
Marvel : The Heavenly Smasher

Dr. William Anaconda, a young zoo veterinarian and animal lover, died and was reincarnated as Dr. Bruce Banner in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. [ Release Rate: Two chapters a week with a word count of more than 1900 ]

SPIRIT_KING · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


Author's note: I aimed to write something extraordinary but ended up with this mess, anyway consider yourself warned for the unknown shit.









Bruce Banner regarded the striking redhead in front of him with curiosity. The unexpected encounter had thrown him off his guard for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure and averted his horny eyes from her figure. His hand reached for the villa door as he gestured for her to follow him inside.

"Would you care to come inside, Miss...?" he asked, his gaze locked on her blue eyes.

"Romanoff. Natasha Romanoff," she answered, stepping over the threshold and into the elegant entryway.

Bruce had no knowledge of the exact date when the events in the film took place from the very beginning. In his previous life, when he was only twelve years old and watched the movie, he was more captivated by the action scenes rather than anything else. Therefore, he felt delighted when Natasha arrived.

It was not until he reached the age of fourteen and got rejected for the first time that he began to truly appreciate the allure of women. It was also the day he swore to take revenge with a harem like any other teenager.

Thus, he was taken aback by her presence today. What surprised him even more was that Natasha in this reality was unlike version he had seen in the movie. She possessed a beauty and charm that exceeded his imagination, causing his heart to race more intensely than he had anticipated.

As they walked deeper inside, Bruce's mind raced as the lights showcased the villa's grand interior. His gaze was drawn to Natasha's grace; she wore a blue sleeveless gown with a V-neck and had heavy makeup on. He found himself wondering what it would be like to kiss her smooth, lively cherry lips.

Once they reached the living room, he turned to face her, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"So, Natasha Romanoff, what brings a beautiful woman like you to see me tonight? I must say, it's not every day I get a visit from someone as hot as you."."

Natasha regarded him with a slight smile, one that hinted at the complexities beneath her calm exterior. But her heart wasn't calm; she couldn't shake the worry that Bruce might be angry with her. What struck her the most, however, was how different he appeared from what she had imagined - those silky black hair, mesmerizing green eyes, and his pleasantly muscular build. Undoubtedly, he was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen.

"I need your help, Doctor Banner."

"Help, you say?" Bruce raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips curling into a sly grin. "And what makes you think I'm in the helping mood tonight?"

Natasha held his gaze, unfazed.

"It's been three years, Doctor Banner. You've stayed out of the public eye, but you haven't caused any disasters. That's more than enough proof for me that you're in control of yourself. Also, the threat we have encountered could turn into a catastrophe for the world."


Natasha continued, "Look here, this cube is the Tesseract, and we need scientists like you to trace it. It was stolen, in case you don't know. It is--"

Bruce cut her off, his smile faded into a contemplative expression. "And why should I offer you my assistance? What makes your mission so special that I would consider getting involved? And how the hell you find--"

Natasha remained poised. "Shield never lost you, Dr. Banner. There was also news of a green figure flying through the skies of Mumbai. It seems you've made great effort and learned to control yourself better."

Bruce's eyes turned cold, his laughter echoing through the hall.

"A man who can control himself is far more dangerous than one who can't, Natasha. I've moved past being the  scientist trying to change the world. I'm not concerned about this... blue thing or whatever catastrophic impact it may have on other people's lives. sigh..As long as I can protect myself, that's all that matters."

Natasha maintained a composed look, trying to mask her surprise at the unexpected trouble she had stumbled upon. The Bruce Banner she knew from the SHIELD files had been a compassionate man who cared deeply about the world and its people. But the man standing before her now seemed entirely different, leaving her momentarily speechless.

Yet, she kept her emotions hidden behind an unreadable expression. "I believe you can grasp the bigger picture, Dr. Banner. This situation is about the future of America."

Bruce's lingering gaze slowly moved from Natasha's exposed knees to her fingers, and then finally rested on her eyes. He spoke with a measured tone, "There's a way I can help you, Natasha, but it all depends on you. Now is the time to prove your loyalty to the nation."


Natasha's heartbeat quickened as Bruce leaned closer, his hands on either side of her on the sofa, his face only a few centimeters away from hers. She could feel the warmth radiating from him, the closeness making her skin tingle. Her hand instinctively moved toward her gun, but Bruce's soulful gaze held her captive, making her pause.

"Kiss me, take me," Bruce said, his voice was a low intimate whisper, and his eyes were filled with intensity and conviction.

"What do you mean, D-Doctor Banner?" Natasha replied, struggling to maintain her composure despite the proximity of his body.

She felt herself shaken, her eyes wavering between wanting to avoid his gaze and being drawn in, searching his deep green eyes for any hint of shame. Instead, his next words turned out to be even more shameless..

"Ever since I saw you, I've wanted to know what it would be like to feel your lips against mine," Bruce murmured, his gaze locked onto hers, then continued,

"To have my tongue inside your mouth. You see, Natasha, I don't care about the Tesseract or America right now. All I care about is you....call it love at first sight or not. If you want my help, kiss me...kiss me until we're lost in the moment. Choke me to death with those juicy lips of yours. Show me how much you love your motherland."

Natasha's heart raced at Bruce's bold statement. She hadn't anticipated this at all; instead, a wave of horror washed over her at the unusual condition he had set. Although she had read countless works of literature and mostly appreciated romantic ones, but Bruce's demand was shockingly excessive. "Choke me to death?" she thought. "Does he think I'm Undertaker?" Despite her shock, she kept her thoughts to herself, choosing not to voice her disapproval.

"Dr. Banner...I can not..." she began, but Bruce cut her off, his gaze piercing.

"Those you care about would suffer, Natasha," Bruce pressed, his voice soft yet intense. "Think wisely. It's not such a big deal for a spy like you, is it?"

Natasha's jaw tightened at his remark, her pride slightly wounded. She had been adopted by Nick Fury early on, escaping from her former life. She had always relied on her skills and abilities, never her appearance or charm.

Because of Fury's protective nature as her adoptive father, she had never experienced a typical love life; every man she tried dating acknowledged her as a sister before things could escalate. As a result, she was still a virgin, even as an adult. "How dare he say 'a spy like me'?" Bruce's words struck a nerve, causing her to despise him even more now.

"It's just a kiss, Natasha. All for the sake of America, for the greater good, right?" Bruce continued, his eyes locked onto hers..

Natasha knew she had to make a decision. She thought, "It's time for me to sacrifice my first kiss for America's sake. It's not as if I want to kiss this pig... I'll also tell my father to dispose of him once he's no longer useful. Just you wait, you bastard." Natasha took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening as she nodded..


Bruce's lips curved into a sly smile. "I want our first kiss to be under the moonlight, so come to the rooftop," he said, taking her hand in his.

"No, why not here?" Natasha protested, her mind racing at the thought of what was about to happen. "I don't want everyone to—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Bruce scooped her up into his arms, holding her in a princess carry. His strong arm supported her back while the other cradled her from beneath her legs. Natasha wrapped her arms around his neck, unable to hide her surprise at the sudden audacity.

Bruce's entire body became surrounded by a glowing green energy that sparkled as he moved. He leaped gracefully into the air, sending an energy blast toward the window and shattering it. He soared through the broken window and soaring to the sky, landing smoothly on the villa's rooftop.

He then gently set Natasha down, and she took a step back, trying to regain her composure. Her eyes held disbelief; she had always thought Thor and Tony were the only men capable of flying.

"You're going too far, shameless bastard," Natasha said, her voice laced with clear irritation and anger. She dropped any pretense of respect for him as she lashed out.

"Well... I do not deny it," Bruce replied, his smiling warmly at her but there was hidden a hint of mischief she overlooked.

Before Natasha could protest further, he pulled her into a deep embrace, sealing her mouth with an intense kiss.

Natasha gasped as their lips met, wanting to push him away, but she found herself unable to resist. The warmth of his embrace and the pressure of his lips against hers sent a rush of conflicting emotions through her, leaving her breathless.

Bruce's hands wrapped around her waist tightly, pulling her even closer as his tongue began the conquest of invading her cherry mouth

Their kiss deepened, and Bruce's hands wandered dishonestly from her waist to her buttocks while his other hand firmly supported the back of her head, gently brushing her hair.

His touch sank into her firm, well-trained muscles, revealing her strength and discipline as an agent. Natasha's body responded against her will, drawn into his embrace even as her mind screamed for caution..

Mwha..umha .... pooch ..💋

The kiss became a whirlwind of sensation and desire, the electric pull of his touch igniting a complex mix of apprehension and longing within her.

Soon, Natasha let go of all her reasons, her hands moving up to cradle his face, brushing against his dark hair. She fought back, engaging in an intense sparring of their inexperienced tongues, neither yielding to the other. Minutes passed, and both of them grew breathless.

When they finally parted, a thin strand of fresh saliva connected their lips. Natasha's face flushed a deep shade of red as she took a step back, her thoughts in turmoil.

Bruce's gaze softened as he looked at her, a triumphant expression on his face.

Bruce stepped forward, supporting the trembling figure of the maiden, whose eyes burned with resentment and shame. Bruce cupped her face gently with his hands, his thumbs brushing away the tear that dared to escape her eyes. With a voice filled with guilt and affection, he spoke to Natasha,

"Now that you're mine, darling, let's save the world together."

Bruce didn't say anything more, simply pulling her into a warm hug that was neither too soft nor too tight. Natasha didn't know why, but she felt a sense of safety, as though this man would fight even gods for her. Now, she didn't cry, nor did she speak; she simply closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the moment, though she had hated it at first.

Under the serene moonlight and witnessed by countless stars, this was the day when two shared their first kiss, a moment that would forever change the course of their relationship, even though one of them wasn't entirely at ease with it.

Meanwhile, agents surrounding the villa watched with expressions of defeat as they witnessed the unexpected intimacy between the supposed green bastard and their superior.








Main office of shield  headquarters, located in an undisclosed facility in Manhattan, New York...

Nick Fury was going through his files while holding a small can of beer in his hand. Suddenly, his desk phone rang, interrupting the momentary peace of his office. He answered the call with a curt, "What is it?"

"Sir, there's something urgent you need to know about Dr. Banner and Miss Romanoff," the agent on the other end reported, his voice steady but cautious.

Fury's brow furrowed with concern, his one eye narrowing as his attention focused. "Go on," he prompted.

"Our surveillance teams have been monitoring Dr. Banner's villa as per your orders," the agent began, pausing slightly before continuing. "We witnessed a kiss between Dr. Banner and Miss Romanoff on the villa's rooftop."

Fury's fingers tightened around the beer can until it burst with a loud


"KISS... HOW DARE HE?" he shouted.

"Yes, sir," the agent confirmed. "It seemed Miss Romanoff initially resisted and was forced into the kiss. She even cried during it."

Fury's expression darkened, his single eye glinting with intense rage. "My bay girl cried? Forced?" he asked, his voice dangerously calm.

"Yes, sir. It seemed Dr. Banner had forced himself upon Ms. Romanoff," the agent responded.

Fury lost control over his emotions, slamming his hand on the table and shattering the glass.



