

Tony Xiao, who traveled to the Marvel world,obtained the game technology system.By publishing the game, you can get corresponding rewards based on your reputation. However, Tony Xiao feels that life is a game,why does it have to be virtual? ...... Tony Xiao, who traveled to the Marvel world, obtained the game technology system. By publishing the game, you can get corresponding rewards based on your reputation. However, Tony Xiao feels that life is a game, whydoes it have to be virtual? Morality and Rule of Law 5: Online is reality, LosSantos, Liberty City, and five-star good citizen semerge one after another. Call of Duty: Titan Group, leading technology, player selection. Resident Evil: If you want a serum to evolve, go find it,I put it on Neon Island. Death Stranding, Three-Body Problem, Old Scroll 5, Titanfall, Halo, Warhammer... The universe is also a huge playing field! patreon.com/Din_hamine in more chapter

din_hamine · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Killer Erica, destroyed gang 2

Turn right, then turn right again after five hundred meters."

Frank's eyes turned cold as he watched the motorcycle gang members disappear into the alley on their motorcycles. Then he simply followed Tony's instructions and turned the steering wheel to the right.

"Slow down your speed. That guy can't ride fast in the alley. If you go early, it's easy for him to turn back."

Frank obeyed and slowed down a bit.

Wearing a black turban and as strong as a monkey, a black man drove a motorcycle in a dark alley. The stinky garbage had no effect on him at all.

Sitting on the motorcycle, he looked back nervously from time to time. When he saw that no one was catching up, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fake, who is targeting us! Our motorcycle gang will make you look good when we go back!" At this time, he didn't know that all his companions in the square had been wiped out by the gang, and he still wanted to take revenge and go back.

The motorcycle was driving in a narrow alley, and he was familiar with the surrounding area, so he quickly reached the exit.

The moment he left the oppressive and dark alley, the black man's hanging heart finally relaxed.

But the next moment he relaxed, he seemed to see something, and his eyes widened in horror.

At some point, a familiar modified vehicle from the side suddenly crashed into him.

"Bang!" Under the impact of the inclined plane, the motorcycle and the person were separated instantly along the inclined plane, flew into the air together, and then fell heavily to the ground like a rag bag. The black man's limbs also rolled down like rag dolls and became fragmented. A few sections.

Blood spread quietly to the surroundings along with his head.

"...1! Wuhu, just right!" Tony cheered in front of the screen and said excitedly.

"I won, and I won't be polite at 3%."

Frank did not respond, but stopped the car and looked at the black man lying in a pool of blood with a somewhat shocked look, gaining a deeper understanding of the young man Merlin.

"Remember to last hits. Next are the Mexican and Irish people. Their firepower is much stronger, so be careful."

People who often engage in selling herbal medicines and smuggling must be much more vigilant, and the difficulty will also increase.

After hearing this, Frank calmed down, raised his pistol and stabbed the black man's head in the pool of blood, then followed the instructions and headed to the next destination.



Erica, who put on a red silk scarf mask and put on a fancy outfit, appeared at the scene. She narrowed her eyes at the dead black man, then looked angrily at the place where Frank disappeared, and chased after him again.

"There's one behind the door on the right."

Frank spat at the door in front of him.


The next moment, a corpse slipped out.

"There's one behind the pillar at three o'clock and two behind the herb box."

"There is a troll at the stairs on the third floor. Throw a thunderbolt."

"Cherno jumped out of the window and ran away and is now in a black Cherokee SUV."

Along the way, Frank relied on Tony's reporting points and the powerful burst of power of the pump-action shotgun to feel like he was in an uninhabited land, with no enemy at all.

After a raid, Frank felt like a manipulated game character. After walking out of these gang lairs, he was not even injured.

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