
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 50. Operation H.

Lily woke up with a big yawn to find Narcissa's peaceful face next to hers, which brought a smile to her own face.

The events of the previous night had forged a deeper bond between them, and now Lily felt she was able to understand Narcissa at a fundamental level. It was a comforting feeling to have someone she could call a sister in the magical world.

Lily's other friends, Mary and Marlene, had their unique roles in her life. Mary was like a little sister, while Marlene alternated between being a fun sister and a motherly figure. However, Narcissa took on the role of a strict elder sister.

Not wanting to disturb Narcissa's peace, Lily carefully got out of bed.

But as she was about to leave, Narcissa grabbed her left hand.

"Where are *yawn* you going, Evans?" she asked, pulling Lily back onto the bed.

"Gryffindor tower. I need to get ready for classes,"

"Oh, wait for me. I'll walk you out of the common room."

"No need for you to wake up and send me off. You should get some rest. It's still early in the morning."

"I'm not doing this out of courtesy, Evans. Slytherins in the dorm would send you to the infirmary before you even cross the first corner."

Lily raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "I can take care of myself."

"How? By detecting their house point, prefect Evans. Don't let Gryffindorish impulses cloud your mind. I will walk you out, final. I don't want to be the reason for a fight between a Gryffindor prefect and Slytherin girls."

"Fine," Lily sighed, understanding the potential consequences.

She knew that such an altercation inside the Slytherin dormitory could cause a major issue.

While there was no specific rule prohibiting students from visiting other houses, they usually avoided doing so out of fear of being bullied.

Narcissa slid off the bed gracefully and put her hair into a bun. She adjusted her dress and walked over to where Lily was sitting.

"Come, let's go."

Lily replied, "Let me adjust my dress and hair as well. I must look like a mess right now."

"Well, you do. You slept like a boar. You kept moving your legs over mine."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did. You would stretch your arms wide and then hug me the whole night like a koala."

Lily turned red in embarrassment and nervously scratched her head.

"Sorry. I usually hug my pillow. It's become a habit of mine."

"No need to be sorry. I don't mind a cute red-haired koala hugging next to me," Narcissa said, surprising and delighting Lily.

In response, Lily threw her arms around Narcissa and hugged her. "Does that mean I get to call you Cissy?"

"No. And get off of me. You're cute when you're asleep. Now you look like a red-haired banshee."

"Ouch, that hurts."

"It was meant to. Now let's get you out of this common room."

Lily trailed behind Narcissa, a pout on her lips, as they left the room.

The moment they stepped out of Narcissa's quarters, heads all around turned in their direction. Most glared disapprovingly at Lily.

"What is this mud---" began a girl, but Narcissa's icy glare silenced her instantly.

Witnessing Narcissa's intimidating stare, the other girls quickly averted their gazes, avoiding any confrontation.

Disregarding the crowd's reaction, Lily and Narcissa continued walking towards the common room.

Leaning closer to Narcissa, Lily whispered, "Wow. They truly fear you. What did you do to make them so fearful?"

Narcissa replied with a smile, "When you have a sister like Bellatrix, this would be common. In my early years, Bella corrected anyone who dared to raise their voice or wands against me. Later I explained in detail why they should not talk me down nicely."

Lily understood that "corrected" and "nicely" probably weren't the appropriate words, but she didn't mind it at all.

"Bye. See you in charms class," Lily said to Narcissa as she left Slytherin's dorm, surprising everyone else in the corridor.

"Bye," Narcissa replied before returning to her own dorm,


The night passed, and after seeing Lily and Narcissa off, I delved into the notes I made from the restricted section of the library. I could discern the workings of the curse on Regulus, yet the solution was beyond me.

For the key lies within Regulus himself.

'Why?' A sad smile slipped through as I contemplated Regulus's plight.

While I faced my own struggles, his burdens were created by others and cursed upon him. For his plight wasn't even his own.

Following a long, refreshing shower, I readied myself for the day's classes, selecting an artifact that will help Regulus.

Slytherin and Ravenclaw students now shared the charms class this year, but it was a rare occasion to see snakes and ravens sitting alongside each other and interacting.

Though it was a sudden change, it was not an unwelcome one.

While the relationship between our houses wasn't antagonistic, most students rarely interacted due to the lingering rivalry.

Interactions between Slytherins and other houses had become scarcer in the wake of events unfolding in Magical Britain.

With the highest concentration of purebloods and sympathizers of the Death Eater ideology, Slytherin's reputation suffered a blow. Such behavior from some... well, most of the purebloods resulted in alienation from the rest of the school.

Personally, I cared little about inter-house relations, the house cup, or Quidditch.

Yet, even I couldn't help but notice the growing estrangement between Slytherin and the other houses over the past three years.

Initially, my friendship with Lily wasn't overly affected, but as we grew older, the darkness surrounding our connection became more apparent.

Approaching the end of the room, I spotted Traver and Emmeline and headed their way.

"Hello, Traver, Emmeline. I hope you're having a pleasant morning."

"Good morning, Severus," Traver replied, making space for me to sit.

Emmeline, ever the tease, chimed in, "Hello, Boss. I heard rumors that you're dating the ice princess of Slytherin."

"I told you to call me Severus, Emmeline. I don't want people to get any weird ideas," I said, settling down beside Traver.

"Aww, you're no fun, Boss... I mean Severus. Now, tell me, are you dating Narcissa Black?"


"Wow, you both make a stunning couple, Boss," she said with a dreamy expression.

Not good, she must be cooking up some perverted stories in her mind.

"Is she going to join the organization, Severus?" Traver inquired.

"Yes, she and Lily Evans are going to join the organization," I informed them.

Emmeline and Traver nodded, placing their trust in my decision.

"Before welcoming them into the group, I think you should inform the others. Some may have opinions about them, Boss," Emmeline suggested.

"I agree with Emmeline," Traver added, voicing his support.

"I will. I want you to inform the others to meet me in the Room of Requirement tonight. I'll be welcoming Lily & Narcissa into the group and making an announcement."

"So, no training today?" Emmeline asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Even Traver seemed pleased at the prospect of skipping training.

Well, the training itself wasn't an issue for them, but training with me was.

They dubbed me the demon instructor, for I demanded nothing less than perfection from my shadows, subjecting them to rigorous training every single day.

"No, tonight, I'll be extending the training by an hour," I announced with a smirk.

Traver and Emmeline's spirits visibly dropped. They were well aware of my teaching methods, which pushed them to their limits.

Curious about the newfound understanding between snakes and ravens, I posed a question to them.

"I wonder what brought snakes and ravens to share a nest?"

Emmeline and Traver exchanged glances, smiling, and replied in unison, "You, Severus."


"Yes, you, Severus. Since you founded this group, we've managed to bridge many gaps that existed between the houses. We've also been able to aid bullied students with the support of members from other houses," Traver said, his voice filled with pride.

Indeed, it was the first time in their six years at Hogwarts that they witnessed such open interaction between students from different houses, especially Slytherin.

And it was all thanks to our efforts, even though I preferred to stay in the shadows, orchestrating from behind the scenes.

"It wasn't solely my doing. All eight of you put in tremendous effort to help the students and dissolve grudges between the houses," I replied sincerely. They did the most work, for my reputation wasn't still the best. I rarely involved myself in the roles I assigned them.

Rarely did I take pride in the plans I set forth, as I knew they would succeed. Nevertheless, witnessing their success did bring a sense of contentment.

Emmeline's excitement bubbled up as she remarked, "This will pave the way for Operation H, boss."

With a slight smile, Traver chimed in, "Indeed, I too hope for the success of Operation H. It will serve as a foundation for all your future plans."

Gazing around the classroom with confidence, I affirmed, "I am certain that Operation H will be a resounding success."

Operation H, also known as Operation Hestia, aimed to provide a safe haven for students suffering and abused in their Muggle homes, creating a sanctuary within the Hogwart and outside the school.

In the early stages of the plan, I focused on getting to know the students we aimed to help, proceeding with caution as we approached them about our intentions.

It was essential to create a sense of trust and comfort, as most of them were hesitant to share their traumatic home lives with others.

Emmeline, Traver, Nolle, Ashton, Dorcas, and Amelia showed remarkable skills in making students open up to them and confide about their struggles. They proved to be excellent listeners and empathetic friends.

Benjy and Crouch took a different approach but were equally effective. Crouch had a knack for blending in with the crowd, making the students feel at ease with him, while Benjy's exceptional dueling skills garnered admiration, making them look up to him.

During this phase, my team discovered the distressing truth about the number of students suffering due to being witches or wizards.

It far exceeded my expectations.

The root cause of much of their pain was the hate that muggles held about witches and wizards.

Many muggle-born students revealed that their parents were initially loving but turned cold upon learning about the wizarding world.

Half-bloods faced a different set of challenges, experiencing harassment in both the muggle and wizarding worlds. They were judged for their lack of education in the muggle world and simultaneously shamed for their blood status in the wizarding world.

As Emmeline and Traver shared students' problems with me, even I was taken aback by the extent of their struggles.

Well, now I have to make adjustments to my plan. It is clear that each student's situation required a unique approach.

Our discussion came to a halt when Mr. Flitwick entered the classroom, beginning his lesson on non-verbal charm casting.

Three of us, having already mastered the spells non-verbally thanks to my training, continued studying the material independently.

Although I didn't actively participate in Mr. Flitwick's class, I held great respect for him and his expertise.

Once the class concluded, Emmeline and Traver wasted no time, leaving to inform the others about the meeting scheduled for that night.

As I prepared to leave the class, I was caught off guard by Mr. Flitwick's call.

"Please stay back, Mr. Prince," the professor requested.

Complying with his request, I approached the professor's table, and he conjured a chair for me.

"Please have a seat, Mr. Prince," he said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, sir. May I inquire why I was held back?" I asked as I settled into the chair.

"I wanted to inform you about the room that has been assigned to your club," he replied, eyeing me curiously.

"Thank you. May I know which room was assigned for my club?" "It's the room on the left corridor of the third floor of the castle," Professor Flitwick revealed, and my eyes widened at the unexpected information.

"But sir, that's one of the largest rooms in the castle. Is it even allowed to assign it for a club?" I questioned, finding it hard to fathom why such a spacious room would be designated for our group.

"It was assigned to you because I know you'll require a lot of space to accommodate all the students who wish to join. I've already received numerous requests from students eager to be part of your club," he explained, his tone cryptic.

Although I understood why they wanted to join the club, I feigned ignorance and responded with a simple "Huh? This soon."

Mr. Flitwick continued, "I've also noticed the positive changes you and your friends have brought about by helping students in all houses. I'm pleased with the transformations I've observed. Thanks to your efforts, many students are no longer antagonizing each other based solely on their house affiliations. Your actions have inspired me to sign over this room to your club, as I believe it will benefit a great number of students."

Though it was as I planned, the genuine praise from Professor Flitwick touched me, and I couldn't help but express my gratitude.

"You overpraise me, Sir. It was mostly my friends' efforts, and they too acted upon what they believed was right. I am thankful for your kind consideration, Professor."

"Now you may leave, Mr. Prince. I hope to see more of your club. I am happy with the change you have gone through, Mr. Prince. It is always nice to see one of my best students doing well," Mr. Flitwick complimented me.

I knew that Prof. Filius always considered me one of his best students, if not the best student, in the past decade.

However, my behavior toward Muggles had made it challenging for him to genuinely approach me. Now, witnessing me defend and help the same people I once antagonized seemed to fill Prof. Filius's heart with a sense of pride.

"Thank you, Sir," I replied, expressing my gratitude as I left the room with a satisfied grin.

This was all part of my plan—to attract the professors' attention to the surface level of what our group was doing. Little did I anticipate just how successful it would be.

As my time at Hogwarts was nearing its end, with most of the original eight members of our group graduating in about two years, I needed the professors' support to back our club's endeavors. This way, we could continue to aid the students even after we left Hogwarts.

Having the professors pay attention to our actions would also benefit the students. However, I intended to show them only what I deemed necessary. With this, the initial phase of my plan for Operation H was successfully completed.

I made my way back to my room. With the room secured by a ward, I started unpacking all the books I had kept hidden away. Soon, the space was filled with books, leaving no room to move.

With a subtle flick of my fingers, I directed the books to rearrange themselves according to my desired grouping.

Each book found its place, organized to meet the specific needs of the League of Shadows members.

Since I decided to take leave for at least two months, I needed to ensure that my shadows continued their training in my absence.

Each member possessed different talents, and not all of them focused on combat.

Among the group, Benjy was the only one who ever pushed me to duel seriously. His combat style presented a challenging and unique approach, possibly influenced by his diverse training regimen and past experiences. Despite joining Hogwarts in his fifth year, he surpassed the others in combat magic by a wide margin.

Benjy wielded magic in a way that no one else did, with an innate and adept understanding, but he lacked the motivation to delve deeper into the intricacies of magic. His past had shaped his combat approach, making it fierce, silent, and deadly.

Undoubtedly, he was the best soldier in my arsenal.

To compensate for the lack of a duel partner during my absence, I decided to assign Benjy as a tutor for Ashton. Ashton, while a skilled artist and competent in transfiguration, was far from proficient in dueling.

Despite his dedication, he stood as the weakest link in the group. Without significant improvement, he risked endangering himself on the field.

Nolle, on the other hand, excelled in potion-making but was often overshadowed by Slughorn, possibly due to my and Lily's presence. Her self-esteem had suffered, but her interest lay in improving witches' and wizards' bodies through potions.

In the past, she had supplied improved potions to Benjy for experimentation. And I must say, I was blown away by the effects, she definitely deserved praise.

However, upon examining her written thesis, I was somewhat disappointed. Her ideas were marvelous, but the execution and proper procedure were lacking, resulting in a decrease in the potency of the potions.

Ever since I found her thesis, I had taken it upon myself to tutor her, helping her hone her potion-making skills.

If she continued to grow in her potion brewing, she might rise to the rank of Mistress Poison.

Traver acted as the spokesperson of our group, displaying a balanced approach in his actions and decisions. He dabbled in politics, navigating the complexities without taking extreme stances.

Barty, on the other hand, held a fascination for the Dark Arts, but I knew that delving too deep into them could lead to his downfall. Thus, I only taught him a few dark arts, careful not to expose him to the dangerous aspects.

Oddly, Barty possessed a unique talent for impersonation, a skill that could prove invaluable in the future.

Among the group, Dorcas, Emmeline, and Amelia were skilled combatants, each employing a different form of magic in their fighting styles.

And then there were Lily and Cissy, both incredibly talented witches who excelled in various aspects of magic. Cissy leaned toward combat-oriented practices, while Lily had a keen interest in research, particularly in the healing branch.

Though Lily currently outperformed Cissy, I believed Cissy would catch up to her soon enough.

Having not yet officially joined the group, Lily and Cissy hadn't undergone any training from me yet. Unfortunately, as I prepared to take leave, I wouldn't be able to teach them for the next one and a half months.

Considering their areas of improvement, I organized the necessary books they would require during my absence.

Using my shadow, I carefully stowed away the books they didn't need, shrinking them down for convenience.

These books were the product of countless nights of effort. Each one contained handwritten instructions and knowledge. I hoped they would utilize them well, for upon my return, I intended to put them through rigorous training.

With the miniaturized books safely stored in my pockets, I set off to meet Cissy and get Charlotte as I promised to attend Reg's match.


[Regulus's POV]

As I prepared for the match, a nagging doubt plagued my mind - would they be there?

"Why will they? Didn't your brother leave you behind?" whispered a hidden part of myself, a painful memory I wanted to bury.

No, Severus is not like him. Cissa never abandoned me. She will be there. I reassured myself.

"You are naïve if you think they actually care about you," the voice persisted.

"They care about me!" I retorted angrily.

"Hehehehe, you fool. Do you really think they care about you? Let me make it clear to you, they don't! Don't forget, they will tolerate you as long as you are obedient to them, just like your mother and father. You know what happens if you aren't obedient, don't you?" the voice taunted.

They will leave me behind, would they?

"Yes, they will leave us behind in this hell, the Black family, just like Sirius did," the voice continued.

"Just like Sirius did. No, No, No, No, Severus and Cissa aren't like him, they won't leave me behind! Why don't you leave me alone?! Let me live my life!" I shouted in anger, hurling a vase against the wall.

"You can't get rid of me. I am you, you are me. I am just the honest version. I know what you think. I think we both know what you do," the voice persisted.

"Just leave me alone!" I pleaded.

"Is everything alright, mate?" someone called from outside.

"Everything is alright. I am ready. Let's make those Gryffindors eat dragon's dung," I replied, forcing a mask of composure.

"I knew you would understand," the whispers ceased as I left the room.

Why did you leave me behind, Sirius?

Was I not good enough to be your brother?

Was Potter more important than me?

Were my tears ever meant anything to you, brother?

Each day, I questioned myself, and with each question, a small voice in the corner of my brain grew.

It kept alive in the hell you left me, Siri.

Now, I won't lose two people who matter to me the most, even if I have to put up an act to make them believe that I am normal.

Yes, as long as I am obedient, they won't abandon me.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that we reached the field.

"Go Slytherin!"

"GO Gryffindors!!!"

The students roared as the players entered the field.

With hope, I scanned the area for Severus and Cissy after mounting my broomstick.

Yet, I couldn't find any sign of them both.

Have they abandoned me too?

No, they might just be late. Severus promised, and he keeps his promise.

He will come. He will come...

Yet even after five minutes, they didn't arrive.

Where are you, Severus?

Will you keep your promise?


Author's Note: Hey guys, I wasn't able to upload or for that matter even write the chapter due to the power outage caused by the heavy rainfall. I didn't even have an internet connection.

Well, as I promised the rewrite is about to end, this is the last third chapter or maybe the fourth, I don't know. But tomorrow the rewrite ends.

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