
Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities

We all know the story of Spider-Man, and most of all we know the famous quote from our childhood that we are still reminded of today, "With great power comes great responsibility," And with these words Spider-Man swears to always protect the innocent from evil, and in every universe or even in every alternate world, Spider-Man is a hero who saves everyone by sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of others... A difficult life, full of sacrifice and pain, never achieving anything he can truly call his own. With a distorted sense of values in which he finds self-worth only by helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is he reward... The story of Peter Parker who lost Uncle Ben during one of his many battles, or even because of his double life he cannot make his relationship with MJ or even other women in his long hero's life. But what if this time things would be a little different than usual? A different Spider-Man takes on the mantle, this one a Spider-Man who will not take shit from anyone will not have the cursed luck of any Peter Parker or any other being with the same powers. A boy died, without knowing the cause. That should have been the end, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for him, it was only the beginning of something really very big. Having no memory of his past life or any information about why he had been reborn, he had no intention of making a life sacrificing himself to others. This was his story! And he will not allow anyone to decide his path in this universe. Reborn of the world in the Marvel universe, one of the most dangerous worlds in fiction. As the only Spider-Man in that universe, but also with abilities never before seen in any single world that make him unique and much more special than any other spider-shooter. But living in a world with man-eating monsters, people who have the ability to manipulate reality, dimensional beings who try to eat his insides or even kill him... To avoid all this, he will become the strongest Spider-Man in every single alternate universe. "Web of life and fate?" Amused laughter. "Even at the cost of recreating every single reality with my own hands, I will not allow myself to live a miserable life! And I will write with my blood my own history...."

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter - 11


Chapter - 11: Victor Von Doom


[Jason Hill Pov]

[Of course, Master. I am currently searching for potential target now, taking into account his modus operandi and escape patterns]

[His next target seems to be...]

[His next target seems to be the Trask Diamond, which is currently kept in the Baxter Building as protection. This is after Dr. Doom tried to obtain it for himself to put it in his private collection in his castle in Latveria]

Hearing this information before deciding to make any other move, I decided to take the easy way out and immediately connected to my other versions of me to learn more about this situation I am in right now. This will help me make the best decisions in my future.

And, of course, to try to understand exactly what I will be facing and bring myself into an advantageous position in this world. I want to do this without any worry of being caught in a bad situation just because I am don't using my unique ability.

I certainly don't want to be unprepared to face a possible Victor Von Doom, who is definitely one of the biggest threats this universe has to offer. In my opinion, his threat level is even higher than several cosmic entities, at least according to my perspective on the different parallel worlds.

After a few seconds, I have all the information I need without too much trouble. It seems that my doubts were not unfounded, as it appears that Doom has some plans for the future.

Doom was searching for a way to launch an attack on the Fantastic Four without violating the world's international agreements. My aim was to prevent he from gaining any additional political power that would grant them the freedom to make demands that could potentially harm the heroes at large.

However, I couldn't help but find myself somewhat impressed by Black Fox's audacity. He seemed to possess an abundance of courage, or perhaps it was more accurate to say that he had immense confidence in his abilities as he attempted to pilfer one of the items crucial to Dr. Doom's plans.

But on the other hand, I should not have been so surprised. After all, he was famous as the master of Marvel's best girl, and I was not exaggerating when I talked about the incredible feats accomplished by Felicia Hardy in the comics.

What made it even more astonishing was the fact that I had personally witnessed her actions. In one of my other parallel world, I had become a universally famous thief, traversing various dimensions to ensure that everyone knew the name of the greatest thief to ever exist, Lupin III.

Pausing for a brief moment to contemplate the extraordinary abilities of my favorite cat burglar, I turned my gaze toward the two women before me. It was clear that they were eagerly awaiting my response.

"So? What did you find?" Silver-Sable asked, her arms crossed over her chest, drawing attention to her notable assets. I couldn't deny that, as a healthy teenager, it was quite a pleasant sight.

"The thief is targeting the Trask Diamond," I replied, contemplating a plan to apprehend the thief while ensuring I left a positive impression on the Fantastic Four for my future purposes.

After all, I had come here seeking their assistance, not necessarily because I needed it. I had enough confidence to believe I could take on Victor Von Doom without any help and emerge victorious, at least until he delved further into the realms of the occult and mystical arts.

My concern lay in the fact that if I continued to be an impeccable Spider-Man, most of the heroes and citizens might start viewing me with suspicion. We were still in the early stages of this Marvel universe, and genuinely good-hearted heroes were in short supply.

This was precisely why I was working on forming a friendship with Silver-Sable and Yuri. I hoped they could assist me with the challenge of being too proficient at my job. 

However, the flaw in this plan was that I would also need to approach individuals I didn't particularly like. Additionally, I had to factor in all possible future variations in my actions.

I realized the importance of making my name known to the public. Spider-Man needed to step into the spotlight and establish himself as a force for good, giving me a better start than I had previously experienced.

Simultaneously, the Fantastic Four were known for many things, but above all, they were recognized as a formidable group of heroes. Associating with them could enhance my public image even further.

"The Baxter Building..." Yuri mentioned, clarifying our objective. "The situation is getting more complicated than expected," her tone carried a hint of irritation.

It was evident that she had a good grasp of the city's happenings, and I couldn't help but think that if all cops in New York were like her, many problems could be averted.

"Yes," I replied slowly, for added dramatic effect. After all, it was essential to convey the impression of someone who knew how to handle challenging situations. "Although it's not as dire as it may seem."

"How could it not be?" Silver Sable asked, her frown evident. "He's on the verge of being apprehended by a superhero team and then handed over to the local police. I won't have the chance to recover what was stolen from me and see that he receives just punishment in my country."

I simply shook my head, realizing that she was looking at the situation from the wrong perspective. In truth, it presented a great opportunity for us. "There's a third party that will join us, and we'll use it to our advantage to distract the Fantastic Four. This will give you the time and opportunity to capture Black Fox."

My words seemed to alleviate some of her concerns, but a trace of doubt and curiosity lingered in her gaze. "Who exactly?" She asked, clearly worried that things might become more complicated than they were at the moment.

"It doesn't really matter, as long as you focus on capturing Black Fox, while I ensure our plans have the best chance of success," I said calmly, leaving little room for further discussion.

I didn't want to reveal Doom's presence. After all, he was a cunning and dangerous adversary that I would have to confront personally to avoid unnecessary bloodshed against such a formidable opponent.

The two women appeared to have more questions, but ultimately, with a look of understanding, they remained silent. Silver Sable summed up the situation, "We won't press for more information. I just hope that our mutual trust won't be betrayed, or else you'll regret ever crossing paths with me."

Putting aside the looming threat of a world-renowned mercenary, it appeared that I had managed to earn some of their trust. Now, my main concern was not to jeopardize it for the sake of my future plans.

"Don't worry, I don't have that kind of masochistic kink... at least not yet."

My attempt at humor seemed to break the tension, bringing a small smile to her lips. With the air now less strained, we were able to continue our discussion, delving into the intricacies of our super-secret plan...


I entered in the streets New York, marveling at the towering buildings that surrounded me. I couldn't help but think they were the perfect backdrop for my kind of combat. 

I also considered the need to explore other worlds where I could gain an advantage, particularly when my spider powers received a significant evolution in the future.

As I circled around the Baxter Building, a car followed me from behind, keeping a discreet distance to avoid any suspicion of connection between us. It was then that my spider senses kicked in, alerting me to a developing situation.

I arrived just in time to witness a man clad in metal armor with a green cloak draped over his shoulders, raising his hands and unleashing a series of arcing lightning bolts. It was clear that his armor was amplifying the power of these attacks.

Suddenly, a man made of fire descended from above and collided with the armored figure. However, the man in the armor effortlessly grabbed the fiery individual and hurled him against a massive orange rock giant. 

It was evident that this was Victor Von Doom, a man considered one of the greatest threats in the Marvel universe. The man made of fire was none other than Johnny Storm, also known as the Human Torch—a close friend of Spider-Man in many alternate universes.

To be honest, I didn't really mind having some help in this universeBut unlike Peter Parker, I wasn't really the kind of person who was that friendly.

Observing the way they were fighting, it became clear that the Fantastic Four had gained their powers only a few months ago. Even Victor Von Doom seemed somewhat unfamiliar with his newfound abilities. 

But their lack of experience didn't deter Doom from attempting to eliminate the adversaries in front of them. It was evident that they needed assistance to confront Doom, and I was the perfect person for the job, having faced him numerous times in different timelines.

"Keep an eye out for Black Fox. He's likely waiting for the right moment to make his entrance," I instructed the two women behind me. I also directed X.A.N.A to hack into the area's surveillance cameras, ensuring no trace of their presence.

They nodded in understanding. "Be careful," Yuri cautioned, while Silver Sable gave me one last look before heading toward her target.

"Time to swing into action Spider-Man... or maybe I should consider a new hero name?" I shot out two lines of webbing, anchoring them to buildings on either side of me. As I backed away, my entire suit began to emit electrical discharges, ready for a powerful initial attack.

"Incoming!" I shouted, catching the Fantastic Four off guard. They turned to see me hurtling towards Doom, and my fist collided with his face, sending him crashing into a nearby wall. I couldn't help but grin at the sight.

"Ever heard the saying, 'Watch out for a flying arachnid'?" I quipped as I slowly descended to street level. In true Spider-Man fashion, I couldn't resist adding a bit of teasing, "Well, now you know. Consider it a lesson for the future."


A/N: New chapter, hope you enjoy it!

Tell me what you think of the story with lots of comments to let me know what you think and what you would like to see or even some improvements I could make.

I will use some sources from some good Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't make spoilers for those who have not read the comics. Let the mystery remain.



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