
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 26. Mirror.

# Hogwarts #

-Severus's POV-

After recovering from my injuries, which healed surprisingly quickly, I made my way to the Room of Requirement. I had become quite familiar with its various functions by now.

As I entered, I summoned all the books and scrolls I had taken from the Cursed Vault of Ice. Despite their age, they were remarkably well-preserved.

These books were written in a multitude of languages, including Sanskrit, Latin, Tamil, gobbledegook, drawings, Elamite, Harrappan, Hebrew, Arabic, old Sumerian, and Ancient Runes, among others. Some of these languages were unfamiliar to me, even forgotten by the walls of the vast Hogwarts library.

Interestingly, there were accompanying guides for each of these books, as if someone wanted their works to be understood or someone deliberately left them for others to find.

There was something fishy about all this, but I decided to set it aside for now and focus on learning these languages.

Having spent a significant part of my childhood immersed in my mother's language books, which she had acquired from her own family, I was well-versed in many languages, including some that had been lost to the Muggle world.

However, even with my extensive knowledge, some words in these books remained unknown to me, and certain languages seemed to be inscribed on the parchment using magic.

While the artifacts held little interest for me, as their functions could easily be replicated with spells, the books and scrolls captivated my attention. They were a treasure trove of information.

Many described a raw and primal form of magic that was used before wands and verbal spells came into play. Each method varied greatly from the others, showcasing diverse approaches to magic. Although the magic seemed somewhat primitive, it was equally potent.

I delved into a few scrolls and discovered that the magic of old was not as versatile as contemporary spells, but it was deeply intertwined with the culture of the wizards who practiced it.

What fascinated me was that each scroll revealed a distinct cultural aspect of the magical world, different yet similar to the Muggle counterpart. Some employed dance as a medium for magic, while others utilized swords or rituals. It was a rich and pure form of magic, albeit less adaptable than modern practices.

The scrolls contained information on how magic was performed solely through intent and will, but it required specific actions associated with the magic being performed. From my understanding, these actions helped the practitioners focus their intent.

What struck me as common among these scrolls was that the feats they described could easily be surpassed today with the aid of a wand.

In these scrolls, I caught glimpses of the forgotten culture of the wizarding world, although they only provided a partial view. Most of them covered magic used for mundane tasks.

Some scrolls focused on elemental magic, which intrigued me. While there were spells like Incendio, Aguamenti, and others that touched upon elemental forces, these scrolls explored a deeper connection with elements such as fire, water, air, and those closely tied to the essence of life.

It seemed that people in ancient times associated magic with the vitality of life and the earth itself.

On the topic of elemental magic, I had come across the name Ignis Nagy, a Hungarian witch who specialized in the elemental force of fire. She theorized ways to withstand flames and increase the stamina of witches and wizards.

These scrolls delved into various methods of controlling each element, treating it as an extension of one's own body. They also detailed the studies conducted on different magical creatures that informed the development of these methods. For instance, Ignis Nagy's work was inspired by her study of dragons.

I devoted hours to organizing these books and scrolls before eventually leaving the Room of Requirement.

As I exited, I realized that it had grown dark outside, I must have lost track of time

As I made my way toward Slytherin's common room, on turning a corner, I heard a voice I recognized all too well. It was Mulciber's voice, and it was covered in a vile tone.

"I've got you cornered now, Mudblood. Last time, we were interrupted by the professor and your friends who came to your rescue. But this time, no one will help you. I'm going to have some fun," Mulciber sneered, his thoughts filled with perversion.

I quickly turned the corner and saw Mulciber with his hand covering Mary McDonald's mouth. His other hand was creeping toward her thighs, attempting to grope her. Tears filled her eyes, and she looked utterly hopeless.

"You will do as I say," Mulciber said, his voice barely containing his sick desires.

A single thought consumed my mind: I couldn't let this happen.

But another part of me whispered, "Leave it be. It's not your problem. Intervening could cause trouble for you in Slytherin."

Was it my Occlumency or just my messed-up state of mind that made me think like this?

But the answer became clear. I was going to help her. I hadn't realized the extent of Mulciber's sick nature, despite Lily's warnings about his pranks.

I felt disgusted that I had even smiled at his past antics. Mary was the one who brought Lily out after our fight when I sat alone by the entrance. She had a kind heart, thinking of me despite my not-so-pleasant actions.

If Mulciber or his family sought retribution, so be it. I am not afraid.

Decided, I walked silently toward them, gesturing to Mary to stay quiet with a finger to my lips.

Tears streamed down her face, and her mind begged for my help. I sent calming thoughts to her, trying to ease her distress.

In a swift motion, I was behind Mulciber, my hand gripping his neck tightly. He began to speak,


but before he could finish, I increased the pressure and yanked him away from Mary, throwing him against the wall. He hit it with a thud and crumpled to the ground.

Ignoring the trash that lay before me, I turned my attention to Mary. She was breathing heavily, and tears continued to flow despite my attempts to calm her.

I hadn't realized what Mulciber was attempting to do to her before. I had thought he was planning to hex her or something, but this... this was sickening.

Fear was evident in her eyes as she looked at me. She was afraid of me, lumping me in the same category as Mulciber. I understood her fear; I had been insensitive to her situation before.

She moved away from me, fearing that I would harm her.

"I won't harm you, please calm down," I said, keeping my voice as warm as possible.

I summoned a water bottle from my shadows into my hand and handed it to her without the use of my wand or any flashy spell. She didn't question how I did it; for she had just experienced one of the worst traumas of her life.

"Shh, he won't harm you. I'm here. Drink some water. Everything will be alright," I reassured her.

She still looked wary of me. In order to reassure her, I handed her my wand, although it wasn't of much use to me.

"Take this. I won't hurt you," I said.

Finally, she took the bottle and my wand, clutching the wand tightly as she drank the water, remaining cautious of me. I continued to comfort her, but suddenly I sensed a spell coming my way.

Ducking my head to avoid the spell, I swiftly turned around to find Mulciber standing with his wand pointed at me.

"Snape, why are you helping a Mudblood? Do you think you can hit me and get away with it? Now you'll pay for your insolence. Confri--" he started to say.

Before he could complete his spell, I moved quickly, grabbing his wand hand, and twisting it until the wand fell to the ground.

"Good night,"

I said with a smile, delivering a powerful punch to his face. The force was enough to make his teeth fall out, and he fell back, unconscious and bloodied.

I turned to see Mary standing up, her breath coming in heavy gasps.

"Should I accompany you to the hospital wing? You can inform the professors about what happened there," I offered, trying to reassure her.

She simply nodded, returning my wand. I levitated Mulciber's body, and as we made our way to the infirmary, she kept tugging on my shirt. Her whole body trembled, and her eyes displayed an unmistakable fear.

Taking a deep breath, I removed a glove from my left hand and let it hang by my side. Mary's eyes registered a bit of relief, and she quickly took hold of my hand, seeking support on my hand.

Strangely, for the first time, I didn't feel repulsed by a stranger's touch.

It felt... good.

Good to be there for someone, just as I wished there had been someone to extend a hand to me when...

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I guided her toward the infirmary.

Madam Pomfrey wore an angry expression at first, but it softened as she saw Mulciber floating and Mary by my side. "What happened to you, dear? You seem troubled. And Mr. Snape, why are you levitating that boy? Why is his nose broken and his front teeth missing?" Madam Pomfrey inquired, in panic, as she approached us.

Mary looked at me, silently asking for help. "You should talk to Madam," I said, giving her a hesitant nod. Mary nodded back and Madam Pomfrey took her aside for a private conversation.

Once they were out of earshot, I drew a curtain around Mulciber's bed and delivered a sharp blow to his face to rouse him.

There was a burning question in my mind that demanded an answer. If this wretch dared to assault a student from another house, who's to say he hadn't done the same to Slytherin students?

Especially when half-bloods were often treated poorly?

Casting a Muffliato charm around us, I silenced him before he could shout. I didn't need him to talk to extract what I wanted.

Using Legilimency, I delved into his mind and discovered that he had intended to use Imperio on Mary, forcing her to forget the incident by means of Obliviation.

This sick bastard had attempted such things before but had always been thwarted at the last moment.

Disgusted by his thoughts, I Obliviated the memory of my Legilimency from his mind. Turning around, I noticed Professors McGonagall and Slughorn discussing Mary's situation. They looked at me as I approached them.

"I am grateful that you were able to save one of my students, Mr.Prince. If it weren't for you, something truly terrible would have befallen Ms. McDonald. I shall award 100 points to Slytherin," Professor McGonagall said, her voice tinged with anger toward Mulciber and genuine gratitude toward me. 100 points were no small reward.

"Severus, my boy, I am proud to have students like you in my house. You stood up for what's right. Mr. Mulciber will face severe punishment and be expelled from the school. The Headmaster has been informed of the situation. I would prefer if you did not speak of this incident," Professor Slughorn added.

I understood their reasoning for wanting me to keep quiet. I knew the potential repercussions for Mary. Speaking of the incident would only fuel rumors and further harm her.

"Do not worry, Professors. I will not speak of the incident. I hope the expulsion is handled swiftly," I assured them, hoping that this fuc*ing scum would be permanently removed from the school.

"The expulsion will be carried out by the Headmaster, and a suitable reason will be provided to the Slytherin house. Your involvement, as well as Ms. McDonald's, will not be mentioned. I shall award you 30 points for reporting the incident and an additional 100 points for your assistance to Ms. McDonald," Professor Slughorn declared.

Thanking the professors, I left the hospital wing. As I reached the door, I noticed Mary standing there, waiting for someone.

"Thank you, thank you for helping me," she said, rushing towards me and embracing me tightly, tears streaming down her face.

At first, I hesitated to reciprocate the gesture, but eventually, I gave in and wrapped my arms around her, offering comfort.

She had just experienced a traumatic event, and I am not that heartless.

She eventually stepped back, and as she did, I caught a glimpse of her thoughts. She intended to keep this incident hidden from her friends and family, to suffer alone without reaching out for help. She was deeply haunted by what had happened and desperately needed someone to talk to, someone who could provide her with care.

"Listen to me carefully," I began, holding her gaze. "You must speak about this to your friends, at the very least, your closest ones. Hiding it will only allow the haunting and suffering to persist. By sharing your burden with someone you trust, it can ease the pain. You need not face this alone." I spoke, aware of my own hypocrisy but recognizing her need for assistance.

She nodded, moving towards the professors.

As she walked away, my mind was plagued by the realization of how many times I had unknowingly aided in such acts.

What kind of person had I been to others?


A/n:-Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter. As the title of the chapter suggests, it was about a mirror, a mirror that shows how the past Severus interpreted vastly differently from others. His actions will not be washed in here. Severus was by any means was not the most evil person nor was he the most good one.

Leave a review, it helps the book. And add it to your collections.

At last, don't forget to give me MY STONES.