
Marvel: The Protagonist Killer.

Ezekiel finds himself in a bind, he gets reincanated into a fictional universe that he luckily knows of even if not extensively, get a couple boons for the trouble and just as he thought he'd get to live the easy life growing stronger everyday he gets a slap to his face when he is pitted against protagonists after his girlfriend's and life with no showing of ending, so he takes it upon himself to rid any ‘protagonist’ that dares ruin his ‘good’ life. —Tags: Chaotic Neutral MC, Indifferent MC, Killer MC, Smut(trying to improve on it), Marvel Multiverse Travel. —You will also catch extra chapter's of this fic and many others I write on my Pat- —pat*reon.com/Willowing_Writer(Remove the *)

WillowingWriter · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


" I see that you've finally woken up, how are you feeling Connor?" Was her first statement to me as she had the door still open and was a safe distance from me.

' ....she's scared of me?' I wondered with a raised brow.

' Okay now that I think about it everyone of her patients in this class had a backstory which got them admitted here, most of them being bloody.' I thought as my mind went wild with theories of my bodies past.

Deciding to come back to those thoughts later I payed the woman some attention as I looked at her.

" I'm fine, but can I ask as to why I'm being chained up?" I asked with a raised brow looking at her.

" For safety reasons, do you remember anything before you woke up?" She said as she started walking closer towards me.

" No...it's all fuzzy." I lied, I didn't remember shit from this world so I might as well act amnesiac.

" That's not surprising, some mutants when they awaken their powers lose their memories of their Awakening moment due to how traumatic it sometimes is." She said as she grabbed a chair and sat besides me.

" I'm a....mutant?" I asked feigning ignorance.

" Yes you are, a powerful and dangerous one at that." She said with a frown as she took out a document and started reading it.

Immediately I used my [Augmented Vision] and looked through the pages and document and read through it.

Schooling my rising frown I sighed as I processed the information I had just seen on the pages.

The most important points being that I was now an orphan, it seems that I had killed my mom, father and bigger sister when I awakened on the streets of queens.

I had seemingly cut everything I saw with lasers from my eyes, then my body seemed to fly out of control and thus broke a lot of things, some being buildings and people.

The death toll from this bodies awakening was 137 people with my family included.

' Yikes....I'm fucked huh?' I thought with a frown as focused back on the doctor.

" Who are you and why am I here?" I asked acting agitated.

" Calm down Connor, you're safe...you're in the Milbury Hospital and I'm Doctor Reyes, I'm here to help you." She said in quick succession and I acted pacified but still had a frown on my face.

" Where are my parents?" I asked wanting to get this over with already.

" Your parents are currently in a hospital and your sister is in critical condition at the moment...." The doctor said making me pause for a moment as that was definitely not true from the document on her hand.

Before I could speak though she spoke.

" But we have already spoken to your parents and they have allowed us to take you in here in order to help you..." She again lied making me want to chuckle at that for a moment but I controlled myself and made the most horrified face I could muster.

" Wh-what...what happened?" I stuttered out.

" You lost control over your powers and injured and killed a lot of people Connor..." She said and looked me in my eyes to probably let that sink in. " The authorities and even the government want you in jail and I can assure you now, you don't want that to happen so my superiors made a deal..."

Looking at her with both fear and hope I couldn't help but notice how easily controllable my body was, from my face to my muscles making it that much easier to lie.

" What deal?" I asked with a frown.

" My superiors have made a deal with the government and as long as you follow our rules and orders you will not be sent to jail or worse..." She lay it on me and at that I looked down looking contemplative.

" Okay...I'll do it." I said to her making her smile and nod to me but I knew that deep down I wasn't gonna do shit, I was gonna get out of here after I have grown a bit stronger and probably find myself a base to start my schemes.

" Good." She said as she stood and took out keys and unchained me.

Getting my mobility I stood and noticed finally that I was wearing a hospital gown.

" You are the first male mutant in our hospital along with 4 other girls so I expect you to behave yourself." Dr Reyes said and as soon as her words registered on my mind I paused.

' Four other girls?...wait what?' I thought with a frown as I remember that there were 2 girls and 2 boys before Danielle appeared and started the movie off.

At best the information just notified me that I was a bit early in the plot and Dani hadn't awakened yet.

But there being 4 girls was confusing as that meant that I was really into a far off Alternate universe or that....oh fuck they are genderbent.

I groaned as I stood and walked over towards Dr Reyes who at this point had instructed me to follow her while my mind went a hundred miles per hour.

' Ah well...I hope they are genderbent and not other mutants I know nothing about.' I mused to myself with a sigh as I walked behind the beautiful lady as I stared at her ass.

'.....okay, so my bloodline also has increased libido because why the fuck did my cock go from flacid to erect in a moment's time?!' I found myself having to rearrange my dick so she didn't see that I was erect and kept behind her.


Dr Reyes took me to my room which looked more like a cell then anything.

She gave me some clothes and told me that I'd be staying here to get used and learn from my abilities which I just nodded to.

She then left and finally I was left in the cell with the door opened as I wasn't in solitary...yet.

Looking over the clothes I had I groaned seeing how low quality they were and would tear from the slightest strain.

I took off my hospital gown and wore a black t-shirt and some jeans before I wore the only pair of vans shoes she gave me.

' I wonder what Essex has planned for me to send me to one of his institutions.' I wondered before stretching my body with a yawn.

Seeing as it was already night time I lay on my bed and opened my menu screen again.






Opening my Gacha function first I saw that i needed 1 token to play, and seeing the large '0' on the corner I sighed and shook my head before closing the feature and opening my inventory.

Seeing a gift box on the first item box I grinned.

' A gift package....that's awesome.' I thought clicking and using the package.

[Ding! You've received the following— ]