
Marvel: The Last Exorcist

You have to make choices to create your own destiny. Take hold of it, will you cower in fear or will you fight with conviction against the evils of the world? “I’ll fight!!” “With my power I’ll wipe every demon off the map!!” Desmond Horton, the last shaman of the apocalypse. He was the last man able to fight against these beings, but with his life as it was and the limited resources he had, how could he fight against such demons? “Oh I will. Just wait and see.” ****************************** I dont own anything other than the OC, all JJK related topics are theirs and this is Marvels universe. No harem Gore and R13 Enjoy it if you can. Cya!!

DemonLordCloudzy · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Sitting down in his room, Desmond meditated as he thought about the events of the other day. Conceiling his power for just 10 minutes, nearly had him ready to explode.

Not only was he in public, but he was just talking with a girl he had some interest in. After such an embarrassing final interaction, Desmond was suddenly filled with passion as he practiced the whole night and most of the day today.

Moving the energy around different parts of his body and expelling it outwards before bringing it back in. While it was good training, its' only use was helping him with how it flowed whoch he started to understand.

What he needed to grasp now was how to minimize his output as having it all bottled up did nothing but tire him out. However, his elder only gave him a something to conceal it as this was something unknown to him as well.

Desmond sighed and let his energy flow out. A misty white aura flowed from his body as he let it out freely, of course this caused problems.

The cause of the curses in the first place was cursed energy being concentrated and morphed by the negative energy it was made from.

Naturally, him doing this would cause many small curses to be formed and a few medium sized ones, but they were all easy to deal with. All it took was one hit to kill most of the curses he saw, but he was always using full power when doing so.

"I need a way I can practice activly changing my output of energy while also doing things like moving, fighting, running, or even just walking."

He sat there on the floor with a cigarette in his mouth, scrambling his brain for any other ideas than his original plan and after a few minutes he accepted what he had to do.

He needed in the field experience and would just have to learn as he fought. It was either that or be killed when he ran out of steam.

Either way, he got himself ready putting on some basketball shorts over compression pants and a regular T-shirt with his regular running shoes.

He put some alcohol, three water bottles, bandage wraps and cotton balls into his backpack and left his apartment after clearing it of all the pests.

"The sun should set in an hour or two, but it'd be best if I did this away from my apartment anyway. I can run around and use it as a warmup too!"


"Hm?" Turning his head in the direction of the voice he'd just heard, Desmond saw three guys walking out of an alleyway, one with a crowbar in his hand.

If it weren't for the vibe they gave off then the curses around them were a dead give away of the type of people they were.

The curses around them were ball shaped and didn't have too many features other than sharp teeth and a serpent-like tongue.

"What do you want?" Desmond asked, already knowing the answer.

"That backpack of yours and whatever's in your pockets. Hand it over."

"For your own safety why don't you guys just go home somewhere. I'm not in the mood to hurt you regular people, so shoo shoo."

"Break his fucking legs!!"

Lightly cackling, Desmond smirked and met the two unarmed men head on. Blocking the fist of the first guy, Desmond gut checked him and weaved a follow up attack from his partner.

'He's slow.'

Desmond clearly saw the attacks coming at him and toyed with the man, slapping his fist away and then slapping him in the face. Weaving a punch palming his chin.

"You gotta try harder than that buddy!!"

Desmond, locked his hands around the back of the mans neck and brought his head into his knee, feeling the bone break under the pressure.

"I'm ready for the boss now." Desmond said knocking out the man he left catching his breath from the punch he took to the stomach.

"You practice some kinda martial arts and got too cocky, now you're dead!"

"Then stop talking to a deadman and make me one!"

Stomping his foot on the ground, a spike was constructed right under Desmond but he jumped over it before it could fully manifest.

Landing on the ground, he blocked a side kick and turned his body with a spike coming up from the ground just inches away.

'I see what he's doing. Keeping me in close range so he can strike unexpectedly when he stomos the ground. Nice, but I've just seen through it.'

Desmond smirked and closed the distance, grabbing the man by his jacket and pulling him into a knee to his sternum.

He tried to put his fingers in Desmond's eyes but was meant with a headbutt, breaking his nose. Releasing one side of his clothing, Desmond raised his fist and launched his fist into the mans face leaving him barely breathing on the ground.

"That was a nice warmup. If it were those weak curses that hung around them, I wouldn't even have broke a sweat."

Taking a water bottle from his backpack, Desmond drank some and immediately ran off.

"Ahhh, I feel like I'm back in my youth when I thought these powers could be cool." He said laughing at his ignorance as a teen.


"Man this is creepy, but these type of places always have the most concentration of cursed energy. I guess I'm lucky I can sense it though."

Cursed energy detection. It's the ability to see and sense cursed energy along with the curses that are made from said energy. I've always been able to do this, so it wasn't anything new.

"I'll just go back over the basics then."

Staring down the demons that were drawn to my cursed energy, a white mist started leaking from my body and I began.

1. Curses can only be killed with attacks that I called cursed techniques.

I leaped into the air and kicked a large curse across the pavement and into the burned factory.

It shook the kick off, but I followed punching it the chest. I could vividly feel the force being transferred through its body as it toppled the compound behind it.

2. If I focused my cursed energy a specific part of my body, I get a huge increase in power in that specific limb.

Dodging a stomp, I strengthened my arms and blocked the sweeping kick and regained my posture. As my feet touched the ground, I prepared a counter and kicked its hand away following with a spinning kick to the jaw.

My legs felt a little tingly, but I shook it off.

'I need to be faster. More focused!'

Exhaling sharply, I jumped up to its leg and strengthened them. I focused on every sensation my body could feel.

The clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, wind against my body…all at once, I felt fully connected to myself. Me and my body are one!

I felt my cursed energy flowing fast, smoother, and more efficiently than ever before. Descending from the air, I raised my leg and made impact with a devistating axe kick!

The curses' body shot to the ground like a bullet shaking the area around it.

Landing into a crouch, I caught my balance and exhaled as I pulled my cursed energy into my body.

3. With understanding comes power. Enlightenment.

The curses' body trembled as it cracked away, turning into a white ash that vanished into the air.

"The big ones down." I announced, turning my eyes towards the crowd of mid sized and smaller curses.

I slowly breathed out and let my energy flow around myself, swiftly and evenly, I let my power rage.

"Now be purified!!"


Location: Unknown

Inside a cell-like room, a woman sat on a small military bed with thin sheets and a dirty, white gown. She sat in the room staring at an outdated television set and watched an American sitcom.

She was pale as if she didn't have blood in her body and her brown hair was disheveled and dirty. She sat on the bed quietly and suddenly the lights flickered wildly.

On and off, on and off.

She jumped from her bed and looked around before realizing it had to be her powers acting out. The moment she tried to stop them her body went stiff and her eyes glowed.

Visions of a man destroying distorted figures of energy flashed in her mind.






Jumping up from her sleep, Wanda Maximoff, looked around her room and saw it had looked like someone junked the place.

Touching her head, she tried to remember the face of the man, but the only thing she could think of was the white energy he excluded that was as fierce as a flame.

"Who was that…"


"It's even better than I thought when I'm not fighting." Desmond said as he jogged around the lake at a nearby park.

It was common to see people running around the lake and the park in general, but Desmond had been doing this for a few hours lost in his thoughts. Mainly regarding the state of his body and energy circulation after unifying his body and mind.

That understanding resulted in his energy passively flowing with his intent almost as if it moved off instinct itself. He was able ro contain his energy with little to no thought amd could accurately manage it.

This was the understanding he lacked for so long. Having this energy since his toddler years, Desmond was able to grasp the knowledge behind it quickly now that he matured more.

Foreign teachings and personal enlightenment, were things his life depended on for a long time. Now he just needed to put them to use and leave this stagnant point of being.


This is a preview chapter. If you enjoyed it and wsnt more show some love! Cya!!