Marvel universe, one of the most dangerous worlds in fiction. As the only Spider-Man in that universe, but also with abilities never before seen in any single world that make him unique and much more special than any other spider-shooter. But living in a world with man-eating monsters, people who have the ability to manipulate reality, dimensional beings who try to eat his insides or even kill him... To avoid all this, he will become the strongest Spider-Man in every single alternate universe. "Web of life and fate?" Amused laughter. "Even at the cost of recreating every single reality with my own hands, I will not allow myself to live a miserable life! And I will write with my blood my own history...."

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter - 4

A/N: Very long chapter, hope you enjoy it!

We have finally reached 15k words and tell me what you think with as many comments as possible and of course, reviews!

Guys, remember to leave a review if you like the story. Your comments and interactions help motivate me so please write what you thought about the chapter in the comments. I am open to suggestions to help improve my fics.

I will use some sources from some nice Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't spoil it for those who haven't read the comics at all. Let the mystery remain.


Chapter - 4: Future Projects and Meeting


"Mhm," I murmured, as I finished observing some mechanical tentacles joining crystalline threads floating in the air.

Smiling to myself, I watched as a small Rubik's cube took shape in front of me. It took me a long time of constant work before the device was ready. I tried not to be surprised when the "unknown" energy connections replaced the electrical ones.

My face almost smiled as I looked at the completed super device in front of me. My finger went forward and could only touch it as I watched the floating device finally complete.

There have been moments in a person's life when you realized that you were looking at something that would change your life forever. That moment held on the edge where you take a step forward everything changes or you take a step back and keep things the same.

Several mechanical tentacles brought the cube in front of me, and I finally flashed a smile as I watched The glow start in the middle of the four-by-four device with a small space in the center to insert a familiar object.

While small beeps completed the scan to see that all my work had not gone to waste.

"X.A.N.A check possible improvements that can be made in order to have better efficiency on the BW-01 prototype."

[Sure, master]

[Check.... ]

[The BW-01 prototype has no internal problems. And it gives a match with the unique energy produced by the master of 93%. Possible improvements can certainly be bearing during creation if we add Uru as the main component to improve its efficiency and of course its connection with the master, given its mystical properties]

"Uru?" I could only mutter. "So the vibranium in the end was only useful to make the BW-01 prototype very durable and observe whether my flames somehow also produce some kinetic energy or even some kinds of vibrations."

[Correct master, your flame is like a form of high-density energy that is refined by you own life force. Because of the way it resonates with your emotions, we could regard it as a type of battle aura, a completely supernatural phenomenon]

"A completely supernatural energy that does not come from this universe" I corrected by looking at the ring in my hand.

I had already done research and there was no dimension in this entire universe that generates this kind of energy.T his was one of the many reasons for my research on vibranium, to try to discover more of this unknown energy that I could manipulate to my liking and try to harness it in the best of all worlds.

"It looks like I'll have to pay a visit to Asgard..." A small sigh escaped my lips. "Well, I'll be able to have a nice drink with Thor in return."

Uru is a hardy and mystical Asgardian mineral. Nothing less than the heat of a star, or Asgard's own forges will provide enough heat to shape and mold metal.

This is why weapons forged using this metal, especially those that are further enchanted. The most famous of these is Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Because of its incredible durability and resistance to damage.

And with this metal's affinity for magic. It has been shown to be able to store large amounts of energy, particularly magical energies. Although not easily enchanted, Uru metal absorbs magic like a sponge, directing and enhancing the natural attributes of its bearer.

"But it certainly won't be that easy," I affirmed, as I sat in my throne with the small cube floating in my hand. "Should I seriously wait for an alien invasion? Or should I go there uninvited? In the manner of good old Doom? Well, at the same time, I could get a good slap in the face from Odin-Force, from the great Glad-of-War...."

*Sigh* Nothing has ever been that simple.

You might ask what is one of the advantages of having alternative versions of myself? I would answer that I can know most of the secrets of this entire universe, which, I must admit, I have a hard time remembering, since I cannot recall most of my previous life.

However, usually when I "connect" with my "self" from another universe that usually already had the plot a little bit late like the old X-men, and the Avengers facing intergalactic and cosmic threats and so many other things...

And because of that I could get advice on the best ways to go and how to deal with certain adversaries with much less risk.

But I also knew many things that people cannot even imagine. I knew secret places that no one could ever think of setting up. It was this knowledge that put me on a much higher plane than others.

I knew from the beginning about Wakanda, I know that there are the Wildlands in Antarctica, about the undersea kingdom of Atlantis, about New Rome on Amazon, about Titan (Moon of Saturn - Home of Thanos) is as if a moon of Saturn is not enough, and I believe that some of Olympus lives on Venus...

For those not familiar with New Rome on Amazon, Selene Gallio created her, she is 17,000 years old and a mutant with the powers of a vampire...

I didn't quite understand if the authors had any fetishes since most of the more difficult confrontations between Spider-Man and our vampire friends... She, Morbius, Morlun and many others.

I know about Sanctum, K'un-Lun and the doors to many other Marvel dimensions. And even some not so hard to discover, such as the Morlocks who live in the sewers beneath New York, New Jersey and Connecticut...

They were basically mutants cast aside who seemed too different from the norm. No one gave them shelter, no one helped them. They could not even merge with humans because of their different skin colors and shapes.

Racism at it's finest...

Still, they could be good subordinates to have in the future. In most alternate universes I was an Omega-level mutant, with various very strong abilities that were nothing to mess around with.

I certainly wasn't the Franklin Richard of the situation in this universe, but I wasn't even that far from being able to become one if I really wanted to by taking some power from a much stronger alternate version of me...

But still in all the alternate universes I had seen and especially interacted with no one possessed the ability to use these strange flames. That had all their innate characteristics, at first I naturally thought they were related to some dimension but I soon realized I was completely wrong.

Therefore I looked for different ways to harness this energy but ended up in a dead end, it seemed as if it did not belong in this universe and its laws did not apply in any way

But I didn't give up, after all, I couldn't help thinking that this would be the key to discovering the reason for my inclusion in this world.

Why did I think this? - Well, it was because of the ring on my hand. I didn't know exactly when I had obtained it, it had always been with me since I had memories of this world and it was basically an object that allowed me to project my flames more effectively.

One of my alternate versions gave me some much-appreciated advice, taking as a reference the concept of a biologist named Geppetto Lorenzini from his universe who had come up with the idea of building weapons based on animals found in nature.

He had designed 343 different animal-type canned weapons.... After enough time, with several of my alternative versions helping, we codified his manuscripts and of course continued his research.

However, these designs were considered "Supertechnology" inventions impossible to produce with his current scientific knowledge. His designs were considered unattainable and were preserved by the secret society to which he belonged *Ugh* Basically the Hydra of his universe, to be more clear...

My alternative version had found that my ring could serve as an optimal power source for these Box Weapons. With this breakthrough, we were able to solve the technical problems in Lorenzini's design and produced a prototype after years of research.

Eventually, we used my ability to be able to interact with alternate worlds to increase the speed of completion of the Box Weapon technology.

A small cube containing various powerful weapons. These box weapons could only be opened by the corresponding flames through my ring. It was really something that would be very important to me, without a shadow of a doubt.

"And the moment of truth," I said, with some expectation in my voice. "X.A.N.A keep the scans for more data so that we can do further future experiments."

[Of course, master]

Some might be thinking about why I wasn't working on serums that could increase my strength or something like that.... Then I would answer that they weren't really that important. Unlike this kind of technology that was something that I could only use, and no one could ever replicate in any way.

And especially it would be essential to be able to deal with certain certain enemies in my future that would be really difficult to deal with otherwise.

"Box Weapon: Open"

After I said that, a small flame appeared in my ring and placed it in the center of the Box Weapon and it opened with a great concentrated energy that began to take shape in which a small completely white spider made its appearance.

Box Weapon: White Spider

"I did it." I could only comment as the little spider climbed onto my shoulder and gently stroked my cheek.

It was funny especially because I had become a version of Spider-Man and at the same time I wasn't.... But I was still going to be the best, he had decided that a long time ago, and no one was going to stop me from my goal.

Everyone believed that Cosmic-Spider Man was the strongest version of him in the Spider-verse.... Well, I can tell you that you are wrong because there was a much stronger version that I can assure you that you would never want to meet in your life.

Basically in a universe where Peter Parker (Power of love-Spiderman) finds out that Toaa has ruined his life, so he tries to kill him. He ends up getting the power of all realities and approaching the TOAA level.

Of course in that story he couldn't beat him, but he got as close as he could to killing the writers and basically became the second strongest being in Marvel comics.

Moral of the story? Don't mess with Spider-Man too much or you might create the next Batman who laughs....

It was also a lot of fun to know that my alternate versions didn't know the Marvel storyline. And they only possessed the information that I told them and what they already knew about their whole universe, and so to see them facing different "unknown" threats and losing was very instructive for me.

After all, I had no intention of ending up like good old Ultimate Spider-Man who had given far more than he could and in the end had lost his whole life.

This was a Marvel world, tragedy was part of its genre. Perhaps the MCU was the only world of comedy, but the main genre could never be forgotten, especially the main genre of Spider-Man.

Of course I knew that the main lesson of Spider-Man was to portray the real heroes, the sacrifice to do good, and their life is always imperfect if not absolute shit.

No matter what happened, Spider-Man would always stand up. Never give up... No matter how serious the circumstance was.

It was really something I was going to change, I didn't care if I had to change the entire Network of Life and Destiny on my whim! "Even at the cost of recreating every single reality with my own hands, I will not allow myself to live a miserable life.... And I will write with my blood my own history."


[Master I detected a clash between X-Men and the brotherhood of mutants.]

"Are they in trouble?" I asked, while still focused on the small rubik's cube in front of me to look for other ways I could make it even better.

[They were stretched an ambush, but with their higher physical abilities they should be able to beat their opponents with only with some minor injuries]

"Um," I said as I interrupted my work, "Show me their fight."

A hologram appeared in front to show me a fight between two extremist groups that were always fun to watch.

From what I could see, the group consisting of Kitty Pryde, Jean, Rogue, Scott, and Evan (Spyke) had been ambushed on our way back to the Institute. or at least something like that from what I could make out...

Looking down on the 5v5 metahuman fight below, the only word that can sum it up as very chaotic, it seemed that no one was able to use their abilities to their full potential.

Well... With that I confirm that X-Men is in my age group. Which I had to admit I wasn't surprised since in the comics the X-men were a similar age to Spider-Man or a little older.

And from what I could observe their version was similar to that of X-Men Evolution. It was not that surprising since it was Spider-Man at the initial age of the heroes and he was a focal point in the Marvel universe.

If you don't know. Spider-Man has always been an induced mutant, meaning that compared to other "pure" mutants such as Logan, Storm, etc., he could not control his mutation and, sometimes lost his powers in conclusion his powers were completely unstable.

Also in the comics, the arc where Peter can't control his powers anymore and, as mentioned above, asking Professor X (Xavier) of the X-men for help so that he could stabilize and control his powers better.

So they had a certain connection to me in many ways. Which I had to admit I didn't mind at all, given some of the girls that I cared a lot about because of my power.

Now I have to make a decision.... Jean and Rogue are my main targets in my mind. I just wanted to observe, but this is a good opportunity to be able to establish a good impression for the future.

Should I blitz and get the two? No. That would have been the easiest way.... But considering the long term, it was certainly not ideal. Using this tactic was certainly not the right way initially.... Especially for me seeing how negative the image of Spider-Man can be.

We try to talk to them first. Today we focus on Jean. Since we were both Avatars of two cosmic entities, it seemed the least I could do to make my small contribution to prevent her from going on a rampage and destroying the whole world.

The phoenix is a powerful cosmic entity, an immortal being that represents the Life-Death-Birth cycle, all present and future life, and is the node of all psychic energy that has ever existed, exists or will exist.

Sometimes he chose a host to live in, granting the vessel almost omnipotent power. It has the power to create or destroy anything or everything.

The Phoenix Force is an immortal entity and is the first universal force of life. It was born out of the void, between states of being. It is the origin of all psionic energy and will exist forever in all realities of the omniverse. In some iterations.

And you can't even think of killing it otherwise all life in the universe will cease to exist and no life can ever return to that universe.

Taking a deep breath, he began to work out a vision of an alternate universe so that he could see what I wanted, or rather what I didn't want...

A Jean Grey enveloped in flames....

Two huge flaming wings behind her. And her uttering the famous Dark Phoenix phrase.... "I am fire! And life incarnate! Now and forever - I am PHOENIX!"


Well, at least my cosmic entity... "Other" was much more manageable than you might think, and after a long discussion between the two of us, we were on the same wavelength and got along quite well.

It was the other spider deities that were the real problem. And in my humble opinion they didn't really need to exist after all.... There was only a need for a spider god who was able to weave the Web of Life and Destiny, or at least that was what I thought.

However, this was for the future, there was really no need to think about it now. My plans were going very well, there was no need to speed things up too much.

"Let's see, I have to show a strength that cannot be underestimated in order to undermine Magneto with his plans and also all the others watching from the shadows....." I muttered, running a hand over my chin. "A strong enough power."

After saying these words I connected to the alternative universe of my interest and was borrowing something for myself. And at the same time a completely golden cocoon began to envelop my whole body as I could feel that I had gotten what I wanted.

Not even after a few seconds, the cocoon completely disappeared as if it never existed to begin with and was merely some illusion.

But I knew it was completely real. And even though I had not undergone any kind of external change or some transformation, I could feel full of energy flowing through every part of my body at that moment.

Not only was I now seeing the world in a very different way. The flow of air, infrared, ultraviolet, hearing distant sounds, smelling things out of my sight. "Just like he told me."

Keeping my eyes closed as he advised, I try to filter out all this information. After a while, which shouldn't have lasted more than a couple of minutes, I got used to it. Things are more normal now.

"But my control seems to be very good? Maybe because we are the same person..." With my comment I could feel several changes coming from my body.

And my arms changed... Fingers turned into claws and scales appeared on my forearm. Dragon wings appeared on my back. And as if that were not enough, likewise different kinds of energies and elements began to float around my body that I could manipulate at will.

Fortunately for me, I had built my entire laboratory with vibranium to avoid such things. "Too many powers are hard to handle, but I'm powerful enough now," I said, as my body returned to complete normalcy.

Using one of the many powers that were available for the moment within my body. A portal appeared before me and I chose the coordinates of my destination and passed through it.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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