
Marvel: The Last Exorcist

You have to make choices to create your own destiny. Take hold of it, will you cower in fear or will you fight with conviction against the evils of the world? “I’ll fight!!” “With my power I’ll wipe every demon off the map!!” Desmond Horton, the last shaman of the apocalypse. He was the last man able to fight against these beings, but with his life as it was and the limited resources he had, how could he fight against such demons? “Oh I will. Just wait and see.” ****************************** I dont own anything other than the OC, all JJK related topics are theirs and this is Marvels universe. No harem Gore and R13 Enjoy it if you can. Cya!!

DemonLordCloudzy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

perfect Results & Wishful Thinking


"Creepy places like these are always crawling with scum." Sneering, Desmond pulled a deck of talismans from his pocket and sifted through them.

Taking one of each, he looked at the curses that crawled around the park before choosing his target.

"Now float!!" Swinging his arm forward, Desmond released the talisman and watched as it's course changed and the paper charm fluttered patheticly onto the ground in front of him.


Picking up the Talisman, Desmond calmly brushed the dirt off and positioned his arm to throw it again.

Again, he swung his arm forward, yet the charm didn't fly as intended.

"….I should just end myself here, right?" Sighing to himself, he picked the paper back up and decided he'd just have to place it on the target instead.

Again, he looked at a curse and casually walked up next to it. Before it could do anything, Desmond slapped the talisman onto its head and watched as the curse started to levitate off the ground. Perfect. It was just how he wanted it.

Leaving the curse in the air, he took out the Stun charm and again smacked it onto the curses head after activating it.


"Nice." Desmond muttered as he nodded his head, admiring his accomplishment. The curses' body froze momentarily, only a few seconds, but it worked as intended.

"Next, restrain." Saying that he activated the charm and slapped it on its chest. The charm glew brightly and black chains shot out of it before tightly wrapping themselves around the curse, leaving it levitating and chained.

"Perfect, I didn't think this one would work so well. If it were me that had to conjure these chains, I don't think I'd be able to do it."

Seeing the charms working as they intended, Desmond took out the last one he wanted to experiment with, but also the one he was most excited for.

The strengthening charm was one that he made to passively increase his regular physical abilities. It contained a good amount of energy, but he didn't know how it would all work out.

Taking off his shirt, Desmond placed the charm on his chest and immediately his cursed energy came rushing over his body. The first thing he felt was the difference in his energies intent. Naturally, his energy simply flowed in his body like an endless river, constantly circulating in a cycle.

Upon the activation and placement of the charm it was like a massive collision had just occurred inaide of him, completely unbalancing his power.

He dropped to his knees, but power was undoubtedly forcing its way into his body, he could feel his strength growing, but at the same time the unbalance was greatly effecting him even stunning him for a moment.

His cursed energy leaked from his body as a pure white lines rounted their way from his chest where the charm was.


Turning his head from the strong gust of wind, Desmond looked back and saw numerous curses stalking his position. Peaking up from structures, dangling from trees and simply standing in place watching him.

Looking ahead of him, the curse he had used as an experiment was now free and it glared at Desmond with clenched first.

Catching his breath, Desmond stood up and clenched his fists, feeling like his power was on a whole new level. He met the curses glare with a smirk and released even more chrsed energy.

"What are you waiting on shitty demon?! Come get purified!!" Charging at the freed demon, Desmond's fist collided with its head before it could even do anything.


The curse was blown away and its body vanished into a white dust before it finished rolling.

"Oh yeah, this is nice!!"


With a huge grin he turned around and clenched his fist launching it right into the group of curses lunging at him. Oblitorating them, he jumped into the air dodging a hail of teeth and kicked away another curse.

Landing on the ground, he uppercut one curse, leg swept another and followed it with a spinning kick killing 4 at once. The curses didn't stop coming and Desmond excorcised them all.

Leaving himself standing alone in the dark with shimmering white ash raining around him.


That same night, Desmond got home just before the sun rose. While he did go out seeking more curses to purify that night, he also used it as an on field experience test.

He needed to check for duration of the charms, how strong or weak they were and he needed to know the side effects of the strengthening charm once it ran out.

Once he got home after writing everything down, he was more than satisfied with how everything went. Of course the other charms worked wonderfully and they would be better as he grew, but the strengthening charm was his best work.

With it, the power of every hit felt mighty. He figured every attack felt twice as strong as before and that's just his raw physical power, once cursed energy is applied there was a huge increase depending on his distribution.

The charm stayed active for 45 minutes before the power slowly dissipated. Considering he put a nice amount of energy into it, he wasn't at all upset with the result at all.

The only drawback is the collision of his flowing energy and the injected energy of charm. Each time he used it, he would always get that stunned feeling like he was paralyzed.

He figured the problem would be solved if he had better control of his cursed energy, so he chalked it up to a skill issue on his part.

Lastly, using it consecutively was also out of question for him. Right after his purge at the GreenOak Park, he tried to apply the charm again, but following that attempt he was actually stunned on the ground as he had to rebalance his energy.

It seemed like the first collision had already shook the balance and made it unstable and trying to do it immediately after would be like trying to harvest more wood from a tree that was just cut down.

It had to grow and heal. Although it only took him 5 minutes at most to rebalance his energy, he opted to at least wait 15-30 minutes before reapplying the talisman.

With those results he was extremely pleased and by the time he made it to his apartment he was completely exausted and feel asleep on his couch.



My eyes shot open.

Here I was again, in this fog covered realm. Looking over my shoulder, I didn't see anybody. I sighed and turned back around.

"I'll have to walk again it seems." As I was about to take my first step, a huge, silver staff pointed over my shoulder towards the fog.

'This staff's as big as my head…'

As I looked in fromt of me, I watched as the fog began to clear up allowing my vision to grow clearer and clearer. However, once It cleared up I felt an unbearable amount of anguish, anger, madness, disgust, frustration jealousy, and most of all; Fear.

Before I realised it I had dropped to my knees, having to manually breath and clear my eyes.

That book.

A thick book that seemed to possess evil itself was just a few feet away from me.

I turned my head and behind me, there wasn't a phantom or deity. This book.

I need to find and destroy it!!


Suddenly I sprung up and found myself in my bedroom. The sunlight bled through my curtains, but it only lip the room a bit.

"What time is it?" Grabbing my phone, I saw it was 2:34pm. I swiped through the different notifications I got throughout the day as usual, before unlocking my phone and going to my messages.

Danielle had already text me while I was having that…vision?

I got up and replied to her messag.

>This is Daniella from yesterday<


»I was sleep till now, I did a lot last night«

"Maybe I should've rephrased that." I grabbed a change of clothes and waited for her reply as I went into the bathroom.

>Ouuu were you using your power?<

>Oh yeah what exactly can you do?<

»It's pretty complicated to say, but I was going to go on a little run anyway«

»Wanna join?«

>I don't know if I'll have the time<

>Something with the team could come up<

»But you'll miss a cool show«

Ending my text with a sad faced emoji, I stoodu upright from the sink counter and turned on the hot water, letting it run for a minute so it could heat up.

>Well I could always have another chance<

»Sigh, I'm pretty busy as well you know. Like now I'm getting rdy to shower«

>you'll run and have to take another one<

»I think I just prefer sweat over impurities<

>Impurites? Nvm call me when you have the time<


I sat my phone on the counter top and got into the shower, enjoying the heat. As the water soaked me, It felt like I was being reborn and a soothing sensation resting on my shoulders.

'A nice hot shower is the answer to all stress.'

After my shower I got dressed into some simple clothes.

Black, ripped jeans with a Rick and Morty graphic T. I picked up my backpack and tossed in some cold water bottles.

"Since I didn't really have anything planned maybe I'll just enjoy my day today."

I grabbed the doorknob and turned up before opening the door.

"Maybe, I'll go see a movie or something."

I stepped foot outside and immediately I remembered what kind of reality I lived in. The cursed crawled everywhere. They lingered on buildings, roads, people…

Punching a curse that stood in fromt of my doorway, it felt like I had once again shattered the glass of a false reality.

Closing my door, I decided I actually would be going for a run.