
Marvel: The lust blind box reward

*Marvel: The Lust Blind Box Reward* *Synopsis:* In a mysterious, Amalgam universe blending the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and DC Comics, Aron, a charismatic and cunning playboy, stumbles upon an ancient artifact known as the "Lust Blind Box." This powerful relic grants him unimaginable charm and allure, making him irresistible to the most stunning women in the multiverse. Aron's mission is to conquer the hearts (and beds) of the most breathtaking beauties from both the MCU and DC universes, unlocking new rewards and powers with each conquest. *Targets:* (yet to be decided ) ( vote for it) - Aron's own morality: As he navigates the complex web of relationships and desires, Aron must learn how to conquer even a tough woman for his real journey .And try his best to survive in this nightmare destruction world. *Rewards:* - Unlocking new abilities and enhancements - Gaining access to exclusive technologies and resources - Forming alliances with influential heroes and organizations - Unraveling the mysteries of the Lust Blind Box *Consequences* Igniting a multiverse-spanning conflict *The Question:* Will Aron's insatiable desire for conquest ultimately lead to his downfall, or will he emerge as the most powerful, coveted man in the multiverse? This story combines elements of romance, fantasy, and adventure, exploring the complexities of desire, power, and relationships in a rich, Amalgam universe.

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13 Chs

Chapter 13: Meeting Peggy

After knowing the recent news of the U.S. military's, their precarious situation lingered in his mind, sparking a sense of urgency. As he pondered his next step , his thoughts drifted to the story of Captain America.

According to the storyline, this was the time when Steve Rogers, after learning that his best friend Bucky Barnes was among the captives, would be preparing to launch a daring rescue mission knowing this —

Aron picked up his phone and dialed a number. His voice was steady and controlled as he spoke, "How much time will it take to complete one of them?"

"Sir, it will require another six to eight hours to finish," came the response from the other side.

Aron nodded thoughtfully. It was just enough time to prepare. With this one sample of the weapon , he intended to use it to forge an alliance with the military, providing them with an edge in their current precarious situation.

He put down the phone and immediately called for Daniel. The butler arrived promptly, his expression curious but composed. Aron leaned forward, his eyes sharp and focused. "Daniel, I need you to arrange a meeting with the Military General and the U.S. Secretary of Defense," he said, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. "Tell them I have a weapon that can change the direction of the war."

Daniel's eyes widened slightly, clearly taken aback by the gravity of Aron's words. He hadn't expected his young master to move so swiftly, but he quickly composed himself. "Of course, young master," he replied, bowing slightly. "I will make the necessary arrangements immediately."

Aron watched as Daniel left the room, his mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. This was a pivotal moment, not just for his company but potentially for the country. He knew the risks involved, but he also understood the power he now wielded. If everything went according to plan, this would be the beginning of a new chapter—one where he could use his inventions to influence the outcome of real-world events.

The decision to engage with the military wasn't just about proving his technology. It was about positioning himself and his company as essential players in the global landscape, capable of altering the balance of power. And with that, Aron knew that it is an unprecedented opportunity for him .

But he didn't know that just like him LexCorps were preparing to sell their advanced weapon .

After 30 minutes ,butler come back and informs that it's done and tomorrow there will be a meeting in Camp Lehigh.

Next day , he went to his company found the directors who gave him a brief case.

Then he went with his butler toward US secret training camp.

There he saw ,the secret U.S. Army training facility, is nestled near Hudson River Valley, approximately 50 miles north of New York City, New York State. From the outside, the camp appears as a rustic, fortified military installation, blending seamlessly into its natural surroundings. Double-layered barbed-wire fencing surrounds the perimeter, with watchtowers standing sentinel at intervals, manned by armed guards. Dense foliage and trees encroach upon the fence, enhancing the camp's secrecy.

The entrance is marked by a sturdy metal gate bearing the camp's insignia: "Camp Lehigh - U.S. Army". A sentry post with two guards scrutinizes incoming personnel, while a winding dirt road leads to the gate. Beyond the gate, wooden barracks with corrugated iron roofs and simple, functional structures for mess halls, training facilities, and offices are visible.

The camp's central square features a large American flag flying proudly, alongside a memorial plaque honoring fallen soldiers. A parade ground for drills and ceremonies lies adjacent, surrounded by rolling hills that stretch as far as the eye can see. Wooded areas provide natural cover for training exercises, while a nearby lake offers opportunities for aquatic training. Security measures are ever-present, with patrols of armed guards, spotlights, and searchlights illuminating the perimeter, and barbed-wire entanglements surrounding sensitive areas. Despite its unassuming appearance.

Upon entering the heavily guarded facility, they were met by a group of stern-faced soldiers who escorted them inside. As they walked through the base, Aron could see the intensity of the training exercises happening around them—soldiers running drills, testing equipment, and preparing for unknown challenges.

There after going through identity and body checkup , we entered . Aron then saw a stunning woman with a seamless blend of 1940s femininity dressed in tailored skirts, and military-inspired jackets that accentuate her slender figure. High heels or oxford shoes add a touch of elegance to her outfits. Her attire is always immaculate, reflecting her disciplined and organized nature exuding confidence and poise, her demeanor commanding respect.

Her face is characterized by high cheekbones, a small nose, and full lips that curve into a resolute smile, with a slender yet athletic body her hair is a rich, vibrant red or auburn hue. Her bright blue eyes are almond-shaped and striking.

Seeing her , Aron instantly remebers her name Peggy Carter also known as Nightshade.

She then came forward infornt of Aron and asked "Are you Mr. Aron ?"

Aron nodded .

"Please come this way " She said

While following her , he thought shouldn't she be with Steve now , as he is going to rescue Bucky.

Then they entered a building where a old lady was sitting on receptionist , Peggy nodded to the Old lady and the lady switched something , and elevator showed up behind a wall . Then Peggy stepped on the elevator while Aron following behind her ,then he saw the elevator going below indicating that they are going to ground floor soon the elevator with a click indicating they reached the floor .

Infornt of him was a door , Peggy opening it told Aron to enter .

Aron entered the room , behind him Peggy, he saw —

Colonel Chester Phillip - a seasoned U.S. Army officer known for his sharp mind and no-nonsense attitude.

Senator Brandt - a representative of the U.S. government with a keen interest in military advancements.

General Harrison - the U.S. Army General overseeing military operations, his gaze piercing and assessing.

Major Sam Johanssen - assisting Colonel Phillips, stood by with a clipboard, ready to record every detail of the meeting.

And lastly Lex Luthor was also present , seeing him here Aron was surprised.

All eyes turned to him , Aron felt the weight of their scrutiny but remained calm and composed. He placed the briefcase on the table, his movements deliberate and confident.