
Marvel : The Green Lantern Might

Edward Eric (not the alchemist) transmigrate involontarily in the MCU (a version of it) with a green lantern ring and the embodiment of will as his cheat, while he himself was only a normal human. ######### Obviously I'm not the creator of the marvel and don't own it and it's characters, but just in case I'm writing it there.

irfane_mohamed_mou · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 : That Is Our Fate !

(3rd pov)

—Location, Helicarrier—

Nick Fury, with a proud of face was was watching the different news that has been released even three days after the New York invasion through different screens.

{"Despite the devastation of what has been confirmed as an extraterrestrial attack, the extraordinary heroics of the group known as the Avengers ; has been to many a cause not only of for comfort, but for celebration."}

Some news were here for the sole purpose of thanking the heroes who fought the survival of humanity.

{"...Nah it's just, you know before that day, I didn't even know there were so many superhero that always have save our ass, god knows how many times without us even knowing. In a sense I'm actually thankful for what happen because now I know that if that kind of things ever happen again, they'll be here for us, you know."}

Other to recount how those heroes save them like a certain little silver hair girl.

{"I was hiding next to car, but then many debris fell on me. And when I thought that I would die, Ghost and Green Lantern appeared to save me! I'm really thankful for them, especially when green Lantern told Ghost that she was sick but still put her suit and went save us without any hesitation! I really hoped that you will get better Ghost!"}

But some news weren't all positive, like a family expressing their concern about the whole event that just pop out to disturb their lives.

{"I mean, for them to all be there at that time, it would mean they knew about it right? Can't they just... I don't tell us what's going on before it happen? Because it just seems like there's a lot they're not telling us"}

Then there were also odd people who despite living through the entire invasion, were still in some kind of denial.

{"Superhero in New York? Give me a break."}

As for the more political side of the news, their focus were on something else entirely.

{" These so-called "super heroes" have to be held responsible for the destruction done to the this city. This was their fight. Where are they now?"}

But not only some senator wanted answer to this question, but the entire world wanted to know.

As Nick Fury, closed the screen to get to his appointment, he also knew that this would mostly be the first question he would be ask to answer from the council members.

But to this he only had one answer.

"I don't know."

"What do mean you don't know?" Asked Pierce through the giant monitor.

"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they've earn their leave of absence."

'At least until next week' added Fury in his head.

Seeing that Fury couldn't answer to that, the council dropped it, but went to their bigger priorities.

"What about the Tesseract and Loki?"

To that, Fury let out a small smirk, because he knew that his answer will irk them.

"The tesseract and Loki both went back to where the hell came from."

And like he expected, They all frown. Displeased by that answer. The most vocal about it was the only woman in the council who make her displeasure known to Fury.

"Nobody asked you to take this initiative, director Fury."

"I didn't have to. Because I didn't want to argue with the god that did and her friend who could make another god tremble before her presence." He replied nonchalantly.

Fury actually knew that they all already know what happen, and they also knew that it was almost impossible for him to retrieve either of those 'things'. But it was because they knew and couldn't do anything about it that lash it out on Fury who was their 'subordinate'.

Actually if it was just about Loki and the tesseract, they would have dropped it after shouting a few times. But the problem was the Avengers.

Even though they were created by the S.H.I.E.L.D., they were actually an independent group. Meaning they weren't under their control. And after seeing what they were capable of during the New York War, the fact these super powered individuals had so much liberty scared them.

"Let talk about Loki and the tesseract later. Let Talk about the Avengers. Director Fury, do you actually know what are you doing by letting them go like that? Just look at their youngest members. I don't think I need to remind you who Ava Starr was working for before this. And even that 'Edward Elric' seems to possess remarkable powers from what we've seen.

Director Fury, they're all dangerous." State Pierce, as his colleague nodded along.

And to their surprise however, even Fury agreed.

"They surely are." He replied without even trying to hide his smile.

But his answer only led to confuse the council members.

"Then if you know that they're dangerous, then why did you let the Avengers loose on this world?"

All eyes focus on Nick Fury as he answered.

"Because, now we're not the only who knows that. The whole world knows it. And other worlds knows that too."

Realization dawn on the face of the councilmen. Some people who are not well informed would think that the S.H.I.E.L.D learned about aliens after Thlr recent visit on earth. But actually they've knew about it since the 90's.

And it was also since that moment, that they start to try find a way to create their own space version of 'nuclear threat' to prevent what happened three days ago. Unfortunately all their projects fail when faced against the real test. All except one: The Avengers.

Those heroes showed to the outside world that even when faced against a more technological, and superior army and races, they could still win and destroy that said army.

That day when earth 'revealed' itself to the other civilizations, they show to them that they weren't a helpless planet that could only wait to get slaughter. They could fight. They could defend themselves. And they could win. Earth wasn't without any protection.

"So this is what you wanted? To make a statement?" Asked Pierce seemingly relieved by the answer.

"No, a promise." Said Fury full of conviction.


(MC pov)

—Location, Hell's Kitchen. Jessica Jones' apartment—

Sometimes, I really felt like the only reason I've come to this world was to become a blacksmith.

It's already been 3 months since that damn Chitauri invasion, and while I thought that after eating some shawarmas that day I could go away and take some nap for a week or two. All those months, I did everything except resting!

After my 10 minutes of comas and Loki's capture, the Shield came to Stark Tower to retake the tesseract and try to arrest not only Loki, but even Jessica and me for some 'Questioning'...

Honestly who would believe that? Especially when they had their guns pointed at us.

They even tried to force Ava (the Ghost) to capture us, which she didn't do.

Then they threatened her with their research for her treatment which escalated whole thing and almost caused us to fight with them. Fortunately or not they all dropped it when the boss Alexander Pierce was more preoccupied by the having back the tesseract than us.

But that also create some other problem until Jessica finally had enough of those shenanigans and 'persuade' the Shield to leave with the scepter only. Then after some shawarmas we finally got to go home again, accompanied by our new comrade, Ava Starr.

Fortunately the latter knew that I was too tired to do anything for her so she left us after knowing where I lived.

The next day when I thought that I could laze around, not only Ava came back with her foster father, Bill Foster to live in the apartment in front us. But Tony also contact us to see Thor off and make sure Loki get back to Asgard without a problem.

Of course we accepted because clearly none of us wanted him to stay on earth longer than necessary (other than maybe the Secretary Pierce for some reason).

So after helping Ava and Bill moving out, she, Jessica and I meet with the rest of the Avengers.

And yes I say the rest, because apparently during the night where we were out, we've been made official members of the Avengers by the media and the whole world. So now I'm an Avengers.

But that new title didn't change a damn things for Jessica and I because nobody knew our real identities.

Which would have been cool, if it wasn't for Ava who always bother me to heal her whenever I'm free. Which is almost every day, since we've had very few new commissions since the Chitauris.

The Ring gave me two realistic solution to her problem : one of which was to create a device (With some Nth metal in it) that she have to wear, that will slowly stabilize the energy inside her and fuse the quantum energy with her body.

Because the quantum energy has been in her body for too long removing it would be too dangerous and fatal to Ava, so I could only chose those options.

The second choice was to do the same thing as the first choice, but this time, with only the help of the Ring. The only problem with this method was that I had to know anatomy and stuff like that. Meaning I was too lazy to learn the new stuff.

So after thinking for a moment, I chose to combine the 2 methods.

First I start to ask Stark for most of the materials (because I had to create the Nth metal myself, so I didn't have the time to create the other components), which he gave it to me in exchange of some Nth metals. A deal I had to accept if I wanted Ava to give me some air.

Then after getting all the thing, I built the device with the helpful instructions of the Ring.

Because I was a bit tired of bracelet, the thing was made in a belt form, which was actually not that bad if I say so myself. But it still took me almost 2 and a half months to make it. Mainly because of the Nth production.

Even with a boost in my Will, Nth metal wasn't something that could be created so easily. According to Ion, one of the reason it was so hard to create, was because this metal didn't exist in this universe. The other reason being my willpower obviously.

Which would explain why creating even 50g of it was so hard to do. Half of which was given to Tony as a payment.

Then you will surely think that after that, I will now have some rest right? Well not at all!

Just when I started to resume a normal life, the Purple Man came back to try to ruin our life. Starting by taking controll of Jessica's best friend and neighbor Malcom Ducasse to spy on us. Then gradually take control of all our friend and family circle...until he tried to control Ava.

The latter, who still didn't get rid of her old assassin's training habits, killed the Purple man after his attempt to control her failed due to the Quantum energy present in her body (don't ask me how that work, it just does...).

And so now after all those things that happen to us, Trish Walker, Jessica's sister who was fortunate to recontact Jessica after Killgrave was killed , decided to bring us to a bar to decompress and forget about this incident.

Which sucked for Ava and me, because I was a minor and she was only 19. Not legally old enough to drink. But well, we still went with them, because we had nothing else better to do.

Very quickly however, Malcom and me regret our decision. Because other than Trish and Jessica talking, none of us talked. Except for Ava who sometimes input some lines when she really wanted to talk.

But after a few minutes, I'm pretty sure the girls even forgot that we existed. Why? Because sometimes they talked about us as if we weren't even there!

"So, you're a superhero now? I knew that you had it in you!" Start Trish with a beaming smile after Jessie finished to tell her all the events she missed.

And while I'm pretty sure that Jessica was happy to hear such a compliment from her own sister, she still replied nonchalantly.

"Pff, if it wasn't because I was on Manhattan that day, i wouldn't have my ass to 'save' the day. I'm not a good person like Steve or Stark who would try to bump into problems on their own initiatives."

To that Trish replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Yes, of course. That's why after we separated and adopted that kid you opened a detective agency. Because you clearly didn't want to but into anyone's problems."

Jess at least had the decency to blush at that. Actually, nobody was blind and we all knew that Jess was the kindest person of all of us. But she was a real tsundere and would never admit it.

Just to prove my point, she tried to justify herself.

"It's not that I wanted to this job, but at that time, I needed a job to feed Ed and myself. Besides I found that I'm really good at that job, so it would be a shame to look for another one. Beside this is the only job around where you can chose your hours and be able to drink while working."

...well, that was hard to refute.

"Maybe, but do you know why you're basically the best and only private eye in the whole Hell's Kitchen?" Asked Trish while raising her eyebrow.

"Because I'm the smartest one, and realist and not some saint like Steve who think that everyone is telling the truth and living in some kind little poneys world ?"

Clearly Jess couldn't stand the the positive attitude of Steve Roger. Every time they stand together, he always find a way to melt her black heart full of negativity, which irritated her. That's why she try as much as possible to avoid the guy.

"I was going to say that it's because you have powers which save you from getting killed, but that work too." After taking a sip from her martini, Trish finally dropped an interesting subject.

"By the way did you know. There's a rumor that since the Avengers appearance vigilantes start to pop up all over the world. Even here in Hell's Kitchen there's some masked vigilante seems to have appeared not long ago." Said Trish full of excitement.

Honestly I was a bit surprised after hearing that. I knew that this was the Marvel world so I shouldn't be amazed by that. Because there should be quite a number of hero in this multiverse. But I was in some version of the MCU, and in my memories, heroes only really started to spring flourish after Avengers 2.

But then again I never saw all the thing related to the MCU so who knows.

"Actually it's not that they suddenly appeared, or start to do their 'superheroing' recently. But it should be that people just start to notice them. For exemple in Brooklyn there's some guy call White Tiger who's been doing vigilantism for 10 years now, but it's only recently that civilians start to notice that guy." Interject Ava after hearing Trish talking about how superhero suddenly start to 'appear' like magic.

But this info also brought me in to thinking. Should I be worried about it? Because if I refer to the MCU timeline nothing big would happen before Thanos appear to snap half of the universe...except for Doctor Strange and Dormamu (god how could I forgot about this guy?!).

But I also knew that this wasn't exactly the MCU universe, so some things should get different right? Then if that's the case, was the sudden 'appearance' of new superheroes, a 'cannonic' thing or something that diverge from the original MCU?

Because if not, I knew that tings would start to blow out of proportion very quickly if that wasn't the case.


A big table suddenly flew across the room and crash near where we were sitting. In a synchronized movement, we all turned our head to see which guy wanted to start a bar fight tonight.

Because yes Bar fight in Hell's Kitchen was a very common thing, but it was also a very bloody and destructive practice. And because the bar owners weren't rich enough to pay for new furniture every time, an unwritten rule exists. The one who start the bar fight, will have to pay for the reparations.

As for what would happen to the guy if he doesn't pay, well this is Hell's Kitchen. Do I really need to explain more?

So when I saw that the one who throw the table was a young robustand angry looking man in ragged cloth with short black hair, the first thing I thought after seeing him was.

'Can that guy pay for the damages? It doesn't even look like he could pay for his own clothes.'

But I didn't have the time to muse on that, because that guy clearly was too angry to think about any consequences.

But what I found weird, was the source of his anger: an middle age man looking like some kind of professor, what's seems like her wife and a woman cover in a cloak.

That was really some kind of odd group. Especially the cloaked woman who looked like she just left some kind of ComiCon. Her outfit coming straight out of a fantasy comic.

"WITCH! GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!" Shout the young man at the cloak woman. clearly pissed out.

But with his shout, if before people were just middly interested on them because of the flying table, then now the bar was really silent.

Clearly not interested on a possible kidnapping, but on whether or not there will be fight. And with the way the cloak girl took out her staff (no, I'm not kidding), a fight there will be.

But when I was about to watch the show like everyone else before thinking about whether or not to interfere after the fight get to serious, my eyes, caught the couple, take out a black colored book while looking nervously at the crowd around.

The opening the book, they start to... Read it I think? I wasn't very sure, because talk to low, however I did notice the air shifting around after they opened their mouth. And I don't know why, but it start to give me some goosebumps.

[Edward protect yourself quickly!]

Startled by the sudden voice of Ion I unconsciously obey, as I erect a green barrier around us just as the couple finish to talk.


While I couldn't exactly see anything amiss, the ripple around my barrier were enough to explain that the couple did indeed do something.

"Ed? What happened? Why did you use your power?" Asked a worried Jessica as she roll up her sleeves, showing off her Nth metal bracelets.

While looking at my surroundings and ignoring the amazed look around me, I answer her question.

"I don't know. That couple did something. Something dangerous."

'Ion, what did they do?'

[I don't know. But whatever they did, that was eldritch magic. And not the good kind of magic.]

As if to prove her point, people around us suddenly start to cry in pain as they...start to change.

Most of them not even keeping a human figure as their body start to morph into different kind of creatures. The most humans one looked like demons and Vampires, while others just look like they came out straight out of some chtulu stories.

"What in the hell?!" Shout Malcom in surprise. Expressing on the way our common sentiment.

"Honestly I'm getting tired of all those bulsh*t. It's only been a week." Echoed Jessica with a bad face.


So actually I'm quite late in getting out this chapter because I have work to do so, sorry for that. Other another note, I first thought about doing a Killgrave at first, and then the Defender one. But then I realized that The Defenders, timeline wise was too far ahead from right now. So instead I thought about doing something else entirely. Honestly I'm not too sure about how that arc will go.